
Hinata's Sensual Adventure

This tale almost shadows the canon version of the series. But I have added new scenes and scenarios to better capture the sole objective of this story, which is depict more character development and romance between Naruto and Hinata. Both characters have been given a power boost. Naruto is also smarter, as my other aim was for him to discover the answer to the question that both Nagato and Jiraiya sought: how do you end the cycle of hatred and revenge that plagues the shinobi world and seize true peace? In the first chapter, Hinata decided to pay Naruto a visit - to express her gratitude for the protection she received on the battlefield. But Cupid apparently had other plans. Hinata ended up giving her crush more than what she bargained for; more than the gourmet breakfast she prepared for him. But, subconsciously, in a quiet corner of her mind, had this development not been what she really craved? Yum!

Vaughn_Schneider · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

HSA: Kurama's Obsession [Part C]

Itachi's Truth - Sasuke's Hatred


Unfortunately, Hinata caught wind of Naruto's sacrificial beating by the Kumogakure shinobi. But, instead of a melodramatic reaction, she merely provided the medical kit with which Sai used to tend to his bruises.

As much as the princess wanted to address his wounds and offer him emotional support, she supposed it was best to give him some space — what with the devastating news regarding Sasuke. No amount of reassurance would mend his heart regarding the Uchiha's dire ordeal.

"Really, Sakura should have a look at this," Sai suggested, examining the gashes on Naruto's forearm.

"It's okay." he looked like a zombie in all the bandages. "If she sees me like this, she's just gonna give me hell, anyways. Besides, I heal fast, so I'll be fine."

There was a moment of silence as Kakashi and Yamato watched Sai slowly secure their pupil's forearm in bandages. "Sai." Naruto's voice was soft and generous. "Sorry about earlier... Thank you."

He heaved an open smile. "It was nothing."

"Boy, you sure took one hell of a beating," Kakashi announced almost lazily, his hands tucked into his pockets.

Naruto grinned, and then uttered an exclamation of pain as Sai tore and tied the bandage to his arm.

"You'll have to take it easy for a while." Kakashi suggested.

But Naruto wasn't about to comply. "I'm going to see the Raikage!"

Yamato gasped, sweating bullets at the mention of the Kage's title. "What are you saying? The Five Kage Summit is coming up soon! All hidden villages need to restrain themselves from going on hazardous missions!"

"What are you going to do when you meet him?" Kakashi had far more composure than his subordinate did.

Naruto's expression was cool, too, accentuated by a smile. "I'm going to convince him to forgive Sasuke."

"You don't even have the seal restraining necklace anymore," Yamato reminded crisply. "As a Jinchuuriki, you shouldn't be moving outside of the village!" he recalled when he had to abandon his mission with Anko and Sai, when he noted that the Kyuubi's tails were forming one after another. "Not only that, but during the last battle, you released as many as eight tails! Luckily, the seal was fixed and the Kyuubi was restrained, but what will you do next time?

 Also, I'm overseeing the reconstruction of the village. I can't always be around to save you."

"I met the Fourth," Naruto bounced back coolly, astonishing everyone. "The Fourth was the one who suppressed the Kyuubi earlier."

"H-How is that possible." Yamato took a step forward in his confusion, and then he looked to his senpai for enlightenment. "The Fourth has been dead for ages."

Kakashi pivoted his head to the side to face him. "Shiki Fuujin is a sealing technique we don't know much about. Maybe he left some of his spiritual energy when he finished the seal."

"At that time," Naruto continued, "the Fourth told me that a masked member of the Akatsuki was behind the Kyuubi incident 16 years ago. And that he was so strong that not even the Fourth could defeat him.

Moreover, he's the one pulling the strings behind the scenes. He also told me that Pain was probably being used. If Sasuke has joined Akatsuki, then that means he's being used by this guy, as well."

Yes, Kakashi's countenance was no longer cool. "It's just as Jiraiya-sama feared... that he was behind the incident 16 years ago. He was bearing the Sharingan, and the only member of the Uchiha clan who left the village he hated and is powerful enough to summon the Kyuubi is Madara."

Naruto gasped.

"If Madara is involved, then everything makes more sense." Yamato frowned. "So he is alive..."

Madara… Naruto thought mentally, recalling that — when Sasuke had invaded his subconsciousness, to temporarily seal the Kyuubi's power — the beast had gazed into his eyes and made a comparison between him and Madara. It wasn't a pleasant comparison, ether. "Who is Madara?"

"A former shinobi of Konoha who fought and lost against the First Hokage," Kakashi informed wearily. "And the former leader of the Uchiha clan. We need to relay this information to the superiors. Sai," he gestured to the young member of Root.


"You contact the Hokage."

He blinked, almost anxiously. "Got it."

"Naruto, what did the Fourth tell you?"

For a moment, he didn't know how to respond. What did he mean?

Kakashi watched the young sage avidly, wondering if — like him — Naruto had gotten the privilege to have a father-son conversation with his old man. "Fathers have a lot they want to say to their sons, no?"

Sai looked on in surprise, and then he cast his gaze to Naruto, studying his expression.

Slowly, the orange knight gripped the blanket of the futon. Kakashi knew that the Fourth was his father, and by Yamato's lack of surprise, he knew the truth of it, too. Then why did no one bothered to tell him?

As the seconds ticked by, his tension subsided. There must have been a perfectly good reason. Now that he thinks about it... being told by his father in person had far more impact.

A smile touched his lips, and then his mentors smiled back warmly as they watched him obviously reminiscing. "He told me he believes in me!"

Kakashi's eye widened, and then he threw up his thumb before Naruto's exuberant grin. "Great. Naruto, you will go and see the Raikage."

"Ehhh?" Yamato couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Kakashi rested a hand on his shoulder, paying no mind to his drooped jaw. "And Yamato and I will be your escorts."

"Ehhh?" his jaw drooped even farther, and the fact that Kakashi threw in another thumbs up meant his decision was final. "No, that's a bad idea, senpai!"

"What," Kakashi returned comically. "Why don't you do as I, your senpai, tell you, Tenzou?"

"Didn't you promise me you wouldn't use that name," Yamato whined, like an unhappy child.

"Yeah, yeah," Kakashi brushed him off.


Discreetly planting transmission seeds on the Kumogakure ninja upon their depart from the library with the Intel they had gathered on Sasuke... Yamato, Kakashi, and Naruto followed them into the Land of Iron, where the young shinobi eventually came face-to-face with the Raigake.

Skipping the formalities — right off the bat — Naruto requested that the man changed his mind about hunting down Sasuke. But the Raikage had no intention to negotiate on the matter — he was obstinate with a will as cold as the frigid snow layering the silent landscapes. He would kill Sasuke, and no force in the world could prevent him from seeing it through.

Even if, perchance, he agreed to the request, Akatsuki would be wanted internationally soon. Then, not only Kumogakure, but also the entire world would be hunting Sasuke down.

The power-hungry tyrant was extremely bash in turning Naruto down — as if the young warrior was a machine gone horribly haywire, straying from the norms and customs associated with the shinobi world. "You bow your head for a criminal and ask for mercy for the sake of keeping your friends safe but, in the world of shinobi, that is not considered friendship!"

Despite our hero's desperate plea, the Raikage turned and left, leaving him prostrate in the bitter snow, broken and despairing.

In this world, having power was the only way to have one's desire, was the impression the stern Kage brought across; conceding to a shinobi's selfish request was absurd.

Sasuke's fate was sealed.


Meanwhile the five Kages were convened at the Kage Summit, along with, Mifune, the general of the country, team Taka infiltrated the mountain fortress and were steadily setting into motion their covert operation to annihilate the sixth Hokage: Danzo Shimura.

In Konoha, Sai sat beneath a massive oak tree, reminiscing about Naruto's ordeal with the Kumogakure shinobi. He had sacrificed his well-being for a friend that only brought him pain and disappointment. Why?

And, Sakura, the girl he once had immense feelings for — the girl he still has feelings for — has been blindly contributing to that pain and disappointment, as well.

Being a member of Team 7 — and partly sharing the weight of their troubles — Sai couldn't help but confront the girl with the bitter truth. Sasuke was out of reach physically and emotionally, but Sakura was available on all levels; a change could be made...

He told her about the strenuous effect their promise was having on him. Naruto was secretly torn between his feelings for her and his duty to withhold his vow. He was suffering because of Sasuke, but wasn't Sakura just as much to blame, as well?

The girl was dumfounded, her emotions shattered into fragments, spontaneously combusting in her belly. But, from amongst the ashes, an ardent resolve was forged into steel and gilded a shimmering gold.


Hinata spent majority of her day training, especially in an attempt to shorten the amount of time it took her to forge a Rasengan. She needed to become stronger and, in turn, more reliable. For whatever alternative she had planned to act on, she needed power to persevere. Needless to say, she wanted to protect Naruto, and to help save Sasuke from the darkness.

Upon receiving the prompt from the messenger frog, the princess wanted to accompany her knight to the Land of Iron but, alas, it wasn't her place to. This matter more gravitated around Team Kakashi. And, although Naruto was her fiancé, it was a good idea to give him some space, just like that woman in Fuugetsu had suggested.

"Hinata-sama," Ninja called out to her, dispelling her reverie.

"N-Neji-niisan," she turned from the massive boulder ravaged by multiple shots from her Rasengan. "Is something a matter?"

"Shikamaru wants us all to get together. Apparently, he has some kind of important announcement to make."

"A-Announcement? Shikamaru does?" The princess wondered what it could be about, but deep down inside, she was almost certain what message the tactician had to relay. Naruto had already informed her.

Without delay, they both left the training grounds for the location appointed for the rendezvous. There, Shikamaru passed a grave gaze over his inquisitive friends: Chouji, Ino, Kiba, Shino, Lee, Hinata, Neji, and Ten-Ten — then calmly briefed them on the matter at hand regarding Sasuke.

Pained gasps and chatter broke out amidst the small gathering. Ino looked on in abject shock; she couldn't belief what she was hearing.

"We're not kids anymore." Shikamaru frowned, his typically weary expression molded into utter seriousness. "We will put a stop to Akatsuki. Also, we'll stop Sasuke."

"Shikamaru..." Chouji muttered.

Ino felt her lips quiver.

"I'll go and get Team 7's consent beforehand," his frown deepened. "We can't allow Konoha and Kumo to go to war over Sasuke! No, let me rephrase that: If Sasuke is killed by Kumo, then Sakura, Ino, and especially Naruto would never just sit still. Then, if they got reckless and ended up being killed by Kumo, then Chouji, Inoichi-san, Sakura's parents and me would also be involved.

