
Chapter 1

Sometimes it's not always love at first sight. Sometimes, we get so stuck on what we were raised to believe, that we have a hard time breaking out of that shell. Will it be easy? No a chance. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

"Will you stop looking so sad?" Alek pleads, he's my twin brother.

"I'm just so tired of running" I cried.

"I am too. But look at me." I peer up at him,"I promise that this is the last time."

I drag myself over to him, across the dewy lawn.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to take any chances last time." Alek then turns around and looks at the cabin behind him. Nothing special about it, just a small cabin in the middle of a dense forest. "But something tells me this place is where we're supposed to be."

"Really Alek?"I questioned."We're only here because the werewolf government stated that ANY and ALL rouges under the age of 18 must attend school." I made sure to put emphasis on any and all." We are only here because this high school isn't on any pack territory." I said with enough attitude to get my point across.

"Uh, actually it borders a pack but it is the safest one for us, I promise." He added in just to be right." We are rouges, Zia."

"Yeah, well, just because it's "bordering" a pack doesn't meant that those pack members won't be attending! And it's not like they'll be very welcoming either. You know how rouges are treated."

"Rouges are treated like that for a reason Zia. You know that. Most rouges are feral and vicious. Rouges are treated that way because they were kicked out of their pick for treason and much worse crimes."