

"What are you doing here"?

I turned around and it was Kanada. I tried to hush her quickly but the maids that were talking had heard her speak so they immediately looked at me bow and dashed off.

"You blew my cover".

I said to her.

"What are you doing here"?

She asked again and I explained what I overheard to her.

"The maids were talking about me and Mr. O'Brien".

"Well, I wasn't expecting to hear that you were dating the boss from the internet".

"You have the wrong idea, I am not dating the boss I am just his employee and he is also my boss just like he's yours".

I tried to explain myself.

She looked at me with a face that showed that she did not believe me.

"Even if you are not dating, there is a high possibility that he likes you. Trust me, not just anybody can make the boss laugh the way he did in that picture".

When she said this, my mind immediately flashed back to when I saw him smiling in the restaurant. I must admit, he did look very different and it gave him a different kind of handsome look when he smiled.

After our little conversation, I went into my room to freshen up and since the entire situation was messed up, I felt he wouldn't want me out of my room so I decided to stay locked up until told otherwise.

Jason was on the call when he heard noises and the door suddenly opened. When he looked at who it was, he realized it was his mom, dad, and younger brother. Apparently, they had also heard the news and wanted to see him to confirm if it was true.

Jason ended the call and they all sat in the living room.

"Where is she"?

His mom asked. Jason looked at her with his hand resting on a chair and supporting his head, he said nothing.

"Come on Jason, are you really not going to tell us where she is? I have ears you know and they tell me she is in this house".

His mom kept insisting.

"Well Mom, in his defense, he has a lot of 'shes' in this house".

Derek tried to lighten up the mood of the house. His mom raised her hand in the air as though she was going to punch him but obviously, she wasn't.

"Why you!"

They then had a light chuckle and finally, his dad spoke.


Jason looked right at his dad.

"Where is the girl you are rumored to be dating"?

"I am not dating anyone".

His father was not having it.

"You better show her to me or be ready to marry Anita by the end of this month".

He said and Jason stood up and was beginning to walk out when his dad called him again.


This time with more authority. His dad said nothing else but Jason turned back and looked at him and said.

"I thought you wanted to see her"?

He replied and his father said again

"There is no need to see her if you are not dating her. It's probably for the best, we can just cover this scandal and let the public know that you are dating Anita with marriage in mind".

"I'm not dating Anita and that is not going to happen ever".

Jason replied in a calm but firm voice that finalized his decision.

"So who is it going to be? Anita or this girl that we know nothing about"?

His father asked as he was patiently losing his patience.

"You want to meet my girlfriend right? Fine, I'll introduce you to my girlfriend I did not want to burden her with the responsibilities of dating a guy like me but, here we are".

"And what is that supposed to mean"?

His mom asked.

"Well, we all know that when you find out we are dating, you will begin to talk about marriage and I don't think she is ready for that".

Derick couldn't help but applaud his brother's acting. In his mind, he felt his brother should have gone into acting instead of business because, last he remembered, his brother was definitely not dating Nadia.

"I have a condition though".

Both his mom and dad looked at him waiting to hear what his condition was.

"We won't have any discussions about marriage anymore".

Jason said making his dad ask

"Are you saying we have been a bother to you"?

His dad asked but he didn't reply and simply went upstairs to Nadia's room. After a while, they both came downstairs. Nadia was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and long blue pants.

When I got downstairs, I was so nervous I wanted to run back but I couldn't so I just greeted and kept my calm

"Mom, Dad, this is Nadia, My girlfriend".

The maids who were eves-dropping, gasped as they had just confirmed the rumors from their boss himself. A lot of things were definitely going to change.

Jason's mom stood up and walked close to me and to be honest, I thought she was going to give me a dirty slap on the face but she did the exact opposite.

She came close and gave me a warm hug.

"Oh my darling, I'm so glad you are here to make my emotionless son happy".

I didn't say anything at all and then, she let go of me.

"We should have dinner sometime ehm... maybe..."

She was about to say something when we heard Jason's dad speak as he stood up from the chair.

"Not today".

Jason's dad said standing up.

"I have an engagement plan to cancel".

He said and began walking out.

Don't get the picture wrong, Jason is well loved by his father and if anything, he and his younger brother are their father's pride. They have a peaceful relationship but his father can be very stubborn at times and so can Jason.

His father has been trying to get him to marry the prime minister's daughter for so long. Not just because of the prime minister's status but also because of all the rumors that were going around about his son.

Young people may be okay with the trans community but some of the old ones and people of high status are still coming to terms with it and one of those old ones was Jason's father. He wanted to get rid of that rumor by all means even if it meant getting his son to marry the daughter of an old friend which he didn't like.

Jason's mom rushed out to meet her husband after assuring Nadia that she'd come and see her soon.

It was just Jason, Nadia, and Derrick left. Derrick stood up and with a smiley face, he said

"Welcome to the family. Sister-in-law".