
His Child | BTS V FF

[HIATUS] Seo Eunjung is a single mother of a two-year-old kid named Taejun. She's always been an independent woman, even at her early age of twenty-three. She's determined to keep her child away from its father because she believes that it will benefit both of them. She thinks that exposing her child to its father will only cause Taejun harm. Because Seo Taejun is Bangtan Seonyeondan's Kim Taehyung's child.

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Chapter 1 | Contract

I woke up earlier than my alarm today. I got up as soon as I opened my eyes. I went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. After doing all that, I went out of my room.

Before going to the kitchen, I checked the room next to mine first. Which is Taejun's room, my child.

I am a single mom of a two-year-old kid. Well, he's smart and cute. But he has a weak immune system. He'd often catch several illnesses. Like colds, flu, and such. That's why I'm so hands-on when it comes to him.

I smiled upon seeing my child sleeping soundly in his bed. I walked closer to the side of his bed and lean forward to kiss him on his cheek. He flinched a bit because of it, causing me to chuckle quietly.

After checking Taejun and tidying up his bedroom, I went straight to the kitchen. I started cooking his favorite banana pancake with honey syrup. I am having my coffee while doing the cooking. I cooked bacon and egg for my breakfast as well.

I was busy frying the pancakes when I saw the screen of my phone lit up. It was a message from my dear friend Alice. She's a stylist like me but a fashion designer as her part-time job too. We've been friends since I don't know when, but years already.

She's one of the friends whom I treasured so much. She knows my struggles and pains in the past, yet never left my side. I love her like my sister.

After putting the pancakes on Taejun's favorite Spiderman designed plate, I immediately grabbed my phone. I open it and read Alice's message.

From: Alice

did u get a job already girl?

I bit my lower lip after reading her message. I've been finding another job after quitting the previous one because of Taejun. He got sick for almost a month so I had to leave work to tend to him myself. I want to be on his side whenever he's having this kind of problem.

Taejun is a clingy kid when it comes to me. Even though he's already familiar with his babysitter, he's still looking for my presence each and every time. That's why working and taking care of him at the same time are a bit challenging.

I sighed before typing my reply to Alice.

To: Alice

hasn't yet. why?

i really need it tho

for taejun's medications and vitamins

I put down my phone for a while to continue preparing for our breakfast. I place the foods on the table while still thinking of how I could find a job as soon as possible.

After placing Taejun's glass of milk beside his plate, I went back to the island counter to make my coffee. That's when my phone rang again.

While waiting for my coffee, I look at Alice's replies.

From: Alice

a friend called me, he said someone was looking for a new stylist for a boy group

he said the group was big

wanna take a chance?

My heart jumped out of happiness after reading it. I immediately replied yes to Alice. She replied within a minute or so.

From: Alice

great! i'll tell her

but you know what?

there's another option to make your son's life easier

My forehead formed a knot.

To: Alice

what do you mean?

From: Alice

just contact the father, woman

after all, it's his responsibility

I immediately rolled my eyes. Just like what I have said a while ago. She knows me more than anyone else in this world. Including my past relationships and Taejun's identity. She knows who the father is and she knows as well that I don't want to talk about that anymore.

To: Alice

i was trying to be grateful to you after introducing me to a job and now you're being a jerk here all again

I could even hear her laughter from here after sending my reply. I frustratingly grabbed my favorite mug for my coffee. After making it, that's when I had the time to open her reply again.

From: Alice

what? 😂

it was just a suggestion

don't be so overly dramatic over it hun

you already moved on? 😌

I rolled my eyes again and never replied to her again. But she sent me a message again, so I have no choice but to read it. Thankfully, it wasn't about that man already.

From: Alice

oops, seen, 😂

anyway, my friend said the manager is willing to meet you. when are you free?

I stopped walking back to the table. My mood lit up again so I replied quickly.

To: Alice

i'm free today. where and when?

From: Alice


I put down my phone for a while and went to Taejun's room. I woke him up gently. He scratched his eyes with his tiny hand before looking at me.

"Good morning, sweetie." I greeted while smiling sweetly.

He did not answer. Instead, he lazily got up while still hugging his favorite plushie and wrapped his hands around my neck. I stood up while carrying him in my arms. I kissed his fluffy cheek before going out of his bedroom.

