
Hinata's Sensual Adventure

This tale almost shadows the canon version of the series. But I have added new scenes and scenarios to better capture the sole objective of this story, which is depict more character development and romance between Naruto and Hinata. Both characters have been given a power boost. Naruto is also smarter, as my other aim was for him to discover the answer to the question that both Nagato and Jiraiya sought: how do you end the cycle of hatred and revenge that plagues the shinobi world and seize true peace? In the first chapter, Hinata decided to pay Naruto a visit - to express her gratitude for the protection she received on the battlefield. But Cupid apparently had other plans. Hinata ended up giving her crush more than what she bargained for; more than the gourmet breakfast she prepared for him. But, subconsciously, in a quiet corner of her mind, had this development not been what she really craved? Yum!

Vaughn_Schneider · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

HSA - Allied Shinobi Force & the Final Prophesy [Part B]

Darui grinned. "I appreciate the help, but I would've been cool without it, too."

Naruto spared him a brief gaze. "It's better to be safe than sorry when the stakes are this high. Besides, I can tell those ninja tools require a lot of chakra to be used."

The man frowned, clutching the gourd beneath his arm and the sword within his hand. "Just who are you, exactly? You're awfully strong for a shinobi without rank — and you're not wearing the Allied Shinobi Force forehead protector..."

Naruto smiled behind his mask. "If I wanted my identity to be known, I wouldn't be wearing this mask now, would I?"

Two groups of shinobi flanked Kinkaku, with another group appearing at the forefront, adamant in subduing the melancholic demon with their combined attacks. "Protect Captain Darui with your lives!" said a group leader, throwing his arm forward. "Fire Element Squad — attack!"

The group of shinobi formed the respective seals and quickly engulfed the beast in an undulating river of flames, ushered into optimism by the creature's pained howl. But the naïve warriors had only made severe their own downfall; with one sweep of its fire-imbued tail, Kinkaku was able to be rid of the tenacious insects.

"Water Element!" another captain shouted authoritatively.

The passive waters readily surrendered to control and towered into cascading columns of spears, plummeting down at the ferocious fiend. But Kinkaku recognized the threat and effortlessly leaped from one spot to another, avoiding the assault. What he didn't recognize, however, was the fact that the towers of water was just a mere distraction to conceal the four faces of earth that had quietly constructed itself narrowly around him.

His eyes widened.

"Earth Element Squad!" the third group leader said instructively, clapping his hands tightly together as he molded his chakra.

His subordinates followed suit, linking to the same walls of earth to collectively pool their strength in forcefully crushing the grotesque creature between the two pillars. But the beast would not yield. His monstrous strength was holding the walls of its doom apart.

Suddenly, Darui and one of his counterparts were standing atop the structure within which the beast was trapped. "Sorry 'bout this," he murmured quietly, both clones' arm flickering with black electricity. "Double Black Panther!" they asserted in unison.

As feral and hostile as the very creature they targeted, the lightening-forged beasts pounced on the defenseless bastard — and, using the water beneath his feet as a conductor, electrocuted the cowardly imposter, paralyzing the undead fiend.

With a lazy rumble, the earthen walls slowly squeezed to a close.

"Did we get him?" the Earth Element Squad leader said questioningly, his anxiousness shared by all.

There was a moment of silence, and then Naruto warned them to get back, sensing that the creature was unfazed, feeling the renewed rage that would accompany its devastating retaliation. But it was much too late.

The structure began to crack. Then it exploded, raining down chunks of rock upon the unsuspecting shinobi, like cannonballs, crushing them like insects. Kinkaku followed up by using his tails to skewer Darui's clones before they could prove even more of a nuisance. "I'm gonna kill every last one of you bastards!"

Before the blanket of dust could waver, giving his position away to the one person who had proven a considerable threat, the beast careered from atop the water into the face of the cliff with destructive might, cleaving the landscape in two.

The defenseless warriors cried out as they lost their footing and their bearings amidst the falling debris and ensuing destruction. Both ally and foe fell prone to falling rocks, and those few who were able to get airborne before they were fatally crushed, only made themselves victims to the fiend's flailing tails.

From a higher plateau of the cliffs, Tenten and a few others watched in chilled horror as the creature made waste to the entire platoon of shinobi that were stationed below. They didn't stand a chance in the face of the fiend's animalistic fury — and, from the sinister look in its eyes, the rampage was just beginning. It wouldn't be able to rest until all was still and barren.

Tenten frowned, her scalp prickling with anxiety. "He got them all," she whispered, fearing that if she spoke even a single octave higher, she would be heard, snuffed out and slowly torn apart by the inhumane monster. "Naruto. Where are you...?"

Instead of Tenten, however, Kinkaku was more interested in piercing a hole through Darui's chest and wrenching his heart out for the man to see, just before he drew his final, jagged breath.

But Naruto wasn't about to let that happen.

The fiend had snuck up on its target from above, already descending in a free fall to end the man hidden behind a pillar of rock. Just before his claws could cut through skin, flesh and bone, in search of his vulnerable heart, Naruto summoned a serpent from the water. It flew upward, as if the sky was also its domain, intercepting the fiend midair by constraining it within massive jaws.

All of a sudden — to follow up with a finishing combo — Kitsuchi appeared and, using his right arm reinforced by hardened earth, assaulted the beast in a downward blow that send it smashing into the ground. The water-forged serpent was obliterated in the attack, too, and Darui made haste to retreat before he was caught in the blast.

The Division II captain wasn't alone. He had brought reinforcements, which included his daughter, Kurotsuchi. And, as soon as they were all gathered together, Darui quickly briefed them on the plan dictated by headquarters. Apparently, Kinkaku would be defeated using Konoha's Ino-Shika-Cho Formation and, until they had assembled, the warriors were to defend the coastal battlefield and the Amber Exorcism Bottle.

Reassured that the fiend's rampage would come to an abrupt end, the shinobi gave a unified battle cry and charged out into the fray to slay the parasitic soldiers.

Darui looked to Kitsuchi before the man also lunged into the chaos. "I understand that it was important HQ sent reinforcements, but what about securing your division's location?"

The man's lips stretched into a wide and almost egotistical smile. "My late apprentice has everything under control."

The man was referring to Naruto — which was really just one of our hero's clones. But, despite the fact he was but a mere counterpart, the power that the clone exerted was very much real and original. Supplemented by the benefits of Senju Energy, Naruto was one with his surroundings, especially the earth. He was a god within this realm; master of his craft. Every negative presence that dared trod within his range of detection was swiftly betrayed and cast into oblivion by the very ground that they walked upon.

"There's someone like that here, too," Darui murmured as he thought about their ANBU savor.

"What was that?" Kitsuchi didn't hear.

"Oh. It's nothing. Let's carry out the plan."


Prompted regarding the mission at hand, it wasn't long before Ino, Shikamaru and Chōji was at the forefront of the battlefield, faced off against the vicious and tenacious fiend. They brought more reinforcements, too, which meant more kunai as everyone worked as a single unit in bombarding the beast with cold, heartless projectiles as a means of cover.

"You third-rate copper bastards!" Kinkaku sneered as he positioned his tails in front of his body, as a wall of defense, his words dripping with acidic scorn.

Suddenly, there was a chain of explosions. Some of the kunai had explosive tags cleverly tethered to them. Even so, Kinkaku was unharmed and undeterred. Instead, he hurled verbal abuse at the opposition with a level of disdain and malice that made some tremble in fear.

Human Bullet Tank!

In the blink of an eye, Chōji was through the veil of smoke — a spiraling mass of force that slammed into the gloating bastard with the weight of the entire Allied Shinobi Force. Kinkaku had the wind knocked out of him, his words low and muffled as he struggled to lift and throw the nuisance over his head, sparks gashing from his dark claws as he battled against the friction.

Finally, he succeeded. But his laboring was just a distraction from the real goal.

He couldn't move.

Shikamaru grinned. "Shadow Mimic: Successful!"

Livid, Kinkaku twisted and turned, eager to break free from his binds and dispatch the smug brat on a one way ticket to hell and beyond. His monstrous strength proved the greater — but, just before his tail could penetrate through the Chūnin's forehead...

I'm in! Mind Transfer Technique: Successful!

The Shadow Mimic Technique might have been compromised, but it proved an effective decoy in averting the fiend's attention from the real threat: Ino!

"Alright!" Darui rejoiced. "Kinkaku," he called, opening the lid to the Amber Exorcism Bottle.

"Yes!" Ino answered instantaneously on his behalf, having entirely conquered the reins of the man's self-control — his very consciousness.

With the summon-respond dynamics of the seal activated, an invisible force suddenly locked on to the creature's signature and began sucking him forward into oblivion, like the cold and relentless vacuum of space.

Despite having his consciousness pushed aside, Kinkaku was still able to — even if just a tad — push forward and put up a bit of resistance in his desperation. The wind continued to rage — vicious, invisible hands that wrapped around him, pulling him forth with a daunting force that held no warmth, no reason but eternal banishment and imprisonment. But, in his panic, Kinkaku couldn't help but cling to a rock.