They're not going to just sit still — they'll also want revenge. And, if Chouji and I were killed, then our parents would also join in on it. Before you know it, there'd be a full-out war.

According to the information gathered from the Kumo's messenger, Sasuke's now an internationally wanted criminal. If he continues to affiliate himself with Akatsuki while producing more and more hate everywhere, then I believe he needs to be dealt with by Konoha. Everyone understands what I'm trying to say, right?"

"Yeah," Kiba replied on behalf of everyone. "But will Naruto and Sakura agree with this?"

Shikamaru tucked his hands into his pockets, feeling as if he could use a smoke. "Unfortunately, no matter what their answer is — for the sake of Konoha — I'll be taking action."

After the discussion ended, Shikamaru left his friends in shambles to convey the news to Naruto and Sakura.

It may have been over two-and-a-half years, but their bond was still so strong with the Missing-Nin that word of his crimes and judgment made their chest tighten and kept their happiness at bay.

Encircled by her friends, Ino sat broken and in denial on a stack of timber, flanked by a supportive Ten-Ten and Chouji. She couldn't control her tears, and being consoled only kept the torrent flowing — even if Sasuke were consoled regarding his mother and father, the tragic fate of his clan, his fate was still sealed. There was no saving him now — no Naruto-based miracle would save him.

"Ino," Chouji soothed, an attentive hand pressed to her back.

The sound of her grief-stricken sobs washed over the gang, hanging over their head like a dreary thundercloud.

Kiba couldn't withstand it. "Don't cry, Ino!"

"Kiba, don't be so mean," Ten-Ten scolded, her eyes pale. "Ino's always liked Sasuke-kun..."

"It's not as if it could be helped," he returned dryly, his hurt more than what he made noticeable. "It's different from back then..."

"Will they be fine," Shino wondered. "If Ino's like this... what about Sakura and Naruto?"

"Let's leave that to Shikamaru," Neji advised calmly. "He'll find a way to tell them. He still feels responsible as the leader of the team that failed to bring Sasuke back."

Chouji turned, looking down at Ino sympathetically. "If only we could have brought Sasuke back with us..."

"That's why he volunteered to do it," Neji prompted.


Sasuke, Naruto whispered in a quiet corner of his consciousness, sprawled out on his back in a local inn. Where are you and what are you thinking? Are you thinking of me, Sakura-chan, or Kakashi-sensei, even a little? he shifted onto his side, hoping the effects of the gaping hole in his gut would reverse itself. You defeated your brother, Itachi. You got your revenge. Did it make you feel better? ...Or did it make you suffer even more?

Sasuke. The once glistening blue ocean of his eyes had gone pale. Why won't you come back to Konoha? Have you been totally consumed by hatred, Sasuke? Have you really become nothing but a common criminal? he closed his eyes and balled his fingers into a tight fist. Now, I don't know anything about you anymore...

"Yo," a familiar, nonchalant voice rose above the gust of a snowstorm outside. "Why don't we have a little chat, Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto's eyes tore open, his pulse spiking at the hostility buried deep beneath the man's casual tone. By the third thrum of his heart, he created a Shadow Clone, forged a Rasengan, and threw himself at the criminal mastermind that had stolen his friend's rationality. "You!" he bellowed with disdain, blowing a hole in the side of wall, and supposedly the Akatsuki bastard!

"Rasengan right off the bat, huh," the man commented from atop the roof with his nonchalance still intact. And, yes, still alive. "You know it won't work, right?"

Suddenly, a barrage of flexible wood tethered to the house's roof wrapped the man in a wooden cocoon — a prison to separate him from Naruto, who was also barricaded and protected by a wall of wood and a defensive Yamato. "Naruto, just stay where you are."

The strident chirping of a Chidori echoed above the eerie howling of the blizzard. Kakashi was already behind the masked man, his Sharingan unconcealed, a well-charged Chidori parked at the man's side.

"As expected from Kakashi of the Sharingan." the man was still calm despite the seemingly bitter turn of events. "You're fast."

Kakashi ignored the compliment. "I won't let you get your hands on Naruto that easily, Uchiha Madara."

"Then I'm pretty sure you heard what I said earlier: no attacks will work against me."

"I don't know whether you're making your body disappear or if you're a projection," Yamato said coolly. "But I know that you'd have to solidify yourself in order to take Naruto. If not, you won't be able to catch him. So that's where our aim lies."

Knelt, Yamato set his hands down on the ground, erecting a set of tall wooden pillars on the roof that enclosed everyone within a circle. "This is now my territory."

Madara chuckled. "I never thought it was going to be easy. I, too, have a plan. But for now, I'd rather just have a chat."

"A chat?" Kakashi remained cautious.

"Indeed. What made Pain, or rather, Nagato betray me? Naruto, I've become quite interested in you."

Naruto gripped a row of the wooden barrier, like a ferocious beast snapping irritable at a annoying spectator. "Who gives a crap? What are you planning to do with Sasuke? Tell me about Sasuke!"

"Sasuke, huh?" the man sounded a bit weary.

Yamato and Kakashi awaited his reply — they, too, were curious about Sasuke's fate in this obviously diabolical plan the mask man was scheming.

"Fine. I'll tell you," he agreed. "I'll tell you about a man who has been engulfed to the bone by the grudge and hatred of the shinobi world. I'll tell you about Uchiha Sasuke." his Sharingan glowed freakishly through his dark mask, but Naruto was not intimidated.

"But it's impossible to talk about Sasuke without first mentioning Itachi. So first, I will tell you the truth about Itachi."

The truth about Itachi? Everyone's curiosity had peaked by this point, but Naruto couldn't hold back his snarl of contempt and anger. Regardless, Madara launched into the forbidden archive that was Itachi's history, revealing the tragic darkness the man was condemned to walk with.

"You're lying!" Naruto pounded on the wooden column. "It's just nonsense!"

"That's... impossible." Yamato was unable to swallow the story, either.

"Drop the jokes," Kakashi was in the same boat, his Chidori still charged and geared for the kill. "We don't believe you!"

"I'm not lying," Madara defended. "That is the true story behind Itachi. He died for the sake of Sasuke and the Konoha village."

Naruto couldn't believe it — what kind of heart, what level of twisted commitment and morality could drive a man to massacre his entire clan and join a criminal organization, on behalf of his village?

And then to allow himself to be kill by his own younger brother — the one soul he couldn't get himself to eliminate — as a means of atonement.

Naruto flexed his fingers.

"What's the meaning of this," Kakashi interrogated. "Even if it was true and Sasuke knew, why would he help Akatsuki? He would follow Itachi's will and return to Konoha!"

The man gave a small titter. "As Sasuke's teacher and friends, you tried to understand him, but you've got it completely wrong. Sasuke's the real deal — he's a true avenger."

Naruto was on the verge of explosion, his teeth gritted, his eyes wide and fixated upon the vile creature before him. "Did you do this to him?"

"No, I did not. This is the path Sasuke himself chose."

"That... can't be true." Naruto shouted in denial; he refused to believe it, but even though he closed his eyes shut, the light of the truth still penetrated his closed lids.

"It was a gamble for me, too," Madara mused. "Would he inherit Itachi's will, or exact vengeance on Konoha? He chose vengeance. At heart, he belongs with us. Sasuke's goal now is to see vengeance upon Konoha, on behalf of his clan and Itachi."

"Why... why did he... turn out like this," Naruto muttered, his voice low and rough. "Why did he turn to vengeance?"

"He had no choice," the man attempted to clarify. "That is the fate of hatred for the blood-stained Uchiha. The curse that has and will forever haunt us."

"Curse?" Naruto reiterated quizzically.

"That's right — the curse of the hatred that started with the ancestor of all shinobi long ago, Rikudou Sennin."

"Did you say Rikudou Sennin," Kakashi asked. "He's just a myth! The Rinnegan is merely a mutation—"

"That myth was drawn from reality," Madara retorted curtly, cutting him off. "At one time, Rikudou Sennin taught the ninja arts and tried to set the world on a path to peace. He was halfway in realizing his dream when it happened.

He entrusted the power and will of the ninja arts to his two children. The elder brother by nature bore the Sennin's 'eyes' — he was blessed with the Sennin's chakra power and spiritual energy. He perceived power as necessary for peace.

The younger brother by nature bore the Sennin's 'flesh' — he was blessed with the Sennin's life force and physical energy. He perceived love as necessary for peace.

At the Sennin's deathbed, he was forced to choose a successor. But that decision bred the curse of hatred that would live on forever."

"What do you mean?" Naruto had calmed down a tad.

"The Sennin chose not the elder brother who sought power, but the younger brother who sought love as the most fit. The elder brother had believed, as the eldest son, he was to be the successor and was dissatisfied. Thus, he started the hated conflict with his younger brother.

Even as time went by and their blood thinned, their descendants continued to fight. The elder brother's descendants were since then known as 'Uchiha', and the younger brother's as 'Senju'.

The fights between the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama and I, Uchiha Madara, were fated." for a brief moment, there was silence. "This is the second time we meet. I can tell the Senju's Will of Fire dwells within you. Even now, I can see the First Hokage in you. Though dead, he still lives on. The man I admired, my rival, the man I hated more than anyone.

Senju and Uchiha, the Will of Fire and hatred... Naruto and Sasuke... you and Sasuke are the two next in line, chosen by fate. The Uchiha are the clan destined for vengeance. Sasuke carries all the hatred of the Uchiha clan, and will strike the world with that curse of hatred."

Naruto was on the verge again, his eyes quivering, rage burning, seething through his blood stream.

"Above strong weapons, above friends and power, his hatred exceeds everything. That is Sasuke's Way of the Ninja. Naruto, sooner or later, you'll end up fighting Sasuke. No, I'm going to make sure that you run into him — the long-awaited fight of destiny. I'm going to make Sasuke verify the existence of the Uchiha."

"Sasuke's not your toy," Naruto snapped. "Stop being so selfish!"

"Even if you were able to change Sasuke's mind as you did with Nagato," Madara asked accusingly. "That's also pretty selfish, Naruto. To be able to control people, you need a special technique to use the darkness in their hearts. In Nagato's case, I guess he happened to be easily influenced by people."

Naruto felt as though his senior student's suffering and sacrifice was being belittled. "Don't you dare compare yourself with Nagato! Though his methods were different, he really desired peace! But you're different!"

"Heh, I guess." the man's tone was way too casual for Naruto's taste.

"The existence of the Uchiha... if that worthless thing is your goal. Then why are you gathering the Bijuu," Kakashi asked. "What the hell are you after? What do you want?"

"Oh, yeah... if you really need an answer, I guess it'll have to become a complete being." he turned eerily, his eye grave.

"Complete being?" Kakashi didn't flinch.

"What does that mean?" Yamato was curious, too.

"It wouldn't really matter, if I told you. I think I'll talk about it at a more appropriate location. It's been fun taking to you," the man said dismissively, his body disappearing spirally into the hole of his mask. "See you around."

Abruptly, Naruto's anger melted into a puddle of grief. Sasuke...


Confrontation: Heart's Endeavor


"Do you really think Naruto will just accept our decision," Kiba asked Sakura, once she had joined their ranks.

"But this is what we all agreed on," Lee added from his seat on a mountain of timber. "We have to make him understand."

"I'll tell Naruto everything," Sakura offered, her tone resolute.

"You will, Sakura-san?" Lee was rather surprised.

"Do you have an idea or something?" Kiba was awfully calm leaning up against Akamaru, in contrast to Ino who was still sulking.

"Just leave it to me," the girl insisted. "Please don't say anything to Naruto. Just promise me that, everyone."

No one had any complaints.

Hinata watched her avidly. The girl's emerald eyes were alight with conviction. There was no trace of hesitation whatsoever, but the truth of it made the princess's heart break even farther. While it was ideal that she had found such determination in the state of this crisis, it was sad she had to seal away and neglect her grief.

Sakura brushed her fingers through the evenly cut fringes of her hair.

Hair, Hinata thought mentally, the visual evoking a memory. Along with Ino and majority of the girls back in their academy days, Sakura had grown out her hair upon learning a rumor that Sasuke had supposedly preferred girls with long hair. Conversely, Hinata had kept her hair short, to silently prompt Naruto that she was not one amongst Sasuke's mindless fan girls.

But, the gesture was born from the same violent gust of love and admiration Sakura felt for Sasuke, and Hinata couldn't help but wonder what she would have striven to accomplish, if Naruto was the one in Sasuke's place. The princess thought long and hard on her decision and, no matter the route, her resolve had always been a reckless one.

Though, would Sakura really attempt such recklessness?

"Sh-Shino-kun," Hinata whispered, winning his attention.

"Hinata... what is it?"

"Umm... could Shino-kun do me a favor?"

"A favor...?"


Meanwhile Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato were still busy processing and digesting all that's transpired over the course of just a few weeks, Madara was preoccupied effortlessly infiltrating the Three Wolves and saving Sasuke from incineration.

After illustrating that he could not be harmed — by allowing the Raikage to slip through him in his speedy assault — the man sent Sasuke and Karin into an alternate dimension of his creation, and then began to prompt the anxious audience about his elaborate plan.

His grand endeavor was called the Eye of the Moon. And, in a nutshell, he was planning on gathering the nine Bijuus with which to resurrect the Juubi, and then become the beast's Jinchuuriki as the Rikudou Sennin supposedly was. Then, by using that power, he would strengthen his ocular powers and use the moon to project his eyes upon invoking a certain technique — Enternal Tsukuyomi.

In essence, a genjutsu would be cast on humanity, after which, the man would assume control and unite the world. There would be no reserve or dispute; everything would become one with him.

Of course, the Kages didn't agree, neither did their subordinates and the samurais. But Madara insisted that they cooperate with his plan by handing over the Hachibi and Kyuubi, else there would be war. Still they refused, and thus, the man declared the dawning of the Fourth Great Ninja War before taking this leave.

In retaliation, everyone agreed upon forging an Allied Shinobi Force, if they were to have any chance of winning against the force of the Bijuus Madara had already amassed. And, it was also imperative that the Hachibi and Kyuubi be hidden and protected, to prevent the possibility of the man's heinous plan coming to fruition.

Destruction was on the arisen.


The blizzard had calmed to a light sprinkle of snow — cold regardless — and Naruto sat atop the roof, meditating.

Kakashi had told him and Yamato that it was best to keep Itachi's history a secret for now — since they could not yet justify whether the story was real or not. And it was best not to stir more chaos within the village, especially over what could merely be just a tall tale.

If I keep doing the same thing over again, I'll never find Sasuke, Naruto thought to himself, attuning his senses and matching his chakra to the wavelength of the environment's natural energy. I have to use Sage Mode. I should first work on extending how long I can use it.

"Naruto, come inside," Yamato commanded, knelt beside Kakashi.

Suddenly, the young warrior's eyes snapped open, a familiar, feminine energy entering his range of detection. Kakashi noted the same thing he did.

"There you are," Kiba exclaimed, running up to the inn along with Sakura, Lee, and Sai.

Naruto pivoted his head to the left, the mark of the Sage highlighting his features. "Sakura-chan?" he walked over to the edge of the roof. "Sai, Kiba, even Fuzzy Brows?"

"What are you all doing here?" Kakashi didn't like to be uninformed.

"Naruto," Sakura looked up, seeking his eyes with the gleam of resolve that quivered in hers. "We need to talk."


"Huh?" Naruto was flabbergasted, Yamato and Lee sharing his shock, but even more so. Kakashi was perfectly calm; he'd read far too much drama to flinch by something of this magnitude. "W-What did you just say, Sakura-chan? I think I had something in my ears. What did you say again?"

The girl averted her eyes, cheeks flushed under the weight of his penetrating blue stare. "I said... I said I love..." she looked up at him beneath her lashes, her lips curving as he pronounced the embarrassing words. "I said I love you, Naruto."

Silence and shock continued to fill the air.

"I said I didn't care about Sasuke-kun anymore," she continued. "I was wrong to love someone like him all this time. You should listen more carefully when someone's confessing to you!"

Gradually, Naruto's once dumbfounded expression changed — his brows slowly pulled down over his appraising eyes, and the muscles in his jaw tightened as suspicion pierced him through, like an iron bolt.

He had always dreamt of Sakura confessing her love to him... but not like this. There was no real fire in her words, like there was in Hinata's — and why chose now, when there was an audience? Her confession more seemed like a circumstance rather than true affection.

Naruto gazed through her, like a book, hoping to wring the truth from her restless soul. "But why? Why now? If this is a joke, it's not very funny, Sakura-chan. What happened to you?"

The girl shook her head, her composure slipping. "Nothing. I just opened my eyes. How could I be in love with a Missing-Nin? A criminal? I can't stay a child forever. It's time I woke up to reality." she lifted an index finger to her lips and attempted a wholehearted smile. "That's why, Naruto, you can forget about that promise you made to me."

Naruto tilted his head slightly in surprise. Enlightenment beginning to seep through him, like acid trickling through his veins.

"Now you'll be able to stop chasing after Sasuke, right?"

"What are you saying," Yamato began, but Kakashi stopped him in his tracks; this was not something in which they were to interfere.

Sakura held her smile.

Kiba frowned behind her. Don't tell me this was her idea?

Naruto wasn't enthused, either. "Sakura-chan, did something happen to you? Why are you saying stuff like this all of a sudden?"

"I already said nothing happened," she gesticulated frustratingly. "It's obvious why I could fall for someone like you."

That's what she said, but Naruto couldn't help but recall how intensely she's gravitated around Sasuke over the years. He was her moon and the stars that lit her dreams and guaranteed her happiness. She crumbled when he left the village, and then strived to become stronger when Naruto failed to bring him back as promised.

Sakura was an empty shell without him, and the love Naruto had to give could not fill that gap. Besides, she knew very well that Hinata had now filled the space that was initially reserved for her. She was a few weeks too late, and nothing she said would ever change this shift in reality.

Brazenly, the young cherry blossom closed the distance between them and coiled her arms around him, pulling the anxious hero against her broken figure. "Sasuke-kun keeps getting farther away from me," her voice was soft at his ear. "But you, Naruto, have always been by my side. You always tried to cheer me up." her eyes hooded, her cheeks brightening from his closeness, and his warmth.

"I finally realized who you really are, Naruto. Even with Pain, you came back when we really needed you. You become the hero who protected our village. Everyone in the village loves you. And, now, I'm one of them.

I watched as you went from a mischievous prankster to a really wonderful person. But Sasuke continues with his sins," her tone was grim. "He continues to break my heart. He's gradually becoming a stranger to me. But, Naruto, you're someone I can reach. You put me at ease. Right now, from the bottom of my heart, I—"

Naruto pulled her back abruptly, cutting her off. "That's enough, Sakura-chan! I said I don't think this joke is funny!"

The girl felt her confidence slipping at his crude remark, unfastening the bolt that secured her sorrow within its cage. Her eyes quivered, reflecting the motion of her lips, but just before her confidence all but escaped, she tethered it behind an influx of provocation. "Why are you so angry? All I said was I like you now, instead of Sasuke-kun. A woman's heart can change like the wind, you know?"

His grip tightened over her shoulders, heightening the potency of what he was about to say: "I hate people who lie to themselves!"

Crash! Sakura felt her eyes shot open, and her heart slammed into her chest in a sudden assault, like a wrecking ball.

Everyone looked on in embarrassment, feeling the bitter sting of Naruto's words. But no one intervened — there was only silence.

"I'm lying to myself?" Sakura was surprisingly calm.

Naruto nodded.

She slapped his hand from her shoulder. "I decide my own true feelings! If you hate me, then just say it straight to my face, instead of making stupid excuses!"

"But it's weird, isn't it," Naruto began. "For you to come all the way out here, just to tell me that?" Especially when you know about Hinata...

"Just to tell you that...? Just to tell you that?" Sakura was livid. "Do you really think it's that easy for a girl to confess her feelings? Coming all the way out here, just to tell you that? Of course, I'd come out here!

You're always thinking about 'Sasuke-kun', 'Sasuke-kun' — always chasing after him and getting yourself into dangerous situations! You're the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki and Akatsuki's after you! Try to worry more about yourself for a change!"

Her eyes narrowed to pale emerald slits, a jewel with its facets of many different emotions. "I'm telling you that you don't have to chase after Sasuke-kun and get yourself into dangerous situations anymore! I came after you because I want you to return to the village! That's all!"

Naruto's eyes softened as his mind processed. "All I'm hearing is just a lame excuse. I know you better than that."

"Then why don't you understand," she gesticulated. "I don't care for Sasuke-kun anymore, now that he's become a criminal. That's why the promise you gave me doesn't matter anymore."

"...It's not about the promise," Naruto clarified, his eyes closed. "Why Sasuke became obsessed with vengeance and started acting like this — I think I've started to understand it a little bit." his eyes opened.

With Jiraiya's late death, Konoha's destruction, and Nagato and Sasuke's brainwashing, Yamato and Kakashi could understand why Naruto felt that he understood Sasuke a bit more. But, was this development actually a good thing?

"Sasuke loved his family and his clan. Since his love for them was so deep, I don't think he can forgive what happened to them easily."

"Then why did he join Akatsuki after defeating the unforgivable Itachi," Kiba accused questioningly.

"...It wasn't like that," Naruto countercharged softly. "Actually—"

"Naruto," Kakashi interjected suddenly, breaking his chain of thought.

The party stared in a bit of shock, their curiosity unsatisfied.

Naruto bowed his head sadly. He was specifically instructed not to reveal a single word Madara had said, to avoid unnecessary panic and turmoil amidst the already broken Konoha. But, despite Kakashi's verbal jar, resolve dawned and he sought Sakura's eyes once more. "It doesn't matter if the promise I made with you is gone."

The girl gasped, noting the certitude buried behind the dreary ocean of his eyes. "I personally want to save Sasuke."

Her eyes widened, and Sai veered his dark eyes to look at her, well aware that her scheme had failed; Naruto's resolves were always resolute; he would never change his mind, even if the girl he once loved confessed to him.

A worried Kiba approached Sakura from behind, whispering words of his anxiety to her ear. "Hey, what do we do now, Sakura? Wouldn't it be better just to tell him the—"

She stomped on his foot and turned on her heels, abandoning Kiba in a fit of pain. Worried, Akamaru rushed to his side. "That's enough!" Sakura was still fuming inwardly. "I'm going back. Let's go, Kiba, Lee-san, Sai."

"Sakura-san." Lee could feel the sorrow beneath her fury.

"Let's go." Kiba had just barely recovered.

Naruto, Yamato, and Kakashi watched in silence as they left. Akamaru pivoted his head around with a look of concern as he strode behind his partner. The canine seemed as though it wanted to say something, to reveal truths that wasn't suppressed and mangled by the sophisticated mechanics of human emotions.

Sakura bit her lip and tightly closed her eyes. I'm sorry, Naruto...

Meanwhile, Sai was busy inconspicuously averting his eyes to the side, as if mentally invoking a chant to awaken the clone made of ink he had left in a dark alley.

"Are you fine with this, Sakura," Kiba asked, his words stopping the girl in her tracks.

"Kiba, I have a favor to ask of you." her reply was stern, almost intimidating. She would not take no for an answer.

"What is it?"

"I'm going to look for Sasuke-kun right away! Cooperate with me!"

As soon as they were gone — leaving a track of footprints in their wake — Sai's clone revealed himself and calmly enlightened a curious Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato as to what Sakura actually came there to say.

They were dumbfounded, but even more so, Naruto. He felt his heart wailing silently, tightening, as though the unmerciful hand of Grief was squeezing it.

"Sasuke will be dealt with by Konoha's hand," Sai reiterated. "All your comrades will take action based on this."

"Sakura-chan did," Naruto exclaimed, clasping the shinobi's shoulder as though he was a mindless barbarian, shaking him violently. "Did Sakura-chan really agree to this? She really loves Sasuke! Still... she would..."

A clump of snow fell from the roof of the inn, as if illustrating the shift in Naruto's mood from grief-stricken to despairing.

"After the recent attack on Konoha by Akatsuki, the shinobi of Konoha can no longer ignore Sasuke who is collaborating with Akatsuki."

Naruto withdrew his hands.

"Sakura is not an idiot, nor is she a child who wouldn't understand the situation and circumstances. That's why she came here in person to tell you this."

Kakashi sighed and shook his head.

Naruto balled his fingers into trembling fists, his teeth gritted. "Then why didn't she tell me the truth?"

"It's not something that can be said easily," Kakashi informed. "She knows it would be painful for you."

"Even so..."

"By confessing her love to you and giving up on Sasuke, she relieved you of the heavy burden of your promise."

Naruto gasped, recalling Sakura's plea, mostly to him, and partly to the rescue team, as they were about to initiate the mission to liberate Sasuke from the Orochimaru's cronies and return him to the village.

"Even so," Sai continued. "You said that you wanted to save Sasuke yourself. I think that's why she couldn't tell you the truth — she was thinking of your feelings. And she probably knew that you would respond like that.

Actually, Sakura forbade us from telling you the truth. She said she'd find a way to tell you. She said it was her duty."

Yamato frowned. "But if she knew how Naruto would react, then it would mean she wasn't planning on telling him the truth in the first place. What is Sakura planning to do?"

"I'm just guessing," Sai attempted. "But Sakura is probably..."

"She's planning to kill Sasuke by herself," Kakashi added bluntly.

Grief squeezed tighter, and Naruto felt the unyielding lines of dismay beneath his eyes.

"Is that it, Sai?" Yamato was in disbelief.

"Probably." he remembered on their way to the Iron Country, he told Sakura not to shoulder all the burden herself, that he along with all her friends were there for her. The girl conceded with a smile. "Sakura smiled and said that she wanted to cooperate with everyone. But, this time, I saw through her fake smile."

"No way," Naruto breathed, his emotions in violent disarray as he gazed down at the ground. "There's no way Sakura-chan could do... she really, really loves Sasuke—"

"It's because she loves him," Sai interrupted curtly. "She doesn't want him to continue his evil ways. It's because she loves him that she wants to save him from the path of evil. Even if it means that she has to kill the one she loves with her own hands. I think that's how committed she is in her love for Sasuke.

And, by doing that, Naruto... she is prepared to be hated by you."

He couldn't find his tongue.

"I think that's her compensation for leaving you with a lifelong burden. Sakura has relied on you too much. That is why, this time, she wants to do it herself."

"Sai." Naruto's voice was barely above a whisper, his eyes dark and sorrowful. "Why did you tell me this?"

He thought about it for a while, and then recalled telling Sakura that Naruto was suffering because of Sasuke, and accusingly, as well. "Although it wasn't my intention, I might have pushed Sakura into doing this. That's why I came to you — because I couldn't just ignore her and because I'm a member of Team 7."

"I see..." he bowed his head, chaos spreading its poisonous roots throughout his heart and mind.

After hearing this, Naruto's feelings must be pretty mixed up, Kakashi thought sympathetically, curiously. So, what will he do now?

Naruto peered into himself, trying to sort through the sorrow and the grief, through the confusion and the frustration that coated black the walls of his consciousness.

Finally, beneath the dark tides, he found that oh so familiar picture frame of Team 7 — a sentimental and symbolic mental image. But, suddenly, it cracked and shattered into pieces, falling into the void like everything else.

Naruto pressed his hand against his forehead with a grunt, the chaotic roots spreading to his chest, devouring him. The pain was excruciating, but just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, Gaara, accompanied by Temari and Kankuro suddenly joined their ranks.

The Kazekage told them about Sasuke's attack on the Summit and the sudden declaration of war that Madara had evoked, which the Kages retaliated on by agreeing to forge an Allied Shinobi Force.

Of course, since Sasuke was a part of Akatsuki — the criminal organization that was led by Madara, he, too, would face the full force of the alliance and would be mowed down without hesitation.

While Gaara was busy prompting Naruto about Sasuke's change of heart, the dark knight was busy engaged in a death match against Danzo — one amongst the sinners responsible for the Uchiha's downfall, and the fight was already looking a bit grim for the newly appointed Hokage.


At mid afternoon, the sun was already beginning its slow descent toward the tops of the thick oak trees that covered the hilly, forested region of the country.

Hinata squinted, shielding her eyes from the blinding orange rays and wondered what Naruto could be doing right now. Her engagement ring was buried deep inside her ninja pouch, so she couldn't look to see what his mood was. But something — some unexplainable feeling in her heart — told her he was not well.

"Hinata-sama," Neji called, impatient, displeased. "You may be able to use the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms now, but you still need to work on your form!"


By the time she pivoted her head to look at him, she glimpsed a blur of movement careering toward her. The image sharpened when the assailant paused below her, and the princess felt her heart skipped a beat — but she sprung into an aerial somersault as Neji ascended with a palm thrust supplemented by an Air Palm. His hand just barely missed her chin, but a few strands of her hair weren't so lucky.

Time slowed, and Hinata watched as the errant wind made off with her precious locks. Naruto would not be pleased.

In retaliation, she quickly forged a Rasengan and plummeted down for the assault, like a meteorite breaking into a planet's upper atmosphere.

"Tch!" Neji frowned, his eyes focusing. "That's too predictable!" In one fluid motion, his foot shifted and he went into a defensive whirl: Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven.

Hinata grunted, her attack parried. She dropped to the ground unsteadily, and then sank to her knees, looking up at her cousin apprehensively, as if with defeat. But then, Neji heard the sound of crumbling rock. When he turned around, he saw a beast made of chakra lunging toward him with a fierce growl. It was too late to dodge or rotate. But, suddenly, the creature halted and fell to the ground, tethered by the chakra string that was connected to its collar.

Anxious, Neji looked ahead carefully, and then noted the small hole into which the chakra string disappeared. It was Hinata... she must have dug a hole with her chakra the moment she fell to the ground — simple, but ingenious!

"Wh-what was that just now," he asked when she pushed to her feet.

Hinata averted her eyes sheepishly. "It's a new technique that I am working on... but it's difficult to extend the range."

Neji smiled admiringly. "Keep working at it; it's an impressive jutsu. A technique like that will constantly open windows of opportunity for a close range or mid range attack."

Before Hinata could thank him, a swarm of Shino's bugs came to her with silent news. They were uncoordinated and, with that, the princess knew something was wrong.

Subsequent to the meeting with Sakura and everyone, she had request that Shino place a bug on the girl so that they could track her movements. Hinata didn't know what she had planned to tell Naruto, but she knew no forms of persuasion would drive him to hunt down and annihilate Sasuke — his intention was to save him.

"Calm down," Hinata urged.

The insects heeded her command and flew upward, forming characters with the sky proving to be the ideal background for her to see.


The princess caught her breath and then name "Sasuke" dawned in her mind, like overcast shuffling over verdant meadow. The insects were programmed to react if Sakura encountered anyone who was using Fire or Lightning elemental attacks. But, could it really be Sasuke?

The critters bundled together to form a directional arrow.


When Gaara left, Kakashi decisively decided to go after Sakura, while Yamato was instructed to take Naruto back to the village.

Our hero stood in the unsympathetic snow, reflecting, sulking, the frigid wind biting at his hands and at his face. He tried to collect his thoughts — despite the cold that tackled him externally and internally — to formulate a resolve to save Sasuke. But the pieces would not fall into place. The Uchiha did not want to be saved, and everyone was out to get him, even Sakura. It was hopeless. Even if he conceived all the Shadow Clones he was capable of, nothing would change; Konoha's hero was only capable of so much.

The chaotic roots were still spreading...

Naruto wanted closure from the incessant prick of despair. He wanted a sedative that would mend his heart and calm his mind, aiding him in his effort to think straight — but his savor was so far away. His goddess, his counterpart, his soul mate: Hinata...

