
His lovest Sweetheart

"His Sweetheart" is a modern urban romance novel that tells the story of the young handsome man and the lovely girl. The male protagonist is a top student and very aloof, but he is trapped in loneliness in his love life until he meets Actress. Actress is a naive and cheerful girl who loves to laugh and play. Her arrival makes Male lead's life full of sweetness and hope. However, the relationship between the two is not always smooth sailing as they face pressures and tests from their families. They need to confront their inner selves, overcome difficulties, and eventually realize their dreams of love for each other.

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45 Chs

Chapter 43

She naturally knew, at this moment she realized how big the gap was between her and Yan Heng. He was a king, while she was just... She flipped through some papers and finally found the dusty reference book in the corner. "This book is quite suitable for you, even though it's an old book. Take it and have a look," she said.

The difficulty level of this book was just right for Tianxin. She nodded and said, "Thank you. Do you usually do these difficult questions?"

Yan Heng touched the scarf in his hand, feeling its softness made him feel dreamy. "Occasionally, I can't do some of them. When I feel upset, I do them to relax."

"That's an interesting way to relax," Tianxin said while working on the questions.

"The gift is very nice. I like it," Yan Heng said, looking at Tianxin who was working on the questions. He often wore the scarf.

Tianxin didn't say anything. As long as he liked it, she just wanted to make him happy. They heard a sound from outside, and Yan Heng and Tianxin came out of the bedroom. Qi Yue and Zhong You had arrived with drinks in their hands.

"Where should we put these things?" Qi Yue and Zhong You asked.

"Give them to me," Yan Heng said, moving the drinks to the kitchen. "You can do your homework if you brought any. If not, you can play with your phone."

Zhong You actually brought his homework. "I'll do my homework for a while," he said, taking out his homework and placing the gift he had brought on the table. "Does Yan Heng want to play games?" Qi Yue asked.

"You can play first. I'll come later," Yan Heng said.

Tianxin sat next to Zhu Ting. "What are we going to eat for lunch? Let's prepare in advance," she said.

"How about hotpot? What do you think?" Yan Heng asked the others.

"I have no problem with hotpot. It's great to have it in winter," Zhong You agreed.

"I'm good with hotpot too," Qi Yue added.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Tianxin tugged at Yan Heng's sleeve. "Have we prepared all the ingredients we need for the hotpot? If not, let's go buy them."

"We've prepared everything. Don't worry," Yan Heng said.

Tianxin was a little surprised that everything was already prepared. Yan Heng was very thoughtful. Zhu Ting whispered to Tianxin, "It seems like this birthday party is going to be very happy. Do you think Yan Heng will confess to you?" She had been looking forward to this scene for a long time. She didn't believe that Yan Heng had no feelings for Tianxin.

"Tianxin patted Zhu Ting and said, "You're thinking too much, just watch your TV." Zhu Ting moved aside to let Tianxin sit down. The three boys went into Yan Heng's room to play games, while Zhu Ting and Tianxin sat in the living room watching TV.

Zhu Ting watched TV, but her eyes stayed on Tianxin. Tianxin sighed, "What's wrong? Why do you keep looking at me?" Tianxin was getting a little annoyed by being stared at.

Zhu Ting looked curious like a cat, "Honestly, do you really not care? There are so many girls who like Yan Heng. Are you really not moved, or are you afraid that if you confess and get rejected, it will be awkward since you're both classmates?" Zhu Ting analyzed.

"We're still young, let's not think about these messy things. If he really likes someone else, it can only mean I'm not that lucky," Tianxin replied.

Zhu Ting was a bit shocked as she looked at Tianxin. "You really like him, but why are you so calm? If it were me, I would have confessed already," she exclaimed. Ahhh, she finally hit the nail on the head. The atmosphere between them was always filled with pink bubbles.

"Lower your voice, it's okay, you know it, don't joke around," Tianxin warned.

"I definitely won't say anything, tsk tsk, I think you two have a chance," Tianxin smiled, and the two continued watching the variety show.

The hot pot ingredients were already prepared beforehand, and it was easy to cook. The group of people gathered together to eat hot pot and chat happily. Suddenly, Yan Heng's phone rang, and he went to the window with his phone.

Tianxin thought it was probably his parents calling. She didn't know what conflict he had with his parents, otherwise, he should have spent his birthday with them. Yan Heng came back a little while later, with no expression on his face, so Tianxin felt relieved.

They spent the afternoon doing homework, and in the evening they had cake and dumplings. The cake was bought by Qi Yue, the dumpling filling was chopped by Yan Heng, and the dumplings were made by Zhu Ting and Tianxin. Finally, the evening arrived, and it was time to party.

"Yan Heng, make a wish quickly so we can cut the cake," Zhong You pulled Yan Heng along. Yan Heng wasn't used to this kind of celebration for his birthday, but since everyone was eagerly waiting for him to make a wish, he closed his eyes and made one.

"Hey, Yan ge, what did you wish for?" Zhong You asked with a happy smile.

"Guess," Yan Heng raised an eyebrow and looked in Tianxin's direction. Tianxin was looking at the cake. "Let's cut the cake," she said. As long as Zhuting noticed her nervousness, she must be feeling pleased with herself. If she didn't know the truth, she would have been fooled.

"Zhong You, look over here," Zhuting shouted. Zhong You, who was eating cake, turned his head absentmindedly. Zhuting smeared the cake on Zhong You's face, and he looked at her dumbfoundedly. His face was cold from the cake and felt briefly soft.

"Yan Heng," Yan Heng turned his head, and Tianxin also smeared the cake on his face. "Happy Birthday," the group of friends goofed around, and by the time they cleaned up, it was already late.

"It's about time. We'll send you two back to your dorm," they sent the two of them to the bottom of the dorm building, and Yan Heng left. The starry night was dazzling, and Qi Yue and Yan Heng walked side by side. "Do you have something on your mind?" Yan Heng noticed that Qi Yue had been acting strange for a few days, always running to him, and not concentrating on their studies. There must be something going on at home.

Qi Yue sighed, "You noticed."

"You're too obvious, I'm not blind," Yan Heng retorted.

"I thought you only had eyes for Tianxin and wouldn't even notice me," Qi Yue teased.

"Do you want to fight?" Yan Heng punched him lightly. Qi Yue sighed, "My parents are arguing, and this time it seems pretty serious. They're on the verge of divorce." His parents were a match made in heaven, both from prestigious families, and their marriage was happy and harmonious. He never expected this to happen.

"Why are they fighting? I remember your uncle has a good temper," they were a model couple in the circle, and their relationship was always good.

"Seems like it has something to do with my dad's first love or something complicated like that. I'm not really sure about the details. They don't argue in front of me, only behind my back, which really annoys me," said Qiyue.

"Why don't you talk to your uncle about it? Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I know Qiu uncle's character, he wouldn't do anything out of line. You shouldn't jump to conclusions," suggested Yanheng.

"You have a point. I'll talk to my dad. He's reserved, and my mom is hot-tempered. She probably says things in the heat of the moment. I need to understand the situation before making any judgments," said Qiyue.