As if the very laws of time and space had distorted reality to put him there, Naruto appeared with a Ōdama Rasengan and urged Ino to return to her body. She did in but a microsecond, which followed with our nonchalant sage delivering the final and deciding blow. And then, just as abruptly as he appeared, he was gone.

Kinkaku was gone, too... hopelessly swallowed up by the vile sorcery associated with the Amber Exorcism Bottle. The fiend would have done anything for another chance at vengeance, but his luck had unfortunately run out; he had a chance at life and then another by the immoral workings of Edo Tensei. Now his fate was forever sealed, his brother facing a similar imprisonment.

The Gold and Silver Brothers had lost their freedom, the battle, and their glint. Regardless, the war was far from over and Kitsuchi knew the truth of this. With a short but spicy speech of encouragement, to refresh the warrior's morale, he led his comrades into the fray once more. The parasitic clones had grown fearful since Kinkaku's banishment and the shinobi drew confidence from their evident cowardice.

Hiashi looked from his brother to his nephew, distressed by the sudden turn of events. "Neji... you shouldn't have to fight your own father. I'll—"

"And you shouldn't have to watch your brother slip through your fingers for a second time," Neji interjected, his tone stating his willingness to volunteer himself in this grim and bitter feat. "I'll fight him."

For the longest while, Hiashi said nothing. He but looked at his dearest younger brother, their eyes locked in a gaze of silent communication. Finally — after seemingly exchanging a thousand words of remorse — the man bowed his head and then he was gone.

Hizashi frowned. Before his son could be jarred whether by the hands of hate or sorrow, he took the initiative and apologized for what happened years past — especially for the fact that he had to abandon his only child to the loathsome and indignant laws of the Hyūga Clan.

But the young Jōnin held onto his composure. He told his father he knew of everything that had transpired and, while it was a resentful turn of events, he had come to terms with it. With passion and resolve burning in his eyes, he also mentioned Naruto's ardent desire toward unity — that true understanding and peace could only be found and attained through equality.

Emotional and proud, Hizashi's rebellious body allowed him a neat smile. "Neji... son, I've always been proud of you and that hasn't changed, even in death. You've always been clever and skilled, even as a child; I'm curious to see just how much you've grown over the years." He assumed an offensive stance, which was subsequently mirrored by his son.

Time slowed, and they shared a telling smile, their Byakugan fixed on each other, pinpointing the most ideal place to strike. Then they charged toward one another — father and child, seeking to compare the level of their masculinity, the level of their honor, ambitions and strength.

Shikamaru, Ino and Chōji might have sealed Kinkaku away, but they would soon learn that their trials were only just beginning.

On a cliff, strangling the life out of another hopeless shinobi, Kakazu looked down onto the trio of familiar warriors. Ino swallowed past a hot lump of anxiety in her throat, and Chōji shared her sentiments, as well. This man was a former member of the notorious Akatsuki Clan — the very group that declared war against the Great Five Shinobi Nations.

"Long time no see, Ino-Shika-Cho brats," the man said amusingly, as if fate had finally set the floor for his revenge.

"You're Kakuzu, right?" Shikamaru said inquiringly, obviously the only one to preserve his composure. He frowned. "We've taken the gold general. We know your bishop fighting style by heart, too. So, we're about to hit you with everything we've got."

"The shadow-wielding brat," the man replied, evidently not fazed by the bold threat. But why fear when he held the merit of immortality through Edo Tensei. "Since you're here, that must mean you stopped Hidan. Did he get his head cut off in mid prayer again? Or is he not here because he's not dead yet?"

"Like I care how long it takes before he rots!" Ino snapped, the trace of fear in her veins coaxing her blood to a boil.

"Humph." the man turned his attention to the squirming pray in his hand, effortlessly piercing the shinobi's chest to retrieve his heart, which he would now use as his own. "So, I have to fight defensively without a book, and having lost both gold and silver generals?"

He dropped the lifeless soldier into the water below.

"I remember," Ino announced loud enough so that his comrades could hear. "He has five hearts, which means we have to kill him five times before it sticks."

"Yeah, that was it," Shikamaru agreed.

"Now, then," Kakazu began, having equipped the stolen heart into his chest. "It's about time this piece got promoted."

The instant he leaned into an arch, laboring to eject his elemental puppets from his back, Naruto seemed to materialize out of nowhere, like a boss, driving the wicked bastard into the earth with an Ōdama Rasengan, pinning him there.

Kakuzu grinned, as if the assault had rendered him torpid and retarded. "Hey, kid — it's been a while. I see you're looking as dull as ever, even wearing that mask."

"And you're just as ugly," Naruto retorted.

"It's ironic that our paths would cross again. But, this time, I won't fall for that attack you used last time. Besides, the range of the blast would envelope everyone around us."

Our hero smiled behind his mask. "You should be more concerned about the Rasengan I'm using right now."

Following those set of hard, cold words, Naruto increased the rotation of the sphere suspended from his palm. The ball of condensed energy ran amuck in the man's defenseless skin, quickly crushing and shattering bones, forcing the man's structure into a spiral of blood-curdling destruction.

CRICK. CRACK — his bones continued to shatter and break, a sound more grim and horrifying than the man's own distressing howl of pain.

Shikamaru, Ino and Chōji looked on in distaste has Naruto annihilated the grotesque fiend before them, liberating them from its looming thirst for vengeance. But they didn't have enough time to feel terrified or disgusted by their savior's utter brutality; for true shinobi, war didn't condone such foolish recklessness.

As Naruto looked to the side in a telling gesture, Shikamaru, Ino and Chōji followed his stare, only to set eyes on an individual they never thought they would see.

Naruto lift the broken criminal by his neck, even as his body began gradually regenerating. "I'll take care of Kakuzu until someone gets here who can seal him once and for all. Meanwhile, you guys need to deal with—"

There was an explosion. Plumes of deadly smoke and searing fire shot into the air from an elevated ridge of the cliff — and walking away from this sheer destruction and the death of many was... Sarutobi Asuma.

Uzumaki Natsumi?

The Inseparable 4 Explained!

Hinata's body was still flushed and tingling from the afterglow of her sensual adventure, her vagina still hot and swollen from her knight's delicious assault. "Naruto-kun really needed it, didn't he?"

Garbed in her customary attire, the princess sat in front of a mahogany dresser in their secret hideaway, watching Naruto surreptitiously through a mirror's reflection. He was standing behind her, his masculinity still bloated by his epic journey of conquest.

Naruto smiled sheepishly, gently passing the brush through her hair. "It was that obvious, huh?"

She nodded innocently, blushing.

"I... wasn't too rough, was I?"

The girl shook her head in denial, still watching his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were hooded, warm with liquid sapphire and framed by a thick fringe of dark lashes. Her cheeks heated. "You overdid it, but amazingly so."

He grinned, scratching at a blush that crept into his cheek. "By the way, Hinata," he said as he quickly attempted several hairstyles he had seen in manga. "Has your hair gotten longer? It's at your waist now."

The princess smiled shyly, delighted that he noticed the change. "In Fuugetsu... you told me that you liked long hair."

Naruto heaved another flash of his pearly whites. "Probably that's another reason why I went wild not too long ago; I love it, Hinata!"

Tilting her head back with a sexy flair, he leaned forward and took her lips in an upside down kiss, worshiping the soft, luscious curves with his own, savoring their taste. And Hinata surrendered to his sweet exploration, her body humming with renewed desire for him, her tummy doing a quick knot.

"...D-Do you remember when you sang to me?" She whispered against his lips, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of reverie and lust.


"Will you ever sing to me again?"

He heaved a warm grin, then bent his knees and looked at her reflection in the mirror from her shoulder. "I'll do more than just sing — we'll dance, too. I want to see those dance moves you've been secretly hiding under your belt."

She blushed.

"After the war, we'll go back to Fuugetsu but, this time, with our friends! We'll have a party and Octopops will be the DJ. Oh, that party could be right after our marriage ceremony!"

"Oh, Naruto-kun!" the princess exclaimed in her excitement, springing from the chair and glomming onto him. "You always know just what to say. I'm really looking forward to everything."

"Me, too," he whispered in her hair, coiling his arms around her. "I want you to be mine... in every possible way."

She held him tighter, burying her face in his chest, silently surrendering to his possessive embrace. But as the feel of him induced warm emotions in her heart, it also evoked a bitter memory. "Wha-what happened a few days ago?"

He frowned at her muffled words. "What do you mean?"

"...There was a crack on the Aura Stone."

"Oh — so you saw that. I'm sorry I worried you," he said softly, repentantly. "I was injured while settling a feud between some Iwa and Kiri shinobi. Aside from the fact that they have some bad history, they aren't all really happy about the alliance."

She held him tighter, trembling.


"I don't ever want to have to let you go..."

"You won't have to," he promised sweetly. "Your boyfriend has gotten a hell of a lot stronger — and his girlfriend is pretty badass, too. You'll protect me, won't you?"

"H-Hn!" she nodded adorably, still clinging desperately to him.

