

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs

chapter fifteen : Mr. Boyfriend

Rex had dropped Alya home the previous evening. He got an urgent call and wasn't able to drop Alya at work and thus Alya went with April and Landon.

Sitting at the backseat of the car with April, Alya texted continuously on her phone, giggling and smiling. The continuos beep, notifying new messages caught April's attention and she turned to look at her friend and was surprised

" What in the world caused her to look so excited, she thought

Out of curiosity, April snatched Alya's phone from her.

" April! " Alya shouted trying to get her phone from her but she couldn't

April read through her texts, eyes widening at each line.

" I never thought a day will come where innocent Alya will be this romantic " April teased and Alya went red-faced

But wait a minute, April thought, if Alya likes only Rex, who was she texting. She checked through the chat again and her eyes went wide when it caught a text

' Oh Rex, are you going to come over? ' with a pouting emoji

"Rex! " April shouted and turned swiftly to look at Alya who dipped her head down more in embarrassment

Looking at her, April asked " Are you.. " she paused and looked at the phone in her hand again

" Are you dating Rex? " The question came and few seconds passed and Alya nodded biting on her lower lip as she blushed

" Omg! " April exclaimed

She was shocked and also happy, she had always knew soon enough, Rex will ask Alya to be with him but it came sooner than she had thought

Suddenly, she glared at Alya feigning anger

" And you never even told me " She said

" Sorry April, it skipped my mind "

" Oh sure, your handsome boss just came in and swept you off your feet too suddenly and unexpectedly that you forget to share such important stuff from your best friend " April said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

" C'mon April, it's been just two days- "

" Just ? " April cut her off

" I don't think it's 'just' with the fact that you had gotten to kiss each other " April said with a knowing smile and Alya looked away with her cheek burning.

April leaned closer to Alya

" You know I can teach you to kiss hm so well that he keeps on blushing everytime he sees you " She whispered like she didn't want a third party knowing about their small deal

Alya scowled at her and pulled her phone out of her hands

She wondered why everyone was changing, she knew how crazy April could be but being such a pervert_

She clicked her tongue at her and turned away from her

" I'm sorry for reading your chats" Alya heard April sincerely apologized. She smiled and turned to say it wasn't a problem to see April who still had the grin on her face.

The smile fell from her face immediately and she glared at her

" You _" she paused her lips and turned to Landon instead

" You know, Landon-" she paused when Landon gave an audible sigh of relief

" I guess I wasn't actually invisible to you both as I had thought " he said and shook his head, his wavy hair bouncing in the process and the whole car shook with laughter.


Alya sat behind her desk making headlines for the news she was writing on. An hour of endless writing, she got distracted by the person who opened the door

" May I come in? " That husky voice she loved which turned out to be huskier asked

" No, I am busy, you can come back later " she said and went back to her work.

Rex clicked his tongue and walked in, sitting on the chair that faced her, he asked

" Is that a new way of greeting your boyfriend? "

Alya smiled " Good morning darling "

Rex twisted his mouth and hummed

" Close, not perfect "

" I am very busy Mr Pattinson " Alya said

" Busy enough to chase your boyfriend away Miss Winter? " Rex asked in the same tone

Alya scoffed and faced her work

" Coming to what I am here for " Rex said in a more serious tone which made Alya look up

" I have an enticing offer for you" Rex said

" A new job "

" A new job? No, making reports is the only thing I love doing the most "

And besides, what happened to you not wanting me to stress myself? Alya asked which only made Rex to sigh

" Don't worry about that, I know how to make it work with out you stressing yourself "

" I need no better person but you for this Alya "

" What job? " Alya asked

" I want you to be the director of fashion unit in R. Blazonz " Rex explained

" Director? That's way more than I can handle "

" You can Alya , don't doubt it. I got a recommendation letter from Luna's fashion line and you are good enough "

" It's been long I left that part of work, I doubt if I would still be as good as then " Alya tried to explain

" I know you are obsessed with making reports than designing but just try to believe you can do it even if it's been long, April gave me some of the designs you made and was impressed, I seriously want you for the job " Rex said

" And why the urgency? " Alya asked detecting the tone in his voice

Rex leaned back into his chair to reply " We signed a contract with 'Rare diamonds', they need different designs for jeweleries" " we have a meeting tomorrow and need all possible designs " he sighed in frustration running his hand in his dark hair.

