
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 8


I spent the next few days walking around alpha Carson's estate like a shadow of my former self, I was still struggling to come to terms with the revelation about my pack and family. What hurt the most was knowing I'd caused this; this was all because of me and my chosen wolf.

Alpha Carson has been my lifeline through this difficult time, always ensuring I am well fed, well rested and treating me like one of the family. I chocked on those last thoughts knowing that I didn't have a family anymore, all of my family and friends were dead. I was pulled away from my thoughts by a knock at the door and saw Alpha Carson pop his head around it with a warm smile on his face.

"Good morning sweetheart, I just came to bring you breakfast. Orange juice and pancakes this morning." I gave him a warm smile and stood up from my bed. "Thank you so much Alpha, you've been amazing these last few days. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."

He set the breakfast plate down on the side table and gently patted me on the shoulder. "Please Maeve, I've told you before. No need for the formalities. You can call me Theo."

Theo was the only thing I had left that felt safe, the only person I had left in this world I could trust. I looked into his calm blue eyes and gave him the first genuine smile I had been able to give in the days since finding out the tragic news.

"Theo, I do have one request if that's ok?" I had been pondering about this over the last 24 hours and had decided it was the right thing to do. "What would that be petal?" He looked over his shoulder at me as he was opening the curtains letting the warm sun fall over the room.

"I would like to go back to my pack and see the damage for myself. Now that my family is no longer around, I am the rightful Alpha to the Sabre pack and feel as though it is my duty to go and assess the damages and try to find out if any of my pack managed to survive."

Theo's facial expression changed from neutral to a look of anger, his eyebrows creased together, and his face turned a slight shade of red. "Absolutely not Maeve, I told you that I could keep you safe inside these walls! You must not venture outside of the estate."

I instinctively recoiled at his anger, he noticed, and his face softened as he took a step towards me. "I'm sorry Maeve, it's not your request I'm angry at, nor is it you. It is Alpha Bain for what he has done to you and your life. You don't deserve to be caged away like an animal. You are a beautiful creature that deserves to be free but unfortunately Alpha Bain has the biggest pack in our country and is trying to barrage through our defences at this very moment. I could not do anything to protect your family, but I swore to myself I would make penance by protecting you."

He looked at me with those soft caring eyes and kissed my forehead. I couldn't be mad at this man for wanting to protect me, he was the only thing I had left, and he was ensuring I did not suffer the same fate as my pack.

"I understand Theo, thank you for everything you have been doing for me. But if you say Alpha Bain is at your border's and ready to fight surely, I cannot allow myself to be couped up in this castle whilst your pack may lose their lives defending me?"

He placed his hands in mine. "My sweet angel, you may not fully understand yet as you're too weak from all you have been through to summon your wolf, but you and your wolf are the key to our future. My whole pack and I would gladly lay our lives down for you."

He let go of my hand and took a step back with a wide grin spreading across his face. "Now my darling, my pack and I have been busy these last few days defending our borders against Alpha Bain and his pack but today is my day off. I was hoping you may be open to the idea of accompanying me into the theatre room for a well-deserved, relaxing day of movies and snacks? I feel like we could both do with a chill day."

Nothing sounded better than having a day to forget all my problem's and switch my mind off. "Sure, I'd love to. Let me just get dressed for the day and I'll be right through to join you." He nodded and made his way out of my room.

I couldn't help noticing the way his muscles moved as he casually sauntered out of the room. The more time I spent with him the more I noticed little things about him. His cold blue eyes now made me feel tranquil, his broad shoulders made me feel safe, I wanted to run my hands through his sandy hair and tell him to hold me close.

I shook the thoughts from my head. He probably didn't even look at me that way. He was an Alpha to his own pack and probably had a fated mate out there somewhere.