He patted her head gently, feeling her intensity. "What was it like... delivering a child for the first time? Were you nervous?"

Her grip loosened a tad. "Yes. It was very unnerving, especially because I didn't have any experience."

"Regardless, you did pretty well."

She smiled. "I'm just happy they had a healthy baby."

"You said her name is Amayo?"

Hinata nodded, looking up at him now.

"If we had a little girl, have you ever considered what you would like her name to be? Personally, I think Godzilla would be a great fit; all the bullies would keep their distance in fear of being clobbered." He grinned playfully.

"Naruto-kun!" She chided sweetly, sharing his goofy smile.

"So, have you ever thought of one?"

"Etto...," she pressed a finger to her lip unconsciously. "I like the name Natsumi."

"Mmm. Uzumaki Natsumi, eh?" He said slowly, as if testing the energy and worth of the name on his tongue. "I like it! Whenever she strikes her hero-pose and announces her name, she's going to sound so cool!"

They giggled together.

Suddenly, dispelling their pleasant ambience was an impatient knock on the stonewall. It was Kurama. "Kozo! Hime!" His voice vibrated deeply beyond the hallow barrier, and they could sense the undeniable urgency in his husky tone.

Releasing Naruto and standing aside, Hinata allowed the shinobi to open the chamber door for the anxious deity who stole inside, standing tall in his human form.

"We have a situation," he stated coolly, looking to them both.

Naruto frowned, his eyes changing. "A situation? What's going on?"

"We've been ambushed — and the Wood Element user has been taken."

The princess gasped.

"What? Yamato-taichou was?" Naruto felt a charge of panic. "But what about my Kage Bunshin? What the hell is going on?"


Kurama's eyes flashed.

A deity known for its many uncanny facets of sensory capabilities, even among the other Tailed Beasts, Kurama sensed a breath of activity — a miraculous spell of divine workings that was so miniscule it was almost untraceable.

Ignoring Naruto's alarm, the Kyuubi's attention veered away from the perplexed warrior and to the quiet Hyūga princess that stood adjacent to him. It was certain. He could feel a dramatic change in her — physiological processes that he couldn't entirely comprehend. But, for the most part, he knew well what this profound transformation meant and, despite the predicament they faced outside, the Nine-Tailed deity allowed a patient and compassionate smile.

"Hime. You're pregnant."




For a time, there was a long and silent pause.

Naruto and Hinata's eyes quivered as thoughts rummaged around violently in their minds. A plethora of emotions and reactions twisted in them, through them, leaving their bellies tight and tangled.


Our hero pondered it as his heart continued to swell in his chest. Sure he was awesome and his semen must have been, too. But the Kyuubi was adamant in preventing him for conceiving a child in fear of being sealed within another infant. Could the creature's intervention have been thwarted due to its weakened state — or perhaps the fact it was now isolated in a new and more improved cage?

But the time frame didn't make any sense...

"B-But how is that possible?" Hinata uttered in a seemingly dejected tone, unconsciously taking a few slow steps forward.

Her eyes gleamed in a mixture of hope and curiosity, her heart caught in a spell of palpitations. She needed to be certain before she dropped her guard; before she allowed herself to believe.

"...I'm not sure."

Naruto frowned, his chest heaving and his eyes alive with his seriousness. "Kurama... I need you to be absolutely sure; I don't want Hinata to get her hopes up on a mere hunch."

The deity looked to the princess who was already teary-eyed, a wistful fist resting over her chest, her heart on her sleeves. "I'm certain," he smiled reassuringly. "It's the same physiological processes that I sensed in Masaki and your sensei."

"Oh, Naruto-kun!" Hinata cried as every fiber of her being ignited with her elation, and she veered into his chest, holding him just as tightly as she did before. "You were able to keep your promise again! I'm so happy! I'm so very happy!"

"I... I'm going to be a dad."

"And I'm going to be a mom!"

While Naruto was evidently happy, he was also in a state of shock and disbelief. Hinata was always a caregiver — in that she's motherly, compassionate, responsible and, overall, just simply amazing. A hell of a cook, too! She never wanted to be a shinobi. She wanted to lead a normal life — to have a family and live in peace.

But Naruto, on the other hand, didn't grow up knowing even remotely what it felt like or meant having a family. He knew not of the warmth and compassion, the closure and protection. As a child, he was a prankster dedicated to winning everyone's attention through mischief. The attention he received may have not been pleasant, but at least it proved his existence was true.

With that said, was he worthy of becoming a father? Was he matured and disciplined enough? Would be eventually find the right etiquettes of being an ideal father and role model for their child?

Noting his anxiety, Hinata cupped the side of his face, winning the quivering seas of his blue eyes. "You're not alone...," she whispered soothingly, saving him.

Her words summoned the images of his mother and father in his mind, followed by Kakashi, Sakura, Yamato, Iruka, Tsunade, and all his other friends — and they were all smiling. Hinata was right. He was not alone, and there was nothing that the great Uzumaki Naruto couldn't do with his friends standing right behind him, pushing him forward, guiding his steps.

He was going to become the greatest Hokage in history, as well as the greatest father. He would change this world for the better — molding a new and more refined way of life for the new generation to be nurtured in. He would bring Jiraiya's vision and dream to fruition. And there was nothing that would stand in way.

Hell, Madara was going down!

Hinata beamed as Naruto's countenance changed. His eyes were soft and calm again, his features beautiful and alluring.

Then he frowned, holding her in a loving and protective embrace. "Now it's even more crucial that we win this war."

"There's another pregnant woman you might be interested in protecting," Kurama declared quietly, saffron eyes gleaming solemnly.

The couple turned around, sharing the same chain of thought. "You mean Kurenai-sensei?" Hinata asked with a smile.

"Shikamaru already keeps her perfectly safe," Naruto informed coolly. "To butt in would be to disrespect him."

"No, I meant the pink-haired girl."

"Pink-haired..." Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief as the description clicked. "Wait! Y-You mean Sakura-chan? You can't be serious..."

"B-But that can't be!" Hinata stuttered in her shock, even as she continued to consider it. "Sakura-san isn't in a relationship — who would the father be?"

Sasuke sat motionless in a crescent-shaped cushion, garbed in a navy-blue garment and blindfolded. The chamber in which he resided was mostly dark, except for the light of a few candles situated around the room.

The surgery to implant Itachi's eyes had been a complete success, and he could sense it wouldn't be much longer before they were fully healed and ready for a test run. They throbbed with deep and incredible power, and he couldn't help but muse at the idea they were alive and impatient to carry out both his and his brother's revenge on the Hidden Leaf Village.

Every single individual would share the same fate as Danzō. They lived and laughed in ignorance of Itachi's sacrifice and so they would all perish in that same pool of ignorance. Naruto and Kakashi would also perish, but they would suffer tremendously for their incessant meddling throughout these past three years.

As for Sakura...

Sasuke's dark eyebrows furrowed enigmatically behind the cloth that covered his face, his boiling blood rendered to a mere simmer now. Even if Kakashi hadn't jumped in at that precise moment on the Samurai Bridge — could he have really killed her? Could he have killed the only woman he truly and utterly surrendered himself to? The woman who filled his heart with mixed emotions? The woman who possibly bore the fruit of his seed — a baby Uchiha?

"Is it time yet?" He asked in a mundane tone, sensing as Zetsu appeared before him. The creature's aura was no less unnerving than when they were first acquainted.

"Not yet," the man's dark side prompt in a rasping tone. "Stay still." His lighter side smiled. "The next time you see, it'll be like a whole new world. It's going to be interesting."

"Humph." the Uchiha wasn't enthused. "I don't give a damn about your war, but I'm going to be the one who crushes Konoha."

Naruto sighed. It was a long and noisy sound. "Now I'm starting to doubt if Hinata's really pregnant — because there's no way in hell Sakura-chan could be pregnant; she loves Sasuke!"

"...Naruto-kun," Hinata clasped his open jacket, her eyes glittering with growing disappointment, her heart pounding a frantic tattoo at his sudden words.

Kurama turned on his heels, casting the couple a sidelong glance. "If there's one thing you can trust, it's my sensory abilities."

Naruto frowned wearily, a hand atop Hinata's head. "Okay. For now, we won't doubt your abilities or what you said. But I do plan to confront Sakura-chan to verify the truth."

"Fair enough."

Naruto's gaze was more serious now, steeling his nerves for the trails that lay ahead. "What's happening outside — you said Yamato-taichou was taken? By whom?"

"I'll explain on the way."

"Alright. Hinata." He swayed his eyes to hers now, gazing as if broadcasting some silent plea. "Um. Why don't you stay here where it's safe; I don't want either one of you getting hurt."

The princess frowned in her disobedience. "No way."

He grinned, a hand cupping the back of his head. "Well, it was worth a try."

"You read my journal, didn't you? I didn't train this hard just to be hidden away when my power is needed the most. Besides, Sakura-san will be fighting on the battlefield, too. And she's farther along than I am. We need to protect her."

"In that case..." Naruto looked to Kurama in a telling gesture, his eyes alight with the seriousness of the task he was bestowing onto the loyal deity.

