
Hinata's Sensual Adventure

This tale almost shadows the canon version of the series. But I have added new scenes and scenarios to better capture the sole objective of this story, which is depict more character development and romance between Naruto and Hinata. Both characters have been given a power boost. Naruto is also smarter, as my other aim was for him to discover the answer to the question that both Nagato and Jiraiya sought: how do you end the cycle of hatred and revenge that plagues the shinobi world and seize true peace? In the first chapter, Hinata decided to pay Naruto a visit - to express her gratitude for the protection she received on the battlefield. But Cupid apparently had other plans. Hinata ended up giving her crush more than what she bargained for; more than the gourmet breakfast she prepared for him. But, subconsciously, in a quiet corner of her mind, had this development not been what she really craved? Yum!

Vaughn_Schneider · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Hinata's Sensual Adventure - The Chronicle's End [Part E]

Obito rose from the explosion's aftermath like a God, the orbs that wrapped him into a protective cocoon unraveling themselves. Again, he was completely unscathed. And Naruto and Sasuke had practically had enough of simply staying on the defensive while everyone else did all the work.

Gauging Naruto's output using his Sharingan, Sasuke combined his black flames with the sage's Rasengan. It was no use stopping them — hence, Tobirama decided to bend the circumstances in their favor. And it was convenient he had managed to mark Obito beforehand.

Marking each other with their technique formula, both Kage sprung into action. Tobirama was suddenly behind Obito, a hand upon his shoulder. Minato, at the same time, allowed himself to get hit by Naruto and Sasuke's combination attack. A millisecond later, Obito found himself swapping places with the Yellow Flash, the whistle of the Rasenshuriken moving up an octave as it registered its true target. Together with the fiery breath that was Amaterasu, both jutsus wreaked havoc on the silver fiend.

But any hope that had sprouted in the warriors were short-lived. While the Truth Seeking Orbs couldn't keep up with the assault to protect their master, Obito had still sustained zero damage. If anything, they had only managed to stir just a modicum of his anger. And he slowly levitated above them, looking down condescendingly at the humans who struggled in vain against his divine will.

"No effect at all..." Tobirama said assessingly, stating the obvious.

"We can't touch those black, transforming spheres," Minato added, stifling the frustration behind his words. "Our attacks have no effect on him... he's quick on both offense and defense."

"What a pain!" Sasuke clicked his tongue.

"Man, he's even more prefect than how I envision myself in my dreams," Naruto said with a frown. "How do we compete with that?"

"It's like he's truly obtained dreamlike power..."

Tobirama was more focused on Minato's missing arm than his descriptive speech. "That's odd," he observed.

"What is?"

"Your arm was ripped off... there should be dust swirling around to restore it by now."

Everyone thought about that for a while.

"Our Edo Tensei bodies aren't regenerating..."

"I have come to possess the same power as the Founder of Shinobi," Obito enlightened calmly. "You can no longer measure me by the standards you are used to."

Tobirama considered the man's words, breaking out into a cold sweat. "Don't tell me your jutsu..."

"What does he mean by the same power as the Founder of Shinobi?" asked Minato curiously.

Naruto's frown deepened as he recalled information he's read from Jiraiya's notes. And the Bijuu had mentioned the name a few times, as well.

"Fourth...," Tobirama began, a critical edge to his voice. "Try not to get seriously injured again, even with our reanimated bodies. He's probably using a jutsu based on shadow and light techniques that nullify all ninjutsu."

Everyone stopped breathing.

"In other words, if he destroys our reanimated bodies... we'll be unable to regenerate and, ultimately, die. Also, assume that right arm of yours is permanently gone."

"If that's the case, we'll need to fight him even more carefully."

"But, since ninjutsu won't work on him, this will be tricky."

"How about physical attacks?"

"Let's try it out."

A muscle worked in Naruto's jaw. And Sasuke managed to note the brief flicker of frustration that gleamed in his eyes, before it was gone.

Flipping his senses inward, Naruto materialized himself inside the Kyūbi's mental scape. I've trained too hard to allow these guys to burden themselves with our problems; they've already played their part. I need to turn the tables somehow...

Kurama looked down, also noting his Jinchūriki's anxiety.

"How much longer, Kurama?"

I'm still infusing chakra, the Bijuu informed candidly, palms pressed together meditatively. If you want to enter into Perfect Tailed Beast State, you'll have to continue fighting in your normal mode for a bit.

Dammit! Naruto swore beneath his breath, his eyes deliberating as the gazed up at the almighty being hovering before them.

Recognizing that the time limit for his summoning was at hand, Gamakichi — in a last ditch effort to get some much sought after revenge — mounted a projectile attack at the cocky silver bastard. Instead of completely negating the ninjutsu as he usually would, Obito merely managed to stave it off using his Truth Seeking Orbs.

Perhaps the attack wasn't futile, after all, as Naruto's eyes widened in revelation with Tobirama following close behind. Wasting no time, our Golden Knight fastened his eyes shut and started building his power.

"Obito!" Minato called, attempting a diplomatic approach. "I thought you wanted to become Hokage? Why are you doing this?"

"You want to know why?" the man's voice rose a few octaves higher than it ever did in his new form. "Lecturing me now? Isn't it a bit late for that, Sensei?"

They held each other's gaze.

"You're always too late when it matters most," Obito scoffed, his mind recalling a tragic memory he had rehashed thousands of times — Kakashi's failure, Minato's absence, Rin's death, his heartbreak. "I'm glad my teacher was Hokage; it made it easy to give up on becoming Hokage."

His words stung.

And Minato couldn't help but grieve. The world would be completely different if he had realized the masked man who attacked the village sixteen years ago was Obito. Many sacrifices and tragedies could have easily been averted — Kushina may have not died and Naruto wouldn't have to be burdened with the Kyūbi.

"Even though you were my teacher, you didn't realize it was me," the man accused bitterly. "That's just who you are, fundamentally — pathetic. You died a heroic Hokage, but now you're being exposed as a disgrace in front of your son."

Naruto's lips pressed to a thin line.

"That's right...," Obito continued. "A Hokage is a pitiable existence compared to what I am now."

The high-pitched whistle of a Rasengan embodied Naruto's zero tolerance for the man's bad-mouthing of his father.

...This kid's really something, thought Tobirama in amazement. He realized even before I did.

"Your circumstances are a product of your own weaknesses," informed Naruto calmly, which betrayed the rage that bubbled beneath his skin. "I could have strayed from the right path, too, but I choose not to."

Sasuke and Minato pivoted their head around in surprise, while Tobirama decisively made his way at the shinobi's side, to facilitate his attack.

"And you have no right to make fun of a Hokage when you couldn't even become one yourself. Especially my dad... who actually became Hokage."

No sooner had Obito lost sight of them than he felt a blow land in his back. Then he heard a voice rang out above the shrill of the Rasengan tearing into his flesh.

"How dare you put him down!"

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock. That worked? But how?

For a moment, Minato didn't care about decorum, caution or even battle etiquette. He gazed up at his son, eyes quivering in awe and affection at the charismatic and reliable shinobi he had become. Naruto didn't just stood up for him, but paved a path they all thought nigh impossible.

It's effective! I knew it! Tobirama couldn't contain his grin. Even if ninjutsu is ineffective, Sage Art still works!

Naruto's eyes burned with the characteristics of said mode.

The toad from Mount Myōboku used Sage Jutsu and his attack wasn't nullified. Looks like this kid noticed when I did.

"You bastard!" Naruto roared, launching both Obito and his projectile into the ground, like a lose cannon. "I'm not done yet!"

"Water Style: Heavy Bullet — Gatling Gun!"

Fashioning his hands into rifles, Naruto fired a fusillade of water bullets from his forefingers that, not only inflicted massive damage, but significantly weighed the villain down for a follow-up attack.

But he needed to act fast.

Having marked the bastard when his Rasengan made impact, Naruto teleported, leaving Tobirama wide-eyed and stunned. He forged a bigger and stronger sphere, dropping the nuke on the delusional tyrant without remorse or hesitation. A shockwave of dust and debris whipped outward, jostling everyone from their trance.

He's a quick striker, just like his father, Tobirama praised. And he's mastered many high-tier jutsu at such a young age...

"Naruto-kun — that's amazing!" Hinata cheered, feeding Sakura information as she saw it unfold.

He's even mastered the same Sage Jutsu as Jiraiya-sensei, Minato thought surprisingly, his eyes transfixed.

He's grown into quite a son, eh, Minato? Kurama said — essentially the yin half of the Bijuu that was sealed inside the man. It's no wonder he managed to sweet-talk my other half.

Inside their mental scape, the Yellow Flash swiveled his head around to look up at the menacing giant. It placed one hand down and homed in close, like a loan shark about to whisper methods of torture to a uncooperative client. That's why you sealed my other half inside him, as if you were confident they would be able to work together.


Then don't regret it now, the darker counterpart said in a surprisingly emphatic tone. It's not your fault that Kushina died. And, making your brat into a Jinchūriki, wasn't a bad thing, either. Because your brat is trying to change what this world has become right now. He's not that newborn baby anymore.

In fact, tomorrow is...

Obito pushed to his knees for a start, the gaping hole in his back doing little to cool the anger seething through his veins. I can't believe the Jūbi 's Jinchūriki could have such a weakness, he fumed as one of his eight orbs attended to the shameful injury. And, with the Jūbi inside me, I can't pass through matter, either... how frustrating.

"Looks like Sage Mode works!" Naruto began triumphantly upon rejoining the others, careful not to lose sight of their enemy.

"Sage Power?" Sasuke murmured curiously.

"The toad attacks are Sage Jutsu, which uses Natural Energy. Come to think of it, when I tried to sense the Jūbi 's power before, it was Natural Energy, itself. So, I figured, maybe one could counter Natural Energy with Natural Energy.

Yoshi! We finally have a way to land hits on that bastard. I'll hit him next with some Frog Fu!"

To think he's capable of using the Flying Thunder God Technique. And has even mastered Sage Power, Tobirama smiled. I feel like I'm fighting alongside Elder Brother!

Sasuke, on the other hand, wasn't enthused. Naruto, as he imagined, continued getting stronger since their last encounter. He had somehow managed to achieve full control of the Kyūbi's power, and now was practically leveraging the war on his own.

Unfortunately, he, too, was a foolish idealist, just like the founding Hokage. Needless to say, Naruto was going to be a nuisance when Sasuke opted to assume control. But that nuisance would be taken care of at the opportune time. Then the Uchiha would change the very foundations of the shinobi world, and he wouldn't allow anything... or anyone, to stand in his way.

Growing weary of their futile attempts at foiling his plans, Obito proceeded to tailor his chakra nature into a specific element. A lofty stalk sprouted from the ground in response, like the tongue of death. Jotting out from the emaciated shaft were four ominous-looking flowers that quickly began charging their own Bijuu Bomb.

The alliance grew restless, and Shikamaru desperately began racking his brain for a plan. Tobirama proposed that Naruto, Minato and himself teleport away one bomb each and the remainder be taken care of by Hashirama. But Madara wouldn't give his rival enough space to breath. As Edo Tensei warriors, he knew they would be revived, should they succumb to the blast. And that reality kept the man entirely fixated on the battle.

To make matters worse, Obito erected the same Four Crimson barrier that the Kage used to trap the Jūbi before. But now the situation was reversed — this time the Allied Force were the ones trapped, like caged lamb to the slaughter.

"You intend to teleport the stalk itself outside?" Obito surmised as Minato deliberated said solution. "Think I'd let you do that? You can't save anyone!"

"Dad," Naruto called, loosening the tension. "I'm not entirely sure if it will work, but I've got an idea. Will you bump fists with me?" he asked, out-stretching his arm.

