
Chapter 6 of chapter 5 The power of the Duke

The power of the Duke....

Lady Pearl Pov....

The news of the Duke helped a maid which no other than a black woman spread like wild fire over the city. Every mouth seem to blabbing about it in all corner of the City.  Even the newspaper have grabs on it too. Some even apply what didn't happen on it. Oh Mercy! I just pity for their poor souls, them didn't know what exactly the Duke is capable of doing to those that foolish crossed his path. A man of power and authority, I just chuckled at the fools who call themselves news casters maybe now them would be the ones to be cast away into their early graves.... I know after dealing with Ruby's and her family, my next mission would be buying the stupid news stations down. 

The carriage was still moving slowly on the road making the journey more boring. The girl seen soar as her face was buried on her feet throughout the journey. "You know you shouldn't take more pleasure on yourself, if you want to live" I said, ignoring her sadly state and viewing the window to the sunny day beauty.

"But my father would killed me" she cried, I rolled my eyes. Her father would killed her, she said? Little girl learn your lies to someone else not me. Before I appointed any maiden's I have to check on theirs background and things about their personal characters and issues. Like this girl Ruby have the bad Sense of manner right from her young age. Maybe, coz she was one of those children who where born with silver spoon and rise up rotten...

Despite her rubbish she displays, her father always support her in her ways. That one of the interesting part that catch my gaze. What a rude brat. I choose to locked down her name but the assistant who was managing her under her parents care keeps on insisting on her behalf. I had no choice but to let her in. I know her stupidity would take the best of her. But it even last for some days. I won't be surprised if her also display this attitude in the mansion but she made a mistake by playing it on the Duke precious diamond. What a fool! And now she seem innocent to my feet? Rubbish!

"My lady, please do something I can end up in the street with my family. I didn't know the girl was one of the Duke whore" 

"Will you shut your mouth up!" I roars at her. After everything she still have the mouth to call her a whore?  "Maybe, you haven't learned your lesson well enough. The Duke hates women with no sense of manner and that what you just played out in front of him ! If you want to blame anyone blame it on yourself!" 

Immediately she went muted, her head was down and she seem more saddest that she were before. I hissed away ignoring all her act and focused my gaze on the outside view. 

The rest journey continue in slient. She didn't dare to utter any word out of her mouth. 

Within a hour we arrived at our final destination. The honorable house of the Brentwood. He was one of the populous man in the society when it comes to farmyard. Now I know why the Duke ordered me to buy up his heritage.

When I stepped out of the carriage, Mr. Brentwood was always waiting outside his house. I bet he was aware of our arrival. 

"Lady Pearl" he stretches out his hands, wondering for hug. "You're welcome to my humble home" he hugged me and kissed my both cheeks. "Please may I have this honored?" He stretched forth his hands towards me ignoring the saddest in the face of his daughter. We walked into the his mansion, while Ruby's followed us behind. 

His house was miraculous lovely but not to compare to the mansion I lived. He ordered me to have a short lunch with he and his family on the dining table. I didn't want to but I have no choice but to play along. I know he must be heard of the news but pretend everything was unaware to him.

His wife was already sitting on the dining table, smiling lovely at she saw me, I returned also with a smile. And we all sat down on the dining table include Ruby's.

After a few minutes of eating, the jaw finally decided to speak out. "Lady Pearl, how come I hold this visit hope all is well" he said continue eating his meal. 

"Well, not that trouble but your daughter have be disqualified from the contest" I said. He gazed at her and returned his eyes on me.  

"Lady Pearl, I hope she didn't do anything worse that provoked the Duke" he said with a slightly smile cupped on his lips. I chuckled, men like the Brentwood are slient killers, I still don't get it when he sent forward his daughter despite he knows he and the Duke are enemy when it comes to business. Was he trying to set of his daughter to become ally for him and the Duke to unite? That's if the Duke had a eye on his daughter. But that a mess Mr. Brentwood, the Duke is someone too hard to fall for a woman. What a stupid man! Now I know where the daughter get her stupidity from. 

"So, Lady Pearl. Are you saying the Duke never wants to see my daughter again?" 

"Mr. Brentwood, I said your daughter is disqualified I'm not speaking french and probably you can understand English very well"

" I beg your pardon, lady Pearl. I didn't mean to be rude or rages. I know my daughter Ruby's and she would never do anything that provoked anyone" he said seriously. What? What the hell this man is saying? Does that mean he parentally saying the Duke is lying?

"Does that mean the Duke is lying?" I narrowed my eyebrows at him. "No no..... Lady Pearl, you get me wrong. Ruby's a good girl and never lie to us about anything. So, I hope you can understand there must be a mistake somewhere"

I was getting angry and furious with the way this duck man is saying. He should be happy the Duke wasn't here to hear the rubbish he was saying. If not I believe his wife and daughter would might have seen his corpse on the ground. 

Immediately I slaps my fingers, and a guard appears behind me, handle over a file to me. I unwrapped the file and read it.

"Mr. Brentwood, for your daughter inconvenience attitude in my grand ceremony by ruling it with her stupidity attitude. I here by declare upon her punishment for showing  irresponsibility act, her father wealth and position in the society will pay for it" I finished.

Mr. Brentwood was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe what he just heard. I love the look on his face and that of his family.  His wife started to share some silly tears I don't understand. Oh please woman, let my ears free.

"That's nonsense! I can't allow that brat to come and take all that I have worked for all this years all because my daughter just did some little mistake in his party's! That was so unfair!" I looked stunned at him and laughed. Fuck! It was funny indeed to see his face in that way.  I rise up from my seat and looked straight at him.

"You know very well, your daughter was not the reason for this. Have you forgotten that you and the Duke made a deal months ago. If you haven't forgotten I would like to break it down in the presence of your family.that depends on your choice"

"My lord, what is she saying?" His wife asked while still crying and also don't forget his rude daughter, who basically took her father character. She joined her mother in the stream of crying.  Of course Mr. Brentwood know what I'm talking about. 

"And so what! That didn't take him the right to take my property!" 

"Well you don't need to stress yourself because he had taken it already all your property documents are with him remember you gave it to me. So, get ready and pack your family out"

"Shit! That Duke trick me! Fuck! " He grumbled. But that didn't seem to bother me. I have delivered what I was told to do. So, it up to the fool to decide. I stood up and have my leave.

"Did you know Oscar is coming to have his revenge on the Duke of Hastings!" He said, I turned my gazed at him. My hands were shakily at the mention of his name. How did the Mr. Brentwood know about Oscar. That means he might be one of Oscar ally that explains the reason he was battling with the Duke in business field. 

"You know Oscar well. He's a beast in his own natural. That little brat you called master would escape that easily on he" he seem happy with the smile on his face. 

I swallow my fear not to be seem intimidate in the presence of this wolf. "Yes, Oscar might be a beast in his world but we all know who the beast is in this world" I chuckled.

"So, it's truth you betray him for the Duke!" 

"Mr. Brentwood, if you would like to live and see the next day with your family. I advice you departed out of this country before the worse happened to you because that Oscar you once claims on would be able to protect you and your family. That if you consider your lives!" 

"Asshole! You and the Duke are asshole!!" He keeps on yelling. I just ignored. There's no point of wasting my strength on someone who is already dead.

After my journey back to the mansion, a note was given to me immediately I stepped out of the carriage. I unwrapped quickly and check the note, it was written by Lady Elsie

The sex  mistress was coming back to Wales? The Duke have to hear about this immediately!