Kurama smiled, a fang poking from his mouth. "I've got it covered."

Ayame Uchiha?

Sakura's Confession!

Exiting the room with mutual resolve, the Inseparable 4 proceeded hurriedly along the corridor of headless statues. And then Naruto shot his canine comrade a cautious gaze.

"Right!" the deity responded to the silent prompt, morphing into his second form and instructing Hinata to mount him.

She heeded his command.

Naruto frowned in his battle-readiness, pacing ahead of them. "Even if Kakashi-sensei didn't tell her about my clones, I'm sure Granny Tsunade sent reinforcements to this place, just in case I found out about the war and attempted to leave.

In a nutshell, we'll more than likely have to force our way out of here. We don't wanna commit ourselves to any fights and end up hurting anyone, so just focus on clearing a path off the island. I didn't want to leave so soon, but I need to see Sakura-chan. I'll leave another clone to deal with whatever's going on with Yamato-taichou."

Hinata and Kurama nodded.

"From what I've gathered," Kurama began. "We were attacked by two of Madara's accomplices."

Hinata gasped. "Ma-Madara?"

Naruto's face hardened into a scowl, his disdain obvious. "Who were they?"

"I can't say; I only sensed them during the fight from where I was."

The princess averted her face and blinked in a combination of embarrassment and guilt. We were so caught up in making love that we didn't stop to think about what the frequent turbulences meant. And, even when the room turned upside down, we couldn't tear ourselves away from each other.

Kurama's eyes darkened gravely. "Despite being swiftly intercepted by reinforcements from Kumogakure, the wood element user was kidnapped during the assault."

Naruto shared the deity's anxiety. "And with Madara's Sharingan..."

"...It shouldn't take much effort to extract information," Hinata contributed in a glum tone.

Finally, they came to the exit of the cave and, like Naruto predicted, Tsunade did send reinforcements. The group of seven stood firmly at the cave's exit, their hardened expressions portraying their reluctance for debate.

Were Konoha shinobi always this hostile?

"Sorry, but we can't let you pass," Shibi said calmly, a story hidden behind the tint of his sunglasses. "Kindly return from once you came, both you and Hinata."

In her defiance, the princess clung tighter to Kurama's fur.

Naruto frowned, his nonchalance far outweighing theirs. "What's Shino's old man doing here — why are you guys guarding me?"

"Just go back! We'll explain inside."

"We can just as well talk outside," Naruto retorted.

"Shibi-san," a familiar voice rose above the warble of the waterfall. "Let me talk to him."

Iruka made his way to the forefront.

Naruto wasn't surprised — instead, his frown deepened, knowing why they brought in a man he shared a close bond with; a man commended for his eloquence and tutorship among all the academy students.

Iruka smiled.

"Save it," Naruto was curt and serious. He blinked slowly, his eyes dangerously bright and resolute. "I'm not exactly sure of your reason for being on this island, but my being a part of this war isn't up for discussion. Rather, it's either you guys let us pass the easy way... or the hard way."

Everyone broke into a sweat. They knew he was serious.

"Hinata-sama!" Satoshi called in disapproval. He was also a part of the group. "Have you completely turned a blind eye to your mission? Will you continue to dishonor our clan?"

Jostled by the man's import of guilt, the princess averted her gaze and pursed her lips. "Despite my coming here, Naruto-kun had always known about the war and had made up his mind to be a part of it." She pressed a hand to her heart. "All I can do now is help him to press forward."

Naruto was evidently displeased with the way his fiancée's kin apt to address her. But he didn't respond, not yet. With a single, prolonged blink, our hero's eyes were suddenly accentuated with the mark of the sage — and he assumed an offensive stance.

"The conversation ends here. We're leaving. Hinata! Kurama!"

The deity's frame sunk into an arch as it prepared to career forward — and, as Naruto charged ahead, effortlessly breaking through the wall of defense two burly men posed, Kurama also pelted forward, following Naruto's lead through the waterfall.

However, no sooner had the warrior's feet touched the ground than he was ensnared by a persistent shadow that held him firmly in place.

"Yes! He's bound with the Shadow Mimic!" A man from the Nara Clan said triumphantly, certain the teenager's arrogant and headstrong show of power was in vain. Now that the Village's Hero was caught in his shadow, there was no escape.

"Na-Naruto-kun!" Hinata called worrisomely from the sidelines, still safely mounted atop a vigilant Kurama who's eyes contradicted hers.

Naruto spared her a gaze, his eyes cool and collected, as if his current predicament was merely dust in the wind. "Hinata — there's just one thing I want you to do for me, before you guys leave."

The princess frowned, her scalp prickling with anxiety at his show of selflessness. But she knew she couldn't defy him. "But what about you?"

"I'll catch up with you guys in a few minutes. But, before you leave..." his eyes began to burn in a most peculiar fashion — but it was not that of sexuality, fear or hate, but rather, a silent request that only his lover was meant to perceive.

Hinata's brows descended above crystal eyes and she nodded in comprehension, quickly forming the seals for a technique.

Ice Release: Obscuring Mist!

A frigid mist slowly descended upon the scene, as if had materialized from another dimension, rendering its occupants to mere silhouettes. Simultaneously, the princess disappeared, along with her transport, and a handful of Naruto's clones appeared in their wake.

"Just focus on apprehending Naruto," Shibi commanded. "Hinata and the beast won't get too far without him."

Satoshi and his fellow Hyūga clansman was still in a state of shock at Hinata's newly found chakra nature. But they quickly regained their bearings and set out to completely immobilize Naruto, along with his overbearing ambitions.

Satoshi frowned. "Shibi-san, do you still have Naruto trapped?"

"Yeah. But I can't tell if he substituted or not."

Iruka stood still, his eyes closed, his senses acute to his immediate surroundings. He faintly heard when the two burly men grunted in distress as two of Naruto's clones pulled them waist-deep into the water and increased its density to trap them there.

Meanwhile — using their ocular abilities — both Hyūga warriors could pinpoint and confront one of Naruto's Kage Bunshin. The mist wasn't going to work on them.

Satoshi did little to conceal his grin, even as he slowly circled around Naruto's counterpart in an offense stance, waiting for just the right moment to crush the teenager where he stood. "Oh, how I've waited for this moment. I've always wanted to get back at you for the humiliation you caused Hiashi-sama. I'm going to prove that, if he had used Ninjutsu, you wouldn't have stood a chance!"

Naruto heaved a confident grinned.

Satoshi snarled in response, the teen's cool visage nothing less than provocative. "You don't have time for smiling, not when you're within my range. Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!

Naruto was still wearing his smile, even when Satoshi suddenly closed the gap between them, his fingers homing in fast to mangle his opponent's chakra circulatory system. But our golden knight had experience; he knew how to counter the lethality of the Jūken Fist. With quick and controlled movements of his arms, he intercepted the man's attacks by flicking the Hyūga's wrists with the back of his hands, careful not to brush where the paralyzing chakra was accumulated.

With each futile assault, Satoshi grew more enraged and malicious. But, even with the boost his anger offered, he still could not break through Naruto's defense. Finally, upon the sixty-third and sixty-fourth palm, the Sage grabbed a hold of the man's hands, holding them steady against his will.

"This is a fight you can't win," Naruto said softly, and then his eyes finally opened with a threatening gleam.

Right then, his hands began liquefying, spreading over Satoshi's forearms and rapidly increasing in density to weigh over three-hundred pounds.

The moment the clone dissolved into the water, Satoshi's arms fell. He couldn't handle the weight; he was powerless. Likewise, his brethren had also been utterly defeated — his arms trapped inside the torso of another clone that rapidly dissolved to leave the man's hands caught in a high-density bubble of water.

Noting the frustration and confusion around him, Iruka cleverly threw an explosive note pasted on a kunai into the sky. It detonated, the searing flames abruptly clearing the mist that hovered above the lake, to reveal all the immobilized shinobi around him.

Iruka looked to Naruto once his field of vision had returned. The teenager was gazing unseeingly into the distance, his eyes dark and troubled. "Judging by your expression, I guess I don't need to tell you that Madara's began to move; the war's started."

"Oi, Iruka — what the hell?" Shibi chided.

The man pivoted his head around. "Isn't it time we gave the lies a rest? Naruto's not stupid. He obviously knows what's going on, maybe even more than we do. I knew we wouldn't be able to restrain him, so I think we should be straight and get him to understand."

Naruto frowned. "Seeing as the war has started, why should I stay quiet and hide while my friends are fighting and in pain?"

"Because this is a war to protect you," Iruka simply replied. "Madara's throwing everything he's got at us. All for the sake of making sure that, this time, he gets the Kyuubi inside you and the Hachibi inside Killer Bee-san.

If he manages to take them from us, he can complete his technique and bring about the end of the world. To protect you is to protect everyone, and to protect the future itself. We're all putting our lives on the line to do just that.

Naruto. Your battle is with yourself; this is a time to endure."

