
Is this you?

"You have a girlfriend!!"

Derrick screamed so loud even I could hear him.

"What are you talking about"?

Jason asked as he didn't know what his brother was on about.

"I'll send you a link now ohh and by the way, Mom and Dad are coming over for dinner so you'd better make yourself and Nadia available".

Derrick didn't wait for his brother's reply and immediately ended the call. Jason didn't think much about what his brother said. For all he knows, there has never been a time when he had a girlfriend.

Even when his parents tried to set him up with Anita, he publicly announced that they were not dating and had nothing to do with each other aside from both their parents being very close.

A short while after, Derrick sent the link and Jason tapped it. When he saw the heading, he wanted to read more.

The article started with a heading like this


Another one said


Another one said


All the articles carried a picture where Jason was seen eating with Nadia in a restaurant and laughing happily.

There were also comments like.

"Oh my goodness, he is not gay".

"I've always known he wasn't gay. He was never seen with a man either".

"Why isn't he gay? I've had a crush on him for the longest time".

"His girlfriend looks kind of pretty".

"Pretty my foot, she's a bitch that is trying to take our Jason away from us".

"He looks so happy. I've been working for him for so long and I've never seen him smile like this".

"I think I've seen her before".

"She looks really familiar".

"Can't we get a picture of her full face".

There were so many comments that even Jason was having a hard time trying to process it.

Kay was in school when the news broke out. Some girls who had been having a crush on Kay ever since Jason adopted him came over to ask him questions.

"Hey Kay, we saw the picture of the lady your dad is dating. Who is she"?

"I'm sure you've met her, is she pretty"?

The pretty girls kept asking him questions but then, a girl from behind took a milk pack and stoned one of the girls on their head. She threw it like she was throwing a shotput ball. She aimed straight for one of the girls' head and when it hit her, the girl held her head and shouted.


She yelled and they both turned to see who had hit them.


The girl who got hit yelled.

"Oops! So sorry, I thought you were the trash can".

"Ughh, you sure do know how to get on my nerves".

The girl who got hit said and both she and her friend walked out.

Kay was laughing as Fiona came to sit in front of him.

"You always know when to come to my rescue".

Kay said and Fiona raised her shoulder lightly.

"Well, what can I say? The more I help you, the better my grades get".

Fiona said making Kay laugh.

Fiona and Mason have been the only friends Kay has had since childhood. Mason and Fiona were both from wealthy families so they lacked nothing but not too long before Kay was adopted, Mason had to go abroad to continue his studies so he left just Fiona and Kay behind.

Fiona has always had Kay's back. She'd beat up whoever tried to hurt him and once in a while, she even got in trouble with her father because of that.

"So tell me, is your dad actually seeing someone"?

"I don't know, he didn't mention anything to me".

"Eyyy, are you lying to me right now"?

"I'm serious, I've met her once but I didn't know she was dating my dad".

He said with his head down".

"Is that why you look down"?

She asked and he raised his head to look at her.


"Hahaha, calm down Kay, your dad doesn't hide anything from you. Come on, let's go eat".

We had gotten to the company and for some reason, it looked like everyone around was staring at me.

When we got to the office, I got permission to go to the restroom. I was surprised that Jason had a girlfriend.

I was washing my hands when a thought came into my head.

"Ha!!! He was confusing me with his sweet words and actions. I almost thought he had feelings for me. Figures, how can a man like that have feelings for a lady like me".

I said calmly and quietly as I dried my hand. I was about to go out when two ladies walked up to me and asked.

"Is it you"?

The question was confusing. I had no idea what they were talking about. One of them removed their phone from their pocket and showed me a picture. At first, I didn't pay too much attention to it but then, I saw the picture again. I had to squint my eyes and move my face closer to the phone.

'What is this? It's me and Jason but... but... how'?

"How did you do it"?

One of them asked making me look away from the phone and look at her.


"How did you get him to date you"?

I opened my eyes wide.

"Huh? Date? You have the wrong idea. We..."

I was about to say something when a lady walked into the washroom and dragged me out.

She took me to the staircase and I saw that it was Miss Lucy, the woman who was assigned to teach me all about being a PA.

"Miss Lucy"?

"Let's go to the boss's office".

She said and began taking me there. When we got there, she reported everything that happened in the bathroom to the boss and just like that, we were on our way home.

When we got home, Jason asked me to go upstairs while he made a phone call. I was on my way to my room when I overheard some maids talking.

"I thought she came to work as a maid".

"Tell me about it. Something didn't feel right when she was given a personal maid and a luxurious room but I felt she just had a different story like Kanada".

"What are you doing here"?