
You are mine now

It was a very hectic day at work today, I had so many files to work on and so many customer complaints to fix. I was extremely stressed as I walked home.

Nadia was walking gently in the calm of the night. Though it was pretty dark, her beautiful petite figure could be seen in the dim light coming from the moon.

The route to her tiny apartment which was more like a single room was very dark since they hadn't fixed the street lights yet.

Nadia had a very hectic day at work. She works in customer service so she had to deal with a lot of complaints and she also had to give a lot of directories on how to use the new product that the company she works in just launched. She never wanted to work in customer service. She has always wanted to be in production and design but since she had a very poor academic background, she could only accept whatever she got.

I was already very close to my apartment but it still felt so far. As soon as I got to the door, I realized it was open. All the stress vanished from my face and was immediately replaced with fear. I was worried that someone might have broken in. Although I am not rich and don't really have anything important, I was still worried for my safety.

I picked up a wood that was lying on the floor and began walking into the house gently but then, I heard the TV and began hearing slight chuckles. I relaxed a little and went in a bit faster.

"Mom? Dad"?

I saw my parents sitting on my couch and eating the only noodles I had left in the house while they watched a show on the TV. I dropped the wood and went to sit on the bed since they had occupied the tiny couch I had in my room.

As soon as they saw me, they turned off the TV and sat up properly. Leaving the pot with a little bit of noodles on my tiny table.

"What are you doing in my house"?

I asked and heard my father scoff a little.

"You call this a house"?

He said a bit quietly but I heard him.

"Well if it doesn't looked like a house, why are you on it"?


My mother butted in. She obviously could tell that I and my dad were about to argue again. We never got along and he was never really around anyway.

I and my mother didn't get along either but our relationship was still better than that with my dad.

"Look Nadia, we need your help".

My mother began but I cut her short.

"I don't have any money to give to you. As you can see, I don't even have a house".

"Who says we need your money"?

My dad spat out in irritation but then, he immediately calmed down.

"Listen, Nadia, we are not here so that you can give us your money. We just really need your help".

My dad was trying his best to sound like a calm father but I knew better. I knew he was like this only because of what he wanted to receive yet I said nothing and just waited for him to continue talking.

"Look, I owe some really dangerous people money and they are after me. I need you to step in for me, just until I can finally pay back".

'Step in'?

I thought to myself but said nothing out loud. With my hands folded, I just waited for him to continue.

"Uhm, by stepping in, your father means you should go and work for them just until we get enough money to pay them".

My hands dropped gently as I gradually saw where this was headed.

"Are you... Are you selling me out"?

"Oh come on Nadia, you don't have to put it that way, we are your parents. You don't really think that little of us now do you"?

"So tell me mother, what does working for them mean"?

"Listen to me Nadia".

My father said in a more authoritative voice.

"You are going to have to go with them whether you want to or not. If you don't, they'll kill me and then come for your mother. Is that what you want"?

"And what about me"?

I yelled as I jumped off from my bed.

"You've never even been around so I don't expect much from you but mom! Are you really planning on giving me to someone you call a bad person just so your scum of a husband can get away with this"?

I asked in anger but the next thing I got was a slap on the face. It hurt so much that I felt like my face was on fire. I turned to look at my dad who just slapped me and all his face said was he would gladly do it all over again.

I couldn't stand it anymore so I was about walking out when my mom rushed and hugged me.

"I'm sorry".

That was the only thing I heard from my mother before I felt a sharp sting on my back. My mom retreated and looked me in the face as I looked at hers as well. That was all I remembered before I slowly lost consciousness.

Nadia's parents quickly made a phone call and soon enough, a car was parked in front of Nadia's apartment late in the night.

Nadia's dad held her legs while her mom held her hand. They quickly carried her to the car and when they had succeeded in putting her in the back seat, they collected a piece of paper and signed it. They then waved the driver goodbye and the car drove away with their only child.

I felt a bit numb as I woke up. I was lying on a very hard floor and it felt like I was underground. The room was very dark and just as I was processing the fact that my parents had sold me out to someone I had no idea about, the door opened.

My eye was still a bit heavy and I was trying to adjust to the light when the door opened up. I couldn't see him clearly but I was sure that I was in big trouble. Just as I was still trying to comprehend who this tall well well-built man was, I heard him speak.

"You are mine now".