
Chapter 5 of chapter 1The ball introduction

The ball introduction.......

It's was a quiet a lovely afternoon to start a ball of introduction of the Maiden's to the Duke of Hastings. I must say, it was a simple game lady Pearl chose to play. If you were bought up in the land of blood, you have to act and  think like blood sucker. But lady Pearl intention was pure and sweet like that of honey itself. It wasn't that hard to seem. A woman rise up in the hands of good and bad still seem to generate the heart of gold.

All she wants and all she did, She did it for him and him alone. She knows what hurts her most in life, she wouldn't be able to birth to her own child. And she remembers she lost her womb due to protecting him from that bastard. 

Now , she's showering her Love to him. Even though his madness still comes up once or twice on her, she still loves him more. All she knows even though he must have  be bought up to be like bastard and acts in a bastard way, his inside man still remains the same. 

She happily showcase her talent out, her best hubby she practice from lady Grace. The woman after her heart.  Slowly she dance in the Africa way, glorious appreciate the way she was bought up by her. 

The crowd were are amazed they seem so surprised about her dancing steps. She had never dance so beautiful before. But that day, she chose to display that one hidden talent. Besides, it's was gifted to her by someone special and the only special someone she had now was the Duke. Her godly son she adopted secretly to her heart. 

All hands clapped and cheers were made to her before the music stopped and change it tune to welcome the one and only Duke of Hastings! 

After, Lady Pearl Left the stages. 

All stands on their feets, to greets his presence, he was as elegant charming always. The ladies heart flattered to his devilish appearance. He was such a man up to the taste of any maiden's. 

Some of the Maiden's have not meet him or seen him before. But they was over warmed by his appearance. He truly the devilish prince.

The ladies were flopping their mouth to each other ears to get their words of compliments to describe the man that just appears and take his seat on the high table. 

Isabella rolls her eyes, there nothing she can do appreciate about him. Ever since they both meet, that brat always want to have his way on her and one thing still battle her mind

 If he wants to have her, he can easily do that but instead chose to torture her life.  She sighed turning her gaze away from him. 

Then the servants serve food and drinks to all the guest in the ball. It was instructed by Lady Pearl. You can't introduced yourself to with an empty stomach.

She jokes and everyone laughed to it. 

The maids still stands behind theirs maiden's. Lily was not into eating alone while her maid stays starving. She passed a spice of meal to Isabella. As first, she was confused while the lady had to split her meal.

"Lily, I think you should have it all, we maids have ours in the kitchen waiting" she tried to ensured her but Lily still insisted. She had no choice to argue with her and accept the meal.

Isabella bend down along with her bestie Emma and they both ate the meal together. 

Emma was amazed by Lily attitude towards Isabella, she do appreciate not all high class lady are rude. 

"Will that be okay?" She asked,  

"Oh yes, My lady, I mean Lily" 

"Okay" she smiled and backed them.

Meanwhile the deadly beautiful eyes have been piercing on them since all these while.

"Marcus" he called, And Marcus shift closer. 

"Who's that girl?" He asked, Marcus quickly get the eyes glared who he was staring at. Of course he was staring at Isabella and both the girl she served. 

"So you mean the girl, she served?" Marcus asked to get his guessing right.

"Yeah, the girl she served" he simply answered. 

"Oh her name is Lily Noah, she's the only daughter of Sir Noah from his first wife who apparently is dead"  he explained quite well to him. Before all these, Marcus have done all the searching for all the maiden's presented  there. 

"Hmm, I see. What an interesting family line"

"And one more thing she didn't came here on her own accrd, she was forced to be there by her father and her step-mother" 

"I guess her family are still a bit crazy and obsess with wealth and power"

"Of course, all family are obsessive with wealth and power" 

Lady Pearl cracked her throat seeing the boys lost in their discussion and in the front of others. 

They pretend to slient the topic of the discussion. "Don't forget, I want to know more about her" he whispered and continue his meal.  During the meal served, it was hard to hear yourself speaks. 

After a long while of eating, laughing and gisting. It's time for the ladies to introduce themselves to the handsome Duke. 

"I'm so nervous" Lily whispered feeling her hands shrivering. She haven't yet stands in his presence but she's was already out of points. Isabella tried to calmed her nerves down but this girl is flattening, she didn't know how to say her name in front of him. Her hands were so sweaty. 

The First lady was called to comes front and introduce herself to the Duke. That's was Lady Rudy..

"Lady Ruby!" A man announced before she steps front. She was so brave and smart. The way she walks could tell she was born ready for this. Like this was her life opportunity to show off all her hidden talents to the Duke. 

"Wow, she's so brave" A lady comment,  Isabella rolls her eyes, ignoring that, she knows her maiden will do more better than her. But at the other hand, Lily was completely lost in her thoughts. 

Ruby's walks majestically to the stage, she approach him. He took her hands in a gentle man way and place a soft kiss on it , she blushed, making a giggle sounds..

"My lord" she bowed 

"What's your name, beautiful" he asked, 

"Ruby Adams, my lord" she answered, smiley, 

"That's a quiet lovely name" he comments but there was no sign of grins on his face, As the man see cold. 

"May I have this dance with you?" He stretches out his hand and the lady half took it. They dance for about five minutes, with all eyes glancing at them.

After that five minutes, them departed. The next and the same process were repeated. The girls were up to 100 in number but only 50 could get the chance to dance with the lord today. Tomorrow, the others will continue from where last they stop. The ceremony was planned to happen for two days. And after that he could call on the ladies to stays time with each of them, inorder to know more about them. At the end if him didn't found the love of his life. The ladies will be sent back home. 

There have been 20 ladies that has dance with the lord. Some were brave and some, well cause some funny situation that makes the crowd laughed. While dancing with lord, some might forgotten their steps, others forget theirs names at the asked of their names. 

He hates all these but still choose to do it, Lady Pearl wanted he to have the love of his life. It's wasn't easy to keep up with the maiden. Some were too excited that they have to hugged him! That's wasn't part of the role but he playful accept it. Even though he hates when women seem more restless around him. He hates it! 

After 49 ladies, had dance with him. That last lady name call was Lily's Noah. Her heart almost skipped at the mention of her name. She breathe in, takes a deep thoughts, and stares at Isabella. She nods approving her to go further. She steps out, her legs were shrivering to walks. She couldn't looks up straight to the man, she was walking up to. 

Her breath was getting difficult for her to takes in. " Lily"  she call on to her name, "you can do this". Just the last step to the stage. She fell down. 

Making the crowd to makes a surprise sounds. 

"What a loser" Rudy mumbled. Making Isabella to look disguising at her. 

But something surprised the all crowds. The Duke left his spot and walks up to her. 

"Are you okay?" He asked,

The young lady riseup her eyes in surprise, was she daydreaming about her prince charming? She blinks her eyes twice to see again it's was the Duke. 

 "I...I ..."  

He drags her hands and lift she up. 

This was shocking to all eyes!