The young warrior closed his eyes and trembled as he processed everything that had been said. Moments passed, and then his trembling ceased, followed by the dispelling of his Sage Mode. "I'll confide in you, Iruka-sensei, like I always have. But, in exchange, I want you to tell me what happened to Yamato-taichou. I heard he was kidnapped."

The man nodded, the tension slowly lifting from his chest. "I suppose that's okay. But, you also have to tell me about that miniature Kyuubi that Hinata's with."


"Nice work Iruka," Shibi whispered with a smile.

Cautiously, the shinobi from the Nara Clan strode toward the village's hero, which resulted in the teen echoing the man's movement due to the Shadow Mimic Technique. Once he was encircled by all the men who weren't incapacitated in the skirmish, the jutsu was undone and they all proceeded toward the water fall.

"What about us?" Satoshi asked in a rasping tone, his eyes narrowed to crystalline slits.

Naruto smiled, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mock humor. "Don't worry, the jutsu will wear off in a few minutes. Just sit still until then."

They retreated into the cave.

Before he followed suite, Iruka looked down and realized that Naruto's forehead protector was gone, missing from the spot it had landed when he exited the cave in his fierce assault.

He smiled a wanly smile. Naruto... just how much stronger have you become?

The wind gusted through their hair as Kurama sprinted along the infinite embrace of the open sea, both Naruto and Hinata on his back. They had narrowly made it off the island without detection, but they were still smack dab within Kumogakure territory — and surely there were scouts somewhere around the area, keeping keen watch over the Raikage's sovereignty.

Naruto heaved a triumphant grin, his forehead protector in hand, undulating in the wind. "You both did well to make it out before the barriers were erected by the guards. And, Kurama... you're even faster in this form."

The Kyuubi maintain its perfect posture, practically sailing atop the water's surface with its powerful legs. "It's even more astounding that you made it out after we did. How did you manage that?"

"The same way we're going to find Sakura-chan right now."

"What do you mean?"

Hinata's eyebrows rose in her confusion, too.

"You'll see," he promised and then attempted to secure the accessory to his forehead, pausing when he spied a note fastened behind the metal plating.

He retrieved it.

I know you.

You'll want to run to the battlefield straight away;

I know the strength of your resolve.

If you are reading this letter, I guess I couldn't stop you.

The moment Tsunade-sama ordered me to stand by to help keep you on Kumogakure's hidden island, I decided to prepare this letter for you... just in case.

This is no way to follow orders.

Naruto smiled at the truth of that.

I don't know if I'll manage to give it to you if the time comes, but there are words that you have to hear. If you're really going, there's only one thing I can say to you:

Live, and come back safe.

Naruto continued looking down on the piece of paper, even as it flailed in the strong wind. He allowed the words to flow in him, through him, fueling a fire that only a brotherly love and concern could ignite.

Brining the note to his mouth, he held it firmly between teeth and lip as he did quick work to tie the strings of the forehead protector behind his head. Then, he began eating the paper, consuming the encouraging message left by his sensei, putting to memory the heartfelt words.

Even without Iruka having to request it, Naruto couldn't afford to perish... not when he had a wedding and a child to look forward to. And Hinata wouldn't forgive him, even in death, if he were to abandon her with their child and render her a widow, even before they had gotten the chance to wed.

"Na-Naruto-kun — what's a matter?" Hinata asked worrisomely, sitting close behind him, her arms coiled around his torso. "You haven't said anything for a while now."

"It's Iruka-sensei," he prompt above the whistle of wind. "He's wishing us a safe return."

With a smile, the princess buried her face in the wall of his back, deriving her own measure of confidence and determination by the mere fact that he was by her side.

This was Uzumaki Naruto — boy wonder; the child of miracles; hero of Konoha; a chivalrous knight who always had just the right words to say. Being in his company was a constant reassurance that everything would be alright, and she had no reason to doubt him. He had proven himself invisible so far.

His flattery knew no bounds, and she wondered just how much more she could have fallen head-over-heels in love with him.

"Kurama," Naruto called commandingly, having transformed into Sage Mode once more. "I want you to stop right here."

Without questioning his intentions, the deity did as he was told. Then, suddenly, instantaneously, they were amidst a dense forest neighboring one amongst the alliance's medical camps.

Hinata's eyes were wide and quivering in her shock. "Th-That really just happened, didn't it?"

"High-speed teleportation," Kurama muttered, a bit stuttered by the unexpected leap through time and space. "This is the Fourth Hokage's technique, isn't it?"

Naruto grinned. "Yeah, it is."

"I didn't think you'd be making an appearance so soon," Naruto's clone said by means of introduction. He was garbed in an ANBU attire.

"Yeah, well... something came up." He unmounted the curious Kyuubi and joined his counterpart among the shrubs and undergrowth. "How's it coming along?"

"I've dispatched a few clones to help distribute the technique formula," he replied quietly, staring through the brush at the campsite ahead. "So far, only Kakashi-sensei has received the seal. I'm trying to make my way to Sakura-chan, but the campsite is highly guarded and I'm not exactly supposed to be here."

The original frowned a tad. "So, Sakura-chan's inside, right?"

"Yeah. Do you have a game plan?"

Sakura was just seeing a patient out of the tent when she was alerted by a small toad that had made itself comfortable on her stool, invading her workspace. On its back was equipped a small scroll. Sakura knew in her bones who it was from, and she had an idea a prolonged scenario of drama was going to unfold the moment she read its contents.

No use resisting.

She was already cornered.

It's a toad, so I'm sure you know who the message is from.

Sakura's cheeks inflated in her exasperation. "Don't be cheeky when I bet you're the one asking for the favor. That Naruto!"

Yes, it's the great Naruto-sama. Clever deduction.

Anyways, to the point. I know it's a bit much, but I need you to come with me right now; there's something important that we need to talk about.

Sakura's brows furrowed in her disbelief. "Naruto, we're in the middle of a war. What could you possibly want to talk about to have me leave my post?"

Would you just stop frowning for a minute and continue reading what I have to say?

The Chūnin looked down tediously at the measure of papyrus in her hands. Am I seriously having an argument with a scroll?

I'm sure you've realized that the count of injured shinobi being brought into the camp has significantly reduced. And trust me when I say: that number will only continue to drop.

Sakura thought about that for a while. He's right! Their number has greatly lessened in the past few hours.

As you might have guessed, I have clones in disguise helping out on the battlefield. I bet that bastard Madara didn't expect the hell 'eva beat down those Zetsu clones would be getting out there.

Sakura smiled, her eyes warm and silted. "Naruto... You'll be the one who ends up saving us again, won't you?"

Anyway, trying to gain access into the camp would create too much of a commotion — especially since, technically, I shouldn't even be here right now.

Shizune-neechan is the head of this medical center, right? Let her know that you'll be taking the rest of the night off. If all goes well, return the toad with a note.

Make an honest effort to ensure this works.

I know about you...

Sakura broke out into a cold sweat, her eyes wide at his rather ambiguous and abrupt end in message. What exactly did he know?


He couldn't have found out she was pregnant, could he? (Refer to the fanfiction: "Sakura's Forbidden Love")

But how could he have managed that? She hadn't told a single soul from the village about it — and she made sure to make arrangements with a pediatrician from another town. Whatever the case, Naruto had succeeded in piquing her interest.

She needed to confront him.

"As far as stamina goes, you're second to Tsunade-sama, which is impressive," Shizune praised, a stack of papers in her hands. "But, emotionally, you have a long way to go — this is your first time experiencing a Great Ninja War, after all."

Sakura's eyes were dreary as she listened, looking around at the futons that nestled the broken and tattered shinobi. Sure, being emotionally stern in times of turmoil was a good characteristic to have, especially for a shinobi, but based on how this trait had to be owned (through exposure), was it truly something to be proud of?

"You can have the rest of the night off," the woman prompted sympathetically, noting the girl's distress. "The import of injured shinobi isn't as much as it was a few hours ago. But, just in case there are any changes, allow yourself to be available, okay?"

Sakura watched absent-mindedly as the tiny toad gingerly made off with the return note she had prepared for Naruto. And, before she knew it, she was gazing unseeingly at the front entrance, her mind returning to that subject matter in bold and engraved at the forefront of her mental journal for a few weeks now. It would have been bad but not so bad, if only the reality of the war was weighing heavily on her conscience — but, sadly, that was not the case.

Haruno Sakura was carrying a child and its father was nowhere to be found. And, sure enough, that man was Sasuke. Even if the Uchiha were to miraculous return to her, he was a wanted man; they would never be able to live together in peace. And, if that was going to be the tragic reality of her life, then who would play the fatherly role for her child? Who would be its role model?

Suddenly, someone else was in the room, as if the person had materialized there. Sakura cast aside her reverie, her feminine aura breathing dangerous flames of hostility. Before she could turn on her heels to strike, if needs be, the silhouette quickly grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back, his other hand covering her mouth.

The kunoichi mumbled in the assailant's hand, frowning her outrage.

Before she could gather chakra in her left arm to elbow the stranger in the torso or crush his toes beneath her heel, her composure wavered and a blush stained her cheeks at the feel of the man's front against her behind.

