
His New Found Love

Jimmy Cross is haunted by his horrible past and his wife's death. He's not searching for someone to replace his wife, but then his best friend's step sister with horrible history of her own comes along. A little spark of attraction ignites between them and when they were deep in love, a scandal regarding someone from her last comes along and this tears them apart Watch how this story unfolds ?!!

ChiDex7 · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
7 Chs

Chapter four

"Okay so. You gave Carol, scholarship to study in the university of her choice without telling me? Why? What happened to us being open about things? Why did you hide it from me?" I questioned my brother as soon as Carol left that night.

"It just escaped my mind. I've been too busy lately. Is there a problem with that ?" he asked nicely.

"Yes. She's my best friend and you're my brother so you should have let me ..." I stopped as soon as the realization dawned on me. He looked away as I looked up at him. That confirmed my suspicions. "You're having feelings for my best friend."

He shrugged and I moved to stand in front of him. "For how long ?" I asked.


"I asked how long you've been having these feelings for Carol?"

"Ever since the first time she came here to look for you" He replied.

"Does she know?" I asked.

He shook his head, indicating a "No"

"Jeez. How could you be so stupid? And you're sending her off to a university without expressing your feelings for her?"

He looked at me in shock. " You're cool with it?"

"Of course I am." I laughed. "My best friend's happiness is my priority. I want the best for her and for you too and so I tell you, if you don't express your feelings for her before she goes off to the university, you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life."

He smiled and hugged me. "Thank you lil sis"

"Thank you too boo bear" I replied and he laughed.

" What are we having for dinner? Please tell me we're not ordering"

"No we're not. I'm making pasta" I teased.

"Really ??!!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Alright. I'll be in my office. When the food is ready, please just serve mine immediately and bring it upstairs, okay?"

"Yeah bro". I said hurriedly and jogged to the kitchen to start preparing the meal.


"Hi miss. How may I help you?" The security man with a long nose and cowboy hat said to me. I almost laughed at his expression. He looked so much like an Indian American. He looked young too.

"I want to see the manager" I said confidently.

The security man looked at me scornfully from head to toe and asked.

"Did you book an appointment beforehand?"

"They do that here?" I asked, eliciting a sarcastic laugh from the man.

"Where're you from, young lady?"

"It doesn't matter where I'm from. I just need to find a little source of income. Don't get me wrong; I'm not here to beg. I'm here to work." I explained.

He studied me for quite some time before replying.

"Can I have your number. I'll speak to the manager on your behalf later and he'll give you a call."

I smiled as he gave me a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote my phone number there and handed it back to him.

On my way back home, I just said a little prayer that he calls me back because I really need something to do with my time. I don't want to go to school either.

Just then a little girl ran across the road and then an older woman, who was probably her mum screamed at her to stop and picked her up.

"Mummy you're missing something today." The little girl said.

"Wgat could that be, my lady? Oh I remember. I haven't told you I love you." Her mum said and she smiled.

"I love you Milly and you're my best friend. Best friends forever??!!!"

"Best friends forever." The little girl smiled and kissed her mum.

My heart melted immediately seeing the affection between a mother and her daughter. I used to have that same affection with my mum before my dad left and didn't come back again and she sent me off to a boarding school. I really miss my mum.

I smiled as I remembered the day she was teaching me how to make pancakes. I threw most of the flour on the ground.

"Hey. Why are you crying?"

I blinked and was surprised to find tears on my face. I wiped it off immediately and smiled at the stranger standing I front of me.

"No I'm not." I replied.

"It's actually about to rain. So I'm just wondering why you're standing here all alone. Where are you going? Is it very far so I can drop you off before it starts to rain"

I studied him, trying to trust him before finally nodding my head.

"But on a second thought, I'd actually not like to go home yet. I want to go to a bar." I replied.

"I was actually heading to one now. Should we go together?" He asked

I nodded and got in his car.

After a few minutes of driving roundtown, he stopped and came down.

I looked at the place and shrieked in horror.

"Id never be able to afford a place like this. It'll take me two years worth of hard work to be able to wine or dine in this kind of place." I said.

He just smiled. "Okay fine. I'd pay for your drinks"

I smiled and nodded.

He looked perplexed. "Really??!! You won't put up a fight or something?"

We started walking into the place together.

"Nah. That's pointless. Besides, I didn't tell you my brother's well-to-do too and I can actually afford this place too, but I just don't like asking him for money."

"Wow. That's nice. I've actually never met a girl who let's a guy pay for her drinks. They'd always like to make it hard on the guy by arguing about it when they know they'd later end up surrendering." He replied and we burst into laughter as we sat down and ordered our drinks.

As the waiter left, he turned back to me and asked. "So what's your name?"

I studied him carefully before replying.


I was shocked at the way I truthfully burst out that lie. I've actually always loved being a "Cassandra". Ever since I was given the name during a school play, I've always liked it. I actually wished I was named "Cassandra" instead of "Allison".

He looked at me and stared hard at me; so hard that I thought I'd have just confessed and told him my real name.

"But you don't look like a Cassandra" He quirked an eyebrow.

"My name's Cassandra. What's yours?" I asked.

"I'm Nate"

I smiled and he smiled back at me and then the waiter brought our orders.

After eating, he asked me.

"I really don't want to end this evening now. Do you want to know where I live?"

I was shocked.

"No jeez.... For all I know, you could be a kidnapper or a non-governmental assassin. How do you expect me to just go to your house with you?"

"No. It's not what you mean. Believe me, I'm just ..." He sighed in resignation and then raised his hands up in total surrender. "It's alright Cassie. Let me drop you off. Where do you stay?"

I looked at him in pity. He really looked like someone who was going through a lot and I actually wanted to reconsider going to his house with him, but then I stopped.

"Don't worry. I'll find my own way back. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate." I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

"I really enjoyed spending the day with you Cassie. I hope we see some other day." He raised his hand up to stroke my cheek and I smiled.

"Yeah Nate. Bye"

I turned and walked away, with my heart pounding so hard.

After walking a considerable distance, I turned back and was surprised to still see him standing there, with his hand in his pocket, staring at me. He raised his hand to wave and I waved back and continued my journey back home.


Jimmy's PoV

I smiled inwardly as I watched her leave. She swayed her hips so naturally. She looked young and from her appearance, I guess she was probably 24 or 25 years of age.

And she was really beautiful too.

She had long black hair, unlike Sarah. Sarah had short blonde hair.

The girl was average in height, with small breasts.

Gosh!!! I really need to get my kind off her and stop comparing her with my late wife.

I got in my car and after about twenty five minutes, arrived at my mansion.

The whole house was in a complete mess and I wasn't even a fan of house chores or anything. I hated doing house works. I couldn't even call Leah because she was a betrayer.

I went to the kitchen first and cleaned half of the fishes and left the remaining ones. I swept without mopping and went to my bathroom. After spending half an hour in the hot water bath tub, I got out feeling very refreshed and luckily, my bedroom was actually in order. I climbed my bed and slept straight till morning.

I woke up the next morning and after treating myself to a hot cup of coffee and toast bread and egg, I sat in my home office.

I called Gabe and told him I might show up late at work today and I begged him to stand in for me.

I called a cleaning agency and asked them to send someone for me, with a very huge pay. I then placed an advert for the post of a secretary.

After doing that and then answering some mails and signing some documents, I logged out of my system and dressed up and walked out. I though of going to the gym. The last time I was there was the day Sarah died.

I walked there in my gym outfit and the first person I met was Cassandra. She looked so erotic in her sports bra and leggings. She was also making a call and laughing. I wondered who she was talking to that made her so excited. I waited till she was done and then I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulders.