

Laxus is currently looking for a maid. He doesn't do anything himself and is not looking for anyone or anything when Lucy turned up. He thinks that he doesn't need anyone but himself. Lucy is a hard working kind of girl who works for what she wants and doesn't just have it handed to her. Although people like him usually aren't her type but she finds herself falling for him. Will they end up meeting and will she get the job? Will it turn into something else? This is not your typical Lucy is a wimp who gets kicked off team Natsu and Lisanna is the bitch who manipulated Natsu and now they're all mistreating her so she runs into Laxus' arms. Then she gets training and goes stronger and comes back to fight him. No my story is different this is only my 2nd story which has gone through a lot of editing. So I hope that you give it a chance and please just click on it. Read to find out! Make sure to vote and comment if you enjoy reading this! -highest rankings #19 in Lalu #23 in Bixanna

Anime808_for_life · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs

Chapter 4

Lucy's pov

I know that this is wrong but as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. As I pretend to be asleep as an older maid checked on us. I listen for her footsteps retreating. Once I can't hear her anymore I wait a minute or two before I slide out of bed. I creep up the stairs towards Laxus' room. I've only been there once before in the past couple of months. I see him through the crack in the doors sleeping peacefully with both his muscular arms wrapped around the pillow. Almost like a kid holding a teddy bear. I can giggle a bit myself about that and smile at the thought I quickly quiet down and slap a hand over my mouth. I make a beeline straight for the object I saw before but came across a picture. It's of a blonde lady who looks a lot like Laxus. Like maybe mother or sister? I can't be sure though I don't know enough about him to know for sure about any of that.

I turn it over to examine it more and see a letter of some sort slip out. I quickly snatch it up and stuff it in my pocket to read later. I will return it after I'm done and Laxus will never have to know. That is my hope until I hear "what are you doing here?" I freeze thinking of making a run for it. The odds aren't in my favor so I whirl around to face him. He's standing there and in all his glory. When he sees that I am not focusing on his question and looking at his body he quickly put on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I am grateful that he realized that since it would make it even harder for me to get out of here with him like that.

"I came to see you" I mumble to him looking ashamed. He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth in a chiding way shaking his head ever so slightly. He seems amused by this whole story not that I mind though. I bite my lip trying to look seductive twirling my hair around my finger. He takes a strand of my hair in his hand breathing in my scent and exhaling in content. He offered me to stay here with him. Just to sleep tonight nothing more which I gladly except. I watch him get undressed again licking my lips. He hops in bed and I follow his lead. I like how he spoons me.

I hear him murmur I'm my ear " we will talk tomorrow." With that being said it makes me think that he knows my plan I can worry about that tomorrow and enjoy being here with him. I lay my head on his chest taking advantage of all of this. I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore. It might seem that way when I tell him why I was really up here. I snuggle closer to him and I realize he smells like a mixture of wood, cologne, cinnamon and fresh clothes. I nod to him about talking too tired to say anything. Apparently he can perceive me better than I can myself sometimes. That's my last thought as I drift off to sleep.

*next morning*

I'm so glad that last night wasn't a dream. I feel bad that I'm going to wake him but I kind of have to it's my job. I'm impatient and want to talk now. At least I can do it gently which is boring and not fun in anyway but for him I will. He's very unpredictable when you are trying to wake him up in the morning so I don't want to test that so I shake him gently and say"Wakey! Wakey!" That's what he's greeted with when he opens his eyes and....

What does he do?

What does Laxus want to talk about?

Will Lucy be honest with him?

What will she find in the letter?

Who is that letter from?

Where did the side of Laxus even come from?

Find out in the next chapter! Stay tuned for regular updates

Hi guys I love taking feedback if you guys have any I listen to most requests and dedicate chapters to people too. I hope you guys are all healthy and safe and enjoy this chapter when I write these I'm bored at home with nothing to do.

Anime808_for_lifecreators' thoughts