Even as the Truth Seeking Balls converged around him, wrapping its master in a protective cocoon for the impending destruction, Obito watched the exchange between father and son. Naruto was notorious for dishing out miracles in desperate situations, but what could he possibly achieve in this bleak and perilous ordeal?

Evidently feeling differently, Minato conceded. And, the moment their fists touched, their mental scapes synchronized.

Hey, other half, Yin-Kurama greeted. How ya been?

Do you mind sharing some of your chakra with me? Yang-Kurama — Naruto's partner — returned with a wolfish grin.

Kek! To be asked a favor from myself feels a bit weird...

"Naruto," Obito called. "Minato can't do a thing," he provoked. "He couldn't even protect your mother. Nor his own subordinates. You know what tomorrow is, don't you? It's the anniversary of Minato and Kushina's deaths. The day both of your parents died. In this world, it's over when you die. You see—"

"Oh, right," Naruto interjected, keeping the man's negative influence at bay, from both him and his father. "So tomorrow... it's also the day I was born."

Minato's eyes quivered. Like it was yesterday, he could hear the exuberant cry of his newly born babe sixteen years ago — his pride, his legacy, his treasure. It was the happiest day of his life, the day Kushina made him into a father.

"So you see...," Naruto continued, his voice low and resolute. "It's not over yet. 'Cause I exist in this world!"

Minato couldn't control the face-splitting smile that spread across his lips, but he managed to hold back the tears that burned the back of his eyes. Our Naruto has become really strong... Kushina.

"Let's go, dad!" Naruto roared as he reignited his Kurama Mode, flanked by his father and backed by both Nine-Tailed Foxes.

The shinobi were surprised when the Kyūbi's cloak reemerged even stronger than before. Bee could sense both Yin and Yang essences of Kurama and assumed it was their powers combined that fueled the cloak. But Gyūki corrected that it was, in fact, all the Bijuu combined.

"You're thinking about protecting us from that attack with this chakra, Naruto?" Shikamaru said openly.

But that wasn't quite the case.

By allowing everybody's chakra signature to resonate with Minato through him, our hero was able to allow his father to teleport the entire alliance outside of the barrier before the explosion.

Both Obito and the shinobi were flabbergasted.

"Fourth... this is the second time you've saved all of shinobi-kind," Tobirama praised, issuing more compliments in the last hour than he did throughout his entire life.

"I've still failed... more times than that," the man responded breathlessly. "So... I must continue making... up for it."

"What did you do?" Jūgo asked, having joined them in an attempt rescue Sasuke before the blast.

"Dad teleported everyone outside the barrier," Naruto explained with his customary lopsided grin, recalling his father's statement before.

— "I can't teleport anything that I myself, or my chakra isn't touching, even indirectly."

"Everyone? With that jutsu?" Sasuke was astounded.

"I'd shared Kurama's and my chakra with everyone earlier. So, by allowing dad to indirectly resonate with everyone's chakra through me, we made this strategy work."

"He used the principle of Shadow Clones," Tobirama launched into another explanation from a different perspective. "Even if you split up and disperse your chakra, as long as you keep even a little bit there without putting it out, when the original body infuses chakra again to regain control, all the individual chakra bits begin resonating and link together.

In short, by joining his chakra with the Fourth's, Naruto linked the Fourth to the rest of his chakra residing in everyone else. My question is: if you can use the Flying Thunder God technique, why didn't you just teleport everyone yourself?"

"I used up a lot of chakra protecting everyone before, so I wouldn't have been able to manage on my own."

"I see."

"By the way, Old man Second — you sure know a lot about my Shadow Clones..."

"I created that jutsu!" the man defended hotly. "It's my Shadow Clones!"

Minato watched amusingly as Naruto teased their founding father. And he couldn't help but reminisce about the brief but memorable moment he spent with his son as the young shinobi broke down the complexity of his plan.



"I wish there was more time to talk to the grown-up you."

"Guys don't need to talk!" Naruto interrupted with a friendly grin. "I already know. I... already met with mom. What you want to say is the same as my nagging mom, right? I already know."

Minato beamed, his eyes quivering. But this time, he didn't hold back the tears that pooled in them.

...This feeling is so familiar, the man thought as the memory dissolved from his mind. Even though we're out of options, it feels like we can accomplish anything... that's right, he said, looking toward the Child of Prophecy. It's just like when I was with Kushina. Same feeling.

And, as Minato thought, Naruto began gearing up to spring into action again, his from warm and radiant as the sun.

"So we can't touch him without Sage Jutsu, right? In that case, there's something I wanna try."

Everyone looked to the scheming shinobi.

"Kurama," he called inquiringly, looking up at the attentive Bijuu. "Do you think it's possible to gather Senju Energy in this form?"

Now that you mention it, the fox began, cupping his chin as he skimmed through the archives of his memory. You've probably already forgotten but, during your final battle with Pain... something noteworthy happened. I got so mad by what he was saying that my chakra leaked out, even though you were in Sage Mode at that time. My power and your Sage power actually managed to synchronize. There was another time when it happened, as well.

Naruto flung an accusing finger at the Bijuu. He was too caught up in his emotions to remember that happening during his heated discussion with Nagato. But there was one instant he vividly recalled. "That's right — when I was undergoing Sage training, you interfered with Gramps Sage's Jutsu, remember?"

That's because I had no interest in sharing the same space with toads! Kurama fumed. Besides, it really pissed me off that you would rely on Sage Jutsu when you had my chakra!

Naruto grinned. "You stubborn bastard," he teased.

Kurama retaliated with a pointed accusing finger, as he did. You're the stubborn one! Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I'm willing to let you use both my power and Sage Power right now. What's stubborn about that, dammit?

Naruto's eyes half-lidded mischievously. "You just can't be upfront about your feelings, can you?"

You bastard! the Kyūbi bellowed menacingly. You've been making fun of me a lot lately!

Naruto turned on his heels with a cool grin. "Nah. It's just out of familiarity."

Keh! Kurama clicked his tongue flippantly.

Using Tailed Beast State with Sage Jutsu at the same time, huh? Yin-Kurama said to Minato. You've got the same me inside you as your son. You should be able to provide him with powerful support.

