
HIS PAIN {Her Sweet Bunny}

In highschool,you make mistake, make friends,make memories,get bullied and also fall in love. His name is Jace Smith. He's 18. He once came from a very rich family but his family became poor after a terrible accident. He lost his dad and his twin brother named Jack in the accident . But he and his mom survive the accident,but his mom fall into coma. So he had to work different part-time job so he could pay her hospital bills. During his part-time job the principal of Sky High school offered him a scholarship because of how intelligent and hardworking he is. But his son named Lucas bullied him alot just because of a girl named Summer who was in love with him. Things changed when he met her. Lisa Banks. Who's she? How did they meet? Let stop here

DivinePeace · Sports, voyage et activités
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In highschool,you make mistake, make friends,make memories,get bullied and also fall in love.

His name is Jace Smith.

He's 18.

He once came from a very rich family but his family became poor after a terrible accident.

He lost his dad and his twin brother named Jack in the accident .

But he and his mom survive the accident,but his mom fall into coma.

So he had to work different part-time job so he could pay her hospital bills.

During his part-time job the principal of Sky High school offered him a scholarship because of how intelligent and hardworking he is.

But his son named Lucas bullied him alot just because of a girl named Summer who was in love with him.

Things changed when he met her.

Lisa Banks.

Who's she?

How did they meet?

Let stop here 😍


( Her Sweet Bunny)


By Peace

★Sky Highschool★

‡Back of the hall★

"Beat him till he started bleeding" Lucas said ordering his boys to beat Jace

"Please stop" Jace said

"Stop" Lucas said and his boys stopped beating Jace.

"Haven't I told you to stop talking with Summer " Lucas said and punch Jace on his face making him bleed from his nose.

"Am sorry, I won't talk to her again" Jace said cleaning his blood from his nose.

"Better,if I catch you talking with her again I won't mind destroying your ugly face" Lucas said and left with his boys.

🏛️ Senior Block 🏛️

"Good morning Summer " Isabella said

Isabella is actually a friend with Summer

"Morning bella, How was your night" Summer replied with a smile.

"Great and you" Isabella said.


"By the way have seen Jace this morning" Summer asked looking around.

" Yes I saw him walking toward the back of the hall this morning "Isabella replied.

"Okay thanks " Summer said standing up.

She was about to walk out of the class whan Jace walk in with cuts all over his face.

"Hey Jace what happened to your face" Summer asked Jace who just ignore her and walk toward his seat.

"Who did this to your handsome face " Summer asked sitting next to him.

"Can't you just ignore me please " Jace yell when Summer try to touch his face.

Just then Lucas walked into the class and smile toward Summer and look at Jace who was busy looking outside the window and Lucas started laughing walking toward his seat.

"It was him right"

"It was Lucas who did this to you right"Summer said feeling upset.

Jace just ignore her and bring out his guitar and walked out of the class.


Jace could be seen sitting under an apple tree playing his guitar and singing along with it.

When Jason approach him.

Jason is the only friend Jace had.

"Wassup dude" Jason said.

"Fine and you Jason"Jace replied stopped playing his guitar.


"The Coach has been searching for you" Jason said.


"Did you forget that we are having a basketball match today" Jason said.

"Are you for real "

"You're unbelievable " Jason said.

"Which school are we up against " Jace asked.

"Stepping stone High school " Jason replied.

"Okay,what is the score?"Jace asked.

"57-50 they are leading us with 7 point" Jason replied.

"What quarter are they?" Jace asked.

" 3rd quarter "Jason replied.

"Are the student there already "

"Yes alot of them but Summer is not there" Jason said.

"Okay let go"


"What took you two so long " The Coach yell at them.

" We are sorry Coach" Jason said.

"Jace you can see what you cause" The Coach said.

"Am sorry Coach "Jace said.

"They are leading us 60-50,where have you been since morning "The Coach said.

"Under the apple tree Coach"Jace said.

"By the way what happened to your face "The Coach asked.

"Nothing Coach "Jace replied.

"Don't lie to me son,he did this to you again right" The Coach said.

"Yes Coach but it nothing new"Jace said.

"Okay "

"You two are playing in the 4th quarter " The Coach said.

Just then the referee blow his whistle for the 3rd quarter to come to an end and the players returned back to their various Coachs.

"I know that you guys are tired but we have to win this match" Jace said encouraging his teammates.

" So in the 4th quarter just defend our basket and passed the ball to me or Jace we will take it from there "Jason said.

"We can't give up now, you know that this is the final match of the highschool boys basketball tournament "The Coach said.

"So we can't afford to lose to stepping stone"

"We can still win this match guys, remember we practice very hard everyday " Jace said.

"We can still do this" Jason said.

The referee blow his whistle for the 4rd quarter to begin.

"Let go guys we can still win this"Jason said.

"We can win this"The team chorus and the match started.

"Jace pass " Jason said and ran toward the opponent basket.

"Catch Jason " Jace said after he threw the ball to Jason and he intercept it.

He dribble the ball past two of his opponent player and stand behind the 3 point line and throw the ball into the basket making the score 60- 53.

The female students started screaming.

👥 Jason you are the best

👥 Jason you are the best

"You did well Jason"Jace smiled.

"Thanks for passing me the ball" Jason said.

"We are still 7 point down so we have to defend our basket now when they attack" Jace said to his teammates.


"Why did you hurt him" Summer asked staring at Lucas.

"Because am in love with you "Lucas replied.

"But I don't love you "Summer said.

"Am In love with Jace"

"You are in love with that poor boy" Lucas said.

"Yes am In with him "Summer said.

"But I don't think he love you" Lucas said and moved close to her.

"I will make him to fall in love with me" Summer said.

"You can't do this to me Summer I really love you" Lucas said and forcefully kiss her.

Summer quickly push him away and slapped him.

" How dare you kiss me"

" I really love you"

"Am not In love with you so please stop loving me" Summer said.

" I will make his life miserable In this school" Lucas said.

"I will never love you even if you do so " Summer said and walk out of the class.

" That mean I will have to kill him" Lucas muttered and left the class.


★59 minutes later★

"Guys we still have 15 seconds left and the scores is 90-88 what should we do Jason" Jace said moving forward with Jason.

"Jace did you still remember yesterday training" Jason asked and threw the ball to Jace.

" Yes dribble two or three and shoot the ball" Jace replied after intercepting the ball.

" You have to do it now "

"Okay " Jace said and ran toward the opponent basket.

" The ball is in your court Jace it's up to you" Jason said .

Jace just finished dribble four of his opponent.

"Stand behind the 3 point line before you throw the ball,you have only 7 seconds left" Jason yelled.

"Okay thanks Jason "Jace said and threw the ball behind the 3 point line with in remaining seconds counting.