Her eyes dilated in shock, and she grumbled even fiercer against his hand.

"Shh. Sakura-chan — it's me!" Naruto prompted in a hushed tone.

But the girl's eyes widened even more.

Naruto released her.

Even when she turned around to face him, she couldn't quite hold Naruto's gaze. But she couldn't allow him to realize the effect he'd had on her, either. "Na-Naruto!" Her voice was unimpressive and poorly controlled. "How did you get in here?"

"I'll explain later," was all he said, then he was far too close again, coiling his arm around her waist and pulling her against him.

Sakura's breath hitched in her throat. And then she was suddenly outside, concealed amidst the thick brush of the forestry.

It felt as though she had left her stomach back inside her tent.

The alarmed kunoichi pushed him away. And, when she looked around and saw Hinata, she quickly dismissed the flush from her cheeks. "Hi-Hinata! And Kurama, too!" She then looked to Naruto and his counterpart. "If Hinata's here... that means you're the real Naruto, aren't you? Then our speculation was right — you are aware of the war."

Naruto slowly reclined his head, staring up at the streaks of gold, blue and purple that highlighted the twilight. "When Ero-Sennin died, I realized something. I realized that my information network was poor; I didn't know anything. If I had known what Granny Tsunade and Ero-Sennin were looking into at Amegakure, maybe I would've been able to prevent his death.

But there's no use dwelling on regrets anymore. I plan to make a difference today — now. And one of my objective is to see to it that both you girls are safe throughout the course of this war.

Sakura...," his smoldering eyes were on her now, and she had to fight valiantly to subdue the blush that threatened to heat her face. "We need to talk."

"We've already established that fact," the girl replied. "But what is it that you need to talk about — what's so important?"

"Before that, we need a change of location." He looked to his counterpart. "You have everything under control here, right?"

"Yeah. The sensory squad are about to begin their hourly scan of the vicinity, so I'll need to withdraw for a while. Later!"

He vanished into the dark canopy of the trees.

"I guess it's about time we got a move on, too," Naruto said suggestively, holding forth both hands for the girls to take.

Hinata didn't hesitate. She was eager to learn the truth about Sakura, which would have shed light on her own situation and solidify her wish. Kurama was sprawled out atop her head. Sakura wavered, but she placed her hand in his, which he cupped gently.

And then they were gone.

Deep inside the ominous confines of a labyrinth, Madara sat on a ledge across from the floral pedestal upon which the Gedō Mazō statute was situated. As crude and unimpressive as the giant appeared, it was, in fact, the medium — the stepping stone that would see the man's dreams and ambitions become a reality.

Suddenly, he was not alone. Despite the two distinguished ocular powers etched brightly in his eyes, the man's senses were sharp and shrewd enough to know of his colleague's approach.

"There's still no sign of the Kyuubi, except for the few clones he has scattered on the battlefield," White Zetsu said in a husky tone. "But each of those clones are destroying roughly three-thousand of my own. Shouldn't we do something about that?"

Madara's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Soon I won't be needing the clones anymore but, for now, they play a vital role in my plans. Have the remaining clones withdraw; we'll instill fear and terror in the hearts of the alliance tonight."

Zetsu heaved an impish grin for he knew what devilish plans the man referred to — this gambit was going to breathe suspicion and untrustworthiness amongst the ranks of the alliance and cripple their morale. It was ingenious!

"While you're at it," the man added. "Tell Kabuto to send a corpse of Edo Tensei to deal with the clones. It's best we eliminate as much of them as possible, to prevent anything from hindering our plans for tonight."

"I'll keep a close eye out to see if I can pinpoint the exact location of the Kyuubi, just in case he decides to send more clones. But, what about the Daimyo?"

"Just in case Naruto doesn't reveal himself anytime soon, they can still be used as bargaining chips, especially where acquiring the Hachibi is concerned. Tell Black Zetsu to continue facing off against the Mizukage. If anything, we'll send in reinforcements."

"Roger that," the man said. "So, what's your plan, Tobi?"

The man pushed to his feet, his weapon in hand. "I'll see how tonight's plan plays out before I make my next move. Now get going."

"Hai-Hai, Cap'm!"

And he was gone.

There are many different types of Ninjutsu in the shinobi world — elemental powers such as lightening, water, earth, wind and fire. There are secret techniques, as well, such as the Shadow Mimic, Mind Transfer, and Kiba's Four Leg Technique. Not to mention summoning techniques and ocular abilities. But none were as mysterious and breathtaking as Space-Time Ninjutsu.

As the invisible dimensional portal spat them out at their new location, Hinata couldn't shake the feeling of being spirited away.

The sound of Naruto's grin nudged everyone from their reverie. He had his hand upon a familiar tree, even as he gazed down into the perfectly nestled valley before them, the moon's gentle light highlighting his beautiful features.

Hinata's eyes were wide as she gawked at him with disbelief. She could feel the nostalgia — feel the sweet familiarity of this open road, of this middle-aged tree, of the moon's spot amongst the stars and clouds. A gentle zephyr from the distant sea and surrounding forestry whipped passed her, evoking memories that were carefully tucked away inside her mind.

She pattered to the threshold of the hill's slope then, as if to verify their location. Then her heart started to swell, and time seemed to slow, as if giving her ample time to digest the marvel before her.

In the distance was a small metropolis, beautifully snuggled by forestry and enclosed within a ring of uniquely jagged mountains. The town still sparkled with many alluring and hypnotic neon lights, and the blare of disco music could still be heard all the way from the outskirts.

Nothing had changed.

The town was still as magical and lively as it was when they came here a few weeks ago, completely unaffected by the war that was raging between shinobi.

Hinata wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not, but she was certain of the joy she felt at this very moment as she gazed onto the tropical paradise where she shared irreplaceable memories with her man.

"Na-Naruto-kun!" She spun around on her heels to look at him, her eyes quivering with the deepest sense of love and appreciation.

"Welcome back," was all he said, his voice soft and his oceanic eyes hooded.

With childish glee, she spun on her toes and frolicked down the hill, eager to relive the sweet experiences she once did in this wonderful town.

Naruto grinned.

"W-Where are we?" Sakura asked, looking around curiously as if she were a lost child, stranded in the wilderness with no hope of rescue.

Sprawled out atop Naruto's head now, Kurama flicked his tails across the teen's nape in his own curiosity. "So...? Where is this?"

"We're in the hot spring country," Naruto informed softly, proceeding gingerly toward the slope.

"Eh?" Sakura exclaimed, making her way after him. "Naruto!" She sounded frustrated. "I thought you wanted to talk to me about something important? What are we doing all the way in the hot spring country? And just how did we get here? I've been waiting for you to explain that all this time!"

Naruto ignored her relentless blabber until they were all the way at the open gates leading into the festive town. Hinata was standing in wait by the intricately structured doors, her eyes wild with excitement and impatience. And, despite the state of affairs, her nymphomaniac inner goddess was having wayward thoughts.

"Fuugetsu..." Sakura murmured, looking up at the sign hanging from the wooden archway. "Wait. Is this, by chance, the same town you both came to the other day?"

"That's right," Naruto confirmed, massaging the Kyuubi's head when it leaped atop his shoulder. "And this is where we'll be staying until tomorrow. I figured a change in scenery would be best, based on what we're going to talk about."

Sakura's response wasn't exaggerated. By this point, she had already reassured herself that there was no way Naruto could've known that she was pregnant — not unless he was some kind of physic... which he obviously was not.

Nevertheless, she was still curious about the so-called importance of this matter he had to discussed and why he couldn't have spoken about it at the campsite.

Like a child, hopelessly consumed by her thrill of a theme park, Hinata clung to Naruto's arm as they ambled through the crowded streets, her eyes darting from left to right at the different attractions and delicious delights.

She had surrendered to her inner child again.

Kurama had resumed his sprawl atop Naruto's head, enjoying the sights, as well. But mostly he was just fascinated with his idol's open elation. Sakura lumbered behind them; their closeness made her feel awkward, like she was a third wheel — and the fact they had been here before and evidently shared a special and memorable three days made her feel as though she were intruding on their intimacy.

Just why did he have to bring her here?

Naruto didn't take any detours. While this was a tourist attraction and a place Hinata and himself shared fond memories, there was also a war going on that he sparsely felt guilt about for leaving his clones alone to shoulder.

With the memories of his former Kage Bunshin, Naruto found the guest house rented for their use throughout the course of the entire week. Along the flight of stairs leading toward the house, Naruto ran into the elderly woman who ran the business.

"Ohya — Uzumaki Naruto, I presume?"

Stretching roughly 4.3 feet tall, the woman bore the customary arch of the elderly and was supported by a sporty cane. Her snow-white hair was caught in a lovely updo, and she was wearing a rather fashionable kimono.

"The house is ready for you, as promised," she said in a warm and welcoming tone. "Why don't you folks go and get comfortable. I'll have supper ready in a few minutes."

Hinata bowed politely.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hirofumi," Naruto said sweetly.