For a moment, he felt as if he were trapped in the dark and endless vacuum of space. There was silence and a sharp sense of loneliness. He felt a painful spasm of panic — all his problems crashed down upon him all at once, like a wrecking ball. Naruto gasped and clasped his shirt, the impact striking his heart, like a bolt of lightning.

Sasuke kidnapped a special shinobi of Kumogakure, inducing the same grief he felt when Jiraiya was killed. Did such a person deserve forgiveness? He was an avenger — that was his Way of the Ninja, and Sakura knew the truth of it, which is why she resolved to end his suffering with her own two hands. As his friend, wasn't Naruto's supposed to do the same?

No! he fell to his knees, panting, his hand squeezing his chest.

Kakashi frowned. "Naruto, what's wrong?" his voice was high, concerned.

The warrior fell to the ground, his breaths deep and erratic. Everyone rushed over to him, their eyes wide with apprehension.

"Calm down, Naruto," Kakashi yelled.

"He's hyperventilating," Yamato added.

"Breathe slowly!"

"Naruto," Sai called as his lids fluttered closed.

"Naruto? Can you hear me? Naruto!"


Electricity crackled and chirped, flickering unpredictably, echoing throughout the valley, as if to celebrate the death of the late Hokage. But as Karin looked up lifelessly at the man beside her, she knew the Chidori was by no means celebratory — it was her figurative guillotine; her means of resignation from Team Taka; a one-way ticket to oblivion.

The girl closed her eyes, welcoming her fate, but just before the Grim reaper purged yet another unfortunate soul...

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura called breathlessly as she came to a stop on the other side of the broken bridge. She was an emotional wreck.

"Sakura?" her name was cold upon his lips, by no means the warm pronunciation she was expecting from her lover.

She felt the color drain from her face at his aloof introduction, the wound in her heart officially reawakening. He's completely different from before... Is this really Sasuke-kun?

The dark knight lowered his hand and the Chidori dispersed, but his malicious demeanor did not fade. "For what purpose did you come before me?"

Who is she? Karin was gradually losing the light in her eyes.

Sasuke's words sent a bitter jar through Sakura's chest. Her heart quivered, but before her lips could mirror the motion, she bit down sharply, her emerald eyes bright with enigma. "Sasuke-kun!"

He watched her curiously, his eyes dark despite the images that fell behind them — a photo album of warm memories.

"I want to follow you," she said solemnly. "I'm leaving Konoha!"

The evil prince remained silent, appraising her, his expression spelling the depth to which he was not enthused. Sakura tensed beneath his steady scrutiny, her lips pursed as she awaited his reply.

"What do I gain, if you join me," he demanded as she leaped across the gap in the bridge that separated them. But she did well to keep her distance. "What are you plotting?"

"I'm not plotting anything at all," she defended hotly, shocked that he'd readily suspect her after the magical moment they shared just a few short days ago. "I've always regretted not coming along with you when you left Konoha! And, if you didn't leave while I was unconscious when we... I would have joined you..."

She's... an old friend? Karin was still conscious, her inquisitiveness helping her to cling to reality. She also loves Sasuke, but...

"I'll do anything you want," Sakura persuaded. "I don't want to have any more regrets!"

Sasuke frowned, the dark stain of blood beneath his eye adding to his devastating expression. Emotions thumped behind the door of his heart, but the key was nowhere to be found — lost beneath the quicksand of the Uchiha's dark curse of hatred. "Do you know what I want?"

"I don't care. I'll do exactly as you—"

"I'll destroy Konoha," he enlightened abruptly, breaking her off curtly.

Sakura felt her eyes pop open in disbelief.

"That's what I want." he was still appraising her. "Would you really betray Konoha for my sake?"

Despite her shock, she reined in her composure and answered his question without missing a beat. "Yes, if that's what you want from me."

"Then prove it." he gestured his head to his fallen comrade, who's resignation had been long overdue. "Finish her off. If you do, I'll believe you."

Sakura broke into a sweat, but she pushed out a kunai from the opening of her trench coat. "Who's she?"

"A member of my organization, Taka." Sasuke was bizarrely calm. "As you can see, she's rather useless now. You're a Medical-nin, right? You can take her place — you'll be a good fit."

Sakura's eyes narrowed, the black threads keeping her heart together breaking by the second. If he can go this far, he really isn't the same Sasuke-kun that I once knew. He's changed so much, and in such little time. Slowly, she closed the distance between them, halting beside the half-dead girl whose eyes glazed behind her glasses.

"What's wrong, Sakura?" Sasuke's eyes were sharp. "Can't you do it?"

She doesn't have anything to do with this, Sakura thought, browsing through memory archives and waves of emotions. She was so busy struggling with her resolve that she didn't notice Sasuke sneaking behind her. If I just run through Sasuke-kun with this right now... everything will be over.

"Stop it... Sasuke," Karin murmured wearily as the dark knight poised to strike.

Sakura gasped, but it was too late. The sound of a thousand chirping birds echoed throughout the dreary valley once more. Now the Grim reaper would dispatch two unfortunate souls to the deepest reaches of hell.

But, just before he impaled her — right through the heart — Kakashi appeared with the blinding speed he was notorious for and grabbed a hold of Sasuke's hand, veering it downward, even as he pointed a kunai to his face. He really tried to kill her! "How far you've fallen, Sasuke!"

Without a word, the annoyed Uchiha swept his foot forward in a crippling low kick, but Kakashi quickly reacted by leaping upward and kicking his hip, driving Sasuke forward while himself was propelled back. Now there was space between them, just in case there was sudden need for defensive action.

The moment the dark prince pushed to his feet, Kakashi threw a kunai tethered with a line, which coiled around him. But the one caught in the bind turned out to be a replacement — a piece of wood.

Sasuke landed on his feet a few yards away with a scornful smirk. "It's just one after another."

"Sakura... you planned to kill Sasuke on your own, didn't you?" Kakashi knelt calmly before her and a motionless Karin.

The girl bowed her head sullenly.

"There's no need for you to carry such a heavy burden on your own. I was Team 7's leader, so I hold resentment toward myself for the team's falling out." the man stood, his expression guarded. "Sakura, I said something irresponsible when trying to comfort you."

They both recalled the fight Naruto and Sasuke had on the roof of the hospital, when Sakura was almost caught in between a fierce Rasengan and Chidori. He'd told her then that everything would go back the way they were.

Kakashi frowned, which was partly directed at himself. "I must have been trying to convince myself of that, as well. I'm sorry for having been such a lousy teacher."

"That's not..."

"Sasuke!" The man's eyes fixed on the avenger now. "I don't like repeating myself. However, I'll say this one last time: I've seen people like you too many times before. People that follow their desire for vengeance have an empty future. Don't be consumed by your revenge!"

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Sasuke eased into a fit of bizarre laugher, and then there was silence. "Itachi, my father, my mother... even my clan — bring them back to me!" his voice was loud and filled with exasperation. "If you can do that, I'll stop!"

"I don't want to kill you," Kakashi replied wearily.

"You speak as if you could!" his eyes widened maliciously, and Kakashi poised for battle. "Don't act as if you're still my teacher! I'm itching to kill you, Kakashi!"

Madara's driven him this far... "Sakura," he called softly. "Heal that girl to the point where she can talk — there's still time for her. She knows a lot about the enemy."

Enemy? Sakura felt her chest constrict. Is that who she made love with? "What will you do?"

He didn't spare her a gaze. "Take that girl and get away from here."


Suddenly, he turned, his expression warm. "I'll bear the weight of your resolve. This is my duty, after all. Now..."

Sakura nodded, guilt and a plethora of other emotions arresting her.

"Get going, Sakura..."

She did what she was told, and then Kakashi cast aside his trench coat, his once warm expression converted to "battle-mode". "As the leader of Team 7, I'll settle everything right here, right now!"

"I don't like repeating myself, either." Sasuke mirrored his weary tone. "Don't act as if you're still my teacher."

No matter how low Orochimaru fell, the Third always adored him. Kakashi cupped his forehead protector. Even with the many students you had raised... that pain you felt when your favorite pupil fled the village... and when you were forced to fight him — no one could imagine the resolve it took.

Sasuke's face hardened when the man took a step forward, and then raised his forehead protector from his right eye, closing the other in the same beat.

"I now understand how the Third Hokage-sama felt."

Sasuke cracked his knuckles, poker-faced. "And you're going to end up just like he did."

Sakura knelt behind the colossal pillar at the threshold of the bridge, healing Karin to the point of speaking as Kakashi specifically commanded.

"You..." the girl struggled.

"Please don't talk yet," Sakura said pass the hot lump in her throat. "I'm almost finished."

You're my enemy. I don't want to know how you feel. So please... stop making such a sad face, and stop crying in front of me.

Our cherry blossom wept in silence, her grief resonating with Karin's, summoning tears to her eyes, as well. They wept together, mourning the loss of a love and a soul that fell to the darkness — destined to be consumed by pain and sorrow with the more he erased in search of his "complete vengeance".

Good, Kakashi said mentally, glimpsing that the girls were at a secure enough location.

"The Sharingan is proof that one is an Uchiha." Sasuke shot the man a sneer, and then began charging toward him. "You're just an outsider, so don't you dare flaunt that eye before me, you piece of shit!" he touched the seal on the inside of his forearm, summoning and throwing a barrage of shurikens toward a stationary Kakashi.

The man looked to the side. Sakura's in the line of fire... Sasuke's becoming too familiar with fighting! In that case, he drove his hands down to the ground — Doton: Earth Barrier!

In submission, a wall towered up from the ground behind him, with a row of bulldog heads jutting out in tandem. The shurikens were taken care of; Sakura was safe — but Sasuke followed up on his attack with a lethal Chidori. Quickly, decisively, Kakashi rolled and dodged the fierce assault, leaping down from the bridge onto the water hundreds of feet below. Without pause, he stepped backward a few yards, giving Sasuke the room to land after him.

"You're good at using your Sharingan, despite only borrowing it." Sasuke allowed a smirk. "But can your Sharingan do this? I'll show you the difference between yours and mine!"

His eyes slowly closed, reopening to reveal the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Kakashi gasped as an enormous skeleton enveloped and towered over the frantic avenger — gradually spawning muscles, veins, flesh, and then its garment followed by a unique crossbow and arrow wrought purely of energy. The creature roared — massive chakra pushing the water back as it awaited instructions.

Kakashi was dumbfounded. Is that...?

Capitalizing on the man's evident shock — by Sasuke's silent demand — the beast launched an arrow at blinding speed and with deadly accuracy. The water exploded, seemingly upon the arrow's thunderous impact, but Kakashi was still standing, water undulating over his motionless body in bright contrast to the Mangekyou etched in his left eye.

