
Chapter 12 of chapter 7

"Shut the fuck up!" Mr Mount growled angrily while his fiery eyes glared at the slient black woman. His voice send fear into the body of everyone on the table.

Immediately slience wear on the table. Everybody in the table can feel their hearts beating except the man who own the authority in the house never seen frighten instead he was boiling with rage..

His furious eyes glared at the shrivering Mercy. She knows after the Mr Mount would truly comes to her for demand answer. She didn't need  anyone to tell her about the devilish character of Mr Mount. But what she isn't understanding was Mrs Brett question. Why did she ask her in the presence of Mr Mount. 

Or have she finally recognize her face? Or what the maid said was true, did Mrs Brett knows along about her and to pretend she doesn't remember her? These thoughts battle with her as she glanced at Mrs Brett with surprise look. 

She seem pale and her face back the ground. She wasn't looking at her or even looking at anyone. She was cupped up with fear as her can feel the tension of fear from her husband looks. She didn't need to be told about that. But she needs to do that, she is the one who deserves to be treated like a queen not some dirty slut from the street! 

Inside of her, she was gald she her to do it. At least, the devil hatred had returned to his usual place. 

"I don't want any argument in the table. Let's eat in peace. Later, Lady Mercy would explain herself to me"  he said and continue thinking digging on his food. With slient gaze on Mercy. 

What have Mrs Brett done ?! 

Everyone ignored the event and continue their food in peace. After everyone was done, Mercy ran to her chamber in hurry and shut the door for no one to come in. 

The children return back to their playing spot in the open field ignoring the event between their mothers. While Mrs Brett simply went back to her room. She seat on the bed like a well delicate lady waiting for the bad wolf to attacks.

Within two minutes, the bad big  wolf shows up in the room with a burning furious face. Waiting to burn down the whole house.

"Why do you come up with such questions?" Imma he asked. 

Mrs Brett stares at him innocently, why she come up with that question. Well it simple, which woman would be happy that her husband treat her like a trash and treat another like a fairy. What the hell Mount, you take it too far.  She grumbled inside.

"I am asking you a damn question woman!" He growled like a wolf at her.

"Why did you ask her that type of question in front of me! Do you know how I hate my woman to be shared with another man?" 

His woman, did he just called her his woman, right in front of her? What the hell! 

She stands up boldly and walks few steps back to the beast. "You have no right to call her your woman in front of me! For Christ sake I am your wife and deserve some respect from you!" 

Mr Mount was stunned, Mrs Brett have never speak boldly to him ever since he forcedly married her. Now, the prey have guts to speak back at him. Such this lamb have forgotten where she belongs. Where he chose her to be....

"I have allowed you to fucked every woman you choose to bedded. Yet you have no love or respect for me? Who the hell did you think you are? I have given you all of me and submit to your Dominion yet you treat me like a cheat with no value in the world. How dare you to say the most powerful words to a complete stranger that you love her. How dare you Mount!" 

She even address him by his name? Wow this won gotten some balls. She wasn't consider what he was going to do to her after she poured out her heart. 

What a screen!

He laughed after she finished, she was breathing heavily waiting for him to answer her questions and all the bastard can do was to laugh at her? 

Fuck s ! This isn't going to the way she had planned. She thought if she stands up to him, he would admired her confident..

He stopped laughing and glanced at her with a face that can kill. "you have the guts to call me by my name!?" 

Suddenly, Mrs Brett felt her courage died off instantly and replace by a stormy fear. 

"You have really gotta some balls woman. You thought if you said our your heart to me, I will consider you as a valuable thing? When we both know you're nothing, absolute nothing to me but a fucking doll place on my hands. Have you forsaken how your parents sold you to me? Huh?"

These are the words Mrs Brett hate to hear, she hates the fact her parents pushed her into a regretful marriage. He will always remind her of that incident. That what he good for manipulating the mind it the innocence to find their weak spot. And that her  weak spot. Of her being reminded about the past. She hates it!.

"You are just a sex fool to me Brett. Nothing in this world would make me cherish youas a wife. Besides I paid well to your parents,  I even buying them expensive things every month. Haven't I been nice enough, after consider a trash as you for a wife, I still have buy your useless family who only long for money things. That to say I am a great gentle man"  he said amusingly, he likes the fact this was her weakness. At least, it would shut that fucking courage she had built. 

She had promise herself never to let out tears again in front of him, but she didn't know how her tears rolls out of her eyes. The next seconds,  She felt a dripping of water on her dress and noticed she was crying right in front of him. That even amused the bastard more. He loves seeing her on her knees pleading for his mercy. No! She can't keeps up with this anymore..

"You're a cheat! I'm so happy she fucked another man to give her a son! Thank God, it's isn't your son!" 

Mr Mount laughed, he knows very well the boy belongs to him. He was the biological father of the boy, there's nothing this woman would say to him that would make him change his mind from the boy. He didn't care if he was black or white but since he was a boy, he can inherit his property when he become of age. 

He had asked an investigator to investigate the life of Mercy after she had left his mansion. He wants to know every details about her life how she lived it all these 10 years..

So, whatsoever Mrs Brett was saying to him, was just a trash...

"Are you done with your trash?" He asked, title his head forward a bit. Making the woman feels more less of herself. She couldn't believe after everything she had said to him, he feel so amazing, after the tension of anger she had felt on this dinging table? She was even surprised that he hadn't rise his hand at her... That surprisedly! At the same time stunned, what have gotten into this man head..

"Too bad Brett's but I know the woman I fucked, she would never let any other man touch her except me" 

That word breaks her the most, this man is a devil! Yet he hadn't touch her or planning to beat the hell out of her but his words was enough beating compared to the physical beating...

"You know the woman you fucked?" She asked staring at him with painful eyes. Why did he loves seeing her this way. Can't he for once consider her as a human being with feelings. Is that the way he despise her so much and yet he still married her? 

"You know the woman you fucked and yet you married me?" She laughed, it fucking amusing to her. Mr Mount wasn't bother with her laughter, he had most important thing to do like going to Mercy and fucking her. He only came here to warned her not to speak bad about his son that way again... 

"Well too bad her life seen less in the society, that the reason you can't show her out but only fuck her secretly but no matter how many you fucked, you will still return back to me to keep your dirty image well for the society to still keep their respect to him. If not your stupid images would be damage!" 

That truth, all she said was the damn truth. Despite his dark character he still needs a shade to hide on and that's her. Mrs Brett was the shade.  That word really gets into his bone that he couldn't take more of her insults. 

He drags on her hair forcefully and pulled her closer to himself. While the woman was crying in pains, the force he used on her was unbearable. "I guess you like to been beaten before you get back to your rightful sense of thinking. Huh?" 

Unknown to them, a pleading eyes were watching the all events behind the door. Now , she knows the truth! 