And, with that, Minato leapt into action.

While Naruto accumulated Senju Energy — his growing power reverberating throughout everyone like a peel of lightning — his father summoned Kurama's body as his son did and started generating a colossal Rasengan in the Bijuu's hand. Then Naruto proceeded to add Senju Power into the mix, altering the projectile's nature.

Obito's head snapped around expectantly when they teleported behind him. Chakra arms shot out from the appendages on his back, but Kurama thwarted them using his tails, effortlessly paving a path for the Rasengan to make impact.

But the Godly bastard had another line of defense — a Truth Seeking Ball. Like a mighty blade and shield, both forces clashed to a draw. The shockwave that followed hurled both parties across the battlefield. Naruto didn't stay down long. How could he, when he noted that the man's shield crack and shattered just now. All he had to do was bump up the firepower, and he should be able to land a definitive blow.

Chakra-Kurama's snout split open as our hero began charging up a Bijuu Bomb curried with Senju Energy.

"All right! Excellent idea!" Tobirama exclaimed as the nuke swelled and the earth trembled. You might just surpass my Elder Brother as Hokage...

"Hey, other Kurama!" Naruto called. "You help, too!"

"I like the sound of that!" Minato returned, sensing his beloved wife shining through his son. As I thought... this is a familiar feeling, after all.

Sasuke clenched his fingers into a trembles fist. Wrapped in Naruto's protective cloak did little to cool the fires of jealousy that flared in his chest. In just a few short minutes, the teen had demonstrated a level of power that clearly transcended even those of the founding fathers — and he had polished his intellect to complement this newly attained power.

Was this truly the same Naruto as before?

Obito was none too pleased, either.

It was appalling to even think about it, but Naruto's latest attack had succeeded in damaging the Truth Seeking Orb. If he mounted an even stronger assault...

There's no harm in taking measures early, the man decided calculatingly. And, no sooner did he pressed his palms together, than the Jūbi began spilling out of his chest, like a broken dam.

For the first time since the war began, a flicker of concern flashed across Madara's face. He's starting the Infinite Tsukuyomi already?

Naruto's Bijuu Bomb dematerialized in the wake of the Jūbi 's turbulent return. The ground trembled and shattered as the beast rooted its fourteen limbs deep within the earth. As it gradually morphed into an ancient tree, a single eye receded into its body like a black hole consuming a red planet. And a bud quickly sprouted on its back whose bloom would spell the end of the world as everyone knew it.

"I guess I'll suspend the barrier for now," the puppeteer uttered. And, with a slight flick of his hand, the Four Crimson Ray barrier dispersed.

The shinobi watched in alarm as the unfolding nightmare was suddenly unleashed upon the land. The growing bud shot high into the sky — mounted atop a sturdy stalk woven by the creature's body. Newly spawned roots resurfaced and began running rampant; turning predatory. It was complete pandemonium.

Men and women screamed as they fled, the flexible roots snapping at them like vicious vipers. The relentless appendages whipped upward from the ground, sending rocks and bodies hurling skyward, which proved easy prey. Once caught in the roots' deadly vice grip, people were instantly stripped of their chakra — drained until their emaciated bodies resembled that of a mummified corpse.

Hinata and Sakura wore ashen faces as they out-maneuvered the roots upon the back of an agile ice wolf. The princess's protection did nothing to protect the vulnerable shinobi — and her healing couldn't revitalize faster than the roots were depleting.

Hinata..., a rueful voice whispered in her mind. It truly grieves me to say this, but I've used up all my power. I'll need to sleep for a while. I'm sorry... but please stay safe.

The girl's eyes quivered, tears spilling from them. And Sakura shared her heartache — there was mass deaths happening all around them and there was absolutely nothing they could do to help.

Naruto blanched.

He could distinctly feel the light of his comrades being extinguished, one after the other. And his heart sunk. "Hinata! Sakura-chan!" the words tore desperately from his throat as he dared consider what could happen to them at any given moment.

It took but a moment's lapse in focus for the hungry roots to ambush and nab him. And they attacked in droves; as many as needed to secure the thrashing Jinchūriki. Both Tobirama and Minato tried desperately to free him, but failed. It was Sarutobi who came swinging with his cudgel that prevailed. The consecutive attacks managed to destroy the roots and vines faster than they could regenerate. And Naruto flashed the man a weak "thank you", his chakra all but consumed.

Sasuke and Jūgo looked out upon the dreary battlefield, almost indifferent to the grim scene of carnage that greeted them. For the time being, the roots' ravenous hunt had slowed to a standstill. The flickers of light that dotted the night — stemming from the Kyūbi's cloak — had diminished significantly. The Allied Forces that once boasted several thousand strong barely numbered in the hundreds.

Rendezvousing with Sasuke via teleportation, Naruto and the Kage took a moment to assess the living hell Obito had summoned upon earth. And the sage felt a manifold of emotions — anger and frustration being the most predominant. He was able to mend his composure a tad, however, when Hinata and Sakura joined them.

He was relieved that they were without harm, and the warm smile that touched his lips proved the truth of it.

"...Naruto-kun," Hinata cried softly, her cheeks flushed, tiny hands struggling to clear her tears. "I'm so sorry... even... even though I promised I would protect everyone."

Sakura hung her head and bit her lip. The kunoichi could understand the girl's frustration; it reverberated in her chest, as well. But she wasn't about to throw in the towel. Tsunade would never forgive her, if she didn't struggle to her final breath — this war warranted just that... and even more.

Naruto pushed away from the supportive shoulder of the Third Hokage and found his own equilibrium. He gazed up at the full, blood-red moon that casted a bizarre glow upon the flower bud sitting atop the lofty stalk. He didn't quite know the methodology behind activating Infinite Tsukuyomi, but he had a gut feeling it was imperative they prevented that flower from blooming.

"Take a look," Madara boasted with glee to his best friend and eternal rival. "When the Divine Tree's bud finally blooms... the moon will reflect the eye at the flower's center, up above, and the Infinite Tsukuyomi will be fully activated."

