
His Perfect Mate

Reid Javernick had everything that society would deem to make him happy. He had a successful business, enough women at his fingertips, a handful of really close friends and of course a house fit for a movie set. But despite everything he just wasn't happy. And then he met Sunn Carter. She was the alluring devil who turned his world upside down and rejected him more times than he could count! He knew she was meant to be his mate but how could he convince her of that? Could he trust her with a secret that not even his closest friends knew? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• "That scent would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was a delicious scent of crushed red petals mixed with expensive white wine. A scent that invaded his dreams night after night. And there she was sitting in his office, staring expectantly up at him with inquisitive liquid blue eyes. He moistened his lips and said the two words that would make him both the happiest and saddest man at the same time, though he was yet to know that. "You're hired.""

Saleika_Telicia · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 9: A Present For You

Reid's POV

I was not a dancer.

I watched slightly amused, slightly annoyed as Sunn went on twisting and gyrating her curveous body in the hopes of teaching me a TikTok dance. She claimed that this was somehow going to boost our sales. I didn't see how but hey, she was the Sales Manager here. I trusted her instincts.

I was more focused on how her hips swayed than learning the dance. Did she know how much I was being turned on by this? She spun around on her Bottega clad feet to see if I had been watching her. Oh, I was watching alright, just not for the same reason that she wanted me to. It took her a minute to recover her breath. "Can you do that?" she asked with eyebrows raised in my direction.


If anything I was known for my honesty. I would rather eat my hat than to be seen on social media embarrassing myself! And I didn't even own a hat! Without even using my wolf senses, I could tell that she was upset with me. Or was it more frustration? I couldn't quite tell.

Releasing a pent up sigh, the words I uttered next were sure to come back and haunt me. "Fine," I conceded, "But you have to promise not to laugh." She squealed like a five year old and we spent the next hour or so learning the stupid dance. I wasn't complaining though, it allowed me to be close to her. Something I was failing at miserably. She bumped into me more than once and I could tell that some of them were done on purpose.

Oh, she wanted me. My wolf rejoiced at that thought.

She told me that the next step in the trend was to have her Sales Team complete it by adding their part and doing the editing and all of that fancy stuff.

To be frank, I really did not care.

Today she looked mouth watering in her little black dress and nude pumps. Her body was insanely curveous and it was driving me crazy. The wolf in me wanted nothing more than to just bend her over the conference room's table and take her. I was thirsty and in this moment she was like a tall glass of water I desperately needed to quench this drying spell.

Not trusting myself with words, I fled from the room and found solitude in my office. Work came as a welcoming distraction for me and I spent the next hour or so entirely consumed with projects.

I was so caught up with the calendar of events for next week that I hadn't noticed someone entering my office. The soft click of the door closing shut was what alerted me. I looked up, quite surprised at what I was seeing. She was the last person I was expecting to voluntarily walk into my office, especially since she walked in looking like a whole snack.

Slowly, my eyes drank in what she was doing. I watched as she teased me by removing her cloak revealing that she was next to nude underneath. I knew that lingerie brand, it was Savage X- Fenty. And my oh my, did she wear it well. The red complimented her skin tone nicely. One would think she was born in the damn skimpy thing. Her abundant breasts were on display for me to see and my mouth began to salivate at the thoughts of what I would do to her. My wolf would certainly enjoy this.

Indeed, it had been way too long.

Against my better judgment I could feel our tongues fighting for dominance. Her ample butt fit perfectly in the palms of my hands and I kneaded her soft supple skin as the kiss deepened. I backed her into a corner of the office and continued to tongue her down letting her know that I was the one in charge here. She poured moan after moan into my mouth.

Her hands were all over my sculpted body. Molding me. Touching me. Turning me on. This was definitely one of my fantasies coming to fruition. I always assumed that it would have taken a little more coercion and coaxing on her side to have her like this, but boy was I wrong.

I scooped her up in my arms while she simultaneously wrapped her hands around my neck. I felt lost in our kiss. I could feel her nipples running circles around my chest. That was hot. I wanted now more than ever to make her mine. To let her know that she meant so much more to me than a sweet piece to bed.

Something was off though, and suddenly it clicked like a light bulb moment.

Her scent was all wrong. This wasn't Sunn. In a weird kind of way, she smelt different.

I pushed her off of me and it was as if the clouds of lust were removed from my eyes. This was definitely not Sunn.

Roughly, I grabbed the girl by the throat and pushed her back against the same wall that we had been making out over not too long ago. Her legs dangled like little twigs off of the ground. "Who are you?" I demanded hotly. I couldn't believe how careless I had been five minutes ago. Was I doomed to make irresponsible mistakes for the rest of my life?

The girl chuckled and it was then that she shifted into her true form. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. The last time I saw this bitch was well over twenty years ago. Her name was Gold, goddess to the shape shifters and a damn pain in my ass. Her blond hair was much shorter now, it was cut in an A-line bob that freakishly made her jade colored eyes stand out against her porcelain complexion; the last time I saw her her hair was well on its way to her ankles.

This girl was like bad news though, destruction always followed anywhere she went.

Demanding answers from her would be like talking to a baby. Pointless. I loosened my grip around her neck, but I still held her in place. Her feet hit the ground with a soft thud. "That was such an inviting welcome, Reid," she jeered, licking her lips. She gave me a look of pure seduction. Clearly this was all amusing to her.

Meanwhile, I was trying to connect the dots with who would have sent her here. Gold rarely acted off of her own. The irony was that even though she was a goddess, it was somehow empowering to her for her to be bossed around. Something tells me she didn't come in good cheer either.

I had all but given that life up twenty years ago, who had gone through all this trouble of finding out where I was hiding? And why?

The truth finally hit me. And it hit me like a sucker punch to the gut.

They had tracked me down. They knew where I was.

I was alone. And a wolf without a pack was pretty much like a chicken on its way to the slaughter house.

But what on Earth would the Panthera Leos want with me after destroying my village nearly two decades?

♡ Author's note: Hi, guys. Any thoughts on the chapters thus far? ♡