
Chapter 2 of chapter 3 Control


Duke pov...

I wake up as usual as always, whores laying on the both sides of my hands. Gosh! I couldn't get a good sleep after the all commotion of last night...

I gulped at the naked ladies, laying hopeless on each side of the bed. Despite the sex scenes I make them do to get my mind out of the past is still didn't happen to wash away the nightmares..

I grumbled and gets off the bed naked, 

"Thomas!" I called angrily, The butler ran in shrivering, head down to his loyalty to me, scared to look into my eyes. Yeah, they're all scared, scared to even stands close to me, besides that what I want and want to see...

Their forever shrivering at my sight!

"Tell Lady Pearl to get me a new decent room, this one is populated!" 

"Yes Master" he ran out liked a scared kitten,

I sighed, 

Slaps my fingers, and a set of maids appears, oh Pearl, she does know how to keep me updated, that why I trusted her most from all my employees, she's the one who understand me. The maids did theirs job, as they know the reason they were summoned, among  them I glared to looked around, As they helped wearing on my pants with shrivering hands. I didn't see the black one with blue eyes among them. Why I'm even bothering myself to see her attend to me? I told Pearl I need responsible maids and she offered these ones to me!

Now, I think I need a personal handmaid, the one I could trust, it's hard to occupy myself with lot of maids now the election of voting for a new head of state is coming up soon,

I need to protect myself, cause you don't know who would begin planning to take your life? It's can even be a maid!

I gets too uncomfortable with them and order them out immediately, they didn't spend a second, As though they never wish to being my presence before...

"Stupid maids!" I roars angrily, 

It's very early in the morning when I wake up from my one hour sleep, I watched back at the ladies on my massive bed, moaning, touching their bodies seductively.

Gosh, women! 

I slaps my fingers, and two butlers men appear, like the slaps of my hands known the demand of what I want..

"Get these sluts out immediately!" I growled,

I didn't know why I felt so anger but I love it, being anegr is one of my possession of showing people I'm in control! 

The butlers didn't waste any time As they drags the naked ladies out. Now I felt a little relief, I glanced at my tick tock clock, place on the velvet mirror close to the window,  the meeting would soon starts

I glanced out the window and see the clouds seem dark and tick, that's means it's will rain soon.

The dark shiny skin caught my gazed, is her, the same girl Marcus defended on the dining hall. I don't know what intention he had towards her but whatsoever it's might be I would allow that to take place in my palace! 

Never! Never in the history of members of my clue shows some pathetic sympathy to a commoner like her. A black!

Just looking at her reminds me of the past! 

She's the one peeping on us last night I don't why a maid like her had a affects alluring that alarmed her presence.. just about thinking of looking away the rain starts  dizzy  heavily like it's never descended on the earth before..

Just there.... I saw her imaginable appearance, they all ran out to a covered roof, Yeah idiots! Just a drops of rain scared them, pathetic fools! I growled to myself

"Fuck!" I gazed away, sat on my massive bed, and stays slient. Why? I don't know, it's not I'm thinking of something or memorizing one. I just muted, I felt a peaceful sounds coming outside the crazy rain. What's will that be? I ask myself, should I  go and peep on it? Yeah, that's a good idea. I stood up again, and found myself staring through the window. The black skinned girl was the only one left in the rain, but why? The little lamb seen happy like she's was never a maid whom was signed under a duty. 

I watched her causally, those lovely hips, Her clothes had gotten wet and glue to her skin. Her hidding hips shape can be seen that was the first thing that catch my attention.

Her beautiful smile that makes me also smirks, She seem free, free like a bird, what the fuck is wrong with this girl? She continues her childish act in the rain not minding she might fell sick, 

She takes off her gowns, Wow 

I was amused by her black shiny skin just liked avocado oil. Her curly hair fell sleepy on her face but I could see that pinkish lips shiny it's own color out. 

She's crazy! Crazy black woman...

She thought no eyes was on her but mine is 

I glanced at her, feeling impossible to look away, what charms have she curse on me, the view of her sight was mesmerizing, so difficult to escape her spellbinding!

By gulped at her, I want her, I want all of her, I don't care if her skin color was the same with me besides just be one of my fuck dolls 

I was now glue to the window, I was unmovable, withouts laying a hand on her and she's already making me feel this way? 

My monster down and rise up like a stick branch, I looked down and seen I'm a bit wet! But how? No woman has makes me wet this way without fucking her first, This is so embarrassing!

I felt the door opened, but didn't turn, 

"Master, your breakfast is ready" lady Pearl alarmed, I just know is her and no one else, she's the one who has the courage to walk into my room without getting stumbled or nervous but not when she's in my presence, Lady Pearl she has always be, hmm....

"Is waiting for you in the dining hall" she adds, 

"Bring it up" 

"You say.. my lord?" She murmured

I turn my glance at her, "I said bring it up, don't make me repeat myself twice" I warned, 

I can see the frighten in her eyes as she stumbled her way out, Yes that what I always want to see in them, fears...

I smirked, turned my gazed on the precious diamond in the rain, ouch! What a precious diamond she would soon be.... 

This brat don't wanna leave the rain, WOW

Interesting, she seem not to get tried or feeling any signs of cold..

I heard a moving tray sounds, it's Lady Pearl and her loyal maids bringing up my meals.

"This way " she instructed, the butler moves the tray closer to the massive bed entrance.

"No!" I ordered, "not there but here" I pointed at the area I'm standing, Lady Pearl seem surprised, I have never eat close to the window before but I have a reason this time, I want to watch that diamond to my satisfaction.

"Alright, my lord" she instructed they to moves to the window side, I gave them the space to do whatever they need and move out, cause I'm missing some parts of the show.  Lady Pearl did her usual thing, taste the food and make sure everything are in the right order, she glanced outside, And something catch her attention...

"Lady Pearl, I'm waiting" I broken her views

"Done my lord" she stumbled 


A couch was carried by one of the butler from the other side of the room close to the tray, for me to have a comfortable seat.

"Enjoy your meal, master" Lady Pearl said, AS I sat down..

They stands behind me, "Out!" I ordered

"But Master.... You need..." 

"I said Out!" Without turning my glared on her,

She couldn't  argued " Anything you say my lord" she left along with the maids and butlers.

Now, where do we stop my diamond? 

I smirks, just the evil smirk that appears on my lips when I want to do something dangerous or dark, by dark, I mean kill 

This black lamb never seen running out of energy, what a show I would never forget. I rest my back well on the couch and pin a piece of the meat inside my mouth, watching that lamb move her waist 

I sip from the cup of wine, well I can't get tried too, let's us just enjoyed ourselves like no one is watching...

Feeling smooth with her excitement of the rain pouring on her beautiful skin, I just can't wait to have her on my arms. Then the fun room get spoiled

"Isabella!!" I heard someone calling her name, So, this lamb name is Isabella, what's an interesting name for an interesting lamb 

I saw the way she seem hard to eyeing through the rain, she looks up, and look around again before heading out of the rain 

What a kid! I slaps my fingers, immediately, the maids ran in. 

"My lord" them bow down their heads,

"Clean this mess" I said smoothly, wiped off my mouth and head out the chamber.