
Am I falling for him?

"I want to be romantic with you wherever".

I kept reminiscing on those words but soon enough, I came back to my senses and immediately countered his comment.

"You should not say things like that Sir".

I said and then I heard him ask.


Without thinking, I just said whatever it was that first came to mind.

"You keep confusing me".

I said. I didn't think of what that would imply and just said it.

Jason heard what she said and in a way, it made him a bit happy. It just meant that she was finally wavering and that was exactly what he wanted. He has never tried to impress a lady before let alone be romantic towards her but with Nadia, he wanted to do ever with her.

He found himself wanting to talk to her for hours, he wanted to keep looking at her and giving her everything she could ever need. Be it financially, emotionally, and in every other way. She did nothing extraordinary, but she was the only one who could ever make him feel this way.

"How do I confuse you"?

I knew he was going to bring it up and I didn't even know how I was going to counter it but since it has gotten to this, I'll just tell him everything that is bothering me.

"You keep making this whole dating thing look so real, you... you... you keep making me want more and then, there is this Melissa girl who you will eventually be with later on and there is nothing I can do about it and it feels like you are giving me a thin line of hope and I don't know what to do and... and... and..."

Jason noticed that she was just saying everything that was bothering her and to be honest, he was very happy that she was finally saying exactly what was on her mind. Without thinking twice, he went closer to her, held her face, and pressed his lips on hers.

He wasn't sure about how she would respond. At first, he thought she would push him but she didn't instead, she parted her lips slightly which gave room for him to go in. He removed one hand from her face and placed it on her waist as he kissed her even more.

I knew I was beginning to say things that made no sense and deep down, I was beginning to question myself and thinking about why exactly I had to say all of that but before I knew it, I felt Jason's hand on my cheek and his lips on mine.

My eyes opened wide as I wasn't expecting it. I didn't think he'd kiss me but gradually, I found my eyes closing and my lips opening on their own. I tried to tell myself that this wasn't right. But it felt like I didn't own my body anymore. It felt like my body had a mind of its own and it just wasn't listening to me anymore. I placed my hands behind his neck as his own hand went behind my waist. He kissed me hard but gently making me pray that it never ends.

It felt like I was doing the right thing but at the same time, my mind kept telling me it was wrong. Because of how I was feeling, I instinctively pushed him away. Seeing the expression on his face, I said nothing and ran out of the office. I used the stairs and ran to the room which made me almost out of breath.

I sat on a stool I saw on the rooftop. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he actually kissed me.

I unknowingly touched my lips reminiscing about everything that had just happened in the office. I began smiling and moving around in one spot sheepishly without knowing. When I realized what I was doing, I shook my head stopped moving, and tried to compose myself.

"What the hell? Am I...? Am I actually falling for him"?

I said to myself.

All my life, I had never had the opportunity to fall in love as I was busy trying to make money and pay off debts but the only guy I ever dated turned out to be a complete dooshbag. But this guy, he was completely different. It took about a year before I finally agreed to date my ex but with him, It has just been about a month since I met him which made me wonder if it was possible to actually fall in love with someone so fast.

Then I began thinking, recently, I keep thinking about him. I want to see him and be with him. I find myself wanting to tell him everything and when I can't, I feel unsatisfied. This felt funny to me because when I was with my ex, he kept complaining about how distant I was.

Thinking about this, something suddenly dawned on me. I think I have feelings for this man.

I stayed on the rooftop for a while before going back to the office. When I got to the door, I opened it gently and put my head in first but it seemed he was not around so I went in and looked around.

"Where is he"?

I asked no one in particular.

Shortly after Nadia had left the office, Derrick came in to see Jason.

"Jas, I'm glad you are here".

Jason raised his head to look at his brother.

"What's going on"?

He asked as he was not expecting Derrick today.

"I need your help".

Derrick said sounding a bit desperate.

"I finally acquired New Worlds Entertainment but someone is claiming to be the real owner and says he is not interested in selling it to me".

Jason let his brother finish before he finally spoke.

"Didn't you go through all the necessary procedures before paying"?

"I did bro, I made sure that I did not make any mistakes".

Jason calmly asked.

"What is the person's name"?

It took a while before Derrick answered. It almost felt like he had forgotten the person's name but suddenly, it clicked.

"Ahh, I remember now, her name is Gloria, Gloria White".