We live in a not-so-huge apartment but a decent and clean one. I already paid for this a year ago along with my car. These are my investments after working my butt off.

"Look, baby. I cooked your favorite banana pancake." I said while putting Taejun down in his high chair.

He immediately smiled upon seeing the pancakes I made for him.

"Thank you, mommy." He said.

His words are still a bit messy but adorable to hear. My smile went bigger and kissed his cheek again.

"You're welcome, baby," I said.

I let him grab his fork and start eating his pancake. While I took my phone again to see Alice's reply.

From: Alice

Angel-In-Us Coffee in jung-gu

8:00 AM

that's where you should meet him

here's the number

+82 1x xxxx xxxx

I immediately saved the number of the person I am going to meet and thanked Alice for giving me the chance for the job.

I ate my breakfast with Taejun. I called his babysitter as well. Gladly, I woke up earlier than my alarm.

Just when I am cleaning up the table, Taejun's babysitter rang the doorbell. I saw her waving her hand on the monitor.

"Taejun-ah, open the door for mommy, please."

"Okay!" He nonchalantly said.

I chuckled softly when I saw that he was struggling to land his feet on the ground from one of the chairs where I put him.

When he succeeded he ran towards the door and open it. I put the plates and other utensils on the sink. I heard Yena's voice happily talking to Taejun.

"Good morning, Miss Seo." Yena greeted the moment she entered the kitchen carrying Taejun in her arms.

"Good morning, Yena. Sorry for the disturbance. I really need to attend the meeting."

"Oh, no problem, Miss Seo." Yena smiled.

Minutes later I am already taking a warm shower. I stayed for 20 minutes already inside the shower. I just wore and high-neck and long-sleeve top in the color of cream, partnered with black pants and ankle boots. I also wore a brown and long winter coat.

I just curled the lower part of my long and chestnut brown hair. I also put a light makeup and perfume.

After preparing for the meeting, I bid my goodbye to Yena and Taejun. I kissed him on his cheek and promised to buy him something when I got home.

I drove all the way to Jung-gu where I should meet the manager of the group I would possibly work with.

I went inside the cafe after I parked my car. I was looking for a man with a black undershirt, blue coat, and black pants. Until I spotted a man seating at one of the tables on the corner.

"Excuse me? Are you Mr. Kim Sejin?" I asked the moment I arrived in front of him.

When he lifted his head, for a moment I thought he was kind of familiar. I just don't know where and when did I see him. His name does ring a bell as well.

"Oh! Yes, yes. You are Miss Seo Eunjung?" The man asked too as he stood up.

I smiled widely and offered my hand. "Yes, sir. Nice to meet you."

He accepted my hand while smiling politely as well. "Nice to meet you too, Miss. Please, take a seat."

I took a seat in front of him. He already ordered me a tea which I like, so I immediately feel at ease. I was so nervous and excited. I need to get this job. This is for Taejun and his medications. I've been jobless for a long time already and my bank account has been decreasing day by day. Plus the fact that I still need to pay Yena for her babysitting.

"The company should be the one to hire a stylist and take them to interview first. But, we really need a stylist now. The group is set to start their preparation for their comeback and guestings next week. So, I made an exception to you because one of my colleagues said you have great hands and eyes when it comes to styling according to a common friend of my colleague. I also have seen your works on the groups you've handled before, and I can say, you do have the talent. So, I already brought the contract." Mr. Kim explained before taking his bag on the seat next to him.

I was taken aback. I didn't expect it to be this easy. I thought I still need to get through a lot of processes. Well, maybe the person Alice has been talking about was just familiar with me and my works. Besides, I've been in this for quite some time already.

"Here, take a look."

I smiled at Mr.Kim and bowed before taking the folder with the contract in it. I opened it and read the contract. But, as soon as I read the group's name, I immediately stopped.

This can't be...

I lifted my gaze to Mr.Kim whose sipping his espresso. That's when it hit me. That's why he looked familiar and hearing his name sent me series of anxiety.

He is BTS' manager. He is Kim Taehyung's manager.

My child's father.

Sorry for my grammar. English is not my first language, but I'm trying my best in order to be able deliver the narration of the story really well. Thank you for reading :>>

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