
Chapter 110

He had imagined his conversation with Samantha going in several ways.

  They ranged from unlikely to very likely and desirable to very undesirable. 

The order was the same for each description.

One: Samantha wouldn't much mind that he had scorned her and was traipsing around with another female right in front of her.

  They had to have a chat about it, laughed, and moved on with their respective lives.

Two: Samantha would kill him.

He wasn't worried about her attacking him. 

It was completely warranted on her part, and he knew he could hold her back. 

He was worried about the aftermath and the tension it would cause between the two packs.

He had been avoiding this conversation for as long as possible, enjoying his time with Isla.

  Samantha had conveniently stayed out of sight doing who knew what.