
It's her

As soon as I had punched him, I came back to my sense and gasped as I placed my hand over my mouth. This bodyguard wasn't as well built as the one I had seen earlier but he didn't look tiny in any way either.

I was so scared I began to apologize repeatedly.

"Oh my goodness, I am very sorry, I apologize".

I was going close to help but he quickly composed himself and said.

"Please go to the dining table now".

He said this without looking at me and he had blood coming out of his nose but it seemed he didn't want me to talk so I just left him and went to the dining table.

I didn't sit instead, I kept standing and trying to avoid looking at the man who was looking right back at me.

"You should sit".

He suddenly spoke and I didn't even think of making him repeat himself. I immediately sat down two seats away from his. He looked at me as I made it obvious that I wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

"You belong to me now".

He said looking at his tablet with no expression on his face. One could hardly tell if he was talking to me or the tablet in his hand. With the way he spoke, I could already tell that he was not much of a talker. But I wanted to know the job I had to do to pay up whatever it was that my dad was owing.

Though Jason was focused on his tablet, he had other things going through his mind.

'Doesn't she have anything to say'?

'Is she that frightened'?

'What's going on in her mind'?

'Ask me something, anything'.

He was still thinking to himself when he heard her speak.

"What am I supposed to be doing"?

I asked as I really needed to know.

He finally looked up at me. His face showed absolutely nothing. I couldn't decipher what it was that was going on in his mind.

He kept looking at me for almost ten minutes. I was becoming very uncomfortable. I kept looking at him and immediately taking my face away.

'What is this, why does he keep looking at me like that'?

'Goodness, did I make any mistake'?

'Did my question annoy him'?

'Can you answer please'?

I was thinking about all this while trying my best to keep a very straight face. Though I was very scared, I didn't want to show any signs. I knew he was trouble but I didn't want him to feed on my fear. He was a very dangerous man and I didn't need anyone to spoon-feed me with such information.

I was still waiting for him to give me my job but he just kept looking at me when a noisy person came in and began walking into the dining room.

"Bro!! You do know it's not fair to hear that you are back from someone else right"?

The man who just walked in looked like he was in his early thirties. He looked almost the same age as this man who bought me and with the way he spoke, I could tell that they were pretty close. Or maybe not?

"What do you want"?

The cold man spoke but just when the other man was about to reply, he turned and it seemed that was when he finally noticed my presence.

"Well hello, beautiful".

He said while dragging a chair that was close to the cold man.

"Bro, care to introduce the pretty lady"?

The cold man didn't respond but then, the bodyguard I had hit earlier came and whispered something into the other jovial guy's ear. After a while, the jovial man made an ohh sign with his mouth and then nodded as though he understood what the bodyguard was saying.

The bodyguard then stepped back and the jovial man turned back to me.

"Hello, my name is Derrick O'Brien I'm Jason's younger brother".

He said and pointed to the cold man whose name I was just knowing.

'Jason, Derrick'.

I thought to myself.

"It's nice to meet you".

He said and stretched out his hand. I knew it would be rude to ignore him but I didn't know if it was right to shake him either. Given the fact that he is my owner's younger brother. Since I didn't know what to do, I decided to bow lightly.

The man named Derrick awkwardly smiles to himself.

"I'm Nadia... Sir".

I replied rather quietly but I was sure everyone on the table could hear me.

It seems I helped the man with his awkwardness as he began to talk again.

"Nadia, really nice name. So... I heard you and my brother don't really have a nice relationship like..."


Jason called his name in a way that obviously meant he should shut up.

"I guess I'll talk to you some other time".

Derrick said and stood up. His brother stood up as well and they both walked out.

Jason and Derrick went upstairs to Jason's study. Derrick jumped on the couch knowing fully well that his brother would offer him something to drink. He knew his brother wasn't one who spoke much but their relationship was unquestionable.

As soon as they got there, Derrick wasted no time before he began teasing his brother.

"You like her don't you"?

His brother gave him a glass of wine along with a side eye and then sat down.

"Come on bro, I know you too well and I know you'd never accept a slave instead of collecting your money".

"For once, you actually used that brain of yours".

Jason said and Derrick immediately sat up properly.

"You actually like her".

"I'm not sure but..."

"But what? Please tell me you like her so I can laugh in the faces of all those people who called you gay".

"It's her".


Derrick asked confused.

"It's that girl".