
His Guardian, His Forever

Leo, born and brought up in affluence. But one day, everything is snatched from him by those he called family. He now has to struggle to make ends meet as he supports his bedridden mother and his younger brother. But what if fate has other plans for him? And by the way, who is this Dylan? Is his help genuine or does he have any other plans? Will Leo be willing to be with another man or will the responsibilities he has prevent him from indulging? Join me as find out and keep cheering Leo on.

Cate_mae · Politique et sciences sociales
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29 Chs

For You

After his father's demise and all the change that happened after that, Leo never thought he wold ever see a day like this anytime soon. He felt his love for this man sour to new heights. He didn't know what he would do if one day he fell out with Dylan. That's why he kept his feelings in check because he didn't want Dylan to notice how or what Leo feels for him and then cut him out of his life.

Leo tried to control the emotions that were swirling in his heart and looked at Dylan who was standing next to him near the railings looking at the city below, what's all this D? Are you hosting someone?" He asked nervously not knowing what he would do if it was true that Dylan was hosting another person.

"Yes. Do you like it?" Dylan answered and Leo's heart took a painful blow.

"Er.... I... I mean... Yes, it's beautiful. Who?" Leo asked with his heart plunging into a deep abyss. He couldn't believe that he had, albeit for a moment, thought that Dylan did all this for him. 'Why would he do it for me anyway? It's not like he likes me the way I do. Maybe it's Emma he wants to marry and he has prepared all this for her?' Leo thought bitterly as he wished he was anywhere but here watching the man he loves be taken away from him and by the woman who took everything from him at that.

Dylan noticed Leo's change in mood and he guessed why so he tried to salvage the situation before Leo kills himself by overthinking.

"It's for you Leo. I wanted today to be special for you. I wanted to do something for you and this was the best I could come up with," he finished and pulled a chair for Leo. "Come, sit down and let's eat."

Leo walked to the chair and sat. He was pleasantly surprised by what Dylan just said. All this was for him? He looked down, let out a sigh of relief, composed himself and looked up smiling at Dylan.

"Thanks D. I really appreciate this," he said shyly and happily.

"Don't thank me yet. The we have not even just began yet. Wait until I pull out the surprise of the day," he said with a secretive smile as he winked at Leo.

Leo blushed from here to eternity with his ears turning scarlet. Dylan chuckled making the situation worse for Leo.

"You are so cute when you blush. You look... edible, " Dylan said with another chuckle and a smile that made Leo's heart swim in ecstasy.

"What?" Leo asked blushing even more. By now, the whole of his face was red.

"Nothing. What do you want to eat? Do you want to eat what I had ordered or you would like to change to something else?" Dylan asked changing the topic. He didn't want to be found out this early. He wanted to marinate this meat for a while before eating it.

"I know you made the right call. Let's eat what you had ordered," Leo said and at that Dylan pressed the bell and within minutes two waiters came in from the elevator with trolleys and started setting the table.

On the menu were a medium rare cooked steak, well grilled pickled tilapia, well garnished salad, Swahili biriani among others that Leo had never eaten for a long long while like cavier and foir gras in golden leaf.The food was so appetising and it was calling to Leo to be eaten. He could not help salivating and he asked Dylan eagerly, "can I start?"

"Of course. I prepared your favourites, so go ahead. Don't be shy."

With that, Leo dag in and he looked like someone who hadn't eaten in a while.

"Mmmm, this is so delicious!" He said after chewing a piece of the steak. "How did you know what my favourites are?" He asked as he continued to eat.

"I know you better than you think Leo. I took it as my work to get to know you," Dylan said as he also ate his food.

The food was accompanied by well aged red wine and although Leo didn't drink, he couldn't help but take a few sips after he smelt it and the smell was not as pungent as he thought.

"Don't worry, I know you don't drink and so, I ordered non-alcoholic wine for you. You can drink to your fill," Dylan said as he had noticed how apprehensively Leo took the wine like it was poisoned.

"And why don't you drink by the way?" Dylan asked.

"That's a story for another day," Leo said.

But Dylan wouldn't take it and he started nagging Leo to tell him the story behind why he never drinks alcohol.

Leo, however, refused to budge and bad memories flooded him but he didn't want to destroy this moment. He counted this as his first date with Dylan. and he wasn't going to destroy it for anything.

"Ai! Why has the atmosphere suddenly turned so heavy?" Leo said as he attempted to break the awkward atmosphere that was brewing between them.

"Haaa!" Dylan sighed. "You are right. Are you ready for dessert?" Dylan asked turning back to the normal comfortable mood that was there before.

"Yes please. I feel like I need a sweet thing after the heavy meal," Leo answered with an eager face.

He was waiting for the surprise Dylan said but he didn't want to seem impatient.

Dylan pressed the bell once more and this time, four waiters came in. Two helped clear the table while two set the desserts on the table. There was a piece of a black forest cake (Leo's favourite of course), sweetened black coffee and glasses of chocolate sundae.

Leo looked at the selection and wondered what to take first. He chose the sundae and started eating it. He figured that if he got stuffed before he could take the cake, he would have it wrapped for his mom and Kay. He couldn't help smiling joyously as he savoured the sweet taste. Oh yes! He had really missed all this.

All this while, Dylan was looking at him fondly happy that he could make Leo happy. This was an achievement in itself. He also took his sundae and started enjoying it.He didn't really like chocolate because he didn't have a sweet tooth but he ate it for Leo and he realised that it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Soon, he was also enjoying himself. By now he knew this man so well that taking care of him was easy. Leo was a simple man and pleasing him wasn't hard.

After they were done with desserts, Dylan once again rang the bell and two waiters came in to clear the table.

After the table was cleared, Dylan stood up and pulled Leo up. Leo looked at him with questions in his eyes and Dylan only chuckled. Oh, how Leo loved that chuckle.

"Don't worry. I just want to have a dance with you," he said and Leo allowed himself to be pulled into the empty space on the floor a little away from the table.

"Are we dancing with no music?" Leo asked.

"Don't worry. We don't need no music. Dance to the beat of your heart."

They stopped at the empty space and Dylan took Leo's right hand in his and guided Leo's left hand to his shoulder. He then started guiding Leo's steps. At first, Leo found it weird. But as he continued moving to Dylan's guidance, he found himself relaxing. He put his head on Dylan's shoulder and Dylan wound his hand around Leo's waist.

They moved like that for like ten or so minutes and none of them wanted to let go until Dylan's phone brought them back to reality.

Dylan apologised as he received the call. Leo sat down with a contented smile. He swore that of all the happy moments he has ever had in his life, that quiet dance with Dylan topped them all.

He promised himself to keep that moment imprinted in his memory. Even though he couldn't have Dylan, he now knew that he was someone Dylan valued. That was enough for him.

After a moment, the elevator doors opened and Dylan's personal assistant and head of his guards came in and handed an envelope to him. They conversed for a while and the man left.

Dylan looked at Leo with a smile and said, "it's time."