
His or theirs

His or theirs Amber the female lead of this story is smart and is a good actor, so when she wakes up in a room with a lustful man in front of her she knows what she needs to do, get away. But what happens when she finds that he was the least of her worry's and that the man that is truly dangerous will not fall for her acting and is always one step ahead of her and her smarts.

Ragdoll_0625 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

His or theirs

I wake up on a bed in nothing but a bra and panties that are not mine. Then I notice that I am not In my room. Turning to my left I see a man who walks in through a door that is behind him. His eyes show his lust for my body. He walks towards me with his lustful gaze intensifying as he gets closer. I analyse him he is wearing a white button up shirt that barley stays closed because of his pot belly, and blue jeans. Also he is short for a male, he looks almost shorter than me and that says a lot because I am only five two. At the moment everything clicks. The reason I am here presents it self in my mind, I am here to pleasure the man who walked into this room. Not liking the idea I look for a way to get away from this man. Noticing he is now much closer than before and is mumbling something under his breath that I am sure is vulgar and not anything close to the words I want to hear for instance, I am here to save you. That's when I notice a pen cliped to his shirt the metal on it reflecting the light on the roof. He sits on the bed talking to me again with his jaw slack and drool almost falling from the edge of his lip. I think about everything on more time so I can come up with a plan.

Number one I am in a brick room with one door which this man came from. There is no windows or furniture in the room, no sheets on the bed nothing, just the bed I am sitting on.

Number two the man in front of me would be able to restrain me fast with his weight.

Number three I have no idea what is on the other side of that door but I'm almost certain that it is not the outside world.

I take a deep breath not realising I haven't been breathing since the man walked in the door. Finally I figure out what to do. This man will touch me if I don't do anything and I do not want that to happen. Ok, first goal get away from this man. I glance at the pen. That's what I'll do. I grab it while he was off guard and click the end before stabing it into his eye strait back to his brain. I stab once, twice, three times. Then confirm that he is dead.