Hashirama watched as the man's eyes widened — drunk, crazed, like those of a madman.

"...And I will be the one to accomplish it."

Obito gazed down upon the agonizing destruction that plagued mankind, a vindictive forefinger pointed down at the root cause of it. "Now be still...," he whispered to the despairing soldiers. "You have all... endured enough already."

"Wha-What's that?" exclaimed the Mizukage.

Quickly making their way to the front lines, courtesy of Gaara's sand, the five Kage gazed at the ominous silhouette of a tree that stood beyond the mountainous horizon.

"Katsuyu?" Tsunade beckoned to the tiny slug perched on her shoulder. And the creature made no delay to launch into a detailed summary of what was currently taking place on the battlefield.

An eerie silence hung over what remained of the Allied Forces. Those who had not perished were paralyzed by fear. But, despite the trauma, a selfless soul cried out at the misfortune that had befallen her ally.

"Shikamaru!" Ino cried.

The young strategist was at death's door. He had fallen victim to the lecherous roots and now the light of his candle gradually waned. Fearing the worst, Ino urgently reached out to Sakura telepathically, adding her friends as recipients who all rushed over to give morale support.

"Katsuyu-sama!" Sakura called to the slug on her shoulder. "Let's begin Distance Healing immediately!"

"That's impossible," she replied regrettably.


"Even my small fragments attached to everyone have been drained," she explained. "They have lost their chakra and died. In other words, everyone is in the same state as my fragments. But we may just be able to save Shikamaru-kun..."

"Sakura-san," Hinata called, dismounting the beast that carried them both. "Taking the wolf will be faster. Tend to Shikamaru-kun. I will heal Naruto-kun."

"I'm sorry, Hinata — and thanks!"

Wasting no time, the princess turned on her heels and rushed over to her beloved knight. His chest was heaving from his sheer exhaustion. It looked like he was on the brink of vanishing. But, even if he was just a clone, she couldn't allow that to happen. His presence on the battlefield held significant merit — he was the fire of hope that would instill confidence in the shinobi once more.

He but needed to rise up again.

Hinata's thin brows furrowed as she dug deep for the power to heal. But Akiko was in hibernation and she was down to the dregs of her own power, after having a close encounter with the Divine Tree.

Noting her struggle, Naruto rested an attentive hand atop her head, but his gaze was transfixed upon the silver fiend before him. "That's enough, Hinata... I'll be OK."

The warrior's eyes burned.

Since the beginning of this war, Obito had done nothing but press and provoke him. It was as if the man was testing the limits of his convictions, and he was relentless in his attempts to find the kinks in his armor. This was one of them: robbing his kin of their lives. And the bastard promised the slaughter would persist, if the opposition didn't concede to his will.

The shinobi started swallowing their pride.

It was the first time they genuinely considered surrendering themselves and accepting the man's promise of paradise. But Hashirama, who had learnt the truth from Madara, used Ino's Mind Transfer Technique to expound on the tyrant's plan and the fact they would be nothing more than nourishment for the Divine Tree.

He implored them not to give up hope, but the shinobi was at their wit's end, and frustration quickly gave rise to anger. They accused Hashirama of being exponentially more powerful and would be revived, if he died. But the shinobi weren't immortal — it only took a single mistake, a single slow reaction, for them to get erased... permanently.

With Naruto presumably out of commission and most of their comrades dead, the remnants of soldiers swayed precariously over the precipice of surrender. They had the choice between certain death or a fake utopia, and the latter was looking more enticing by the moment.

Refusing to continue as a mere spectator, nor was he interested in Obito's embellished portrayal of paradise, Sasuke finally made a move. Susanoo's mighty sword hacked through a thick span of the Divine Tree's root, proving it was far from indestructible.

"Naruto, are you done?" he murmured condescendingly. "Because I'm not."

The current Kage arrived just in time to see Naruto don a form that shone as bright and dazzling as the evening sun. And the Allied Forces looked on in awe as the teenager rose up to take on a challenge that was tantamount to provoking God.

Through Ino's telepathic tether to the alliance, and Naruto's chakra that still dwelled within them, something unprecedented happened. Everyone could suddenly feel as his emotions and memories began flickering through them, like the pages of a time worn book. So deep, so real, that it felt like their own.

They could feel the inescapable loneliness that once plagued him as a child, as well as the unrelenting regret of not reaching out to his best friend sooner, which may have saved him from a path of darkness. There were precious bonds that got severed along the way, not to mention the sacrifices that were made for his future. There were many adversaries, but through them he was able to nurture a strength that could overcome the test of time.

The shinobi were surprised to find Hashirama's emotions and memories weaving in with Naruto's, the most prominent being the first Kage Summit ever held.

A small room housed the pensive leaders. While the founder of the village hidden in the leaves was overjoyed by the historical moment, the other Kage didn't share his sentiments. Instead, they were constantly at each other's throat.


Hashirama slammed his forehead down onto the conference table pleadingly, winning everyone's attention. "It's true that we've never gotten along in the past... but we each did what we did to protect our brethren and clans. There were, perhaps, times when we had no other choice. And now, today, even if our Five Nation Treaty comes to be... I can't say how long it will last. Or if we can even hold to it. But I have this dream, that sometime in the future, there will come a day when shinobi will collaborate and help each other, with one heart, regardless of their affiliation.

That is my... dream of the future. I ask you to take the first step toward that dream today! So please, please, please, please...

The five current Kage stepped forward with evident determination as the man's words reverberated in their hearts. And the alliance — their confidence renewed — looked to the leaders who were brought together, as Hashirama wanted, hearts connected in their endeavor to bring down their common enemy.

"I beg you!" Hashirama tried reaching out to everyone again. "All of my beloved children! Now is the time to take all the pain, suffering, and frustration we shinobi have endured... and weave it into our true dream!"

