
A bigger person

"Sorry Kate... but I didn't bring her here to work for you".

We both turned around to see who had spoken. It was obviously Grandpa and after hearing what he said, the smile that was all over my face suddenly disappeared.

"Listen to me sir, I know you might have other plans for her but what I offer is out of this world. You can't get this kind of offer anywhere else. I know you want what's best for her so I don't see any reason why you should be trying to stop her from getting this opportunity besides, from what I have seen, it is obvious that you really care about her".

"You will not tell me what to do Kate".

Grandpa said with all authority.

"I only brought her here because I wanted to confirm something. Not because I wanted you to tell me what to do. Do not overstep your boundaries".

"My apologies I guess I over spoke".

Kate said

Grandpa O'Brien nodded his head showing that he had heard what she had to say and had forgiven her.

"We should be on our way now".