

Jayson couldn't get Cassie's teary face out of his mind so he buried himself in his work. He spent days if not weeks in his office, working. He would go supervise some pack area by day, and go hunting by night when he was tired of staying locked up. He was distance and everyone could see it. He tried convincing himself that it was best for everyone if Cassi leaves with Jack but he couldn't stop the ache in his heart whenever he thought of it.

A part of him didn't want to lose Cassi and no matter how logical he thought about it, he knew his wolf needed Cassi and he knew he needed her too. When has he come to this conclusion was something he was yet to figure out.

He stared outside his office window as the sun set, highlighting the beauty of the flowers that laid beautifully in the garden. Apart from the flowers, something more beautiful drew his attention towards the garden. Cassie laid in one of the garden chairs as she shut her eyes with her book laying open on her chest. From the look of things, she seem to be fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. Her beautiful skin blended perfectly well with the flowers around her. Her skin looked delicate like always.

In as much as jayson wanted to stop staring at her, he couldn't help it. He closed his eyes as he envisioned how it will feel like to run his hands all over her delicate skin. To mark her skin with his mouth and lick every inch of her, imprinting her taste on his tongue and mind forever. How it will feel like to hold her in his embrace again, pulling her close to him without a worry or a care. Oh how much he longed for her. Was it lust or love? Or was it simply the combination of both? He couldn't tell. He draged his hair in a desperate attempt to get the ravishing beauty away from his thoughts but that seemed harder than he thought.

What was this attraction he felt towards her? He simply couldn't explain. Was it the mate bond? Or did he truly care for her? He could remember how he felt when he saw her crying. He could remember how his heart was ripped apart when Jack held her in his arms, he could remember how angry he felt, how hurt and how...... Goddd!! He needed to get a grip on himself.

A knock distracted him from his line of thoughts. From the sweet smell of almond mixed with honey he perceived, he didn't need anyone to tell him who it was. He pressed the little white button on his table and the door to his office opened in an instant.

"Mama....." He said as a sign of acknowledgment as he rose to his feet to go meet the still pretty middle aged woman that walked in to his office.

"My son..." His mum opened her arms as he hugged him, her worries obvious.

"What is the matter?" Jayson asked looking at his mother's stressed face.

"That's the question am her to ask mi amore. What is going on? What do you plan on doing? Are you okay?" She asked, her face looking pale and stressed.

"I don't understand mama"

"You've buried yourself in work for days, you're totally ignoring your mate like she doesn't exist....

"Mama please" he said cutting his mum short and walking back to his chair.

"You're ignoring your wife too!!! In as much as you're an alpha, you are my son too!!"

He looked up from his sit, starred at his mother for a while before replying her "I'll fix it mama."

"When!? What do you plan on doing? Are you going to reject her, official?"

The moment he heard his mum talk about rejecting Cassi, his blood turned cold. His heart aches and his wolf howled in disagreement and pain.

"What have I told you about worrying too much mama?" He asked his mum as he took a slip from his drink on his table.

"This is not me thinking too much Jayson. If you'll reject her, do it already and free the two of you from this heartache!! You're punishing her for something she has no control over. You already picked Alison, so let Cassi go. Hopefully, you won't regret it." His mum said the last part as she turned on her heels and left her son looked hurt and confused.

Was he really ready to reject Cassi officially? What will happen when he does that? Will she leave with Jack? Will he regret it? Alot of thoughts were running through his mind and he had no way of escaping them all. He poured himself another vodka drink and drink it in an instant. He poured himself another one and when he brought it to his lips, his beta's mind link stopped him halfway.

"Alpha, they have been a break in the borders" Daniel reported to him

"What happened?" He demanded.

"Rouges. They tried gaining access to our land. Two was captured, one escaped. One of our warriors is badly injured and receiving treatment now.

"Who had the guts to step into my territory!!!?" He questioned Daniel

"They are unidentified, Alpha"

"On my way" he cut off the mind link and headed to the woods before shifting to his black wolf and running to the border were the incident took place.