The house was large and quaint. It was of an old Japanese design that Hinata could relate to — it felt like a home away from home. The decor was carefully put together with naturalistic ornaments and exotic furnishes from expensive wood. The floorboards seemed as though they had just recently been put into place, and the dark curtains and tapestries contributed to the earthen ambience.

When everyone was seated on cushions around the dining room table, their bowls and plates empty followings the delicious food they had partaken of, Sakura didn't need to speak for Naruto to understand the demanding expression she wore on her face. In all fairness, he supposed he had her waiting long enough.

Naruto signed, almost musically. "First off, I'm sure everyone's curious about the means through which we got here, right — Hinata... Sakura-chan?"

They drifted closer.

Naruto broke out into a sweat, flinching in the opposite direction. "Alright, alright — I understand." He signed, and then his face got serious. "When Ero-Sennin died and Gerotora brought his possessions to me, there was also an old ninja scroll among the papers. It was labeled: The Flying Thunder God Technique, and it was created by Tobirama Senju — the second Hokage — and was later in the hands of the Fourth Hokage."

"The Flying God Technique," Sakura reiterated, evidently intrigued. "Sounds like another jutsu that added to his fame."

"Actually, that technique is the very reason he acquired the name: Yellow Flash — the fastest shinobi in history, even faster than the Raikage." Kurama grinned, having witnessed the man's astounding speed for himself.

Everyone took a moment to revere the man's incredible accomplishments before Naruto continued. "I tried endlessly to understand the concept behind the technique but, I couldn't even begin to comprehend the complicated basics behind Space-time Ninjutsu."

"Then why didn't you just come to me?" Sakura suggested. "The foundation behind Space-time Ninjutsu would be the Ying and Yang chakra-nature, which is an essential part of Medical Ninjutsu. Or you could've gone even to Yamato-taichou or Kakashi-sensei."

Naruto looked down to his hands, his eyes half-lidded with a sentimental glow. "At that point, I felt I needed to grasp the understanding of the technique by myself."

Hinata smiled, a hint of proudness dancing in her eyes.

"I was determined to be just as cool and independent as my dad was, so I charged one of my clones with the sole responsibility of learning about the concept behind Ying and Yang chakra-nature while I focused on finding a way to tame the Kyuubi."

Sakura's eyes were suddenly wide. "Wait! Wait — did you just say "as cool as your dad"?

Naruto heaved his customary wide grin. "Yeah..."

"Oh, my God, Naruto!" She called in late celebration, crawling from her cushion toward him, her eyes beaming. "When did you find out?"

The teenager scratched his cheek, the import of memories embarrassing him. "I found out while I was fighting Pain, and I met my mom this morning, too."

Our Cherry Blossom couldn't hold back the tears that tipped her eyes. "Naruto... why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm so happy for you! I can't believe it!"

The princess swept away the warm teardrops that pooled in her eyes. She couldn't help but get emotional at Sakura's response and the reality of Naruto's destined reunion — not to mention the memories of Kushina that swirled around in her mind. She could still remember the woman's kind and motivating words, as well as her motherly embrace.

"Sakura-chan..." Naruto cupped her shoulders, calming her down. "I know you're curious about my parents, but that will have to wait until another time. We have something more important to discuss."

The girl nodded and smiled, quietly returning to the comfort of her cushion. "So? How does this jutsu actually work?"

"Oh. Well, to activate it, I must first place a special seal — or technique formula — to mark an intended destination. After this is done, I can, at will, instantaneously transport myself to the location of the seal."

"That's pretty impressive," Kurama said from Hinata's lap.

The princess was just as impressed, her cheeks flushed, her eyes gleaming. Naruto-kun... you're so cool. I bet your father would be proud.

"Doesn't that jutsu consume a lot of chakra, though," Sakura asked, concerned.

"It does," Naruto smiled, unfazed. "But my interpretation of 'a lot of chakra' and yours are completely different."

Sakura pouted in envy for a moment. "Oh. Well, if it's not putting any strain on your body, then I guess it's fine."

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto's eyes became intense, and the girl could tell when he steeled his nerves in preparations for what he was about to ask.

She swallowed.

Hinata pursed her lips, her eyes lit with hope.

"Are you... are you pregnant?"




Sakura felt herself stop breathing — and, for a few stomach-twisting seconds, she couldn't find her tongue. "H-How did you know...?"

Even more than her surprise, Hinata felt a surge of uncontrollable exhilaration — and, in a heartbeat, she was throwing herself into her knight's chest with a cry. "Oh, Naruto-kun!"

Kurama heaved a wolfish grin from his place on a cushion.

"Naruto!" Sakura felt a heavy influx of emotions — confusion, impatience, frustration. "I don't understand! How did you find out? I didn't tell anyone about it!"

The humble sage had his arms around his princess, trying to nurse the quakes of her gentle sobs. His eyes softened to a liquid sheen as he stroked her head, and a warm smile stretched his lips. "How I found out doesn't matter at this point," he replied to an anxious Sakura. "The reality of the matter is: the fact that you're pregnant means that Hinata is really pregnant, as well."

"Ehhhhh!" Sakura didn't know how much more drama she could endure in one night. "Hi-Hi-Hinata's pregnant? If that's true... then it means you both really have been—"

Darkness attempts to consume a candle's light.

Naruto is between Hinata's legs, their skin slick with sweat.

The princess's mouth is wide as she pants her pleasure.

Naruto's hard, well-defined muscles dances in the flickering light as he moves slowly about her, in her, bringing them both to an orgasm.

Nnh. Nnh. Nnh.

Sakura slapped away the visual. It was only after saying what she did had the kunoichi realized she was speaking for herself, as well. Instantly, her words trailed off and she pursed her lips as her face did a quick heat. Then she averted her eyes to her legs and tried to calm the thrashing of her heart.

For a moment, there was silence. Then Naruto gently pulled Hinata from his chest and held her teary gaze. "It's been a long day," he smiled, cupping her flushed cheek. "Why don't we take a soak in the hot spring around back before calling it a night?"

The princess closed her eyes and leaned her head against his hand, mirroring his neat, appreciative smile. "Hai."

Sakura was in her appointed room, the lonely space cast in the light of a lamp's flickering glow. The carpet was plush beneath her toes. The furniture was simple yet elegant, and lovely colors surrounded her on all sides. But the girl didn't take heed; she was a broken shell — even more tattered and bruised than her former self.

As mysterious as it was, her secret had been revealed; the seeds of enlightenment had been sown between them. And, sure — Naruto and Hinata were together and it was obvious where his priority would lie, but he didn't even spare a single word of question as to how she became impregnated.

She could have been assaulted and raped, for all he knew.

Wasn't he curious about how she felt? Didn't he care who the father was? Wouldn't he give her his blessings, even if his words held no compassion?

Sakura dropped to her knees, wrapped in nothing but a towel. Her emerald eyes were dark and vacant, her lips parted. Sure, that's what she thought, and yet she knew with absolute certainty that if his words ever lacked compassion... if he ever chose to hate or neglect her—

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tears streamed down her face, dropping to her bare legs — a salty portrayal of her grief and insecurities. She could feel the familiar prick in her heart; the dark threads were loosening again, threatening to break her apart from the inside.

With Sasuke gone, Naruto was the only one she could lean on for reassurance and comfort. It was selfish, but a necessity that needed to persevere, if only for a while. She was so frustrated and sacred — there were changes happening in her body and no one was there to offer her morale support. And she didn't know how her parents would react, when she finally confessed to them.

Someone! Anyone! Help me...

It hurts, she clasped the material over her chest. It really hurts...

All of a sudden, there was a low knock at the door. But the fallen cherry blossom was much too traumatized to pay it any heed. She felt like melting away; quietly seeping through the cracks in the floorboards — forever forgotten, freed of her burdens and the bitter stab of sadness and loneliness.


A desperate voice called out to her, but it was muffled by the time it filtered through the aura of depression that rolled off her body. But the voice kept calling, steadily growing louder and clearer as it neared her. Finally, she felt as a pair of feminine hands rested upon her shoulders, pulling her from her unpleasant stupor.

"...Hinata," Sakura squeaked, her eyes lonely and desperate. "Hinata..."

For an instant, their hearts resonated and the princess could feel the violent disarray of her emotions. They twisted and folded beyond repair inside of her, black darkness that threatened to break her where she knelt.

Hinata's heart sunk to her toes, and her eyes widened and quivered. She felt the girl's pain as if it were her own, and she couldn't help but pull the lost soul into her bosom, firmly clutching her there, making her know she was not alone... making her feel the truth of it.

Sakura surrendered, and then she started to wail.

There was nothing else she could do.

"Sakura-san..." Hinata whispered, a wanly smile upon her lips. She gently stroked the girl's hair, like a mother would, patiently trying to calm her flustered spirit. "I know that your world may seem upside down right now. I know it feels as though everything's crumbling all around you, but I just want you to know that you're not alone.

It is said that a woman sometimes feels as though she bears the entire weight of the world upon her shoulders, especially when she's pregnant. She feels as though everything is her fault — violence, war, poverty, strife... death.

