
Chapter 5 of chapter 2 Surprise shocked

Surprise shocked...

It's more then a surprise to all,  did he just walks up to her? And rise her up? No one wasn't expecting that kindness from him. Since they have been here, he hadn't shown any sympathy or emotions to anyone. But were glad he did shows it's to Lily. 

Lily was so terrified about the all process since morning, she was sweaty in her plams after the mention of the introduction ball that all maiden's would meet the Duke...

She didn't know how to tell her name to his face, while staring into his eyes. She practice all her way in the mirror before taking her bath. The other may think she's going crazy because of her weird attitude, but she was doing it to clear off her nervousness. 

During the mention of others girls names, she was praying not to be call today or the next day. She wasn't ready. Not ready to meet up a man for the first time. Her legs and hands can tell it . She was frighten and scared. What's of she  blow it up? And rude everything that bought her here? Her father will eventually killed her. 

The only way she seem herself escaping from the hands of her father and step- mother was for her to get married to a wealthy man in the society, that can increase the wealth of the family, that happened to the Duke. He was prefect for the target, very much prefect.  

 But her mother told her to go for marriage with love not for wealth. That's her plan she wanted and wished for her life. A man that would love her for love, true love. Not a contract marriage about wealth and power. 

She sighed all day looking at herself in the mirror like a lost puppy, but Isabella was there for her, to courage her, she will do great.  Isabella was the first girl that truly accepted to be her friend not from wealthy high. 

She didn't have a friend besides, because all seen fake to her. She wished she was a maid just like her. There will be no need for marriage and no need for controls. Yeah,  if she eventually become a maid, her life will still be ordered around but she didn't care at least she would be seen free from her father brutality. 

A lady that need a simple life, and prayed she finds it. Her plan was if she was not choose by the Duke. She would run away, far away from Wales. 

The crowd were still in shock.. the Duke, of ball people? It's was more than a shock to the eyes of them that know very well who theirs Master is....

"Are you okay?" He asked,

The young lady riseup her eyes in surprise, was she daydreaming about her prince charming? She blinks her eyes twice to see again it's was the Duke. 

 "I...I ..."  

He drags her hands,and lift she up.

She couldn't stands her ground, as she trembling along the way, he held her on the waist. She swallow up as her face match his face. Her eyes widened at his dangerous beautiful eyes. 

"Are you that slippery with floor?" His exotically voice asked. The woman was terrified, his wrist were round together on her waist. And their  lips almost touch, like she was hold by the  man ,she was so terrified of meeting.  Her gaze locks to his .

"Are you that terrified of me?" He asked, from that moment she fell down the stage and trembling in his hands. Of course, she was scared of him. He didn't need to ask about that. It all shows  in her face. 

She remains mute, as the words refused to come out her mouth. They stood up, she looked around and saw all eyes blinks on them. She felt even more shy. She wasn't expecting her entrance to cause this scene. She scratch nervously  on her hair, what just happened, she was asking herself.

She looks down, holding on her yellow gown, bitting on her lips. She didn't know what to do next. 

"So what's your name" the Duke asked, to break the awkward situation she's feels. 

"My name is Lily Noah" she stermmer, teeth still bitting in her lips. 

"Lily Noah, may I have this precious dance with you?"he asked. 

She nods shyly and took his hands, his wrist drags slowly on her waist, counting on the steps she took. Meanwhile, the Duke focus his eye at the direction of Isabella, she was watching and hoping her lady didn't makes any mistakes that's would provoked the Duke because she still seem him as the devil.

"Can I asked you a question" the Duke whispered slowly into her ears. "Yes my lord" she answered precisely.

"Anything the lord asked" she adds

"Why do you share your meal with maid you don't know" 

"You mean to said Isabella? She might be maid to you and in your mansion but she's a truly friend to me" 

He chuckled, hearing the words of the lady. 

"Have you met her before?" 


"Then how did you consider her as your friend when you know nothing about her" 

She smiled, it seem the lady was finding her courage back, the one she has never have before. But she was surprised at herself speaking to the man, she was so scared to met ever since. 

"Why?, She cares so much to me without even knowing about me on the first day we arrived here. So, why will I not considered her as my friend, when she respect and cares for me that truly friendships" 

"I see, she only care for  you a night and you consider her as your friend? What if she turns against you. Besides, she's black and she could take her revenge on you with her past life" 

"You don't know her, that's the reason you speak rudely of her. Yes, she's black that the more reason I love her and care for her. Like what my mother said you can't just judge people without knowing them first. What if she judge you as the same way you judge her. Besides you're her master. That's doesn't means she's going to be own by you forever. She's a human who have her own life and dreams to follow" 

"I can see you have gotten your courage you long lost at home back." 

" I think she's my courage and I'll forever be grateful for her being my friend" 

"I see, you do like this girl without even knowing more about her and where she come from" 

"I don't have to know where she comes from because her eyes say it all, her pains and what her go through in life. That makes her incredible black woman I have seen" 

The Duke eyes find it way to her, there she is, staring curiously at them. 

"It seen she's worried about you"

"Of course she's that's what friends for, I told her I feel nerve of meeting you, I wasn't expecting to meet you today or the other" 

He smirk devilishly, the time is more that five minutes. Like the five minutes were over and they're still dancing and talking. The crowd stays muted at the Duke attitude to this lady. At all ladies, he never pass the time more and some couldn't be up to the time before he sent the ladies away. But the one catch his attention. 

That's what people thinks

"You're have found the bravest in you. Lady Lily Noah, your time is up."

They departed, " thank you my lord, for making me having this opportunity with you" she bowed

"No, thank you. For knowing who you really are" he bowed 

What? Did the Duke bowed before her? Her eyes widened and he walks out the stage. Lily went back to her seat with angry ladies eyes glancing at her. She ignored and smiles at Isabella. 

"You did it Lily" she hugged her.

"No, you helped me did it" Lily's replied.

The ceremony still goes on even after the Duke left the stage. The music still continue and all gentle man and ladies climbed on the stage to gifts off the stage. 

The ladies were back in theirs Hall,  loving the way the afternoon Ball party goes. Some were sharing their good time with others in the ball the maids were still with them, to helped them get ready for the evening. 

"You can't believe it Isabella, I was bold before the Duke, how that possible?" She asked taking off her gown by the support of Isabella. 

"It's all you my lady, you choose your courage to face the Duke" 

"Yeah, I know but I couldn't have done it without the help from you. You're my hero, remember you talked me out of it. Even when I'm scared" 

"I'm glad you did it my lady" she take off the gown and gave her a simple dress to wear.

"I have told you time with numbers, you should stop calling my lady. We're friends and friends call such other by their names" 

"I'm sorry Lily" she apologize and smiled.

"You're forgiven, now come here for a hug" the two caring friends hugged each other. Besides, the girl remind her of Marcus.

"Not so fast losers" Ruby and her friends approached.