

Loving him comes with a risk, like buying a cigarette with a "... liable to die young" label but oh well, some survived...barely How far is she willing to risk? journey in to find out...

yahrie · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

chapter 2

"oh my god, are you okay?" Dora asks, helping me to stand up and breaking the trance between me and the guy. I glare at him and was about to say something when Dora dragged me away, even covering my mouth to prevent me from speaking.

"Why did you do that?" I ask "that's Cole Andrew and you wouldn't want to get in his bad books" she explained, looking cautiously around.

Before the teacher came in, I talked to some of my classmates and that were very friendly, I just talked to like 5 students.

It was lunch break and one of the guy I talked to invited me to join his table and I was grateful. After getting my lunch, I was going to head to the guy's (whose name is Mark) table when someone bumps into me but I don't budge and bit and the whole cafeteria was silent.

I look at the person who intentionally bumped into me and she was in shock. She has waist-length blonde hair and blue eyes. She is really slender. I side glance her before keeping a poker face and going to join Mark.

On my way to Mark's table, everyone's eyes were on me and I walked confidently, chin raised up, after all I was spoiled in Farmlope.

I scan the whole cafeteria and I notice forest green eyes staring at me. He had pitch-black, fluffy hair and was wearing grey sweat pants and shirt. He looks me up and down and I pretend as if he didn't exist.

Mark whistles when I get to his table and I laugh "you're such a bad influence" I say to him "Lisa meet Beth, Hephzibah,  Connor, And Eugene" Mark introduces them to me, "guys, Lisa" he says "hello" "hi" that chorused.

"What you did there was amazing, first person to stand up to Lucy" Beth says, she has braces and red hair like mine but she had freckles.

I stare around and locked eyes with Cole. I can see his forest green eyes clearly. We both stare at each other and I furrow my brows and look him up and down. "Hey do any of you have a mirror?" I ask "Dora does" Eugene says and I look at the direction he was staring.

I look at my eyes at the from I borrowed from Dora, mine were sea-green in color.

"so tell me more about Cole" I say

"he is super rich"

"Handsome as you can see"

"Only child"


"Scary family"

The bell rings and we head to class.

It is after school and I text my dad that I'll be home late. I hang around the school waiting for Cole but he doesn't show up. Almost every student has left.

About ten minutes later, I see long slender legs walking and I trace it up to a leather jacket and black fluffy hair. I quickly sprint to him.

"Hi" I say with a smile. He removes an airpod and looks at me with a raised brow "I'm Lisa" I say. He scrutinizes me for 5 seconds before saying "Cole" in a deep voice.

"I'm new here" I say and he nods "I can see that" he says tucking his hands into his trousers. He is a head taller than me. He leans in on me and I lean my head back.

I get shy and look away and I hear a low hum. He snaps his fingers and his chauffeur opens the door. "Get in" Cole says and my eyes widen a little "pardon?" "Get in" he repeats and I enter the car.

We are now seated in the backseat of the car and I look at Cole, admiring his side profile. "I am wondering if we could be friends" I say cliche I know "you're pretty" he says and I smile a little, I get called that most of the time.

"But I've met prettier women" he says, he gaze prolonging at my chest region and I glare at him "excuse me? 'cause I'm being all nicey with you doesn't give you the right to talk sh!t about me, at least I'm better than someone"

"And besides, I'm pear figured" I say to him though I'm not really insecure about my shape, I actually love it.

"Where are we going? You don't know where I st-" Cole cuts me off with a kiss...