While the current Kage spread out and took command of the shinobi, Naruto and Sasuke squared off against the self-proclaimed God and his twisted ideology. To prepare for this fateful battle, Jūgo imbued his Sage Power into Susanoo while Minato was simultaneously bestowing Naruto with the entirety of the chakra that Yin-Kurama had infused.


As if his words were a trigger, the princess gasped when her hair and clothes fluttered upon her body being engulfed by the Kyūbi's cloak. And she looked up to find a compassionate gaze fixed on her.

"I'm confident we'll be able to push him into a corner now," Naruto explained softly. "I'm not sure how he'll retaliate, so I want you to continue protecting everyone."

The princess beamed. "H-Hai! I'll do my best!"

"And Hinata—"

"I know," she responded firmly, a hand at her chest. "I'll keep us both safe... Sakura-san, too."

Naruto allowed a smile, and then he was gone.

Standing close to Shikamaru who was subconsciously being healed by the Kyūbi's cloak, Hashirama watched as the young sage threw himself into the fray on behalf of mankind. Your past is filtering into me through the others. Uzumaki Naruto... you are uniting everyone right now. Your tempestuous life made you into who you are. And your way of life has given everyone's heart hope!

As the shinobi charged forward to cut down the Divine Tree, Tsunade and Sakura combined their powers through Katsuyu to supply healing and chakra to their glorious campaign. In the same beat, Hinata channeled the Kyūbi's chakra to Akiko, who rebounded by casting a protective barrier around the Allied Forces. And, to tap off their chain of protection, Tobirama was working alongside Minato to whisk away anyone in immediate danger.


Naruto and Sasuke, having adjusted to Obito's obnoxious speed, was finally able to catch the bastard in a pincer attack. But the Silver God managed to effortlessly fend off the powerful assault. Then he fashioned a pair of his Truth Seeking Orbs into massive hands, which he used to grip the insufferable duo and slam them into the ground at break neck speed.

Fatigued and covered in bruises, Kakashi tried to steady his breathing as he carefully slipped a needle through his skin in an attempt to stitch the wound he received from his duel. He sighed when he snipped the thread at the end, and then he pulled down his shirt and tilted his chin.

Obito... I bet you really did want to confirm whether a heart that never bends, and a Will of Fire that does not waver, are truly possible. You gave up on them once. But, after fighting Naruto and hearing his words, deep down, you're not able to deny that they might really exist. Isn't that right, Obito?

And yet, you still search and test everyone and everything, to prove yourself wrong. Which is why, even now, as you stand at the precipice... you seek an answer from Naruto.

From above the gaping crater formed by slamming the resistance into the ground at mock speed, Obito watched in both surprise and exasperation as Naruto slowly pushed to his feet. The once brilliant glow of his cloak was rendered to nothing but a small flicker, but still it would not extinguish.

"Why do you get up?" Obito demanded irritatingly. "And what are you fighting for? Is it for your comrades? Or is it for this world? Listen... friends will eventually betray you. And this world transforms love into hatred. You of all should know!

In the past, the people of the village and Sasuke betrayed you. And your love for Jiraiya made you hate. You and I are the same. The cumulative weight of all your suffering will change you, in time. And now, even more pain shall assault you. And you still insist that you will not change?

You don't know when your friends will betrayed you again," he gestured to Sasuke who was also peeling himself up off the ground. "Or if the Allied Forces might go back to fighting each other. And you don't even know if you can defeat me! There is no reason to keep on fighting for a world like this. In a few minutes, this world will be gone, anyway. So, why do you still fight?"

There was a moment of silence.

Sasuke and Jūgo glowered at the man, but they said nothing. As the Divine Tree inched closer to a perfect bloom, Naruto steeled his resolve and flashed the man a steady gaze.

"Because it's my Ninja Way," he simply said. "I never go back on my word — that's my Ninja Way!"

Obito's frown deepened, his eyes narrowing to dangerous slits. "I thought I told you to go to sleep!"

Refusing to back down, Naruto and Sasuke stood together. They evoked and combined their powers, which gave birth to a Nine-Tailed Fox decked out in a full plating of purple armor — from head to tails.

But Obito wasn't deterred.

The pointless resistance just made his rage stir even hotter. And he mirrored his adversaries, digging deep and bringing forth the ace up his sleeve — a mighty sword and shield forged from his Truth Seeking Orbs. But, as opposed to his selfish struggle, Naruto wasn't alone. He summoned nine of his closest friends who were each vested with a portion of his chakra.

Ino. Shikamaru. Chōji. Sai. Lee. Tenten. Hinata. Shino. Kiba — wielding a large Rasengan of Naruto's making, they all hurled themselves at the source of humanity's suffering, utterly obliterating the man's shield. Then Naruto and Sasuke followed up with Susanoo's sword, gradually chipping away at the weapon claimed to have been wielded by the Rikudō Sennin himself.

Obito's eyes widened in utter shock when the armored Bijuu zipped by him like a bolt of lightning, leaving a gaping fissure in the side of his torso. From the wound, the chakra from all nine Bijuu suddenly spilled out, desperate to detach from the villain they were tethered. And Naruto quickly capitalized on the opportunity. Using Kurama's tails, he managed to latch onto seven of the Bijuu with Gyūki and Shikaku, unfortunately, refusing the valiant rescue.

Damn! Kurama swore beneath his breath. I guess it won't work with One Tail and Eight Tails because we never got their chakra.

Just when Obito thought the devil's luck was on his side, Gaara and Bee made an appearance. Since both individuals resonated with Gyūki and Shikaku, they were able to physically interact with the Bijuus' chakra and a fierce challenge of tug-and-war ensued.

"Don't underestimate the power of the Jūbi 's Jinchūriki who's equivalent to the sage!" Obito bellowed, switching gears.

Remember when I said that, even a small power can be helpful, depending on how it's used? Shikamaru announced sincerely, his warm words reaching the entire alliance, courtesy of Ino. Now is the time! That power will change the course of this world.

