
Chapter one

As I was growing up I never knew what is was I wanted to do with my life. I thought it would come to me and it did eventually, but it wasn't what anyone except it to be. I wouldn't say growing up I wasn't a daddy's girl because I was but I was also a mommy's girl. I had everything and I loved my life. My dad always told me I could be anything I wanted and I believed him because when your still a kid you do.

When I turned twelve it turned out that my family was part of a mafia and they couldn't expose me to that cause I was a "girl", so dumb but that's what they said. I learned that they weren't just part of a mafia but they were Don and Donna of the whole thing. They were the mafia it's self. At first I was in denial about the whole thing and wouldn't talk to them for a whole month. In that month I didn't eat and I didn't leave my room for anything other than school. I would only ever sneak something from the kitchen when they were out. To the world I was unknown, no one knew who my parents were or that I am their daughter. I always had a bodyguard looking after me and taking me to school. After that month I started seeing less of my parents at home and even though Keir was always around it wasn't the same. Keir was eighteen at the time and was like the big brother I always wanted so we got along better than good.

The day things went south is the day I came from school and Keir was outside parking the car. All I wanted to do was go to my room and take a shower cause I was sweaty from soccer but when I got inside I'll never forget what I saw. The hallway was painted with red and I know I was twelve but I could see that wasn't paint but blood. I turned to the kitchen and saw my father there laying lifeless on the kitchen floor with seven bullet holes in him. I screamed the loudest I've ever screamed before. Keir came to see why I was screaming and saw what I saw before taking me away from the scene before me. " Come on we have to go ,we can't stay here" I shook my head I couldn't leave without knowing what happened to my mother. Is she okay? did the same thing happen to her that happened to my dad? " We have to look for my mother" I told him, I slipped out of his hold and searched every room inside the house before I found her naked body laying in the bathtub death in her own blood. I couldn't believe what I saw . I told myself this was just a nightmare I needed to wake up from but it was real this was my reality now. I was an orphan now, I had no one ,no parents and no one to look after me.

I made a promise to my death parents and myself that I would hunt who ever did this down and I would make them pay with their blood and their bloodline for what they did. I will kill them slowly and enjoy every moment of it, that's for certain.

After that night Keir took me to one of my parents safe houses outside the country. I learned how to become the most perfect assassin. I was skilled in hand to hand combat, I learned how to use different guns and how to take them apart and put them back together. I learned everything ,from blades to bombs ,the works I learned it all. I started doing research on everything I could find about that night, I looked high and low for the person who did this. As time went by the mafia my family started was starting to be come chaotic so I did the only thing I could as heiress to the empire my family left me behind. I took over butt from the shadows. Only those I trusted knew of my identity and soon word spread like wild fire that the Italian mafia had a heiress. Keir stood by me through everything and he supported me. He became my right hand man and the person I trusted the most.

Over two years our mafia grew to the largest and strongest mafia in the world and I just knew if my parents were here that they would be so proud of me. In those two years I haven't been to school because my main focus is now my mafia but Keir wanted me to still study and have somewhat of an education so he got me a tutor to come and teach me at home. Everyday I would wake up at five in the morning and start my day off with combat training then I would proceed to learning everything there is to know about the other mafias and who to look out for. Keir was the one teaching me all about that. After that I would spend a hour in the gym before breakfast and then I had my classes with the tutor after that. My day ended with me looking for the ones who are responsible for killing my parents and breaking up my family.

I learned to never trust anyone easily and to always listen to myself more than others and that anyone can be the enemy. Overtime Keir and I started our own little family consisting of him and I. He's hard on me some times but I know he does it because he loves me and wants me to be the best in this world we're in.

One time someone tried to break in to the safe house we stay in and Keir showed me all the different ways to torture a person. That night we had to move to another safe house and that was in Italy. I learned where my parents grew up and where it all started. Keir is such a sick and twisted person that he even showed me where my father took his first kill. To my surprise you could still see the blood of the person my father killed against the wall of the alley we were in.