
Chapter 13 of chapter 3 Isabella revelation

She seated on a stone in the middle of the field staring at the direction of the big mansion while the other children were playing messily on the ground. 

The field was way too far from the mansion like it going to takes up to two hours to three hours to get there.

A little girl of her age hits on her playfully. 

"What are you staring at?" The little girl asked.

" The mansion" she quietly replied.

"The mansion? What's about the mansion?" The curious little girl sit down close to her. But she wasn't sitting on anything but on the dusty ground.

"My mother warned me not to go close to the mansion without her consent" 

" But I thought you support your mother in the kitchen. Why did she say so?" The little who was interested to know what Isabella was thinking asked. 

"I don't know, I told her about the fancy carriage of yesterday and she scolded me harshly. Never to go close to the carriage or the mansion on my own accord" Isabella complained.

" Maybe she had her own reasons. You don't know what might happen if you get close to the carriage or mansion she warned you not to" 

Isabella frank her face more, forming little lines on her forehead., the girl she was explaining things inorder to consider her state wasn't helping. 

The girl stands up and dust her body. "Why don't you join us in the ring-go- ring play instead to sit there doing nothing" the girl said

" Don't worry I'm fine, you should join the others" she storming her face away from the girl to the direction of the mansion. 

"If you say so" the girl replied and ran off to the others. 

Isabella mind was still seated on the mansion, as she was curious to know the boy she first saw in the carriage. His appearance picture on her head. She wonder who he would be. 

Just in her thinking, she spot some children coming out of the mansion from a far. Them were escorted out by some servants to watch over them. After the dead of Sarah, parents start taking things serious.. securing the life of the children.

They should be the one to secure themselves not them. Since one of their kind was killed.

They do seem happy, laughing and giggling holding each other hands. Isabella wished she would be rich someday and experience the life the kids of the rich experience. 

She really wants a comfortable life that they wouldn't work day and night before them eat. 

Just then, she was staring at them and wish to be in their shoes. The boy who she saw in the carriage window comes out of the mansion with extra two kids besides him 

She noticed the one of the other kid standing beside him was the second boy she saw in the carriage. Even though the distance was far and not too clear to the eyes.  she can still tell  they were the ones..

Beside the left side of the boy, she noticed it was same girl who drags on him on the carriage. She was still doing the same acting with him. They wasn't playing with the other kids but was standing aside watching them.

Isabella wonder who those kids are, and why was she getting eager to know these strange kids. She bit on her lips as she keep on staring. Then, the boy gaze turned to her direction, the one that stands on the middle between the boy and girl. 

Immediately Isabella felt shy and hide her face in her palms. She slowly separate her hands to see if the boy was still looking at her direction. 

Of course, his eyes were still in that direction. She hide her face again. Her nervousness was getting to her when she realized she wasn't the only one in the field. That possibly means the boy might be staring at the other kids not her in particular. 

She felt relief and turned her gaze away from the mansion direction to the children playing messily on the ground. 

That evening she couldn't sleep. She sit up on on the mat and watch the burning lamb place on the ground.

"Mother" she call on to the sleeping lady. 

Her mothert turned to her.when she noticed the girl was awake from her sleep and she was wondering why the girl wake up so early in the night.

"Mother, do you know anything about the new kids that just arrived in the mansion? " She asked. 

Her mother was getting fed up with her unusual character. But she see the girl was curious of knowing about the kids.

Then she said. "No, I don't know anything about them. They're just some children of high people in the society. And I would advice you stay away from such children. Remember what happens to your best friend." 

The girl nods, and didn't asked any questions again. She really missed Sarah and doesn't want to remember the way she died painfully on the field that day.  She doesn't want to have nightmares about that again. With no further questions, she laid down her head back on the mat.

"You have to sleep okay, tomorrow is a busy day for us" her mother said and kissed her on the head before going back to sleep..

The next day, was busy day of all. One of the white kid in the mansion was celebrating her birthday. Isabella joined her mother in the kitchen with other black kids also supporting their mothers. 

The work wasn't that easy. But the children makes sure to help with the best as them can. Lady Eleanor, the lady that always wear big sunglasses. Isabella call her a nick mane which big google.

"Isabella" one of the kids whispered to her ear. "Lady big google is here" the girl said in a very quiet tone. They were packing the dishes out for a wash. 

Isabella giggled. The woman always makes her laugh with the way she wear that big sunglasses fixed on her face. 

"Where are the children?" Lady Eleanor asked while looking around to seen if any of the women make a mistake.

"They are in the backyard to wash the dishes" one of the women answered. Before lady Eleanor left to the backyard. Firstly, she checked if there are any meat missing from the pot or even a spoon of rice. She makes her eyes picture everything well.

She is the supervisor of the  mansion and nothing goes under her notices. She was like a spider web everywhere. Peeping on every movements of the blacks.

"Good" she said, when she didn't found anything missing in the food pot.

She head to the backyard, the children were playing with the dishes before but immediately catch the sight of Lady Eleanor approaching, them stop and pretend washing the dishes with serious effort.

"Some of you follow me" she said authoritative. The children looks stunned at each other. Because they didn't know who she wants to follow her. When she saw the children was confused

She muttered "useless blacks, never understanding simple English. I mean you you you and you" 

She pointed at the kids she wants. " Hey you with blue eyes" she called since Isabella was the only kid there with blue eyes.

"Yes milady" she bowed respectfully.

"Follow me" she instructed, and walks ahead while the children follow her behind. 

"What do you think she's taking us to" Isabella whispered to one of the kids. 

"Well, I don't know" the kid answer

"Maybe she is taking us to punished us to satisfied herself" another kid utter quietly from behind.

Isabella body start shaking, she hate to be punished. The punishment are always pains and suffering. She hate the sight of being flogged by those crazy captives.

She took them passed the kitchen, Isabella look at her mother with pleading eyes but she wasn't staring at her direction instead she was busy with that cooking.

After them passed that kitchen.

Isabella asked since she couldn't hold on to her fear anymore. 

"Madam, are you going to punish us?" 

The lady stop walking and turned to face the little girl speaking. 

"Why should I? You children haven't done any thing bad or have you?" 

They all shook their head, signal no..

"Good, then follow me and no questions. If you dare ask any questions again. I will surely punish you"  The lady said. And the children obediently follow he instructions. No one even dare to whispered again as they all fear the sight of punishment. 

While getting close to the big Hall. They start hearing sounds of music playing. 

Is lady Eleanor taking them to the Ball room but why? They had never be around when the white celebrate party before. They always stay mile away to look at them. But why Lady Eleanor bought them here.

"Now, you kids have to pick up the rubbish" she said and handle each one of them a bag to put the rubbish they picked from the floor. 

There were still people around and some having their meal on their table. 

"Start working now and don't you do anything silly because I will be watching" 

She take a seat while the children start doing the job given to them. While picking around, Isabella spotted some dump under a table. 

When she gets to the table, 

She bowed and said "my lords can you please excuse me to pick the rubbish under your table?" 

" Hm" she heard a sigh voice and lifted up to head but to her greatest surprise, it was the boy from the carriage. His beautiful charming eyes were staring at her like she was some kind of prey. He was damn looking charming. 

That day she couldn't picture his looks very well but now, staring at him in the same spot almost make her wanna piss.