" We actually have many to show but unfortunately no director "

" I sacked her, not competent enough " Rex said seeing the question in Alya's eyes

Alya turned her attention to the laptop searching for something, getting what she was looking for, she turned the screen to Rex

" Some designs I made two weeks ago " Alya said

" I might not be in the line of work again but designing is still an hobby " Alya said with a smile

Rex's eyes shone in admiration and pride

" As expected of my darling " Rex smirked

" I think I like you more being the boss " Alya muttered

" Think? " Rex asked

" Which personality of mine do you like the most,the all so serious boss or the romantic boyfriend? " Rex raised his brows

" The boss " Alya replied without taking her eyes off the her work

" My, you've hurt the boyfriend " Rex said dramatically and Alya chuckled

Getting up from the seat, Rex .made fir the door " sorry for taking your time " he smiled

" Will be going now "

" Wait " Alya called, he turned to see her already up and came to meet

" Are you coming back? "

" I might "

" Okay" Alya drawled

" Are you done with the report? " He asked

" Almost "

Rex nodded " April will come pick you when you're done, see if you can make more designs but only after enough rest, okay? "

" Okay " she nodded and Rex smiled

Why was she behaving like a child? He thought with the way she blinked softly at him

An adorable little child.

He leaned close and pressed his lips on her forehead, he could see the expectancy in her eyes slowly fade before she smiled cheekily

He pulled her cheek lightly

" Expecting something else? " He asked to see her blush but not answering.

He raised her chin up and tilted his head, raising his eyebrows cockily waiting for an answer which he didn't get. Instead, she pulled away from his hold with reddened cheek if being caught

" Bye now, you can go " she said

" Okay bye " Rex said and turned walking to the door. He stopped and looked behind his shoulders

Taking two long steps towards her, he engulfed her in his arms and placed a lingering kiss on her lips.

" Bye love " with that he stepped out finally


Getting done with the work on her desk, Alya went out of the office after bidding farewell to her colleagues, she walked straight to April and got into the passenger seat

" Guess my boyfriend was right about you coming to pick me up "

April tched " I am not so jobless to pick up a lover boy's girlfriend"

" I can only be jobless when it comes to picking up my best friend " April said and they both chuckled

" I'll be going back to making designs " Alya informed April

" Yeah I know "

" Don't worry, I'll take care of your dressing " April said with a grin

" Dressing? When did meetings have a special way of dressing? " Alya asked

" I guess Rex didn't tell you much about the company you are partnering with. Clark, the C. E. O of Rare diamonds is a big party boy. Every of his meetings were held grand with partying at the end and I knew this won't be an exception either "

Alya frowned " I've never heard of such crazy stuff "

" You just leave everything to me, I'll get you ready myself " April said

" If you think I'm gonna dress up just to impress some party C. E. O, you must be mistaking, even Rex didn't tell me anything about it meaning it's okay any way business casual I dress "

" Well, I ain't dressing you up for the meeting but for the party " April said to earn a confusing look from Alya

" There is a screwed up bitch I want you to deal with, she is the sister of the C. E.O "

" You want to use me to fight for something that's yours? " Alya asked, she was sure that was the exact meaning of what April was saying.

" Not actually something that's mine but yours " April explained. The lines on Alya's forehead deepened

" What do you mean? " Alya asked

" Why don't you wait till tomorrow to understand what I am trying to say " April smirked

" Bitch " she muttered under her breath as a car sped past her barely missing to hit the car