
Chapter 9 of chapter 7 Dead and Danger

Emily Pov....

Our eyes were glued to the boy as he keep on talking. I don't what keep us stunned and quiet. Whether his outfit, his eyes or the way he speaks. 

"Are you guys done staring" he finally said breaking our eyes contact on him and remains slient. His hands were fold in front of him. 

"W-we sorry milord" Marcus said and bowed. Also I did the same but didn't say a word because at the end I might sound stupid. 

" You don't have to call me milord, I had a name. My name is Arthur"  he introduced himself to us. That was so lovely. I was flattering amazed by his calm and warm personality. 

"Stop smiling, you look like an idiot doing that"  Marcus whimper and beautiful smile to caught the boy attention died off. 

" Can I see if she is alright?" The boy asked calmly but my silly brother wants to ruined my opportunity as he refused the boy request. But that didn't stop him. He keeps on insisting until Marcus had no choice but to let him had a look at my leg. 

I was already rejoicing inside of me. Such a charming prince is coming to check on my keenl that so romantic just like the story of Cinderella. I am that Cinderella! 

The boy was about to take a step when his guards step before him. "Don't worry, they're not harmful, I can go by myself" he said. 

When he gets closer, he bend and dragged gently on my kneel. "Does it still hurts?" He asked and looked at me. Oh my God! His eyes were the most beautiful eyes I have never seen in all my life! He was forsaking too good looking to describe! 

I am loving this boy already! 

"Hm" I nods my head, and Marcus eyed me. What's his problem, a good looking boy shows up from nowhere and asked to check if his stupid driver breaks my legs, and he is looking at me that way? What kind of brother did I even have. 

The boy bought a handkerchief and wipe the little dropping blood from my kneel. 

"Don't worry, it isn't that too deep or big. I believe by tomorrow it would be gone" he said and I blush, my face was already turning red. I can't believe his touch me, his  hands were soft. I believe he had never in his life take anything to do before. That's the reason is good to be born in a wealthy family. 

"May I know your name milady?" 

Did he just asked of my name? I feels like flying in the sky. I can't believe this happening to me. He wants to know my name before I could answer him with my sweet girly voice that I have prepared to charmed him with, Marcus blown everything!

"Her is Emily" he said and the boy to gaze at him. "Emily" he repeated my name lovely on his lips. I love it! 

"May I know yours too?" 

"Marcus, just call me Marcus" 

"Marcus" he repeated and smiled. Wait why didn't he smiles when he repeated my name? I thought to myself. 

"You guys have a nice name. Can I ....." Before the boy could finish his words, Marcus dragged on me to stands up. 

"Sorry but we have to go. We can't keep our father waiting" Marcus said and bowed. I don't know the reason he bowed but I did too.  And the same time, I hate to leave. I don't want to go, who knows if he was going to propose to me that day and Marcus ruin it! 

The way he looks at me, tell a different story, I couldn't say a word as Marcus dragged me along with him forcefully.  I looked back, he was still here, staring passionate at me with a plans of moving. 

"Can we meet he again!" He shouts 

Marcus turned and looked at his direction, we are a bit far from each other but he makes his voice more audible to be heard from mile away. 

Does that means he was dying to meet me again? That's what I thought then, that's the feeling I had for him then even until this days.  But Marcus didn't say anything and keeps on pulling me along with him. 

I waved at him, thinking that might be the last day we meet him again in our lives but that marked that begining with our life's with him..

Even from a far distance, I can still see him standing and looking at us before his appearance disappear. 

"Marcus, do you think we might meet again?" 

"Don't think of such thing Emily,".

"But why? What if he married me, don't you know our lives would be better" 

Marcus turned his gaze at me fiercely like I said something I shouldn't have. 

"Don't you ever think of that, you don't know him and who he is!" He yells

"Isn't that what happened to Cinderella too, can't I just have a peaceful fairy tale story with happy ending!" I snapped back. 

"You are so selfish Emily, that fairytale only happens in story book not in reality. He speaks of dead and danger! And I don't want you to ever talked about him again! Understand!" This time he was way too angry to argue with. What the dead and danger he speaks of when he never even know the boy too... I wondered, as the word bother me.

He was breathing heavily and looking angry at me. I was scared, he never had show me that scary face of his before except toy father if he punished me or beat me up.

"You are just like your father!" I scored and ran away....

That was years ago. But now their closeness is more than lovers. I am still thinking about the words he said 'dead and danger' if he do speak of dead and danger while is he close to him now? .. isn't that strange?

There is something suspicious about their closeness. Marcus never hide anything away from me but since we find our way back to him. 

He started hidding alot. He was always out in the night and when I tried to asked him, he always says it works. I never understand what type of work they do that even in the night a man can't sleep. And when I tried to find out by following him, I would missed him and get lost trying finding my way back.....

There something going on and I don't understand, even then, we were young he still goes out in the night! 

Marcus is a pain in my ass! When I told him I have feeling for the Duke, he dash me out! 

"Can't you forever get it! The Duke is not for you and would never be!" 

Although, he said such haed words to me but that didn't stop my undying love for the Duke. I keeps on  pursuing my dreams despite the fact he fucked others women and choose lady Elsie as his mistress but that didn't not stop me..

Hoping maybe one day he would remember me that I exist and clenched me in his arms, where I  have long to be but that ever happened. 

He choose someone else, that even provoked me most!  But I chose to ignored all. My brother was a asshole! Even when I found a treasure on someone else, he still disagree! Everything about me was lonely and all alone, my brother never cares but he can cares for others, the black maid and Even a maiden that arrived earlier in the mansion. 

But me? I am no one to anyone unexciting Shadow that who I am...

Amazing! I laughed drawing out if my thoughts. The maids that were attending to my feet stopped washing and was looking at me...

"Hahahaha......" I continue laughing like a mad woman who had lost her senses, of course  I have lost all my senses. Would someone in my position would lost her senses? I am not getting any younger even though I am still looking younger and beautiful.  I need a man in life! Was that too much to ask! I need a love! The one I had never experienced before, a man who can makes love to me that I would love and moaned loud, was that so much! Was it too much!

"Milady, are you okay?" One the maid asked, and I stop laughing and looked at her. She was pale and looked dirty to me. That's how they act so innocent and them are evil inside! Just like the others

"Who told you to stop washing my feet you stinky thing!" I snapped, after what had happened to me because of that black maid, I would tolerate any rubbish for anyone maid whether white or black! 

Not again insulted by them whether they're warming the lord's bed or not I don't care!

"If you don't want to died, you better wash my feet very well!" I scolded at her 

"What are the rest of you doing!" I snapped at the other who was washing hair. "Do you all want to died today!" 

Them all shook their no, shrivering at the sound of my voice. That's what I want, their fears, it gives me so much joy seeing they suffer. Them didn't deserve anything good thing as far I didn't get what I want to be  happy, no one would! 

"Now wash my hair well if you want to live to see your five fingers complete!" 
