
Chapter 2 of chapter 2 scared?!


Isabella Pov...

I glared at the door carelessly, the knock becomes loud and noisy, My heart race faster, I can't even move away for my cubby position. 

Is it the unknown man at the door? I asked myself with thoughts of fear zipping in and out of my mind, I can't believe this! Please Lord save my soul, I cried.

"Emma! Isabella! Open the door!" 

The voice sounds familiar, that must be one the workers, are they done? Is the party over? I looked at the clock place on the center wall of the Hall, it's 4:00. I quickly move out of the bed and went to open the door. Indeed wasn't the unknown man but the maids, that's a relief

"Why did you opened the door"  A young lady asked,   "sorry we were fast asleep" I replied and bow down my head respectfully,

They all came in but not up to the total amount, I guess some are still serving at the party and others was instructed to take a break. 

I went back to my bed, feeling not that scared rather terrifying, I planned on sleeping but no came, my mind still race on what the men were loading in the carriages. ...

I barge back to the window to peep again if they're still there but none, all were gone include the carriages, I don't want anyone to get suspicious of me, I went back to my softly bed.

Within five seconds the morning bells rings!

Calling for morning duties! 

"What the fuck!" Someone shouts desperately

Well, welcome to the world of duties...

The sun wasn't that out but it's reflection twinkle on our faces, it's was very early in the morning, we can still heard the cock roared. we had to clean all surrounding of the mansion today, it's a must to do duty! Both kitchen staff or none. 

The work today was messing, As every step seen weariness to me, Gosh! Why do I feel this too exhausted! I felt so weak to even rise up the rake to wearing the rubbish caused by the upper-class people, must they be this mess? It's just a simple party to welcome the Master but hard to clean up! I sobbed

"Come on keep moving! We don't have all day!" A captives yelled, he was instructed to follow and superior us.

I heard a storm bangs, looked up to the sky, the clouds seem darker than before, believe it or not, the rain is going to plunge any time soon. 

"Keep up!" The captain roars this time, rushing us to pack up the dust faster before the rain leaned in. 

Unfortunately, there was no time to hurry up, the rain immediately fall down with force! Every drops hit a throwing stone from above, everyone ran to for a cover include the captain, who went back inside. We intended to wait for some time, conspiring maybe the rain would stops any time soon. But to no invalid the rain increasing more than ever...

Some of us couldn't wait and went in to attend to other chores available. I couldn't stop myself from glared at the dropping water from above. It's had been a while, watching the dropping of the rainy, at the end of dropping a beautiful rainbow always appears in the sky. I remember, mother once said, it's makes of yummy candy candles, I always licks in my lips when I see the rainbow appearance on the sky but later was taught by my teacher, isn't made of candy candles instead it's have beautiful colors and was made by God!

I gasped, I wants to feel the waterfall on my skin, it had been long playing in the rain with my playful mates. I looked around and was surprised no one were around, all had went in! 

Wow! I exclaims excitedly, a chance to experience my childish freedom! I first steps in a foot and I felt  the rain twinkles on it!

It's felt so amusing! It's did felt odd but I don't care, what I'm thinking now was freedom! To do whatever I liked and feels!

I stepped in my other foot and felt same vibration, I giggled, it's did sounds foolish and childishly of a twenty one girl playing childly with the rain but this lady didn't gives a fuck! 

I jumped in excitedly, feel that my world had finally comes to it owner. I spread my hands widely like an eagle send to fly free! 

A new feelings cupped on my belly, giving it, its finally explosion! Hell no! I loved this!

This was new, since I felt no control of myself, I immediately tossed off my clothes, exposing myself careless to the rain to bath on, I was only on my long pants and singlet covering my top.  Of course, this sounds stupid! 

But there was joy in my heart, the one I once felt when she's was around me, my mother! Ensuring I'm saved, save with her.

"Mother, I miss you" I whispered 

Suddenly, I heard Emma voice calling, I turned to see her behind my shoulder but it was hard to take her perfect view, caused the rain was drops harder and heavily than before. My curly hair had sleepily covered my face, at same time, I felt a strange gaze on me, its create a scary aura, also felt dark same as the last night gaze. Was I watched? I looked around but hard to see hills ahead of me, As the rain falls violently on me.

"Isabella!!" I heard Emma called again, she waved her hand at me, she was standing at the edge of the previous cover roof we first stand on. 

I beamed nicely, and ran to meet her. She had bought new dry clothes for me, since I childishly wet the first in the rain. 

"You must be kidding!" She yells, "don't you know you might caught cold from the rain?" 

I nodded, ensured her I knew about that.

"It's have been long, I tried that"

"So, you decide foolish to try it today?" 

"But it the first time I have seen rain fall here on Wales"

She sighed tiredly...

It's true, this the first rain I saw rain falling on Wales since we arrived here, it's not my fault I can't control the pleasure inside me. 

She looked disappointed at me. "hurry up" she instructed, "well, you have to look around for anyone coming in"

"You mean to say any male"

"Yes!" I nodded along, 

"Alright," she rolls her eyes and glared around protectively, "done!" I sounds after two minutes.

"Good, back to work!" She summoned, and I followed her lead.

Lady Gogo was curious to see us, 

"Where have you girls been?" She asked angrily, " well lady Gogo, Isabella was under her state" Emma stuttered, 

"What's state!" She growled, 

"Her menstruation state" Emma whispered to her ears,  her eyes widened, she looked at me surprisingly, what? Can't a girl of twenty one get her menstruation state?

"Are you okay now?" She asked, that was unexpectedly, is that Lady Gogo I once know? Since I arrived here she had never showed any signs of sympathy to any workers.

She's always harsh, and shouts alot! Giving one Order or the other. Now, she's asking me if I'm okay? I think I must being dreaming!

"Oh, take a seat I'm coming" she left, I looked surprisedly at Emma, whom seen shocked too. "is this Lady Gogo?" She asked

"I don't know" I replied. 

A few minutes later, she came back with a grey bottle, she opened it and instructed Emma to help her with a cup, which she actually did. She pour out the drak looking liquid, aging it to the right amount.

"Take this" she handled the cup to me, I took it and glared at Emma whom seem amused by all the acting, she suppress herself from laughing out.

I know she loved what she seen 

"Hurry up I'm waiting!" She ordered,

I glanced at the cup and drank all the liquid in it, it taste soar and bitter! What the hell did she give me? I didn't bother to ask her what the liquid works for..

Getting the satisfied face, She said " it's will helps reduce the pains and lightening your body"

"Oh really?" 

"Yeah, now get back to work!" She yells.

Yes! That's the Lady Gogo we know, she's back! 

Along the way, Emma whispered

"I told you not all white are the same, whatever happens back in Lord Mayors should stays there" 

I smiled, maybe this time she's right

She does speak as her 

My mother . ...


Note of appreciation...

I do appreciate you going all this way to volume 2. I want to let you know that everything you're reading in this book actually didn't happen, I just creating it from my own creativity due to path of slavery back century ago. Besides this book didn't involved slavery but only acknowledge the standing up of  Blacks in the society

Don't found anything violent in this book cause it being written not to violent the views of readers but to lighten up their days.

So .... Stick around and continue the good job by reading and recommend to your friends, we haven't get our happy ending yet!


Still wants to know what await Isabella and the young Master

Then.... Stick around