
Lovers Quarrel

Cley's Pov:

Our afternoon class for today was being canceled because of PTA meeting. I'm still bothered why Berlyn ended up on cutting classes. What is she thinking this time? Sometimes I really don't know what's on her mind.

She's the least person that I'm thinking about doing cutting classes. And worst, even Roseshell and Leslie was with her for sure. What are they up to?

I've already called her parents to check if she's on their house, but Mrs. Somer said that she's in school. I tried to call her but she's not answering. I'm worried about her. What if something bad happened to them? I don't even know where to find her! Tss. Seriously, Berlyn! Where the hell are you?

"Cley, relax. You stressed yourself too much." Andrei said.

We are still in our classroom even our professor already told us that we can go home early. I keep on walking back and forth in our classroom. Thinking about the place where they are probably right now but I can't even think properly.