
His other mate

The life without a mate is hard but you'll get used to it . when I turned 18 I was eager and excited to finally meet my mate for life but life had something else planned for me . when I could not find a mate even after 5 years my family though I was one of the unfortunate one's, but life had something else planned for me ......... little did I know finding a mate would bring such trauma in my life . ***************** I'm Sofia Blackwater or as many people call me the unfortunate one , since I didn't have a mate , being in a wolf pack without a mate is very hard . I was living a normal life ...........well as normal as it could have been . having a good family nice friends and even a nice job and not only that my father is the packs Beta ......but little did I know all this was about to change with the mixture of werewolf and witches curse's

school_is_crul · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

chapter two

The meeting ended just as it started , to be honest there wasn't much in the meeting just the talk about safeguarding the kids and making sure they were well fed and all that . After the meeting Miss Milly invited me to a little dinner party but I refused since Angie was coming . It was almost night I was sitting in a gazebo in the garden where everyone was having tea and chatting I looked up and saw dark clouds approaching maybe it'll rain tonight maybe I should stop by the market and grab some groceries and snacks .

I didn't have a roommate since Angie moved out to live in Seth's apartment . We three were like family ever since we were kids we would always hang out I remember those days smoking weed at the back of our high school and those nights of seeking out . Seth calls those days the golden days when we didn't have any care in the world and now everything is different it's as if we care about everything in the world sometimes I wish I could go back to those golden days even though we three are still the best of friends it's not the same as it used to be .....before we all turned 18 .

I got up from where I was sitting " well I'm heading home " I announced " sweetie at least stay the night " Miss Milly said sweetly " I can't Seth and Angie are coming over " I said " oh ok then drive safely " my mother said " I will Ma " I replied .

I left the mansion and drove my car towards my apartment. I stopped at the local mart and picked some groceries it was almost eight o'clock so i hurried to my apartment knowing that Angie and Seth would be waiting . They have an extra key to my apartment.

when I reached the apartment building I parked my car and took the bags of groceries out and went to my floor which was 6th floor . When I was outside of my apartment door it felt somewhat quite a little too quite .

I opened the door and the scene Infront of me had made my jaw drop to the floor " what are you guys doing " I asked seeing Seth and Angie's mostly naked form making out on my couch " oh ! we thought you might not come tonight " Angie said pulling her shirt over her head " yeah we're really sorry " Seth apologized " guys today we were suppose to be friends not mates or lovers " I said .

They knew how important this night is for me they know how I wait for this night when we are just friends like we were in those golden days " hey we're sorry Sofia " Angie said feeling guilty.

" I think you guys should leave " I said disappointment clear in my voice . Angie didn't reply and grabbed Seth's hand and left my apartment .

when I heard the door close behind me I walked over to my kitchen and stocked my groceries in my fridge . I turned and I saw a note on the table . I picked the note saw it was from Angie I flipped it and read it . It said that lasagna was in the oven I put the note back and opened the oven only to find it empty . I closed the oven door huffing . when will she grow up .

I grabbed a bowl and made myself a fruit salad and went to the couch where Angie and Seth were making out I sat on the couch comfortably and turned the TV on and started watching random game shows .

After eating I went to the bathroom to take a warm and nice shower only to find out I was out of toothpaste , seriously how can my day get any worse , after taking a nice shower I put on my pajamas and went straight to my bed to go to sleep , usually I would read a book but tomorrow I have to go to the skull mountain to assist my mother in the kids transfermation . I turned the light off and went to sleep but something hit my foot I turned the lights on and saw that it was my old picture book from when I was visiting other packs . I remember making a lot of new friends whom I never talk to , I picked the book up and went to sit on the bed . I opened the book and saw photos of me and a lot of other people smiling and having fun , a lot of pictures of me were with Angie and Seth sice they were my best friend . I turned the page and saw an odd picture.

It was of the woods behind the skull mountain I remember because I went there for my transfermation as well I remember after a long day of studying wolf anatomy me and my friends were having fun and taking pictures but that's not all... there is something wrong with this picture I don't remember taking it or printing it even the quality is different than other pictures.

I took the picture out and flipped it on its back to see if anything was there but there was nothing there .

I decided to put it on my side table and look over it in the morning , after finally laying in my very comfortable bed which right now feels like is made out of needles made me feel very heavy . I got out of the bed and went in the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water , after drinking and taking some with me I went back in my room only to find out it was burning hot even though the air conditioner was on I decided to put the AC on its lowest

setting but still it was like my whole body was on fire .

I could not sleep from this heat I decided to take a cold bath , after bathing it made me feel a lot cooler. I went and sat on my bed I grabbed my phone only to find out that it was already 2 o'clock in the morning.

it seemed almost impossible only about an hour ago I reached home and it was only 8 30 now all of a sudden it was 2 in the god damn morning , suddenly my eyes fell on the mysterious picture I decided to look at the picture , at first there wasn't anything unusual but looking closely in the woods I found something in the picture I looked closely and saw .....