
HIS PAIN {Her Sweet Bunny}

In highschool,you make mistake, make friends,make memories,get bullied and also fall in love. His name is Jace Smith. He's 18. He once came from a very rich family but his family became poor after a terrible accident. He lost his dad and his twin brother named Jack in the accident . But he and his mom survive the accident,but his mom fall into coma. So he had to work different part-time job so he could pay her hospital bills. During his part-time job the principal of Sky High school offered him a scholarship because of how intelligent and hardworking he is. But his son named Lucas bullied him alot just because of a girl named Summer who was in love with him. Things changed when he met her. Lisa Banks. Who's she? How did they meet? Let stop here

DivinePeace · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs




🏥 St Luke's hospital 🏥

" Doctor how is she" Jace asked the doctor.

" Fine she will wake up soon " The doctor replied with a smile.

" Thank you doctor " Jace said.

" You're welcome " The Doctor said.

" Doctor take"

" This is part of her treatment money" Jace said giving the money to the doctor.

"The money is not complete" The Doctor said after counting it.

" This is half of her treatment money" Jace said.

" But if you don't pay the remaining half "

" I will have to stop her treatment " The Doctor said.

" Okay doctor "

" I will work hard to pay her treatment money " Jace said and left the hospital.


Jace was seen sitting under an apple tree crying his eyes out.

" Is it a sin to be poor " Jace said to himself looking at the sky.

" My life is miserable " He said crying.

" Hey stop crying " Jason muttered sitting beside him.

" You look ugly when you cry " Jason said.

" Thanks " Jace smiled wiping his tears.

" You still look ugly" Jason laugh.

" Thanks "

" You still have one part-time job left" Jason asked staring at the sky.

"Yes" Jace replied.

" Did you visit the hospital today " Jason asked.

" Yes, I paid half of her treatment money today " Jace replied standing up.

"Okay "

" Don't cry too much " Jason said.

"Thanks "

"See you at school tomorrow " Jace muttered leaving.

" Bye" Jason said.

*****NEXT DAY*****



Jace was just walking into the cafeteria when he bumped into Jenny at the entrance.

Jenny is a rich girl.

Everyone in the school is rich except him.

" Hey poor boy " She smiled trying to touch his face but he held her hand.

She moaned and smiled.

" I love your touch" She winked.

" And I hate your presence" He said and threw her hand off before walking in.

Jenny chuckled.

" You're mine Jace " she smiled.


" Hey what took you so long" Jason asked.

" Nothing" He said sitting next to him.

"Okay here is your food" Jason said and pass the food to him"

" Thanks " Jace said munching on his food.

" Hey foodie" Summer said sitting beside Jace while Isabella sir with Jason.

" I thought both of you are not having lunch today" Jason said taking a full spoon of rice into his mouth.

"Of course we're going to eat" Isabella said eating her hamburger.

" Summer am sorry for yelling at you yesterday " Jace said to Summer who was busy staring at him deep in thoughts.

" Hey "

" How can he be so handsome" Summer thought.

" Summer " Jace called staring at her.

"Hmm what ?"

" Why are you staring at me " She said.

" Am sorry for what happened yesterday " Jace said.

" I thought you will never apologized " Summer smiled patting is hair.

" Am not a kid you know "Jace said and removed her hand from his hair.

" At least you should kiss me for forgiven you " Summer smiled staring at his lips.

Jace just ignore her and continue eating.

" You are not his girlfriend" Jason chuckled and Isabella give him a knock on his forehead.

"Ouch " He screamed rubbing his head.

" Knocking isn't necessary" Jason said.

Isabella smiled and wrapped her arm around Jason neck and kiss him.

" I'm sure the pain is gone now " She said and Jason nod.

" I'm leaving" Jace said and stand up.

" Let go together " Summer said standing up.

Summer hold Jace hand and they both walk out.


Lucas was walking with his friend named Liam when Summer and Jace walk past them.

Lucas started at their inter locked hand and scoffed.

" Wait are those two dating" Liam asked.

" No, she doesn't have a boyfriend" Lucas replied.

"They look good together" Liam asked.

" Are you in love with her " Liam asked.

" Yes " Lucas replied and walk away and Liam followed.


After School*****

Jace walk out of the class with Jason.

" Jace don't you notice that school is becoming boring this days" Jason asked Jace who is about to start his bike.

"No,see you at school tomorrow morning " Jace replied and ride out of the school.

" That boy will never change " Jason muttered and walk away.

NIGHT> Banks Mansion

" We didn't see her " A guard said.

" How could you let her leave the mansion on her own at night" Mrs Banks yelled at the guards.

" Do you know how dangerous it is at night" Mrs Banks said.

" You guards should find her before she did anything stupid " Mrs Banks said and the guards went out looking for her.


Jace was just going home when he saw a young lady around his age being chase by some people running toward him.

The young lady drags him toward a corner and wrapped her arm around his neck.

" What are y…." He gasp when the lady lips landed on his.

The people chasing the lady run past them thinking that they were young couple.

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