It took but a moment for Obito's menacing expression to morph into that of abject shock. In the blink of an eye, the darkness of the crater was dotted with hundreds of flickering flames that shared Naruto's hope for unity and peace. Instead of making this hole a tomb for the Golden Knight and his foolish idealism, it would, instead, be the landmark where he would forever change the tides of the war.

As the Allied Forces all but pulled his ambitions from his breaking grasp, Obito felt as his warrior's spirit overlapped with Naruto's. Time slowed to a crawl. In an endless world painted with galaxies of stars, the man saw the boy standing before him. He was alone, too — but a moment later he was backed by a number of people that just kept growing by the second.

Obito couldn't help but glance behind himself. As much as he knew what to expect there, the harsh reality was far too much to bear. He was alone. It was a path he steeled himself for, but all the discipline in the world couldn't erase a human's great weakness — solitude.

As he looked to Naruto, he couldn't help but imagine himself in his shoes. If he had gone back home and mourned Rin's death with his best friend, would his life had turned out differently? Would he have become Hokage in due course and won the acknowledgment of the village? Would he have been surrounded by friends and comrades?

Obito frowned. "Are you saying... that I have regrets?"

Naruto stepped forward, cool and collected. "You once told me I'm nobodyI don't want to be anybody."

"Stop! Don't come into my thoughts!"

"But the truth is... you wanted to become the Hokage, just like me."

Obito snarled.

"It could have even ended up where I was chasing after your shadow... since I've always wanted to become the Hokage."

"I threw away the past and my naive self, so don't tell me I'm—"

"Then why am I able to see this?" Naruto interjected hotly. "You can't hide behind a mask. You were Kakashi-Sensei's friend... my dad's subordinate, a Uchiha like Sasuke... and a shinobi of Konoha who had the same dream as me."

"What... What exactly... do you want with me?" Obito asserted, pointed an accusing finger at the persistent teen.

"To remind you that you are Uchiha Obito," Naruto replied calmly, winning a vexing frown from the man. "I told you, didn't I? I swore I'd tear that mask right off your face!"

"Uchiha Obito," the man replied, hating the taste of the name on his tongue. "What meaning is there in that name... in that existence now? I have merged with the Jūbi . I have transcended and attained enlightenment. I am no longer human. I will guide mankind to the next stage. I possess the same will and body as the Sage of Six Paths — I am the Second Sage of the Sixth Paths!"

"Wrong! You are Uchiha Obito! When our chakra touched earlier, I saw your past. Our personal histories and our dream of becoming Hokage are the same. Almost exactly alike. Neither of us knew our parents. And we both lost people precious to us, which is why you tried to scare me by saying solitude is my worse nightmare."

Obito hung his head drearily.

"In the beginning, you, too, wanted to be acknowledged and praised by others. That's why you wanted to be Hokage. If you're the same as me, that is. But look at you now — you've turned all shinobi into enemies, and you go spouting some nonsense that you're doing it for the sake of the world, when you're only doing it for yourself!

No one, not even those precious to you, would ever acknowledge this current dream of yours! You used to have the same dream as me. But now, you've become the exact opposite of a Hokage! It's because you're just like—"

"No, it's because of that," Obito began curtly. "That I wanted to see you despair about this world. Or, I suppose, I wanted to feel again for myself that the path I have chosen for myself is not a mistake.

When we were fighting, you made me recall my youth. That's why I started wanting to test you, to see when you, someone who's just like me, would fall to despair and abandon your feelings, your past."

"It's because we were so alike that I'm pissed off!" Naruto snapped. "You're just... abandoning everything and running away!"

"No... what I'm doing is no different from a Hokage's actions. In fact, I'm doing even more. I can make peace a reality."

There was a moment of silence.

Then Naruto frowned, oceanic eyes inquiring. "Are you really serious?" his word came slow and stern. "Do you really believe that?"

Obito hung his head again, his eyes quivering as he quietly slipped into a reverie of a moment long passed. As Rin, the girl he was madly in love with, tended to his wounds, he recalled telling her that saving him was equivalent to saving the world as he aspired to become Hokage and finally end the war, once and for all.

It was one of the more precious memories he shared with Rin. He was sure the girl was looking down at him from heaven, heartbroken that he had betrayed her trust and faith in him. But the notion of heaven and hell was man-made, as was the laws of morality — and he wouldn't allow them to imprison his desire to meet her again.

"Yes... that's how I feel," Obito replied to the question, ignoring the scowl he received in return. "There's no need to voluntarily tread a steep and rugged path, not knowing what's ahead. You'll have to step over the corpses of your comrades. Anyone would choose a shortcut with a fixed outcome. Yes. The goal a Hokage should seek is world peace."

Naruto balled his fingers into tight fists, his eyes unwavering. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asserted, struggling to keep his voice even. "What I want to know about isn't a shortcut... but how to navigate the steep and rugged path!"

Obito did well to mask the pained grimace that creased his forehead. "Would you still say that if the final destination was the same?"

"Who can tell in the beginning which one is the dangerous one? You never know until someone starts walking," he explained as he walked over to the pensive villain. "The Hokage is someone who endures the pain, and takes the lead in front of everyone. So a Hokage never walks over his comrades' corpses. There is no shortcut to becoming the Hokage — and there are no ways out for the one who becomes Hokage! Isn't that right?"

Obito looked away, considering the rigorous training he put himself through as a kid in an effort to surpass his eternal rival, Kakashi. But forget surpassing him, it was enough of a challenge just to keep up. Though, there were no shortcuts to winning Rin's heart and becoming Hokage — hence, he had always diligently continued his training regimen.

But now he was a changed man, and Naruto frowned upon that change. If Rin was really watching over him, as she promised, what would she have thought about the man he'd become?

"You told Kakashi-Sensei you would throw away all your memories and feelings about your comrades. But, when you become the Jūbi 's Jinchūriki, and were about to be taken over by it... didn't you try to suppress the Ten Tails because you didn't want that?