It's fast, his expression was tediously serious. If I hadn't erased it with the Mangekyou, I'd be done for. "So that's Susanoo?"

Sasuke ignored the rhetorical question. "Who would have thought someone who's not of the Uchiha could awaken the Mangekyou? It seems you were saved by the power of that eye. You should be grateful to the Uchiha for giving you such power."

"Sasuke, I know there's more to you than just your clan. There's more than hatred. Look deep down within your heart, one more time!"

"You're still going on about that?"

Kakashi's eye narrowed. "You should understand."

Sasuke felt a brief flicker — a flashback of all the friends he abandoned in the village. "They're all laughing. They laugh because of Itachi's sacrifice! They're all laughing together in ignorance!" through chakra-based commands — and in his rage — Sasuke prepped Susanoo for another attack. "Your laughter sounds like scorn and disdain to me now! I'll change those laughs into screams of dread!"

Without a shred of hesitation, another arrow fired with deadly precision. But, just in the nick of time — having discarded her trench coat — Sakura leaped in front of Kakashi and poised for a counter.

"Sakura," the man exclaimed, wide-eyed. "This isn't a fight you can win — get out of here!"

"Your Mangekyou's activated, which means you used that attack and can't move, right?" Sakura was calm. "I'll buy us some time." she frowned, her gloves protesting as her fingers tightened into fists. The arrow's moving too fast; I won't be able to make a clean hit!

"Eight Trigrams: Air Palm!"

A sudden, high-velocity column of compressed, chakra-fused air blasted the arrow, significantly cutting its speed and power. "Sakura-san, try bashing it now!"

Without looking back, the girl did just that, administering her chakra for an even more devastating attack. Sasuke looked on in displeasure, Sakura's presence further stirring the stowed away emotions that lingered behind the door of his heart.

"Hinata," she said when the girl proceeded onto the front lines and stopped at her side. "I don't know how you found us, but I'm glad to see you. Kakashi-sensei's in no condition to fight."

The princess looked from an anxious Kakashi to seemingly frustrated and annoyed Sasuke. "They have both exhausted their chakra supply, but Kakashi-sensei is mostly in no condition to continue."

"Let's withdraw," the man commanded. "Even in his condition, Sasuke's still in a league of his own; the three of us can't take him."

The dark knight wasn't just about to let his quarry escape. And he knew, even though Kakashi was incapable of fighting, his intellect still posed a potential threat. Crushing him now before moving on to Konoha would make things a hell of a lot easier. "You won't escape."

Giving them no further to time to communicate, Sasuke fired another arrow, target: Kakashi. Sakura's body responded before her mind did. With fear-induced adrenaline, she clenched her fist, dashed forward, and then punched downward at the surface of the water, erecting a defensive wall of water, which sliced the projectile's power a tad.

Then — standing behind her — Hinata performed her Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms. Large, strong, flexible, arc-shaped chakra blades spanned out across the water, forming a barricade around her and Kakashi, slightly altering the trajectory of Sasuke's projectile — sending it plunging into the water.

"Tch!" Sasuke's forehead quirked, his brows setting above his eyes to form a nasty sneer.

Sakura glowered at him, just as upset. "Are you really going to destroy Konoha and further dishonor your clan's final resting place? And what about its resurrection? Are you really intent on killing me, Sasuke-kun?" her voice was loud, livid. "You're not an avenger, you're just a hypocrite!"

Though muscles in his jaw tightened, Sasuke didn't utter a word. But his eyes gradually widened, as if illustrating the explosive exertion of his fury. Sakura couldn't help but stare at the magnificent circle of his Mangekyou; her eyes locked, caught like a fly in a spider's web. For a moment, all the barriers in her mind collapsed, and she felt the burn her insult left on his pride — a burn that was returned a hundred-fold in sheer, mental shock.

Suddenly, hopelessly, the girl fainted; the force of her beloved's genjutsu far too much for her to endure. Kakashi caught her, just before she sank beneath the water, and then shot the Uchiha a hot gaze.

Sasuke pressed his hands to his eyes with a pained grunt, the overuse of his eyes finally beginning to take its toll. And the fact that he was digging deep into the last of his chakra reservoir wasn't making the strain less durable. Susanoo faded.

Hinata's Byakugan intensified. "Sasuke, you monster," she yelled frantically, firing off a high-speed palm thrust.

Sasuke sensed the lethal vacuum of energy hurtling toward him. Reflexively, Susanoo's hand spawned in a fraction of a heartbeat, shielding the knight's face from the blast — but a measure of the energy slipped between the creature's fingers, slicing the side of the prince's face, at the corner of his eye. She was... aiming for my eyes...

Fueled by anger, Hinata pelted toward the defenseless warrior, wary regarding what Kurenai told her about looking into the eyes of an Uchiha. Meanwhile, Sasuke braced for maneuvering action and a fatal counterattack — but the princess suddenly accelerated and feinted behind him, quickly leaning forward into the Gentle Fist stance.

Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms! She lunged at him with a fusillade of consecutive blows, but the dark knight decisively spawned Susanoo's rib cage to protect himself from the devastating assault.

"Hinata, get back," Kakashi warned, an urgent edge to his voice. "That's Susanoo — the Uchiha's ultimate form of defense; conventional attacks won't work against it!"

The princess took heed, leaping back a few yards, airborne. Sasuke heaved a nasty smirk. Sakura was a special exception, but he was more than willing to kill Hinata — the Hyuga's failure. He would be doing them a favor.

Taking advantage of her brief moment of vulnerability, the evil prince fired off a gigantic Fire Ball. But the princess was by no means vulnerable — while her feet were off the ground, she rotated again into her Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, creating sharper, most close-knit chakra blades. Water traveled along the many paths of her barricade, significantly maximizing its defensive power against Sasuke's fiery assault.

The steam slowly lifted, revealing a knelt and exhausted Hinata, but a fire of determination still burned in her eyes — a light that kindled Sasuke's hatred and the most grotesque of inhumane desires.

Suddenly — sneaking up on the vengeful warrior from beneath the water's surface — a ferocious lion wrought of energy sank its chakra-forged teeth into his leg, which induced momentary paralyzes, dispelling Susanoo in the same beat.

Gentle Step: Mobile Lion Charge!

Hinata bolted after the transparent beast of intricate blue markings and piercing white eyes as it hurtled toward the base of the bridge for a crash collision with Sasuke in tow, but the tenacious Uchiha threw a barrage of chakra needles, severing the chakra string.

But the princess was already within proximity with her contingency plan — careering toward the flustered dark knight with her feminine battle cry.

Isn't that... Rasengan? his eyes focused on the sphere of destructive force, readily noting that it wasn't as potent as Naruto's. And with that deduction, he quickly charged ahead and countered with his Chidori.

His attack effortlessly overpowered hers, and the blast knocked her backward. Time slowed to this moment, and Sasuke ruthlessly followed up with Amaterasu. But just before the defenseless princess was consumed by the dark, merciless flames, she was rescued by her white knight.

Spiky golden Hair. Fierce oceanic eyes. Orange suit. A heroic flair — Naruto was here, chivalrously scooping up his girl, skating across the water's surface with the sheer speed at which he entered the battlefield.

Time seemed to still as he held Sasuke's nonchalant gaze. Then he veered his attention to a surprised Hinata.


"Hinata, are you alright?" his voice was suspiciously calm as he placed her down.

"H-Hn," she nodded, and then her eyes widened as he took a lock of her hair into his fingers.

"Your hair got singed again — you know what this means, right?"

The princess squeaked and averted her eyes, her cheeks crimson.

"What's wrong with Sakura?"

"Sa-Sasuke's genjutsu..."

A muscle worked in his jaw. "Join Kakashi-sensei and tell him not to interfere; this is my fight now," he said, striding off.

Hinata swallowed instinctively, pressing a hand to her chest. "Naruto-kun, please be careful..."

"Don't worry, I will."

Sasuke stood with a sleek curve in his stance, his eyes weary and unamused, even as Naruto gradually closed the distance between them.

Our relatively annoyed hero halted a few feet away, his head bowed, eyes veiled in the dark emotions that lingered in his mind — emotions that intertwined with that of the Kyuubi's. "Sasuke." he kept his head down, his voice, his anger barely controlled. "...Were you really intent on killing Hinata just now?"

"Hha... and Kakashi was next."

Abruptly — in a whirlwind of pure, natural energy — Naruto exploded with the Nine-Tail's powerful energy. "You fool!"

In a split second, he covered the few feet that separated them, punching the dark knight square in the jaw, propelling him down into water, like a stray torpedo.

Is that the extent to which you care for the girl, the Kyuubi mocked questioningly. You should have finished the Uchiha with a single attack; that kid is a disaster in the making. Finish him now!

Naruto ignored the heinous beast and slowly stepped back as bubbles began to rise and pop eerily atop the water's surface.

Sasuke didn't look too enthused when he resurfaced, and the Chidori Nagashi he evoked illustrated the truth of it — a fierce electrical discharge flowed from his entire body, skimming atop the surface of the water, which conducted its power. Naruto leaped into the air to avoid the attack, but Sasuke gave a smirk, as if the orange warrior had played right into his trap.

Chidori Senbon!

A variation of the Chidori, Sasuke launched a barrage of needles toward a defenseless Naruto, but our hero had no intention of falling victim to such a low-level technique. Reflexively, he spawned a sacrificial clone that throw him outside of the attack's range, then another that spun and propelled him downward — like a missile — at Sasuke.

The evil prince shot up into the air to meet Naruto with an unsheathed sword. And in light of the fact that a kunai couldn't parry his lightening reinforced blade — to guard against his swing — Naruto cleverly created a line of sacrificial clones that slowed down the momentum of the incoming blade, then maneuvered in such a way that it hit his forehead protector.

Sasuke's eye widened, in both shock and an endeavor to read through the next move, but Naruto's retaliation was way too fast to intercept or avoid. "Wake up already!" he yelled incisively, and the dark knight felt another crackling punch connect to his face, propelled him down into the calm, misty blue.

"Sasuke's being driven back," Kakashi said, enlightening Sakura who had clambered her way back to consciousness, hard lines of distraught sitting below her worrisome eyes.

Hinata's eyes narrowed, heightening her Byakugan's proficiency with spiritual energy. "He's just about out of chakra..."

"Na-Naruto..." Sakura was dumbfounded. When did he get here?

"He saved us all," Kakashi informed softly. "A split second later and Hinata wouldn't be here right now, and I would probably be standing on my last leg against Sasuke."

