
His or theirs

His or theirs Amber the female lead of this story is smart and is a good actor, so when she wakes up in a room with a lustful man in front of her she knows what she needs to do, get away. But what happens when she finds that he was the least of her worry's and that the man that is truly dangerous will not fall for her acting and is always one step ahead of her and her smarts.

Ragdoll_0625 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

His or Theirs

I drop the pen to the floor, the adrenalin rush I got from killing the man fading. Noticing my self fall into shock I sit on the bed taking a deep breath mentally yelling at myself that I do not have time for this. After about two deep breaths and five seconds I get up and walk to the door the man entered through. It is a flat metal door with a hole on it. Looking at the hole on the door again I realize it's a key hole. I walk back over to the body and search the pockets of his pants. I found it, a little black key in the butt pocket of his jeans. Walking back to the door I put the key in the hole and twist. The door makes a clicking sound before popping open towards me. I grabe the edge that is now out of the wall and pull it my way opening the door completely. Before I can think of what to do next two strong hands are placed on my shoulders. I look up to see a muscular man to my left and to my right towering over me. Both look back into the room seeing the dead body of the man I killed and drag me through a long hall way. Looking around I notice many more metal doors to my left and right. With two guards standing outside each. This is definitely not a small organization there is no way I could fight my way out of here, I gotta play along. I'm pulled out of my trance when they drag me in to a room with a door that is surprisingly wooden. I go over the almost unbelievable story I came up with in my head. The man was trying to do things with the pen to me. I moved, and he fell face first onto it. Simple, easy, and as long as they don't look into it much it adds up. The two men stop dragging me and I slowly start looking up at the man in front of me. He is not wearing the same clothes that the two people on my shoulders are. I get to his face and meet his eyes and immediately know he is the boss.