
Chapter 10 chapter 5 Bad Aura

Mrs. Brett walks up to her. " I know you are terrified but you don't have to worry. My husband is not that lover of black people but I will sure he would be a problem to you and your son" she said, trying to give the woman her assurance. Even though she knows it would be that easy to copied with her husband but she wants to try. She was to do it for the sake of her daughter and the sake of the boy who helped her daughter...

Mercy just nodded while inside of her was dying. She didn't know what to do or thinks! The only that appears on her head was the way Mr. Mount was smiling suspicious at her. She just hope that he shouldn't recognize her at all...

"Let me get the maid to show you your room" she said and claps her hands, and the same maid appears again.

"Milady" she bowed. "Please take them to their room" Mrs Brett instructed and the maid simply show the way, Mercy thank Mrs. Brett before she followed and the kids runs along carry the trays of fruits. 

Quickly, the maid grabs it from them and carried it instance before them mess up the corridor.

While walking in the corridor heading to the room, the maid still gives her that suspicious looks again. She noticed and ignored. When they get to the room door choose for them..

The maid open the door. Matthew eyes lost in wonders, as he had never seen such a fascinating room before. It was much better and best than their old hut. The room had a massive bed up for a whole town people to sleep on. There's a table and chairs, also wardrobe for clothes keeping.

Like everything in the room seen fascinating. Him scoop in with Elsie running around to seen all the things he had never see before..

While Mercy wasn't fascinated with  room appearance, that's isn't the first time she had seen such a thing before..

So nothing seen news to her. She turned to the and said. " Thank you" 

"You don't have to be. But you're welcome" the maid replied. At least this time, she sounds a bit polite to her. She wanted to asked her about her first statement what she means by that. But she chose to wait for the right not now, not in the presence of the children...

She turned and face the kids running around in the room. She sighed " children, always full of drama of play" 

"Lady Mercy" the maid called and she turned.

"You should get ready soon before dinner time. The milord would like you and your son to joined the family for dinner"

Dinner? Her heart skipped. She swallowed and answer. " Okay, we'll be there"

"Come on Elsie is time for bath time" the maid called. " Oh my goodness! Can't I have fun for just  once?" She grumbled..

But Mercy walks up to her. "you don't have to worry after dinner, you and Matthew can have fun, and no one would dare to stop you" 

"Are you sure?" The girl asked. "Of course, very sure." 

"Okay, bye Matthew, I will see you later in dinner" she waved to Matthew and went to meet the maid. Before them sauntered out of the room. The maid and said. " Be careful Mercy, he might still recognize you" she said. 

Before Mercy could asked what her meant, she was out. What the hell is this maid talking about, why is she speaking in misery.



Mrs. Brett walks in slient into the room, As her hands seem shaking. She's scared of whatsoever that was coming before her, causes pains to her just by thinking about it. she tried to remains calm and swallow her fear. 

The room was fascinating and lovely, had a good scent of homely but atmosphere was filled with slience and fear.

"Close the door" A man command who was seated on the couch facing the bed and gulping on alcohol drinks on the stool in front.

Obediently, Mrs. Brett shut the door with shaking hands. He reclined his head on the couch, glancing at the rooftop.  His face was drown in anger and rages, smelling of bad aura..

Mrs. Brett's stood stillness in where she is, afaird to move further. She was shrivering and trembling, her husband of hers can be the devil almost all time. She folded her hands together waiting for his next instructions.

"Come here" he command coldly and the woman moves sliently to him. Her hands were shaking also with her heart  racing. 

Within a minute, she found herself in front of him. "You do have guts to speak when you are not told to. Huh? He snapped, but the lady kept quiet, her face was down in horror and her hands were shaking like she's in the icy toro.

"Am I not speaking to you!" He yells, still the lady refuse to speak, she was shrivering, and  could feel drops of tears dropping for her eyes. Even though she speaks that would make any difference. She knows the monster she had married. Whether she try to explain while she answers in behalf of the Mercy that won't tell his hands would hit on her. 