She veered her attention to the struggling Uchiha, memories flickering in her mind, like a galaxy of glimmering stars. Sasuke-kun...

In collaboration with a clone that had survived overhead, Naruto created a new Rasengan mixed with his and the Kyuubi's natural energy — a sphere that was twice, thrice as powerful as his Odama Rasengan.


As a means of defense, Sasuke instinctively summoned Susanoo's rib cage, to protect himself, but the gigantic sphere of spiraling destructiveness was gradually breaking apart the flimsy infrastructure of the creature's bones.

Noting that Naruto himself was the ideal target — if he had hoped to withstand the fearsome attack — Sasuke exerted enough chakra to manifest Susanoo's left arm, swinging it at the relentless shinobi he once deemed his friend. Unable to dodge, the orange warrior allowed the Rasengan to explode, the shock wave propelling him upward enough to evade being brutally swatted.

"You should get lost while you can," Sasuke warned, his demeanor the equivalent of a train wreckage. "The next time Susanoo strikes, you won't be so lucky. I'll crush every last bone in your body."

Naruto smiled with a nonchalance he seemed to have pilfered from the dark avenger. "If I were serious, you would have been dead a long time ago."

Sasuke frowned at the possible and infuriating truth of that, as Naruto hadn't broken into a single sweat or lost his breath, despite the pace at which they were fighting. And he still had that accursed Nine-Tail's power up his sleeve to boot.

His easygoing smile was an incessant flame beneath Sasuke's skin, heating his blood to a fierce boil, which, in turn, scorched his flesh — a constant sea of torment that stirred his anger and his hate, fueling the darkness that bestowed him with increasing power.

Susanoo sprung forth from the darkness, towering over the enraged dark knight. But, no sooner had it began taking a bigger, stronger, more developed form than there was a spasm, a sudden breakdown.

Dammit! Sasuke pressed his hands to his eyes with a pained grunt as power abandoned the channel of his ocular abilities. Upon lowering his hands and looking to Naruto, there was only a hazy image. M-My vision...

"Sasuke." Naruto knew the fight was over. "Some guy named Tobi told me the truth about Itachi."

Through the pain and provocative prick of despair, Sasuke looked up through his shame of defeat with surprise.

The truth about Itachi? Sakura and Hinata were also surprised.

"I don't know whether he was lying or not, but no matter how you put it — what you've been doing... I understand it!"

Shock. Shocked faces everywhere...

Sasuke balled his fingers into fists. "Naruto, I've said this once before: what do you, who have no parents or siblings, understand about me?" he shot the nuisance a malicious sneer. "Outsiders should shut the fuck up!"

Hinata felt an influx of anger at the Uchiha's insult, but it was Sakura who lashed out first. "You don't know what Naruto has gone through for you! No matter what bad rumors he heard about you, Naruto always considered you a friend! Even when everyone is after you, only Naruto wants to save you. Even now..."

"Save me?" Sasuke didn't sound grateful. "From what?"

Sakura lowered her head, contemplating it. "That's..."

"From revenge," Naruto clarified, and Sasuke felt surprise ripple through him. "I'm definitely going to save you from the dark abyss of revenge!"

The evil prince heaved a smirk. "There's no need for that. The curtains of my revenge have already been raised."

Everyone blanches, and Sasuke couldn't suppress the wide, jubilant grin that stretched his lips. "Just earlier... just earlier, I finally defeated one of Itachi's enemies." his fingers couldn't stop flexing in his exhilaration. "I killed one of Konoha's superiors, right where we're standing — someone named Danzo."

Everyone quirked in shock, their pallid countenance grave.

Sasuke was able to defeat Danzo, all by himself? Kakashi couldn't believe it.

"It's a sensation I've never felt before," the dark knight gloated openly. "The sensation of the stained Uchiha being purified. The sensation of departing the Uchiha from this rotten world of shinobi! There's no way you'd understand it.

What I've been doing is what you, of Konoha, have desired all along. Just like you, who continue to oppose the Uchiha since the old days, have wanted. I'm going to erase the Uchiha from your memories! You! And all of Konoha! I'm going to kill you all!"

Sasuke's smile widened as he savored his audiences' incredulous facial expressions. "By cutting all bonds with Konoha, it will be purified! That is the true Uchiha revival!"

Sakura felt her belly heat and contort, tears of sorrow burning the back of her lids. She was able to sustain her composure until Hinata took her hand in hers, seeking and offering solace.

Kakashi frowned in a mixture of emotions. Hatred... and how its been accumulated over the course of history... that is what made Sasuke into this. Maybe they don't understand it perfectly, but Sakura, Hinata, and Naruto are now seeing with their own eyes that Sasuke is the victim of the times we live in. That is why...

He recalled the development they've made over the years as a team and his responsibility as their leader, which he hadn't particularly excelled at. Suddenly, Naruto took a step forward, summoning a clone beside him, to aid in delivering the finishing blow to subdue his best friend.

"This is my duty," Kakashi exclaimed, pulling the warrior's attention to him. "Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, you guys get out of here!"

"But, Kakashi-sensei," Sakura complained.

"If you stay here, you'll see something you do not want to see. Now, get out of here!"


"Sakura, you won't be able to kill Sasuke with the poisoned kunai you learned from Shizune. He's been made resistant to poison by Orochimaru. Also," his eyes were grave, "you've come to terms with your feelings, right?"

The girl tightened her fingers around Hinata's, sharing the grief that snaked around her heart.

Without a word, Sasuke channeled the last of his chakra into a Chidori. Karin sensed the little energy he had left and couldn't help but utter his name worrisomely, trying futilely to push to her feet. "I healed you, but your body won't be able to take another fight!"

She fell back down on her behind against the pillar, the painful impact conjuring bitter memories to the forefront of her mind. Sasuke had betrayed her without a tinge of hesitation. He cared not about his comrades, and she should have accepted the dark truth when he insisted on leaving Jūgo and Suigetsu behind to locate Danzo.

No... I don't care about Sasuke anymore...

As the Uchiha strode forward with his Chidori, Kakashi forged that of his own, casting the evil prince a sympathetic stare.

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto was calm. "The thing we don't want to see — you're going to kill Sasuke, right?"

Sakura and Hinata gasped.

"Go, all of you!" Kakashi didn't answer.

With a defiant quirk of his lips, Naruto quickly shaped his Rasengan and lunged toward an impatient Sasuke who mirrored his motion. Time slowed as they charged for one another.

"Wait, Naruto," Kakashi demanded.

"Naruto," Sakura called.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata echoed.

But the warriors had already tuned out reality; nothing else mattered than overpowering the other's jutsu and deciding the victory of this battle once and for all. As the distance shortened between them, they felt a flicker of shared reminiscence — that moment when they clashed at the Valley of the End.

What if, Sasuke... you and I... our roles were reversed? Naruto thought about that for a while... thought about that lonesome swing beneath the tree that had burned its bitter memory into his soul. He thought about the broad, cold backs of the people who regarded him with scorn and disdain. What had he done to deserve such alienation and loathing? Why — even when he cried tears from his soul — no one spared him any pity or sympathy?

There was so much hatred, and Naruto was certain Sasuke felt a similar level of pain. If their roles were reversed, would Naruto have chosen the same path Sasuke did?



They clashed, and time righted itself again, until their consciousness merged and they stood in a dimension induced by their warrior's spirit. Time and space didn't exist here, only a channel of converging energy wrought of mutual understanding — enlightenment.

"Sasuke, you know, too, don't you," Naruto said, standing a few feet before him within their unique universe. "Earlier, I was hated by everyone in the village. The reason for that was the Kyuubi within me. Back then, I hated everyone in the village. I've also thought about seeking revenge against them.

If I'd taken one wrong step, then I might've started thinking the same dreadful things as you." he bowed his head, remembering that familiar gleam of hate the villagers sported whenever they looked at him. "I didn't think that I shared any bonds with anyone. Not until I met you and Iruka-sensei."

A smile touched his lips. "I had almost given into despair, but you and Iruka-sensei saved me. I knew that you were always alone. When I saw you, I felt relieved that there was someone else like me."

Sasuke didn't admit it, but he had felt the same kind of relief.

Naruto rest at hand behind his head. "We were just kids, and now that you think of it, I had the Kyuubi, you, the fate of the Uchiha. It's kinda ironic that we were to share such similar burdens.

Whenever I saw you, I actually wanted to go down and talk to you. I was happy, that maybe you'd be able to understand me. But, I gave up on that. If you ask why, then it'd be that I was envious of you, who could do anything. So I decided to make you my rival."

He let his hand drop to his side, and then gave a warm, bright smile. "Since then, you become my goal. I, who had nothing, was able to form a bond. It's all because I was a part of Team 7, together with you and Sakura-chan. I wanted to become strong and cool you, so I was always following you. I'm really glad that I met you!"

"Naruto." As usual, Sasuke wasn't enthused. "No matter what you say, I won't change. I'm going to kill you and everyone else in the village!" he remembered the tears his brother shed, just before abandoning him amidst the corpse of their kin. "All so I can avenge the Uchiha!"

Naruto smiled ruefully. "Is there really no other way?"

"There isn't." Sasuke returned curtly. "You now have two choices: one is to become the hero of the village who killed me, the other is to be killed by me and forever remain a loser."

"Sasuke... I don't believe that," Naruto blinked with renewed enthusiasm. "I'm not going to be a loser, and I'm not going to be the hero who kills you! Neither of them! I will..."

Suddenly, the dimension withered and they were back to reality, the sheer magnitude of power emanating from their clashing energies wreaking havoc upon the immediate environment. Violent waves threatened to swallow the shinobi standing atop its surface, and lightening skimmed along the rock face, leaving destruction in its wake.

The Rasengan and Chidori detonated, like a nuclear warhead, throwing Naruto and Sasuke backward, like ragdolls. Kakashi helped our hero to break his fall, while Zetsu emerged from Sasuke's clothes and acted like a pillow to cushion his collision into the foot of the mountain.

"You're here? Since when," Sasuke asked breathlessly as the… creature helped him to his feet.

"I've been with you for quite some time." the man had a typically strange tone to his voice, as if he were some constantly enthused pedophile. "Tobi told me to make sure you didn't notice me, but... it looked like you were in somewhat of a pinch."

Sasuke was busy catching his breath and shooting Naruto an icy gaze to reply.

I guess I should call on him soon, Zetsu thought mentally, studying Sasuke's annoyed expression — one that promised retaliation to the ones who evoked it. Doesn't seem like he'll step back willingly.

"Naruto, I told you to go home!" Kakashi chided softly, backing away as he poised to stand.

"Now... everything is clear."

"Clear?" the man was curious. "What are you talking about, Naruto?"

