
His Destined Mate

,A lone wolf must decide between biting his human love to save her from being reincarnated for another century and face the consequences of letting her go, while he goes extinct. If he bites her she would die and never return, while if he refuses to he goes extinct. “Hurt me again, I can come back.” “I can’t do that. He said, the pain evident in his glowing amber orbs. He doesn’t want to wait for another century to be with her again, he can’t do that, he can’t live without her even for a second, that would be a long wait, and he certainly can’t bear the guilt and pains of biting the only he loves. What if she doesn’t return? What if she does? Would she even remember him? Now, Is he going to bite her to save himself or not?

Roanna_Baleta · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs


Leofric heads to one of his club on his motorcycle having been away for a long time. Getting there everybody parts for him and he makes his way to his private lounge, getting there he finds Mark inside waiting for him.

"Any problem?" Leofric asks, "don't play dumb, you know what I'm here for" Mark replies. "Leofric sighs, ignoring Mark and takes a seat, lighting a cigarette.

"You have to stop seeing that girl for your own good Leo, if you don't bad things will happen" Mark threatens. "What do you mean by that Mark! You've crossed the line, if you so much as touch a hair on her head, you're dead" Leofric responds. "can't you see she's messing with your head, you don't think straight anymore" Says Mark.

"You know how much I've longed for this and this is all you have to say?! Get out!" Leofric tells Mark and Mark leaves.

"What is his problem" Leofric thinks. His phone rings showing Freya's caller ID, "Hello" he says picking up "Hey, sorry for calling this late can I um... stay with you this night, just got home and saw Peter in bed with another girl, I... I can't stay here" Freya says with a shaking voice. "okay, take a deep breath and calm down, tell me where you are so I can come pick you up".

"I'm at the park" she responds "okay I'm on my way, hang on" he says "Okay" she says hanging up. Leofric quickly takes his leave. He rides to the park and sees Freya on a swing. "Hi" he says sitting on the next swing. "hey" she responds turning to him and he realises that his eyes are red rimmed and puffy.

"Oh darling, come here" he says taking her into his arms and holding her", Freya then starts crying. "What did I do wrong?, I tried my best but he still found something to complain about. To be honest, I already knew he was cheating behind my back but I didn't expect to catch them in bed" she sobs out. "shhh, it's okay, he never deserved you in the first place" Leofric consoles her.

They spend some time there before deciding to leave. "I can't ride that, I'll fall" Freya says staring at his motorcycle. "You won't fall Freya, just hold on to me, I won't let you go" reassures Leofric. Freya finally agrees to get on the motorcycle, clicking her helmet in place and holding him tightly around his waist.

Leofric blushes, feeling her arms around him but it's hidden under his helmet. They finally arrive at his penthouse, when the bike rolls to a stop, Freya quickly gets off on shaking legs. "I'm never doing that again" she says while Leofric laughs at her reaction.

They enter inside, greeting the doorman and entering the elevator to get to the top floor, the elevator doors open revealing a luxurious setting. "Whoa, this is wonderful" Freya says as she stares around in awe. "Thank you" Leofric replies. He watches as she moves around staring at everything with a childlike wonder and realises he's falling in love again.

He takes her on a small tour around the penthouse due to her pestering him. "Finally, this is the spare bedroom and where you'll spend the night" he says showing her the guest room. "There's a towel in the bathroom and my room is opposite in case you need anything just call me or knock on my door" he says turning to leave but she holds his hand, stopping him.

"Thank you so much Leofric, for all you've done" she says staring into his eyes. He remains quiet, getting caught in her eyes, then his gaze shifts lower to her lips. He licks his own in return before snapping out of his trans. "Anytime Freya, anytime" he says quickly before leaving and walking into his room, shutting the door".

Freya shuts her own door, placing her hand on her chest trying to calm her fast heartbeat. "What was that?" she questions before shaking her head and heading to the shower to freshen up.

In his room Leofric takes a cold shower before laying on his bed, thinking about everything that happened, his mind lingering on what Mark had said. He and Mark have been long time pals but Mark had always had a few loose nuts in his head and was too impulsive. "He better not cross his boundary" he thinks. Another issue bothering was the presence he always felt around Freya. He couldn't pick up a smell even with his enhanced nose but he was sure something or someone followed her around. Leofric then falls asleep with these thought.

The next day, Leofric wakes up, takes a shower and heads downstairs. Getting to the kitchen he finds Freya preparing toasts. "Good morning, have a seat, let me finish up and serve you" she says smiling. He heads to the dinning table and sits down. She serves the toast with cold juice and sits opposite him. "Thank you" he says.

"It's nothing compared to what you've done for me" she responds smiling. He smiles back and they eat. "are you going back to the apartment?" he asks when they are done with eating and sitting on the couch. "well...I'm going to have to find another apartment because there's no way I'm living there anymore but I need to get my clothes from there".

"You can stay here with me" Leofric blurts out blushing, "I enjoy your presence and you make this place less lonely" he says "I...don't know" Freya says unsure, "I don't want to invade on your privacy..." "I don't mind Freya, I have feelings for you" Leofric says taking her hands into his and staring into his eyes.

Blushing, Freya looks down suddenly feeling shy. "I think I have feelings for you too" she admits. "really?" he asks smiling, raising her face up to look into her eyes. "Yes really" she replies and then he leans forward and gently takes her lips into his. She remains unresponsive before responding, putting her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist.

From that moment on, Freya started living with Leofric in his penthouse and Leofric had never felt more complete because he had his lover back in his arms. Freya still went to college and occasionally, Leofric would be the one to drop her off. He insisted on her stopping her work too but she refused, much to his displeasure. In addition, he had not heard a word from Mark since they knocked heads together and that made him anxious.

"I am going to collect the rest of my belongings tomorrow" Freya tells him one evening when they are cuddling on the couch. "Okay, do you want me to come with you?" he asks "nah, I think I can handle it, besides you might just punch him in the face again" she says giggling. "True, he replies, joining her in the laughter.

The next day, Freya heads to her old apartment, using her spare key to open the door and a bad stench enters her nose. "ugh, what a pig, can't even clean up after himself, how did I put up with this?" she says, pinching her nose together with her fingers. She goes inside and starts packing all her belongings. It's takes her ten to fifteen minutes to pack everything, she then takes the outside before phoning Leofric to come pick her up that she was done.

Leofric drives there later and helps her heave the load into the boot then they drive back to the penthouse. "He was not home" she tells him in the car "doesn't look like he's been home for days, the whole place reeks". "How did you put up with that?" he asks, "I honestly have no idea" she replies.

They arrive and they take the things up. "I have some business to handle, see you later dear" Leofric tells her, pecking her lips then he takes his leave backing out of the garage and driving off.

Freya then decides of while away time by arranging her belongings, she arranges her toiletries in the bathroom beside his and her underwear in the drawer he cleared for her.

Finished with that, she proceeds to arrange her clothes in the closet. As she is placing things in the closet, she knocks off a small box whose lid pops open as it lands on the ground.

"Opps" she says bending down to pick it up and put it back in its place but stops shocked as she finds the box contains pictures and those pictures had her face in them.