
His Impersonating Wife

Si Yihan , a business Mongrel who was a king of his field where his charming beauty act as his bait and his soothing voice, for the falling over of countless buisness empires. He was successful to the bones but cold and sharp like ice. But this brutal man fell head over heels for his wife. And treated her as his queen. Bai Xi, got married to the Hot billionaire business tycoon Si Yihan on her eighteenth birthday, as her father's last wish. Strong willed as she is , she maneuvered her life as the rich wife in such a way that left everyone speechless. Specially her poor unknowing husband who had never seen his wife , until an accidental incident where he got swept off his feet and fell head over heels for his wife without knowing that she is in fact, his wife. Excerpt: “Did you think this would be enough to keep me away from you. Never, try as you might Bai Xi you are married to me! I am a part of your life and you are mine. And I am not letting you go.” Si yehan declared . His voice sounded firm and his decision irreversible. I stood there , not knowing what else to say. I never wanted to involve him in the mess that is my life , but he stood there and declared it in a way, that made me think about it all again. I love this guy! I love him so much, that it hurts to be anywhere else other than being with him. .......... Though however hard she tries to be strong and brave , she has a past and a brutal one at that , which left her emotionally crippling. And the past will catch up with her whether she wants to face it or not.

Nightowl20 · Urbain
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40 Chs

A Fool's bargain

This chapters is unedited and may have grammatical errors. So please excuse them , if any.


Bai Xi's Pov:

Life has always been full of lemons for me and so I did what any sane person would not do....be unreasonable.

In my case I let go of the reason completely in aid off stubbornness and being headstrong both literally and physically.

I became the hardest to be dealt with and a person who often forges logicality and willpower to everything I want.


I was made to marry a guy , just a few days after my eighteenth birthday and become his shell wife. He is eleven years older than me and we have never met in person. But I have seen him, because he is a big person apparently.

And so I have been married for a one and a half years, blissfully forgotten living my life carefree and without any husband drama. And I like it this way.

But this marriage is the only thing that I allowed to happen in my life that was against my morals, ever since I took the reigns in my hand , as the last wish of my then dying Father.

I have lived alone and only depended on myself. And so I lived with my rules following them to the dot...

And which usually allows me to make the best decisions of my life and sometimes not so very...just like right now..

And the current one sure is falling into the latter's category as I stood on the edge of my hotel balcony trying to dive into the adjacent balcony without having to fall down the sixty one floors.

thuumphhh thhuumphhhh.....

Loud thumping noises can be heard from the room as the man outside tried kicking the door open by banging on it.

I need to buy some time before the hotel authorities get them. But they look quite persistent as they have been at it since the last five minutes and seeing how hard they are trying to break the door open, I really don't think I am left with any other option than to jump across...to the other balcony.

A loud smack ringed from inside and that was my cue as with half confidence and half praying to all the Gods out there, I jumped from the parapet off my balcony to the other.

I landed barely safe when I heard the opening of the latch of the door of the balcony. I looked right up, at the man standing in the doorway of the balcony I jumped onto.

My eyes latched right into his midnight black eyes and I felt my heart started jumping in my chest as it beat so fast that I thought that it might just come out of my chest. I found myself trying not too get lost in those beautiful pearl of eyes . Their exhilarating beauty making me gobsmacked and forgetting my delirious situation.

I gulped loudly and my mouth felt parched with thirst....just not for water.

The loud shrieking voices from the other balcony can be heard more clearly and thus breaking my concentrating stare, as I realised that the voices can be heard more clearly which means they might have broken the door open.

Sensing the precarious situation , I stood up and smashed right into his solid chest which sure made my nose bleed as I can feel a trickle of blood gushing out of it.

Due to my collision a loud yelp did came out of me which definitely attracted the attention of people in my room as I can hear the loud thumps of footsteps coming this way.

I turned back to the stranger and without thinking anything else pushed him along with me inside the door just as I heard a shout coming from my balcony.

We stumbled inside the gate due to my sudden throw and also I think, maybe I caught the guy off guard seeing he haven't said a single word during the whole ordeal.

Still holding onto his muscled chest I tried to upright myself by grabbing his biceps, as his arms are firmly holding me by my sides. I looked up and opened my mouth to request him to let me hide in his room for a while and I finally took a clear look on his face and my conscious just screamed at me louder than anything making me feeling dumb and an idiot as I slowly took in the face of the man, my saviour , who just also happens to be my husband...

The second I realised this, I died a thousand times in my brain.

I gulped harshly as I must look like a deer caught in the headlights seeing my widened eyes and mouth gaped open.

Though we have never met but I know how he looks, because unlike him I have run a personal check on him to prevent any mis-happenings. But seeing no realisation or anything such on his face it seems he didn't even took that much effort to know his wife. Well good for me.

"I....I..umm...", I stammered out. My expression horrifying, but still, was not able to utter a single word as the man stood just as transfixed as me, but its seems for a different reason entirely.

"I...", I tried to say again but this time the man cut me off in a offhanded manner and said , "Quiet"

The command in his voice shut me up completely and I stood there staring at him like a fish caught by his tail , wide eyed with a gaping mouth.


Dear Readers ,

Life is too hard sometimes and work even harder to get done with...

And so here is something to escape into!

Have a good read and a great laugh!!!


P.S - Updates will be faster as the chapters are not that long.