
His lovest Sweetheart

"His Sweetheart" is a modern urban romance novel that tells the story of the young handsome man and the lovely girl. The male protagonist is a top student and very aloof, but he is trapped in loneliness in his love life until he meets Actress. Actress is a naive and cheerful girl who loves to laugh and play. Her arrival makes Male lead's life full of sweetness and hope. However, the relationship between the two is not always smooth sailing as they face pressures and tests from their families. They need to confront their inner selves, overcome difficulties, and eventually realize their dreams of love for each other.

DaoistjlkglM · Urbain
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45 Chs

Chapter 28

Several people were very happy after the rehearsal, and the only issue remaining was the costumes. The school art group only had costumes for ethnic dance.

Zhu Ting asked the class leader, who said he would ask the homeroom teacher if they could use class funds. During morning self-study, the homeroom teacher came into the classroom. Tianxin glanced at Yan Heng, who was sleeping deeply, but didn't wake him up. The homeroom teacher seemed used to it.

"Two of our class's programs have been selected, which proves that you are still outstanding. But we cannot neglect our studies. The class leader and I discussed the matter of dance costumes, and we can use class funds. Does anyone have any objections? If not, then it's settled."

Everyone answered in unison that they had no objections.

"Class leader and Zhu Ting, you're responsible for the costumes. Everyone study well, and those who need to use the restroom, go quickly," the homeroom teacher said before leaving.

Tianxin pulled on Zhu Ting's clothes. "Are our costumes going to be skirts?" Tianxin felt that skirts were very suitable for their dance, but she wasn't sure what Zhu Ting thought.

Zhu Ting propped up her chin and leaned to the side. "Of course it's going to be skirts. We're not doing street dance. It'll look especially beautiful wearing skirts. We wear our school uniforms every day and feel like we're getting more and more dull."

Actually, she liked the school uniforms. She had kept her middle school uniform because it had a youthful vibe.

"Oh, by the way, the class leader and I will discuss what kind of costumes to rent tonight. You can take a look and see if you like them," Zhu Ting said.

Tianxin nodded. Zhong You felt a little excited, but also a little worried. If too many people asked her out after they danced together, what would he do? He felt sad.

Yan Heng woke up after sleeping through two classes. With hazy moisture in his eyes, Tianxin's heart melted at the sight of him. "I'm going down to do morning exercises. Do you want to come with me?"

Yan Heng rubbed his eyes. "I'll go with you," Tianxin exclaimed, "You're not wearing your school uniform, and you don't even know how to do morning exercises. Why are you going down?"

Last time was really embarrassing. Did he want to be caught and educated by the disciplinary teacher?

Yan Heng couldn't help but point at Tianxin's nose. "Do you think I'm definitely going to do morning exercises? Silly girl."

Tianxin's face turned slightly red. Why did this guy always touch her? Thinking of the scene where they held hands in the elevator last time, her heart beat irregularly.

Tan Xiaoyue watched Yan Heng dote on Tianxin, feeling nothing but bitterness in her heart. She couldn't even get close to him. "Tianxin, let's go down together," Tan Xiaoyue walked over.

Tianxin was a bit surprised. Their relationship in the dormitory was neither good nor bad, and she had never asked her to go down together before. "Okay, Yan Heng is gone," she said.

Yan Heng looked at Tan Xiaoyue and his face was a bit displeased, but most people couldn't tell. Tan Xiaoyue smiled at Yan Heng, and he finally noticed her.

Yan Heng went down to find Qi Yue. Qi Yue was in charge of inspecting the drill today. Yan Heng showed him his work permit, and Qi Yue laughed out loud. "I've called you so many times and you never came. This time it's also for your little desk mate. By the way, do you really like her?"

Yan Heng rolled his eyes. "Ha, how could a single dog like you understand the feelings of love?" Yan Heng sounded so proud. If he had a tail, it would have been curled up in the air.

Qi Yue laughed out loud. "You can still be so happy with unrequited love. I didn't realize you were so good at being self-entertained before." Love really can change people, Qi Yue thought to himself.

Yan Heng felt a little bit uncomfortable. "What's wrong with unrequited love? I'm happy with unrequited love. When you have someone you like, you'll understand. It's a wonderful feeling."

Qi Yue finally felt relieved. Since then, he had never seen Yan Heng smile so happily. This kind of Yan Heng was so much better, he restrained his extravagance and was no longer lifeless. He believed that if they were together, the effect would be even better.

"Then confess to her. I believe that with your charm, no girl can resist you," Qi Yue said, looking at Yan Heng's expression slowly turning dark.

"Yan Heng," Yan Heng smiled faintly. "She's so good, and I'm so unworthy." He couldn't be so selfish, couldn't drag her down with him into the darkness. He also wanted to give her warmth and sunshine.

Qi Yue didn't say anything else. He knew he couldn't bring up this topic in front of Yan Heng anymore. Every time he did, it would make him suffer. He was really ashamed of himself for getting carried away.

The two of them finished their conversation and started counting people. Yan Heng didn't go to other classes. He went down from Class Five and stopped next to Tianxin. "Stand up straight, you're standing like a curve," Yan Heng said, and Tianxin glared at him angrily. This guy was really annoying.

She looked up to the left and right, and Yan Heng was secretly amused by her adorable look with her hair standing on end. "Okay, okay, I just wanted to talk to you. I'm going down now."

