
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 10


I laid there contently snuggled into Theo's arms, watching the film. I wished every day could be this carefree. I could get used to this, but could he? I still didn't know anything about the man really.

I turned to look up at him and took in every detail of his face. His strong jaw line with a shadow of stubble, was set firm as he concentrated on the film.

His long eyelashes were fanning his cool blue eyes. He wasn't my usual type but then again, having never had a boyfriend I didn't even know for certain if I had a type.

He looked out of the corner of his eye and caught me staring, I didn't know what do to so just looked away hoping that he hadn't noticed.

"Can I help you darling?" He quizzed.

I internally groaned. He did see me staring.

What the heck was I going to say? What possible reason could I have for staring at him like a lovestruck pup.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I was just thinking about how grateful I am, that you saved me from Alpha Bain. If you didn't intervein I would have ended up dead like the rest of my family & pack." I replied sheepishly.

It wasn't outright a lie. I really did appreciate everything he'd done for me so far, I just happened to leave out the part about me gawking at him, because he's pretty to look at.

"If I could do it all over again I would. I am only sorry that I didn't get the chance to save your pack & family as well as you sweetheart." He said earnestly.

He kissed the top of my forehead, it made me feel as though I was floating on cloud 9.

A big part of me also felt guilt. How did I deserve to be happy at the expense of my pack? How could I keep myself in this happy bubble inside the castle, knowing that just outside of these walls a war was raging between Theo's pack and Alpha Bain's? I knew I had to do something to help.

"Theo? You mentioned about white wolves being special. May I ask how so?" I asked quizzically.

He rested his arm on the back of the sofa and stroked my hair as he spoke.

"Well sweetheart, the statement you've made of 'white wolves' being special is technically correct, and incorrect at the same time. White wolves may not be special based so much on the colouring. But more so due to only one white wolf ever being recorded in our history. So, you see, white wolves are not special as such, but THE white wolf, the only white wolf we know of is very special indeed." He responded.

"Special how? Did she have some kind of power?" I pressed.

I was desperate to know more about this 'white wolf'. Ever since I had woken up, I had tried to reach out to Freyja multiple times to no avail. I didn't know how to reach out to my wolf, but I assumed it should be relatively easy. I had tried calling her in my head many times but received no responses.

I hadn't talked to Theo about it, as I was embarrassed if I'm being honest. What kind of shifter shouldn't reach their wolf?

Theo continued to play with my hair as he continued in explanation. It was super distracting, but I was enjoying it far too much to ask him to stop.

"Well sweetheart, she was the first wolf in existence. The wolf of the Moon Goddess herself. No one knows for certain as we only have journals to look back on. But it is believed that she could control the minds of others somehow. The journals also mention about her ability to disappear and reappear somewhere entirely different, it is not known how but it appears she has some kind of teleporting gift."

"Teleporting and mind control!" I was laughing out loud as I spoke, and sat up to look at Theo properly.

"Theo, surely you cannot believe that? I have never heard of a shifter having any kinds of 'powers' let alone powers as far fetched as teleporting and mind control?! Are you sure you haven't mistaken a bedtime story for a journal?" I teased.

He looked at me a little taken aback, I could see the hurt in those gorgeous, ocean eyes. He thought I was mocking him, the realisation that I may have hurt his feelings hit me like a tonne of bricks.

"I'm so sorry Theo, you have done nothing but ensure my happiness and safety in these difficult times. I should not mock you in such a way." My apology was coming out like verbal diarrhoea.

"I am eternally grateful for all you have done for me, and cannot believe I have found such a man as you. You're kind, caring, loyal. You are my hero Theo."

He didn't say a word throughout my outburst. He just continued to stare at me, his eyes getting wider and wider listening to my confessions.

Why the hell was I being such a moron! I was pretty much confessing my feelings for a man I barely knew. He probably thought I was a silly little girl with a crush on an older man!

After I'd finally managed to stop myself from talking, he was still just staring at me like a deer in headlights. The embarrassment I felt in this moment was astronomical. This wonderful man had saved me, has been my only friend in the empty void that is now my life. And I was pushing him away with my ridiculous confessions, he'd probably never look at me the same way again.

We continued to stare at each other for what felt like an eternity before I looked away and motioned to stand up.

" I apologise Alpha Carson, I have overstepped my mark and should not have said such silly things. I am going to head to my room now as I think it will be for the best." I uttered in humiliation.

Just as I finish standing and I'm about to walk away, he grabs my wrists and stands up with me. So close, that I can feel my body pressed against his rock hard chest. He looks down at me and I am transfixed. I cannot move under the spell of his gaze. He takes his hand away from my wrist and gentle rubs his thumb across my cheek.

Before I could even begin to process what was happening his lips crashed down against mine. Butterflies flurried in my stomach as I felt the urgency of his kiss. His warm lips kept pressing begging for more. I moved my lips open slightly, allowing his impatient tongue the entrance it was so desperately craving. A soft moan escaped me as I melted further into the kiss and his warm embrace.

The kiss become more frantic. I could not get enough. I felt safe, this was home.