It's is better Tobe quiet and received the beaten sliently. 

"So you don't want to talk?" He rose from his seat and dragged on her neck tightly. The woman was struggling with the monster that had hold on to her neck. She couldn't breath well. Was he trying to end her life now.  But no matter how her hands tried, it of no use. 

"I am talking to you and demands an answer! Why did you speak in her half!" 

"I.....I " her word could not be heard as she struggles to speak but the man hands were holding on to her too tightly. 

"I have given you a lot of freedom these days. I didn't know why that your useless daughter you say you went to find didn't lost on the way" 

Mrs. Brett's eyes widened at his words, was he serious with that. Praying his own daughter should not be found. She knows the monster never like the girl. Because she is girl and wouldn't handle his business when he was gone. He needed a male child but too bad she had lost her womb due to this treatment all because of him.

Now he blamed her for losing her womb due to her foolishness. That one thing certain that hurts Mrs. Brett for sure. After all she had been through with him, he treats her like a rag! She shouldn't have married him in the first place, isn't not for her parent who were obsessed with power and wealth. Now, here she is beating up like a punch bag anytime he feels like.

"You are nothing to me Brett! Nothing!" He slapped her across the face, causing the woman to miss her stands and fell on the ground.  Why did he hates her so much with no reasons. All she had done was to be a good wife and obedient one. Doing everything he said but yet he wasn't satisfied with her. Despite the fact he slept with her miad in front of her, watching the way the woman was crying, she couldn't do anything and that she blames herself for her dead...

She never wanted the same for Mercy that the reason she helped her escape from the devil hands but the turn her life into more hell. 

"You shameless thing!" He kicked on her stomach, as she grumbled to the pains raising inabdomen. She rolls in pains, moaning.

"After you had chase away my precious gem, you still have the guts to talk?! Have you forgotten that you're nothing meant to me!" 

He dragged on her hair and pulled the woman up with it. " Your parents sold you to me remember?" He whispered slowly into her ears. Brett's regret that day, she never wants to remember the way she abruptly force into his home, and the way the bastard took her innocence with force. 

She was seem as nothing to him except a playing doll he toy with. Anything never mind to him and he was happy of the monster he had become. This man she was married to was more than evil! 

She remembers then, when he threat to kill her parents if she plans on running away from him. She was scared because she had seen him kill a lot of persons in front of her especially the servants, whose who didn't do things according to his will and made a mistake along the way, he strangled with his hands. He never mind who he killed, besides no harm will come to him since he was an important figure in the society. All trash's will easily be covered in no time and forgotten! 

She hates the system for working for the favor of the rich only while the poor suffers...

Since then she was ban forever into this horror marriage life they called marriage of happily ever after. No! Hers was happily ever after but happily ever after brutality in hell! 

Her parents knows about this but no one dare to speak to him about it. Besides, how could them when he bought them expensive things every month. That's all them care for, his money and richest.. The only thing her mother would say was all will be fine if she continues loving her husband, that all marriage are not prefect, she had to bear and consider her marriage if she didn't want people to mocked at her... That's that only shit that woman say to her, no One understand the hell she was going through everyday in the hands of this monster!...

"That means I can do anything I like with you" he chuckled devilishly and dragged hard on her hair. She grumbled to the pains.

The man watch the way she cried painfully in slience, while blood flow from her lips side. 

"Oh my precious wife, you are bleeding oh my God what I have done" I loosen her hair and hold on her face, cupped it in his palms.

"Now, go to the bathroom fresh up and put on a smile on your smile to welcome the new guests you bought home lovely like nothing had happened. Because if you make them left again I will sure to kill your daughter" 

Mrs. Brett's nodded, and staggering pick up herself to the bathroom. While the devil seated comfortably on the couch, gulping on his drinks like nothing happened..