

Laxus is currently looking for a maid. He doesn't do anything himself and is not looking for anyone or anything when Lucy turned up. He thinks that he doesn't need anyone but himself. Lucy is a hard working kind of girl who works for what she wants and doesn't just have it handed to her. Although people like him usually aren't her type but she finds herself falling for him. Will they end up meeting and will she get the job? Will it turn into something else? This is not your typical Lucy is a wimp who gets kicked off team Natsu and Lisanna is the bitch who manipulated Natsu and now they're all mistreating her so she runs into Laxus' arms. Then she gets training and goes stronger and comes back to fight him. No my story is different this is only my 2nd story which has gone through a lot of editing. So I hope that you give it a chance and please just click on it. Read to find out! Make sure to vote and comment if you enjoy reading this! -highest rankings #19 in Lalu #23 in Bixanna

Anime808_for_life · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs

Chapter 1

Lucy's pov

I was walking back to my home it's not much but it's home. As I am walking I see a lot of people in front of a window. I get closer to see what it's about. Turns out it's a flyer for maid that are blonde. It has a good pay too so I will go apply for the job in the morning.

*Time skip*

I am getting ready for the job interview but I feel really uncomfortable in this outfit. Erza made me wear it and I don't dare to double cross her.

I think it is too short and revealing but I guess I have to make do with what I have. Are use my directions to get there and pull up at this beautiful mansion that is all white and has beautiful grounds. I don't have time to sit there and gawk because this man with green hair comes out to meet me.

"Excuse me what are you doing here"? One guy asked as I quickly shake off how in awe I am at this place I finally manage. "So sorry to bother you but does someone name Laxus live here"? He looked at me for a second before asking, "what business do you have with him"? As soon as I am about to answer this other guy who is a lot more muscular with blond hair and a scar over his right eye says "don't scare the poor girl away".

He then turns towards me and says sorry about him and "I am the guy you're looking for then". "The names Laxus and what business do you have with me"?

"Oh yes I was told about a maid position is that still available"?

"Yes it is he answers and what's your name"?

Damn to know that I just might be working for him was enough get my panties soaked

"Please come in for your interview" he says motioning with his arm for me to come inside.

I look around the place and everything is even more beautiful than it was on the outside. Then realize that I'm still sitting in front of him and I don't know what I'm supposed to do so then I ask him what is it I'm supposed to do.

"Well first you will have to cook a meal for me, do the laundry, clean and scrub the floors, make the bed, wipe the windows, tend to the garden and sweep the floors".

I panicked for a second thinking how could I get this all done?!? This place is HUGE!

My eye twitches just thinking about it so I muster up the courage to ask "will I be doing all of that if I get this position"?

"Oh God no mainly the cooking I have no clue how to do that" he chuckles at himself" I just want to see what you can do"

Phew I sigh in relief knowing that he's not heartless to make me do all of that in a couple hours. Even he knows that's too much for one person to do.

"Well I'm up to the challenge".

"That's what I like to hear you'll have a couple hours I will be checking on you to see how far you got."

So I set off and have hours of grueling work ahead of me and when I finally finish I am exhausted. I finally finished and collapsed but forgot to tell him that I'm done. I'm just glad I didn't faint before I was done.

I see feet and I look up and see Laxus standing over me "well are you done"?

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry that won't happen again but yes I finally finished".

Laxus just gives a nod of his head acknowledging what I said "oh it's quite all right Blondie". He inspects it and says "you clean up well I'll let you know if you get the position."

"Thank you here's all my contact information to let me know for you to call me once you decide".

I leave the house relieved that that is done and I can finally take off the maid outfit Erza made me put on I thought it went well and surprisingly for the outfit I wore none of them made advances on me.

I'm not sure how long it is going to take so I keep myself busy in the meantime. I look at other positions in case I don't get this one. I worked more of my book with which I might publish if I get a publisher to publish it.

I am not expecting call so when I hear the phone ring I am confused, I answer it though nonetheless.

"Hello"? I say

"Hello, is there someone named Miss. Heartfilia here?" a males voice asks

"Yes speaking".

"Well we want to hire you for that maid position."

"Oh that's great!"

"If you can meet back at the house we can go into details about it."

"Sure I can actually go over now if that's ok."