
Dead or alive

As soon as I heard her speak, I turned to see who it was.

She was leaning on the door while looking at me.

Now this was most definitely not a maid neither did she look like a secretary. The only thing that eluded her was ego and money.

She began walking towards me while I just remained fixed where I was.

"A little birdy told me that Jason had brought a lady home".

After saying this, she scoffed while covering her mouth.

I knew her type and the only thing they spelt was trouble. They were the rich spoilt brats that got whatever they wanted while making other people miserable.

"For a moment, I was actually scared. Almost threatened actually but then..."

She began coming too close I had to move backwards.

"It appears I have absolutely nothing to worry about. You... you are no competition".

I could kind of put her words together.

She obviously likes Jason. They may be even an item but then, she heard he brought me to his house and she got threatened.

I had still not said anything. She was the only one doing all the talking.

"Stay away from Jason. I don't know why he brought you here but you had better behave like you don't exist. I wouldn't mind making your life miserable. Do you understand me".

I nodded with all my might. I had no intention of being anything to Jason aside from his debtor. After working and paying up, I'll be gone without a trace. I'll go far away. Away from him and away from my so called parents.

The lady whose name I didn't know turned around and walked out.

Anita Blake, the lady who just spoke to Nadia was a bit surprised that Nadia agreed to stay away from Jason without a fuss. I mean, who in their right senses would want to stay away from Jason?

Anita Blake was the second daughter of the prime minister. A beautiful twenty five year old with spotless skin that looked like milk and her long straight legs that she flaunted in her short dress. She wasn't a spoilt child she only behaved like one to keep people away. Naturally, she didn't like people and the only reason why she was attracted to Jason was because he didn't give her any attention.

But then, this girl... this girl didn't give her any attention either. This girl who looked like someone beneath her kept looking at her like she was nothing. She wasn't satisfied with this and just like that, she became extremely curious about the new girl Jason brought home.

Jason had a small house a few miles away from his mansion. It was in the same compound but one might have to use a vehicle when going there because of the distance.

When he finally got to the small house, screams could be heard from outside.

"No, no, no, pleeaaassee"!!

The man inside kept begging and screaming. But whatever they were doing to him didn't stop as he kept screaming.

Jason was walking in front with two bodyguards behind him. Miguel was on the right side while the other bodyguard stayed on the left.

The bodyguard at the left rushed and opened the door for Jason to come in. When the men inside the house saw Jason, they stopped the torture and bowed to Jason.

As Jason got to the front of the man who was being tortured, one of the men who was torturing him came forward and spoke.

"Welcome boss, he has refused to say anything. Kay is tracking all his accounts and we found out he has two flush accounts but they were emptied three days ago. We are still trying to figure out where he sent the money to".

"Where is Kay"?

"The dark room boss".

Jason nodded showing that he understood. Kay was a nerd, a computer guru, and a crazy hacker. He was being bullied in school for being a nerd and not having parents when Jason saw him and took him under his wings. Ever since then, no one dared to lay a finger on him again. Most people refer to him as the devil's first son.

Kay was an obedient sixteen year old boy and his darkroom was where he had his work tools. All his systems and pieces of equipment were in his darkroom. Just this room already showed that the sixteen year old lacked absolutely nothing in life.

Ever since Jason took him in two years ago, he insisted on helping Jason in any way he could, and with his help, no person or thing on this planet had been able to hide from them. This is because the devil's son did all he could to find anything for his father.

Jason bent down to the man who was tied up in a chair and covered with blood and all Jason asked was one question.

"Why did you do it"?

The man looked at Jason and he showed an evil grin showing that he wasn't sorry for what he did at all.

Jason stood up and took off his suit jacket. Leaving him with only his clean white shirt.

He handed the jacket over to Miguel and told Miguel something almost silently. After saying what he had to say, Miguel left and then he turned back to Mr Omil.

"Mr. Omil, you shouldn't have smiled".

Jason said with a cold face while waiting for Miguel to come back.

Mr Omil had heard a lot about Jason. Some said that he was evil, cold, and emotionless. Some even said he had no heart. But he felt they always exaggerated. To him, Jason was a simple and quiet boss that one could ride on.

Little did he know.

Miguel soon came back with a bag and then, he began arranging his boss's tools on the table. When he was done, he stepped back and Jason opened his shirt by three buttons and rolled up his sleeves.

He then took one tool that looked like a nail cutter but bigger and without thinking twice, he removed Mr Omil's index finger, completely.

Mr Omil was screaming as blood poured out of his hand.

"Ahhh!!! Please, I'm sorry"!!

Jason didn't need his apology anymore. He placed his hand on the finger he had just removed and pressed it which added to the pain Mr Omil was going through. Jason brought his face close to Mr Omil's face and said.

"You are gonna have to tell me where my money is. Dead... or alive".