Hinata and Sakura awaited his reply, their hands still joined, the state of their nervous illustrated on their faces.

Naruto held Sasuke's gaze, his breathing still perfectly controlled. Then, out of nowhere, Madara suddenly appeared. "What's the meaning of this, Sasuke? I told you to retreat and get some rest."

Kakashi's eye narrowed. Madara!

Sasuke didn't respond or even spared the man a momentary or sidelong glance. He simply stared at Naruto, as if hoping his eyes were fine so that he could allow him to taste the bitterness of hell, if only for a minute.

Curious, Madara traced his eyes to the center of attention. "The Kyuubi... seems like you two can't help but start a fight with each other whenever you're together. I'll give you a more suitable place to hunt the Kyuubi. For now, we're retreating."

"I'll take him, instead," Zetsu entertained, a small army of clones rising up from the water, like plants, at his command. "We have to hunt the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki anyway, right?"

Sakura gasped, and Hinata released her hand, activating her Byakugan and assuming her customary stance. They would have to kill her before they took him away.

Naruto and Kakashi didn't flinch. Both Madara and Zetsu, huh? They sure stick close to Sasuke. But this is going to be a bit too much for me to handle alone. His eye narrowed. What should I do?

Madara looked to his faithful servant. "Zetsu, you won't be able to capture Naruto; you're not a combat-type. The Kyuubi will be too much for you to handle." his Sharingan glowed from the hole in his mask. "Sasuke will take care of the Kyuubi. It'll also be for my entertainment."

"Oh? Really now?" Zetsu's clones slowly descended, no longer needed on the scene. "More importantly, I'm worried about Kisame."

"Go to where he is," the mastermind commanded. "But first, meet up with Black Zetsu."

"Yeah, sure — I understand."

Kakashi felt a cool zephyr of relief. But then, Naruto began sauntering forward, putting everyone's nerves under strain again. "Naruto!"

"It's okay," he reassured. "There's something I want to tell Sasuke in person."

"Let's go, Sasuke," Madara said, resting a hand upon his shoulder.

"Wait." he was curious as to what Naruto had to say. And he stood, anxious to hear it — though his face illustrated no justification.

"Sasuke!" Naruto's voice echoed throughout the valley. "Do you remember? What you told me back at the Valley of the End... the thing about two first-class shinobi! By sharing blows, we've learned much about each other. It means that we've become first-class shinobi. Both you and I.

Sasuke. Were you able to read what is truly within my heart?" he placed his hand to his chest. "You saw it, didn't you? If you and I fight..."

Everyone's curiosity peaked.

"We'll both die."

Shock. Shocked faces everyone — but Hinata was more than just shocked. She was traumatized, tears rippling down her face, her eyes wide with horror.

"Sasuke... if you attack Konoha, then I will be forced to fight you. Keep your hatred until then — and when the time comes, strike it all on me! The only one who can handle all of your hatred is me! Only I can play that role. Then, I will carry the burden of all your hatred. And die with you."

Naruto-kun, Hinata couldn't suppress her tears, and she covered her mouth to prevent a whimper, but she could feel the sobs building in her belly, swelling in a pool of grief. Sakura could sense her sorrow.

"Why, Naruto?" Sasuke was extremely annoyed. "What the hell do you want? Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Naruto simply smiled. "Because I'm your friend."

The wind gusted, leaving the dark knight speechless. Kakashi, Sakura, and Hinata gazed at him, their sentiments the same as Naruto's.

"Sasuke... I knew I couldn't understand you by normal means since the first time we met." our golden knight outstretched his right arm with fist. "The only way we can ever understand each other is through our fists. I told you earlier: we've both become first-class shinobi.

If we come to understand each other, your hatred will change, too, just like when I met Iruka-sensei.

I haven't given up yet — I'm going to bring you back to Konoha! I will never give up!"

Naruto... You… Sakura's lips quivered and tears burned in her eyes. She found Hinata's hand again, their sorrow resonating, and yet, she found a tinge of comfort.

"Well, I think I'm gonna stop blabbering now," Naruto said sheepishly, gesticulating before the might of Sasuke's dark sneer. "Seriously, I suck at preaching to others. This isn't like me at all."

His hand was in his hair now. "If the time really does come when we both die, then you'll no longer be an Uchiha, and I'll no longer be the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki. We'd have no more burdens that way, and then we could finally understand each other, in the afterlife."

Everyone was grief-stricken by Naruto's words, but Sasuke and his accomplices only seemed to have felt disgust. "I won't change," he said calmly, derisively. "Nor do I feel like understanding you. Nor do I feel like dying. You're the one who's going to die."

Naruto's smile hadn't faded. "If I die, you'll die with me, Sasuke."

The evil prince allowed a sly smile. "Fine. Then, I'll kill you first."

"You still haven't fully acknowledged me." Naruto dispelled a clone stationed half a mile away, and, when he blinked, the mark of the sage was in his eyes, adding potency to his nonchalance.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, curiosity and hatred filling them. He had gotten stronger. Again. That Naruto...

Madara filched inwardly. So that's the infamous Sage Mode which he used to defeat Pain. I'd be troublesome if he decided to start a fight right now. Even at full strength, Sasuke may not be able to defeat him as he is right now...

"I'll handle, Sasuke," Kakashi stated. "You still have your precious dream of becoming Hokage. I don't want you to be dragged down with him—"

"Could someone who can't even save one of his friends really become Hokage? I will... fight Sasuke!"

Sakura bowed her head sadly. Naruto came here with his resolve: "I will carry all your burdens and die with you!" tears tipped her eyes. My resolve is weak compared to his... even though I'm a shinobi, I just keep crying and depending on Naruto. I came here because I was supposed to be done with all that. But I wasn't even prepared for anything; I can't do anything; I can't say anything. All I can do is, she looked to Naruto and Sasuke, believe in both of them!

"Understood, Naruto," Kakashi acknowledged, walking to the forefront of the battlefield beside him. "I'll leave Sasuke to you. Sakura, take care of my body." I'm going to take care of Madara right here and now — Kamui! he uttered ardently, activating his Mangekyou Sharingan.

"Hold it right there, Kakashi," Madara instructed calmly, a hand held forward. "That technique won't work on me."

Kakashi hesitated, weighting the truth of it on the man's tone of voice.

"Let's go, Sasuke," the mastermind placed a hand upon his shoulders, teleporting them all using his space-time technique.

Sasuke kept his eyes on Naruto, watching even as the teleportation distorted his friend's image. "Madara... I'll talk to you later."

Hinata and Sakura remained silent. Kakashi had his head down in disappointment, even as he formulated plans for the future, no doubt. Naruto on the other hand — having dispelled Sage Mode — still had a smile stretching his lips. There was nothing to worry about, but he knew Hinata wouldn't readily swallow what claim without a better explanation.

"Come whenever you feel like it, Sasuke."


While Sasuke was busy having his brother's eyes transplanted, to counter this new power Naruto had attained and drive him along with his village to the deepest reaches of hell, our heroes were busy making their way back to Konoha. Karin was within their ranks, who, was to be interrogated to gather additional Intel, which could somehow help to tip the tides of the impending war.

Meanwhile, in the other villages, the Kages were busy consulting with the council — to receive approval from the Daimyos in regards to the Allied Shinobi Force. Once the "OK" was given, all shinobi were instructed to make an inventory of all items and create a list of all that was needed. And all those on missions were to return and placed into battle squads. Preparing for the Four Ninja War was priority at this point, and they had little time to prepare.

In Konoha, the village was still under heavy construction, but the hierarchy was also in ruins. And Kakashi was expected to restore order by taking the throne in Tsunade's stead, as there was no change in her comatose state. While becoming the sixth Hokage held no personal interest for him — in light of Madara's declaration of war — he knew the village needed a trustworthy and dependable leader, to collaborate with the other countries and help to guide logistics.

"How could Sasuke have done that," Shikamaru said, his sentiments mutual between all his friends that stood around Naruto.

"It's hard to image," Shino added.

"That's why I'm asking all of you to leave Sasuke to me," Naruto reiterated calmly.

Ten-Ten slammed the side of her fist to the timber on which Lee sat, a gleam of rebellion quivering in her eyes. "Deal with Sasuke by yourself? There's no way we're going to sit by and let that happen!"

"Ten-Ten's right, Naruto," Shino agreed. "We can't indulge your stubborn attitude. Why? Because this is a major problem for the entire village."

"I'm not being stubborn," Naruto defended.

"You said you'd explain everything once we got back, and this is all you've got to say?" Kiba wasn't enthused. "We've already resigned ourselves to killing Sasuke!"

Shikamaru frowned. "Oi, Naruto, I hope you're not telling us that you'll take care of Sasuke on your own, just to mask your true intention of protecting him."

"No, I have no intention of protecting him."

Sakura's eyes quivered and she recalled the devastating clash Naruto and Sasuke had on the water. She knew he wasn't entirely trying to protect Sasuke, but it pained her to hear him declare the truth of it from his mouth.

"Why didn't you deal with him when he was weakened by fighting at the Five Kage Summit and against Danzo," Neji demanded hotly.

Sakura frowned, feeling a tad offended. "Because Madara was there, too! It wouldn't have been so easy. Besides..." she averted her eyes.

"That's no excuse for letting him escape," Kiba scolded. "Come on, Naruto, you're strong — aren't you the hero who took down Pain?"


"Yeah. You should've dealt with Sasuke like that!"

"No, I couldn't have."


Naruto pivoted his head back around, his eyes somber. "The way Sasuke is now, I couldn't beat him with just that. I know that much." He also has, inside of him...

"What exactly did you figure out," Chouji inquired.

"For now, none of you should take on Sasuke." he sounded like a commander with his stern instruction.

"What do you mean?" Neji was still dissatisfied.

"I'm saying I'm the only one who can fight him."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Ten-Ten snapped.

"Tell us, what exactly happened," Neji continued to pry.

"When the time comes, I'll tell you."

Kiba clicked his tongue. "Hey! You're beating around the bush again! Geez."

Naruto? Sakura's eyes narrowed to emerald slits, quivering with reminiscence. He'd told Sasuke that if they fought, they would have both died in the aftermath. What are you hiding?

"Well, that's all," Naruto said dismissively, abruptly taking Hinata's hand and making his way off the scene. "Just leave it to me."

"Na-Naruto-kun," Hinata squeaked sheepishly, melting in the spotlight.

"Hey, Naruto," Kiba called.

"Naruto." Shikamaru was calm yet inquisitive.

"Wait, Naruto!" Neji demanded.

"I-I'm sorry everyone! Please forgiven him," Hinata apologized on behave of his rude dismissal.