
Chapter 6 Opposite

"Are you trying to pick a fight,Lord Damian?" Ernesto could feel his patience about to run short...

"Strange, I should be asking that question." Lord Damian unhurriedly took out a cigarette and Adrian immediately brought out a lighter and lit up the cigarette for his boss.

"There's only three of you and there's more of us....you won't be able to get outta here unscathed..." Commissioner Miguel smirked proudly...

Damian had just walked into their trap and they were not gonna let such an opportunity pass them ..

Damian nonchalantly puff out smoke as he smiled lazily at them..

He was obviously unfazed by their petty threats...

"Stop trying to look tough, Damian... We got you surrounded and there's nowhere to run..." Cecil added with a smug smile plastered on her face..

The men had all pointed their guns at Damian and the two men beside him and they were also certain Damian didn't come to sell out with any guards even though he knew he was vulnerable to attacks..

A look of confusion flashed through their faces when Damian suddenly threw his cigarette and burst into ripples of laughter which unknowingly sent shivers down their spine...

"What makes you think it's just the three of us?" Damian snapped his fingers while grinning from ear to ear and before he could comprehend what he was going on, the guards hiding at the top floor and in the dark suddenly stepped into the light and shot every single guard in the hall, leaving only the VIPs.

Cecil quickly sought refuge as she covered her ears with her palm....

The rest tried running away but got shot on the knee so they couldn't leave the hall...

Their backs were covered in sweat as fear began to spread in their hearts...

Never in their lives did they think Damian would see through their plans to hijack his shipments...

They were forced to know by the men in black while Damian stared at them with a beautiful smile plastered on his lips....

"You Should try something fun when next you wanna scheme against me and then I won't have to end their miserable lives....tsk! Boring...." Damian was Clearly talking about the guards who were killed by his men...

Madame Cecil immediately went over to where Damian was and knelt in front of him while holding his feet...

Her face had lost his usual color and turned pale from fear of dying in the hands of Damian...

"I swear I'd nothing to do with any of this! It was Commissioner Miguel's idea! He was the one who instigated the rest against you!" Cecil blurted everything in one go and the rest decided to play along with her and throw commissioner Miguel under the bus if they have to...

"Yes! Yes! She's telling the truth! It was all Commissioner Miguel's idea! " Ernesto added and grunt slightly in pain because he'd been shot on the leg...

He regretted ever trying to go against Damian...

"Stop trying to pin this on me, fucking bastards!" Commissioner Miguel yelled In anger..

They were all involved in the whole scheme but decided to save their skin and throw him under the bus...

Commissioner glared at them angrily but didn't show any sign of panic...

"What? It's the truth, you were the one who wanted to take the merchandise for yourself not us.." another VIP client further added while Damian just stared at them with an amused expression...

He didn't think of these old fizzers who suddenly turn on themselves that easily....

"I know how badly you wanna put a bullet through my skull, Miguel... believe me the feeling is mutual but unfortunately I don't wanna get dirt on her hands..." What Damian meant to say was, he won't do them the honor of dealing with themselves...

His subordinates at the underworld would deal with these old pigs...

"Please I didn't do anything... You can have all my money! I don't want the goods anymore!" Madame panicked when the guards began walking towards them.. she pointed at the bags which were covered in the blood of her guard...

People in these lines of business only accept cash so it doesn't track back to them...

"You can also have mine! They're a souvenir from me.." Ernesto chuckled nervously but Damian only stared at them without saying a word...

"Thank you for the gifts but unfortunately you need to be taken care of..." Damian stood up from where he was and the guards immediately knew what to do as they placed a bag over the heads of the VIPS and dragged them away leaving only the commissioner behind....

"Where were we, commissioner?" Damian took out his custom made Glock 17 which was made outta pure gold.

"I will never submit to you, Damian.... You can go ahead and kill me..." Miguel stubbornly said even though his back was completely covered in sweat..

"Oh don't worry I'm not gonna kill you, my love.... That would be too easy.." Damian rubbed his chin like he was in deep thoughts before snapping his fingers...

"I think I know what to do with you, my dear friend..." Damian unhurriedly aimed at his forehead and he closed his eyes waiting for his death but Damian had other plans as he suddenly shot his ear making him scream out loud in agonizing pain....

"That should be a reminder to never mess with me Miguel...." Was the only thing Damian said before walking towards the exit..

His men would take care of Miguel as well and also bring the bag of cash to him ...

Thanks to their scheme he earned $800million Dollars for free ..

His mood got better after dealing with those old dogs..



Samantha could barely move her limbs after being starved for three whole days...

She was so hungry and cold... The floors of the room was cold and there was barely anything to keep her warm inside the room...

Even though she was so tired and her eyelids were so heavy she could barely sleep...

Samantha forced her eyelid open when she heard the creaking sound of the door as someone pulled the door but she was too weak to look at whoever it was...

"Bring her out!" She heard the familiar voice and she was suddenly dragged off the floor by the maids...

She was taken to the room they'd brought her before and ripped off her clothes and threw in the tub...

Samantha felt her tensed muscle relaxed when she was placed inside a warm bath and for once she was thankful to the mean lady..

"Make sure she's properly cleaned else Lord Damian is gonna kick you all out!" The housekeeper constantly reminded them to make sure to scrub her clean and also took extra care of her public area....

Samantha was too tired to protest and just let them do whatever they wanted..

After soaking the bath for some time she felt better and her cheeks become rosy due to the heat from the tub...

She was helped outta the tub and a white floral dress was chosen by the housekeeper...

After putting on the gown, they made her sit in front of the vanity mirror and her hair was brushed and tied up into a ponytail...

Once they were done, they waited for the housekeeper to say something as she observed the almost lifeless woman....

"Come with me..." The housekeeper rudely said and she walked away while the maids stood beside Samantha...

Left with no choice, Samantha stood up and went after the housekeeper while trying not to balance...

She walked into the elevator with the Housekeeper and they were taken to the ground floor where the living room and kitchen area was....

The housekeeper took Samantha towards the dinner without sparing her a glance..

"Sit..." He instructed and Samantha sat down immediately..

She was too Hungry to argue...

The housekeeper clapped his hands and the servants immediately walked towards them with trays filled with different varieties of breakfast...

Samantha was unconsciously salivating as she stared at the heap of food that was placed in front of her....

Samantha quickly Dig into the food once the mean lady and the servants left her alone...

At long Last she was finally getting some food...

She ate without restraint and didn't stop to think of the possibility of being poisoned by that man...

For now she couldn't think of anything but the delicious food in front of her and can only worry about other things on a full stomach....

She took a sip from the glass of orange juice beside her and kept eating to her heart content...

She kept shoving food inside her mouth and didn't care if she was being watched or about to choke...

She really wished she could thank the chef who made such a delicious meal...

The pancakes were so good and were unlike anything she has ever tasted....

"Hm..." She moaned in delight and for a moment forgot about her worries...

Samantha was so busy stuffing her mouth with food that she didn't notice the woman who was staring at her with a strange expression...

"And who the hell are you?"