Sakura-san. I know the feeling, and I just want you to know that I'm here. In Konoha, I promised we would save Sasuke-kun... obviously, that meant you would be saved, too. I'm sure Sasuke-kun would get mad, if anything were to happen to you. He doesn't show it, but I know he deeply cares about you."

Hinata's smile widened when the girl stopped sobbing. "Think about it... there were so many instances when he could have killed you, but he didn't. Besides," she slowly pulled the girl from her chest, holding her watery gaze. "What kind of man would jeopardize the life of his own child?"

Sakura gasped, the sudden movement dispersing tiny droplets of unshed tears, and time slowed. That's right. Hinata was also a girl — it was only natural she would understand the complex inner-workings of a woman's heart. While it was an endless sea of mystery and unpredictability, it was surprisingly easy to read, too.

And it only goes without saying that Sasuke is the father of her child; she didn't love anyone else — at least, in the way that she did him.

Sakura's eyes were still glum, and she hung her head. "Naruto..."


"He didn't say anything..."


"When I confirmed I'm pregnant... he didn't say anything."

The princess slightly tilted her head to the side, a bit surprised at the girl's naiveté. "Sakura-san... Naruto-kun was already overstepping his boundaries when he asked if you were pregnant. I'm sure he just didn't want to pry any farther. Besides, I'm sure he feels even a bit betrayed that you hid the truth from him."

Sakura's eyes dilated in her shock. She was so consumed and blinded by her sorrow that she readily assumed she was the only victim. Naruto had his own problems, too — those of which obviously outweighed hers. But never did he complain.

"Sakura-san," Hinata said in a telling tone, gently resting her forehead against hers. "Before you jump to any conclusions, why don't we meet with Naruto-kun? He's waiting for us."

Sakura didn't think. She just didn't want to be alone right now. "Hn."

Naruto had his head tilted back, his eyes hooded, his hair wet and spiky as he gazed up at the infinite galaxies of stars that dominated the dark night's sky. His plate was full — there were so many responsibilities resting squarely upon his shoulders, some greater than others. But, despite the daunting weight they possessed, they were all his responsibilities. And he would bear the gist of them. He would bear the weight of the world and ensure his family had peace.

Mom. Dad. Jiraiya-sensei — you're watching from somewhere out there, aren't you? I don't know if I can handle all this on my own, but it's not in me to give up. So, I'll give it my best shot, even if it destroys me in the process.

Out of the shadows, the girls appeared and gingerly proceeded into the water — Hinata guiding a somber Sakura from behind.

They were stark naked and still wet from their shower.

"Hi-Hinata! Sa-Sakura-chan!" Naruto freaked, quickly retaliating by turning around before his eyes could be acquainted with their sheer nudity. "I thought you both were going to use the hot spring next door?"

"Na-Naruto-kun... I think what we have to talk about deserves a face-to-face conversation," Hinata informed politely, shyly, mirroring Sakura's act in submerging up to her chest beneath the warm, concealing water.

Even though Naruto had his back conveniently turned, Sakura couldn't find it in herself to look up at him; she felt ashamed and embarrassed on so many different levels. Hinata spied her dilemma, but she was not certain if her pacifying would make much of an impact in this moment.

Silence descended over the spring, and Sakura's chest tightened with the awkwardness it brought. The girl couldn't help but think she would no longer be able to look at her face in the mirror, not with the way she had sullied her future and betrayed her golden comrade.

Ripples crept across the placid waters, distorting the reflection of the motionless moon as Naruto shifted, gazing up at the distant stars once more. "Y'know — I once heard that if a woman is seriously stressed, it could ultimately affect her unborn child."

Her curiosity piqued, Sakura raised her head.

"That's the reason why I brought you both here." He turned around, a wistful gleam of solicitude quivering in his eyes. "Hinata. Sakura-chan."

They both watched his eyes.

"We've all come a very long way, haven't we? We've known each other since we were kids... before we even enrolled into the academy — and I've come to love you both. And that's why I don't want to see either of you get hurt. What's more, you both are carrying something very important in your tummies — a miracle."

Sakura gasped, tears pooling in her eyes.

Hinata's expression was a bit opaque.

"I want to change the world for the better... before their arrival. But, to guarantee that, I need to ensure you're both safe." His eyes narrowed, as if with a plea, even as Hinata quietly approached him, her eyes cast in the shadow of her bang. "Won't you both stay here where it's safe, until this is all over?"

Without a word, Hinata placed her palm over his cheek in a soft tap. She was being merciful, and Naruto gasped at her bold feat. "Naruto-kun..."


"Don't be selfish!" She asserted, tears tipping the corners of her eyes.

Naruto's eyes popped open, and his chest tightened.

"Don't you think I love you, too? Don't you think I also want to see you safe?" Her lips stretched into a wanly smile. "I know very well that you're strong... more than anyone else does. But the enemy is strong, too... especially Madara. He's strong enough to be controlling Sasuke. He's strong enough to drive fear in the hearts of everyone that we know and love. His ambitions and his power has forced the Four Great Shinobi Nations to join forces in order to put an end to his tyranny — something we never thought possible until this day.

Why do you assume you're the only one who wouldn't be able to continue living, if the one he loves dies?" the tears were flowing now — fluent and nonstop, and her voice was nothing but a whisper, a faint squeak. "I-I wouldn't be able to continuing living without you, either!"

Naruto's gaze was sharp and unrelenting, dark clouds playing over the blue of his eyes. He didn't like to see Hinata cry; there was nothing more painful in the world than to see her suffer like this. It was unbearable.

Sakura couldn't stop thinking about Sasuke while the couple were locked in their heated and sorrowful debate. While her dark knight was somewhere far away, cast in shadow, Naruto was here and genuinely concerned about his fiancée and their child. He was being proactive and resourceful in his effort to protect them both, and he was constantly giving Hinata emotional support.

Sakura's heart felt heavy in her chest, even heavier now that Sasuke had returned into her life and abandoned her once more. But she brought this bitter and perpetual suffering onto herself, as if she carried the mind of a masochist. And yet, her remorse was far from impressive. Just what kind of twisted love had Uchiha Sasuke inadvertently spun in her heart?

Hinata's cheeks were flushed and still stained with her tears, but she had scrambled for a bit of composure now. "If we stand together as one, I know a power will gush forth that we would never be able to harness alone..."


"Naruto-kun... I promised I would be your sword and shield. I promised Kushina-san I would always be there for you — and, if I have to follow you into this grim battle of men to do so, I will without a trace of hesitation." She blinked, a solemn smile stretching her lips. "I won't allow this war to tear our family apart."

Naruto grinned passed the grief. "I won't let Madara have his way, either."

"Hn!" Hinata nodded.

"Sakura-chan," Naruto called, reaching out for her.

She was a bit surprised, but she took his hand tentatively, only to have herself abruptly pulled into the wall of his chest.

Sakura gasped, her face pink with embarrassment. She could clearly feel him against her, and her, against him. She squirmed for a second to break free, but then gradually surrendered against the therapeutic warmth of his closeness.

His embrace felt so wrong and good at the same time.

She was in denial.

But one thing was certain — if he kept holding her like this right now, she wouldn't be able to subdue the tears and the sorrow bottled up inside of her. This comfort felt too good to be true. She didn't deserve such solace... such a fleeting moment of peace and tranquility.

"Have you decided a name for the baby yet?" Naruto's voice was but a whisper — an empathetic melody that ushered her farther into peace; a breath of compassion and consideration that slowly knitted her wounds.

"...Ayame," She replied quietly. "Uchiha Ayame..."

Naruto grinned. "When we see Sasuke, we'll have to ask him what he thinks about that. He might have some suggestions, too."

Hinata beamed. "That's a pretty name, Sakura-san. If we also have a girl, her name will be Natsumi. Uzumaki Natsumi..."

"And, if it's a boy, his name will be Uzumaki Daisuke!"

Sakura giggled, losing herself in the moment. "Those are both nice names..."

Naruto and Hinata blushed. "Thank you."

"Sakura-chan..." Naruto began, his tone honest and sincere. "I haven't forgotten about our promise. I know you said you didn't care anymore, but I won't neglect your happiness. I will bring back Sasuke. I gave you my word, as a ninja. And I never go back on my word — that's still my way of a ninja."

"Naruto..." Sakura was already sobbing, her body trembling against his own. She couldn't control herself, not when his embrace was so reassuring. "I love him so much!"

"I know you do, and that's why I won't rest until he's a part of the team again." He squeezed her tighter, and then Hinata inched closer, joining their embrace. "Until then, both Hinata and I will be here for you and Ayame. All six of us are a family, Kurama, too...

I promise."

Our Cherry Blossom couldn't stop crying. Happiness and sorrow swirled around inside her — a phantom storm that fueled her tears. She knew she didn't deserve such consolation, and yet every fiber and cell of her being relished its addicting taste. Naruto and Hinata saved her. They breathed life anew into her. They gave her strength to hold on once more... to cling to the bittersweet sphere of reality.

His promise saved her, and her subconscious heaved a melancholic scream.