
His Luna Mate

"I feel so sorry for whoever you get married to. " She commented as she shook her head. He chuckled, "You don't have to dear, because she will be getting all of this. " He stated as he gestured at his body. She looked at him and felt her cheek begin to turn red. "Seems like my princess is blushing." He teased her. "No, I'm not. I'm just...." Tbc

gift_james · Urbain
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142 Chs

A friend

"That's alright, I suppose. You'll make a wonderful impression this evening," he decided.

"Will you be attending?"

"At the king's request," Mikel grinned.

"I do hope you'll save me a dance."

"You could have the first one, if you wish."

Mikel seemed to stand taller at that statement.

"I would be honored, but it would be better manners for you to dance with one of your guests first."

Disappointment filled Isla, but she understood his reasons.

"Second then."

Her statement was rewarded with a chuckle.

"I'll hold you to that."

Perhaps her birthday celebration wouldn't be too horrible after all.

"How are your grandmother and grandfather?" Isla asked him.

She hooked her elbow through his and they began to stroll leisurely through the quiet courtyard.

The birds that lived there always avoided her, as though they could sense how much of a danger she imposed.

Her presence didn't stop the bumbling bees and other insects that lived amongst the flowers and she grinned at a particularly large bee as it meandered across their path.

"Well, as I expected, though it had been far too long since I had gone to see them," he sighed.

"I need to visit them more."

His father's parents lived on an estate that was about a week's ride south of the castle.

They could have taken in the young Mikel when his father was killed, but when the king offered for the orphan to live at the castle, the elderly couple quickly agreed.

To have their grandson live amongst the royalty?

Who would say no to that?

When he was younger, servants would accompany him to the estate twice a year to stay with his grandparents for a few weeks. But ever since he became a knight, that had stopped.

It had been three years since he had been able to make the journey.

"I'm sure that they are just glad to see you when they can, Mikel," Isla assured her friend.

"They understand that you have your responsibilities just like everyone else."

"I know, but they're family, Isla," he lifted one shoulder and let it drop.

"They're all I've got left."

"Hey," she pulled him to a stop.

"You seem to forget that we've been friends ever since you intruded upon our home."

A corner of his full-lipped mouth lifted.


"Yes, intruded. You were three years older than me, and you were mean, quiet, and ignored me."

"That obviously didn't stop you trying to get my attention."

"I'm not easily deterred, you know that. Either way, I've always been there for you to keep you from making a fool of yourself and I'll continue to do that until I've decided you can do it on your own."

"A fool of myself?" he raised a blond eyebrow with a bemused grace.

Isla nodded at him, pleased that he was coming out of his sullen mood.

His hazel eyes gleamed in amusement at her.

"Mmmhmm. Like saying things that aren't true. Everyone at the castle is your family. Everyone adores you and would be greatly offended to hear that you don't feel the same."

"And that would make me a fool."

"Of a sort."

"You're right." His eyes narrowed.

"I hate it when you do that."

"So, all the time?"

That got her a true laugh, which filled her with pride.

It was easy enough to amuse Isla but to get him to honestly laugh was a feat that she did not take lightly.

"Yes, Princess, all the time." He offered his elbow, which she took once again.

As he lead her down the deserted path, he chatted about his time spent with his grandparents.

His eyes lit up as he spoke of finally beating his grandfather at chess, which he had been attempting since he was a little boy.

Isla loved watching him talk about things he was excited about; it was the only time he really let himself go.

He used his hands to talk and his mouth contorted endearingly as he tried to talk around his grin.

"My grandmother sent something for me to give you."

"Oh?" her curiosity was piqued.

What could she have thought a princess would want?

"She was hoping you would wear it this evening. As they are unable to attend, she wanted you to know that they are thinking of you."

"How kind of her," Isla responded impatiently.

Mikel reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bundle that was cinched closed at the top.

He urged it open and lifted out a silver chain, the end of which connected to a sapphire shaped like a teardrop set in a silver casing.

It sparkled in the most mesmerizing way as the sun reflected from it while it spun on the chain.

The gem fit neatly in Isla's palm and it was the most beautiful yet simple piece of jewelry she had ever seen.

"Oh it's gorgeous," she breathed as Mikel let it settle in her hand.

"Grandmother thought it would match your eyes. It's a little darker, but quite close. She'll be pleased to know that you like it."

"I must thank her myself. This is a wonderful gift."

"She told me that all ladies should have at least one piece of jewelry that is their own and wasn't passed down from their mother."

"Oh, I most definitely will. Mikel, thank you."

He looked down at his boots, but she saw the slight reddening of his neck and cheeks.

She found it simply endearing that her brave knight had turned bashful.

"I'm simply the messenger," he insisted.

"Thank you, nonetheless," she grinned at her friend, still adoring his change in demeanor.

"Would you help me put it on?"

"Of course," he plucked the necklace from her palm and stood behind her.

The glittering teardrop fell in front of Isla's face as Mikel lowered it in front of her and clasped it at the base of her neck.

She looked down at it and grinned.

It rested perfectly against the porcelain skin of her chest, standing in gorgeous contrast to the creamy tone.

"Oh, it's so lovely."

Like Isla had pointed out, none of the jewelry she had was truly hers.

It had all come from her mother and other queens before her.

This one was a gift to her.

"It does look like it belongs on you. It actually matches your eyes quite well. Your eyes don't like to remain one shade of blue."

"I have to keep people on their toes."

"Of course you do," he shook his head in affectionate amusement.

"And what have you been up to these past months, Isla?"

She opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted by the voice that truly caused her blood to run cold.

"Isla! Must we have this talk every day?" Greta demanded from across the courtyard.

Her hands were braced on her wide hips indignantly.

Isla's guards stood behind her.

They looked awful smug in Isla's opinion.

"I see you've been up to much the same as usual," Mikel whispered in her ear.

She suppressed a smile as she allowed Mikel to lead her back to her nurse, who glared menacingly at Isla, but her gaze practically melted at the sight of the knight.

"Mikel, darling, I had heard you made it back safely. It's lovely to see you. The castle hasn't been the same without you." She pulled him away from Isla to kiss both of his cheeks.

"Now that you're back, could you possibly try to convince the princess here that her guards being around is a good thing?"

"I could try, Greta, but it may not go as well as we both would wish,"Mikel winked.

"Now, I must excuse myself. My men are waiting on the training field and I have to make sure that they haven't gone soft while I've been away. Pardon me." He gracefully exited the courtyard, leaving Isla in the hands of her irritated nurse with no way to buffer the emotions.

All of Greta's agitation pointed directly at Isla, causing even her wolf to cower in its confines.

"You," she pointed a finger accusingly at Isla,

"are going to make my hair fall out. We've been looking for you for ages! Why must you run off?"

"Maybe if.."

"No, I wasn't looking for an actual answer. I just want you to think about the reasons and decide if they are valid. Now, come along. We must get you ready for the party tonight! You missed lunch, too. Oh well. I'll get someone to bring you some food," she sighed.

"What am I going to do with you, child?"

Isla grinned sheepishly and lifted her shoulders in a slight shrug.

Greta grumbled to herself but grabbed Isla's arm in a gentle yet firm grasp and propelled her back into the castle.

Her three guards trailed behind, obviously happy that Isla was getting chastised once again for evading them.

Of course, she would do the same thing tomorrow, and it wasn't likely they would be any more vigilant.
