
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 2


Mother, papa and I walked outside of the estate to be met with the pack standing on the grounds waiting for us.

"Peace and prosperity to Alpha Sadler and his family. Without an alpha there is no pack" they all chanted in unison.

"Without a pack there is no alpha" my papa replied giving the pack a nod of acknowledgement.

The pack buzzed with excitement as we all walked to the clearing within our pack's territory. I could hear them all mummering between themselves wondering who my wolf would be.

"Maybe it will be Karina the famous she wolf warrior" I heard a little boy say to his mother.

Our wolves were reincarnated from generation to generation, some returned almost instantly with the death of their last host ready to live another life, some returned every few hundred years or so and others had never returned from the spirit lands at all turning into myths.

The clearing was filled with bluebells and the warm summer breeze brushed across my face as I took in my surroundings. I looked amongst the familiar faces that had come to my summoning ceremony, I was so lucky to have made so many friends throughout my years.

We were the third biggest pack in the United Kingdom, but it still felt like a tight knit family amongst our pack. It was time for me to summon the spirit of the wolves for my wolf to choose me. I made my way to the middle of the clearing with the rest of the pack making a wide circle surrounding me.

"We humbly summon the wolves to our calling, the wolves of our ancestors and the wolves of our future" my fathers voice boomed across the territory.

I closed my eyes as I recited my part of the summoning.

"I ask that you guide me on my journey through the spirit lands and aid me in my return to the human world."

I could feel the atmosphere around me shift, the air no longer caressed my face, I could no longer feel the grass beneath my feet, nor hear the birds singing their summer tune. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see a pair of piercing blue eyes staring back into mine, a grey wolf stood before me with its eyes boring into my soul.

"Welcome Maeve, you have reached the spirit lands. My name is Greyson, I am the keeper of the lands, the one to decide your wolf, and your fate." I heard him inform me through mind link.

Wolves began descending from the shadows, appearing as if from thin air, thousands of them laid their eyes on me.

"What is your deepest desire Maeve." Thousands of their voices boomed, travelling through my mind at the same time.

I thought I had been prepped for the summoning ceremony, but this isn't like my papa described at all.

"I... I don't know." I replied rather sheepishly.

I wasn't prepared for this and was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed.

Their voices grew louder and more urgent as I could hear them over and over again "What is your deepest desire Maeve".

The voices swarming my mind were crippling me, they did not waiver as they repeated themselves again and again. I fell to my knees screaming.

"I DON'T KNOW! I DESIRE NOTHING, I WANT FOR NOTHING, I JUST WISH FOR MY FAMILY AND MY PACK TO LIVE IN PEACE". I didn't know what they wanted me to say, but I hoped this was enough to cease their cries within my mind.

It was true, I lived a happy life and did not want for more.

"Chosen one" they chanted, "chosen one".

All at once their voices left my mind, I tried to regain some of my strength to stand, feeling physically drained from the whole ordeal.

Still on all fours I looked up and the wolves had disappeared back into the shadows, one lone wolf stood before me. She was pearlescent white, so white it looked as though she had fleck of the rainbow shimmering in her fur. Her eyes one blue, one green just like mine.

She was the biggest wolf I had ever seen, bigger than any alpha I had ever laid eyes on. "

"Rise" her voice stated, calming yet authoritative.

I slowly got to my feet with the wolf still towering over me.

"My name is Freyja, I have chosen you to represent me in the new world." She continued.

I nod in awe, unable to speak.

"Our travel back to the human realm will not be easy Maeve, there are forces in this realm that do not wish for me to leave."

I nodded to her and tried meekly to regain my voice.

"But Freyja, this is nothing like I was told it would be, I was told it would be easy, I wasn't told of any questions, of the thousands of wolves standing before me. Why did my papa lie to me Freyja?" I managed to choke out.

She looked at me with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

"Your papa did not lie sweet child, his experience and thousands of others before you had been peaceful, joyous experiences. The shadow lands are changing. It is why it is time for me to come back to your lands and help fix the world." Her revelation came as a bit of a shock. What did she mean changing?

I stood in shock with a guess at who Freyja may be. Almost afraid of what her answer might be I summoned up the courage to ask the question on my mind.

"You are THE Freyja, aren't you? The first wolf?"

She nodded her head.

"Are you strong enough to help me leave this realm Maeve?" She questioned.

I took a deep breath and straightened myself trying to regain my composure.

"I will try my best Freyja, I will fight with you."

My eyes brimmed with tears, these wear not tears of fear. They were tears of pride, I had been chosen by Freyja.

The first wolf had not returned since her one and only host Arabelle at the beginning of time, when the world was new. I wiped away my tears and as my hands left my eyes, I panicked. She was gone! I looked around trying to find her.

'I am here Maeve, we are one' Freyja was communicating with me from within my own mind, the binding had been completed. It was painless and over before I knew it just like papa had said it would be, at least that bit was the same for me as everyone else.

I knew now it was time to end the summoning ceremony and return home.

"Thank you, Moon Goddess, for providing me with my chosen wolf, I wish to return to the human realm, to return to my pack." I tried to sound as authoritative as my stunned voice would allow.

I closed my eyes and waited to feel the breeze on my face once again, this time it was different. I did not transition from the spirit realm to the human world so easily.