
A white lotus

"Are you jealous"?

He asked which made me look him right in the eyes and scream.

"No!! I'm not".

I replied.

He smiled. He loved the fact that she was jealous, it created a feeling in him, making him feel a little bit assured that she could probably fall in love with him.

"I am not going to marry her".

He said but I did not believe him as I kept my face down.

Jason looked at her hoping to see her reaction but he didn't see anything she just kept looking away and it made him a bit anxious.

"Nadia, look at me"

He said and I gently raised my head to look at him. I could almost see the sincerity in his eyes but my mind kept saying otherwise. I mean, it's not as if he actually likes me. All this is simply pretense.

I did not even have any idea as to why I was being like this, I just knew that the thought of him being with someone else was very unsettling. Even though I knew he was not mine to begin with.

"It's fine sir, you can date her, or marry her. It means nothing to me".

Jason looked at me, this time, with no expression on his face. He did not look angry but I couldn't tell if he was or not.

This time around, I could not stop looking at him. I wanted to know what he was thinking, I wanted to know if he was angry because of what I said and to be honest, I wanted him to show some level of displeasure with my statement, but of course, I got absolutely nothing.

"You can leave. You should probably get something to eat".

I heard him say and before I could say anything, he was already standing up and going back to his desk. The way he was so focused on on his papers, I could tell that he wasn't ready to talk to me anymore so I decided to leave just as he asked me to.

I was already out of the study but I could not stop thinking about him. I stopped walking and thought to myself.

"What are you doing to yourself, Nadia? Even if he has been so nice to you, and your life here is far better than when you were free, he still bought you. Why does it feel like you are developing feelings for a man who bought you like you were a dog? Forget that, even dogs can never be both like that".

Thinking about that, it kind of helped me clear my mind away from him for a while and then, I went to my room where I decided to have my dinner.

"What's going on? Is he actually going to be with Melissa"?

Kanada asked as she had been waiting in my room all this while. Even though I did not know who this Melissa was, I could already figure that she was the first child that the old man was talking about.

Kanada was waiting for a reply, But when she did not hear anything, she decided to call Nadia once again.


She yelled, which called Nadia's attention back to her.

"Aren't you going to say anything"?

She asked

"What is there to say? He said he wasn't going to be with her. Then, why do I still feel worried? Why do I feel like the time I have to spend with him will be way shorter than I had imagined"?

I did not know what this feeling was as I had never felt it before. I did not know if I was in love with him or if I just wanted to be with him. I just know that I did not want to let go at least not yet. Suddenly, seven months felt so little and I hoped it would never come.

"Why are you so worried when he already gave you his word"?

Kanada asked which made me look at her with worry written all over my face.

"He just said it, there is no guarantee that he will not be with her at the end of the day".

I said and Kanada began laughing which made me raise a brow, wondering what exactly it was that I said that was so funny.

"I cannot believe that you are laughing right now are you mocking me when I am in pain"?

I asked her with a serious expression but she just kept laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry I don't understand what you're worried about. Trust me, Nadia, this is Jason O'Brien. When he gives you his word, you just have to agree to it because only God can make him change his mind".

She said but I countered.

"You don't understand Kanada. She is from a wealthy family, she has a solid background and a good educational foundation. She has her father supporting her and she also has a lot to offer Jason. Do you really think he'll choose me over her"?

I saw Kanada roll her eyes.

"You make it sound like you've met her before".

"I haven't but it isn't so hard to guess".

"Well, I have met her countless times and although all you said is true, should I tell you a few things about her"?

She asked and I immediately sat properly to listen to what she was going to say.

"She is a white lotus. She is evil and slow poisoned. She pretends to be a friend and a wonderful person but truthfully, she is the exact opposite. She..."

"Wait wait wait".

I cut her off.

"How did you know all of this about her"?

She smiled.

"You keep forgetting that I was once very rich huh? I've known her for years and trust me, Jason will never want to be with a girl like that".

"How did you meet her"?

I asked as I was curious and Kanada sighed.

"Fine, I'll tell you. She was my classmate in high school. She was a year older than I am but I was much smarter. She tried really hard to win me over and be my friend but I did like her. I preferred her younger sister, Anita. Even if she was way younger than I am".

When I heard the name, Anita, my face changed in disgust. I did not like that girl at all.

"One day, Anita got a special lift from her mother to school and just because of that, Melissa got mad. She called Anita out to the school's rooftop and I was witnessing everything. Suddenly, Melissa climbed to the edge of the roof and fell off by herself making it look like it was Anita who pushed her. Ever since that day, their parents always favor Melissa and treat Anita like she was trash".

I opened my eyes wide as I wasn't expecting that but then, something came to my mind so I decided to ask.

"If that's the case, why didn't you report it to the police"?

She smiled bitterly and replied while looking at me.

"It was my graduation day".