When the inspection was over and it was time for physical exercise, Qi Yue counted the number of students in each class, and heard Yan Heng muttering, "Should I learn physical exercise?"

"What did Yan Heng say? He wants to learn physical exercise? Isn't he hallucinating?" Qi Yue wondered.

"I want to stand with her, and spend every moment with her," Yan Heng said.

Qi Yue was secretly surprised. Does Yan Heng have such deep feelings for Jiang Tianxin? He couldn't even imagine what would happen if Jiang Tianxin fell in love with someone else. It's rare to have something to cherish.

"If you like it, just do it. It's rare to have something you like in life. Learning physical exercise is not a problem for you. Just watch the videos a few more times," Qi Yue sighed. Love is a magical thing.

Yan Heng seemed to see hope, which was really good. It will be better in the future.

"Overdramatic," Qi Yue muttered.

In the afternoon, the class leader discussed with Zhu Ting about their costumes. Zhu Ting picked a white short skirt and showed it to Tianxin. Tianxin looked at the sample picture and asked, "Isn't this skirt a bit short? Should we change it?"

Zhu Ting hesitated a bit, "It is a bit short, but the others don't have any objections. Tianxin, do you usually wear this kind of skirt?" And they have to dance in it.

Tianxin nodded, "I'm afraid I won't be able to let go."

"What do you mean by 'letting go'?" Yan Heng overheard Tianxin's voice as he walked over.

Zhu Ting glanced at Yan Heng, "Oh, it's about the dance costume. The class leader and I picked this set, but Tianxin is a bit shy." Zhu Ting held out her phone and waved it in front of Yan Heng.

Yan Heng looked at the skirt that exposed the legs, which couldn't even cover the knees. It was simply vulgar, and it would be even more revealing when she danced. "Heh, wearing this will be cold. If your legs get cold, it won't be good."

Yan Heng walked to the front row and sat next to the class leader, Yang Zhifei, who was a bit puzzled by his sudden appearance. What's going on now?

Yan Heng tugged at his mouth and said, "I think we need to choose a new set of dance costumes for our class." Yang Zhifei rubbed his eyes and replied, "This was decided by Zhu Ting, and we also asked for the opinions of a few others." Yan Heng's anger surged and Yang Zhifei felt a bit of a headache. It's not like he was the one who chose the costumes, so why was he being held responsible? "Girls like to look beautiful, but I think the current costumes are too short." "Then let's choose a new set. I also think the current set is too short. You can pick a new one," Yang Zhifei handed his phone to Yan Heng. Yan Heng scrolled through the options and found a white waist-cinching long skirt with lace on the hem, which was elegant and beautiful. Most importantly, the hem went past the knee. Yang Zhifei was amazed by Yan Heng's choice. It was really beautiful and would look great on them. "This one is good. Take it to Zhu Ting and tell her we'll use this set." Several people looked at Yan Heng in admiration. "Wow, I didn't know Yan was so caring. She pays such attention to the girls in our class." "It seems that the rumors about Yan Heng being fierce are not true. She's actually really nice." However, Tan Xiaoyue found it very irritating. He knew that Yan Heng wasn't doing it for them, but rather for Jiang Tianxin alone. She was too shy to dance, so he chose new costumes just to make her feel more comfortable. Yan Heng was in a good mood. "The class leader said we'll choose new costumes, so let's go with this set. What do you all think?" Zhu Ting and Tianxin leaned over to look at the costumes on Yang Zhifei's phone. "Hmm, it's pretty and looks nice. What do you think, Tianxin?" Zhu Ting shook Tianxin's arm excitedly. Wow, she didn't expect this from Yan Heng. It was stimulating. Zhong You turned around and said, "I want to see it too. Show me." Zhu Ting pushed his hand away. "Go away. What's so interesting about girls' clothes? Go do your physics problems."

Zhong You smiled and couldn't help but glance at his phone. Zhu Ting looked at him and felt like laughing. "See, see, you can't resist it," Zhu Ting tossed her phone to Zhong You. Zhong You looked at the clothes on the screen, then looked back at Zhu Ting. They must look beautiful on her.

"Are you crazy?" Zhu Ting snatched back her phone and handed it to the class monitor.

Tianxin looked at Yan Heng gratefully. "Thank you," Yan Heng was really nice. She was still hesitant earlier.

"How do you want to thank me, hmm?" Yan Heng raised an eyebrow. "How about I treat you to candy every day?"

Tianxin smiled. Yan Heng was so charming that she couldn't resist him. "No, no amount of candy is enough for you."

Tianxin was a little embarrassed. "Then what do you want? I'll give you everything I can."

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had other ideas. Can she really give him everything? Forget it. "I want to exchange a small wish for a big one with you. What do you think?"

"A small wish for a big one? Okay, then you have nine more small wishes to go. Keep going, and when you have enough, come to me to redeem them," Yan Heng said with a smile. He hadn't expected that he still had a childlike heart. He would just go along with it and make himself happy.

Yan Heng chuckled to himself. Tianxin was so naive. Hmm, she could only wear short skirts for him to see, no one else was allowed to see her wear them.

Their training didn't slack off either. Yan Heng knew she was nervous, so he didn't bother her during practice. His little girl would feel uncomfortable if he watched her. Tianxin had been having a fulfilling few days. She was exhausted every night and went to bed after packing up. Every night, she would say goodnight to Yan Heng before going to sleep.

Sometimes Yan Heng would tell her stories. With her headphones on, she would quickly fall asleep listening to his voice.