
His lovest Sweetheart

"His Sweetheart" is a modern urban romance novel that tells the story of the young handsome man and the lovely girl. The male protagonist is a top student and very aloof, but he is trapped in loneliness in his love life until he meets Actress. Actress is a naive and cheerful girl who loves to laugh and play. Her arrival makes Male lead's life full of sweetness and hope. However, the relationship between the two is not always smooth sailing as they face pressures and tests from their families. They need to confront their inner selves, overcome difficulties, and eventually realize their dreams of love for each other.

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45 Chs

Chapter 8

Qi Yue didn't feel good about the situation with Yan Heng. He knew something about it and had tried to persuade him, but Yan Heng only became angrier. Over time, Qi Yue stopped talking about it. "Don't worry, you're their son. Parents don't worry when their son is in trouble," Qi Yue said, holding his phone ready to call Yan Heng's parents.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye into his hair, unnoticed by anyone. "The teacher wouldn't not call parents if I fainted," he thought to himself, used to this kind of thing. He used to have some expectations and heartache, but now he was just numb. Holding his phone, Qi Yue didn't know what to say. His family was harmonious, and he had never experienced anything unpleasant growing up. Yan Heng used to be like him. They were a match, both doing well academically. But at some point, that bright and sunny boy had become depressed and unrecognizable.

He wanted to love himself, but it was difficult. "Go back to class, don't delay your studies. Your family also advised you not to get too close to me. I don't want to harm you," Yan Heng said. He knew he wasn't looking at Qi Yue because he didn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes. Qi Yue was his only friend.

"Damn you, Yan Heng. When did you start caring about these things? I didn't dislike you, but you dislike me. We've been friends for so many years, and now you're treating me like a dog," Qi Yue said, his temper flaring. Qi Yue was usually gentle and elegant, but he was now swearing. Did he become unbearable, or did he reveal his true nature when he met Yan Heng?

"We're not from the same world," Yan Heng sighed in his heart. Qi Yue was so angry that he wanted to hit him. "When did you become so pretentious, Yan Heng? I'm clear with you. Don't say anything ambiguous. If someone hears it, my reputation will be ruined. Also, not from the same world? Are you from Mars?" Qi Yue thought Yan Heng was crazy for saying such confusing things.

Yan Heng took a deep breath and finally swallowed his words. He really wanted the students at his school to see this angry boy, full of foul language, as the gentle school grass in their hearts.

Qi Yue was thirsty and glanced at Yan Heng lying on the chair. He thought he had gone too far and talked too much. "If you talk about this nonsense again, you'll be out of luck," he said, moving Yan Heng's feet and sitting down. He put his phone in his pocket.

Yan Heng sat up, feeling mixed emotions. The only person who didn't give up on him was Qi Yue. "Go back, go to class, I'm fine now. I'll just hang a few more bags of water. There's nothing for you to do here," Yan Heng said. He just wanted to be alone for a while, while Qi Yue just wanted to accompany him while he was sick.

"Okay, okay, you are talented, but I want some peace and quiet," Yan Heng couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore. Qi Yue gave him a resentful glare and spoke with a somewhat pitiful tone, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I see that you are very calm. I won't disturb your contemplation on life any longer. Just drink your soup and take care of yourself. If you don't even love yourself, who else will love you?"

Love and care, what unfamiliar and distant words. Yan Heng's body shrunk together under the scorching sun. He suddenly felt cold, not just in his body, but his heart was also cold, without any warmth. Maybe this illness was amplifying his emotions and feelings.

The teacher called Tianxin to come in and asked her to take a look at Yan Heng. After asking Tianxin's opinion and seeing that she had no objections, the teacher said, "You two are desk-mates and know each other a bit."

It was Tianxin's first time in the teacher's office, and she felt a bit uneasy. "Teacher, what's wrong with Yan Heng?"

"He's not eating properly and has a serious stomach ailment. Can you do me a favor?" The homeroom teacher spoke somewhat euphemistically.

"Okay." Tianxin had a feeling of what the teacher was going to ask.

"You are his desk-mate, can you try to make him have a proper breakfast?" The teacher had no other way. Yan Heng would not listen to him, so he hoped that there wouldn't be too much of a distance between classmates and that they could communicate better.

"Sure." Tianxin left the teacher's office with sweaty palms. On her way to the medical room, she encountered someone, seemingly Qi Yue, a sophomore. She remembered seeing him on the bulletin board during military training, ranking second in the grade level. He had a warm appearance, and she had a deep impression of him. But why wasn't he in class? Did he go to see Yan Heng? She wanted to ask him about his relationship with Yan Heng.

The medical room was very quiet, and there was no one there except for Yan Heng, who was lying down with his eyes closed. His mind was in a mess, and he missed that soft voice a bit. As he kept thinking with his eyes closed, his thoughts were interrupted by footsteps. He became a bit irritable and heard the sound of the door being pushed open. "The doctor is gone," Yan Heng said impatiently. Tianxin couldn't figure out why Yan Heng seemed unhappy. Maybe it was because he was in a bad mood due to being sick and disturbed. She understood and didn't move, just standing at the door.

After a while of silence, Yan Heng suddenly spoke, "Sick." Tianxin was quick to defend herself, "I'm not sick. I came to see you." Yan Heng was a bit annoyed. He said he was sick, but he didn't explain further. "Are you okay, Yan Heng?" Tianxin stood there feeling unsure.

"Why are you standing there? Come here," Yan Heng's pent-up frustration seemed to have dissipated a bit. Tianxin hurried over, and Yan Heng pointed to the side. Tianxin obediently sat down. "The teacher asked you to come."

"Um," Tianxin responded obediently, "What else did the teacher say?" "Nothing, just came to check on us," Tianxin concealed the teacher's words, but Yan Heng guessed it all. He didn't expose her and took out a cigarette from his pocket with one hand, "Come and light a cigarette for me." He had a craving for cigarettes but refrained from smoking in front of Qi Yue. Tianxin looked at Yan Heng, "No," she looked a little fierce. Yan Heng played with the cigarette box in his hand and smiled, "If you don't want to, then forget it." Tianxin was a bit surprised that he would compromise. Yan Heng clicked his tongue twice, "But my mouth is a bit itchy, what should I do?" Yan Heng's mouth was drawn up in a wicked smile. "I'll give you candy to eat," Tianxin replied.