
Another complex?

Kanada and I spoke for a little more time before she left to get my dinner as I decided to eat in the room.

I slept pretty early that day and woke up very early the next day as I was ready to resume work.

"You are up and even ready to leave".

Kanada said as she came into my room.

"Yeah, I can't be late. I have to go, bye".

I said and quickly rushed out. Kanada smiled at the rushing Nadia.

When I got downstairs, I saw Jason eating on the dining table. I rushed towards him and bowed lightly.

"Good morning Sir".

Jason looked at the lady in front of him. He didn't expect that she'd get dressed for work but she was, proving him wrong.

"You don't have to go to work today".

He said but I shook my head in disagreement.

"I want to!!"

I said almost shouting which made Jason look at me in a shocked manner.

"You didn't have to be so loud".

He said and I smiled awkwardly.

"Hehehe, my apologies Sir".

"Sit and eat".

"Huh? I can't do that Sir".

I said which made him look at me yet again.


"Well, because you are my boss and I'm your employee. I can't eat at your dining table".

Jason didn't push it and I was grateful. I went outside to wait for him with his bodyguards. In a short while, he came out and we were on our way. Just like the other day, I sat in the front passenger's seat in the same car he was riding in.

"What's my first appointment for the day"?

"You have a board meeting by nine Sir. You will be meeting with investors and stakeholders to discuss the new construction site".

I saw him nod from the rearview mirror and it made me feel I conveyed the message properly.

Soon enough, we got to the office and headed straight to the boardroom. Everyone was already waiting for him and as soon as they saw him come in, they all stood up to show their respect.

I've never experienced something like this since I always worked underground and was not needed in such meetings but I have seen these scenes in movies and it always baffled me how a young man could command so much respect because of money.

When Jason sat, the rest of them sat as well. Miguel, Jason's personal bodyguard was kind enough to show me where I would be sitting. It was right behind Jason but there was a little bit of distance. There, I had a person small table in front of my chair and I assumed it was for taking notes.

I saw a lady and a man sitting behind the investors at their table and with the way they typed on their respective laptops, I could tell that they were taking minutes so I knew I didn't have to do that but, I needed to note every important information.

Jason was at the very extreme of the long table while there was a man at the other end of the very long table.

"Okay, we'll begin today's meeting with a recap of the last meeting minutes".

The lady who was writing minutes stood up and gave a brief but detailed recap on the last meeting after which the big people on the table began talking.

"Well Mr O'Brien, what are you going to do about the leakage in the company? I heard someone was giving information to our rivals at The New Mind's company".

One of the stakeholders asked and after he was done, I saw a sly smirk on his face. One of my eyebrows raised instinctively.

"Why are you talking about that now? We only need to talk about the site".

Another man said.

"You are right, the building is almost completed and if it's done, we'll have about a hundred and fifty apartments altogether. That's all we should be thinking about right now".

A woman said.

"So you are all okay with the fact that he is building another complex without our consent"?

"Another complex"?

"What do you mean"?


The people gathered around the table began to whisper amongst themselves. It was obvious they didn't know about the complex he was building.

I kept looking at the man who spoke. Whenever he was done talking, he'd always give an smirk evil. He looked like he was trying to get the others against Jason on purpose.

"What do you think you are doing"?

Jason finally spoke for the first time since the meeting began.

Everyone suddenly became quiet and looked at him including the man who was causing the entire ruckus.

"I'm just stating a fact, Mr. O'Brien".

The man said with so much confidence.

Jason kept looking at the man for about a minute or so and I could see that the man was becoming uncomfortable and his confidence was reducing.

"Are you saying I'm using your money for a personal project"?

"I never said that".

The man replied in a tone that said that was exactly what he was saying.

Jason stood up and walked towards him. He bent so his side face would be close to the man's but they'd both be facing the people on the opposite side of the table.

"Your money and that of everyone here is not enough to build the apartments and you think I'd be able to use it on my complex"?

He said in a very calm but challenging manner that even I opened my eyes wide with how he just told them they didn't hold a candle to him.

"Are you trying to say we are not giving enough"?


Jason replied immediately and then stood straight. I couldn't help but look at how powerful and authoritative he looked right now.

"Well, I for one do not agree with the way you work. I believe it's time we put someone else on the forefront. You obviously need a little more experience".

Jason smirked and everyone looked at him. It was very hard to see him raise his lips. He moved to the front of the table and rested both his hands on the table.

"If any of you thinks I'm doing a silly job, right now is the time to speak up".

The man who had been complaining since earlier was the first to stand up and about eight others stood up with him. While about twelve remained seated.

The man who had been complaining since was looking at some of the people sitting and giving them questionable looks it was almost as if he was asking why they weren't standing.

Miguel went to Jason and whispered something in his ear. After a while, Jason nodded and Miguel walked out.

"I've been on that seat far too long to need any kind of advice from you".

Jason said with a brow raised as he looked at the man still standing.

Miguel walked in with more bodyguards holding very big bags. They distributed the bags to all the nine people standing.

"That's all of your investments in a bag. Take it, and leave".