The reason why you beat the Jūbi and could control it, was because you stood firm on not throwing away the past and stayed yourself, right? You just couldn't throw out the memories of dad, Kakashi-Sensei or this Rin person, could you? That's how you could stay Obito, even after you become the Jūbi 's Jinchūriki. Am I wrong?

But dragging everyone with you onto your path and continuing on it won't be allowed! I'm bringing you back as Uchiha Obito... as a shinobi of Konoha... and you're going to atone for your sins. You tried to run away from every single thing.

I bet this Rin person would say this if she were alive: don't act though and hide your wounds. I'm always watching."

Obito's eyes quivered, because he knew for a fact that's exactly what she would say. And, just before she healed him, she would give him a good scolding. But the warmth that followed would be breathtaking.

"You're no one else but you, dammit! Don't run away!" Naruto said, holding out his hand invitingly. "Come join us... Obito!"

His resolve wavering, Obito looked down at the boy's hand pensively. Before he could process his thoughts, he found his own hand reaching out, as if Rin was helping to guide it, from wherever she was. He didn't even have time to remotely consider retreat before Naruto clasped his hand.

And, no sooner did their hands meet, than their shared consciousness shattered in fragments of glass. Obito returned to reality to find the Allied Forces working in complete union. With one final pull, he found himself loosing all nine Bijuu and the eternity of his goal in one fell swoop. All that remained was the Jūbi 's husk and a sense of defeat.

Freed from their wretched prison, the Tailed Beasts — who had assumed their original form — watched as the puppet master silently fell from grace. Stripped of his once godlike powers, he lifelessly crashed to the ground. And Sasuke made haste to pull his sword and move in for the kill. Naruto chased after him, hoping to prevent the needless execution.

But it was Kakashi who first arrived on the scene via his Space-Time Ninjutsu, a poised kunai in hand. "Sasuke, we'll talk later. I apologize for appearing suddenly, but I was once his classmate and friend. So please let me take responsibility for him."

The Jōnin's fingers tightened around the weapon as he steeled his resolve. Then the blade made a glowing arch in its downward trajectory. Naruto attempted to still the man's hand with an explanation, but it was Minato who managed to get there in time, halting that purposeful hand with that of his own.

"Obito," he began, ignoring their surprise. "When we had that chakra tug-of-war just now, I got to see inside your heart. It seems like my son nagged and lectured you quite a bit. I think he might have gotten that from his mother."

Naruto scratched his cheek embarrassingly.

"But that duty actually falls on you," said Minato, gesturing to the conflicted Jōnin. "I think the one who truly understands Obito and should talk to him is you, his friend, Kakashi. Isn't that right, Naruto?"

The teen looked to the stoic mask that Sasuke wore, knowing that it would be solely his responsibility to pry it off, similar to how he liberated Obito from the darkness of his delusions.

"Naruto, you two and the Allied Forces should go and help Lord First and seal Madara away."

"Oh, right!" he exclaimed, caught up in the moment. "We still need to deal with him. Let's go, Sasuke!"

They left.

And Minato watched as they go, comparing the length of his son's shoulder to when he was just a baby. "I think you were younger than Naruto is now. Do you remember? All the missions that the four of us went on? As a Medical Ninja, Rin did her utmost to protect you two. She would never have wished for a situation like this."

As his sensei's words evoked bittersweet memories of the passed, the tension in Kakashi's arm loosened and Minato took it as a signal that he had calmed down.

"But what caused this is my responsibility," said Minato repentantly, surrendering himself to his own memories and the guilt that came along with them. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect Rin."

For the first time since their fateful reunion, Obito's face softened, much to the astonishment of Minato and Kakashi. "Rin... Rin was my only light and hope. After I lost Rin, the world as I saw it, changed — it became a pitch black hell. There's no hope in this world. I took Madara's identity and walked the world, but all it did was confirm my belief. Even with my Sharingan, I couldn't see anything... there was nothing to see."

"I don't know anything for sure, either...," Kakashi said.

And Obito's eyes widened. "Then, my new path is—"

"Without a doubt, your path is just one of many. And it may not actually be wrong, either," he replied, eyes softening empathetically. "I've thought this world was hell, too. I thought that you had died... and, right after that, I lost Rin. And I lost Minato-sensei, as well.

But... even though I don't know anything for sure, I tried my best to see the world with this eye. I felt that, as long as I had your Sharingan and words, I could see it."

"...And what you saw is Naruto? How can you be sure his path won't fail?"

Kakashi pushed to his feet, ignoring the sting from his recently patched up wound. "Actually... he may very well fail, too."

Obito gasped, curiosity consuming him whole. "How is Naruto different from me? Why do you go so far for him?"

"Because I can say, without hesitation, that he is less likely to fail than the current you."

"Why is that?"

"Because, if he trips and stumbles on his path, I'll help him."

"Why would you help him?" Obito still hadn't received a satisfying answer. Try as he may, he could just not understand.

"He would never give up on his dreams or on reality — that's the kind of guy he is. And the way he forges ahead draws others towards him. He makes you want to reach out when he's about to stumble. And, the greater the support behind you, the closer you can get to your goal. That's the difference."

Obito looked from Kakashi to the red moon that hung overhead, processing the words that had been said. "Do you really believe such a thing is possible in this pitch-black hell?"

"I'm sure you could've seen it, too, if you had tried. After all, you and I have the same eyes. If comrades that you trust, gather around you, hope can take a physical form and become visible. That's what I believe..."

And Obito saw it.

From his pitch-black hell, he saw the light of hope manifesting in the colossal sphere Naruto created atop the Divine Tree. It acted like a beacon — illuminating the darkness — and the entire Allied Forces rallied to its location, knowing that Naruto would light their way to salvation.

Good timing, son of the Fourth, Hashirama complimented as the wind-natured bomb hurled toward a restrained Madara. Let's get him with this and seal him away!

"Naruto aimed his attack over there!" someone shouted as the shockwave whipped by him like a sudden typhoon. "That's where Madara must be!"

"Don't waste any time! Now's our chance to seal him! We won't let Naruto's attack go to waste!"

Hashirama clasped his hands together, using sage-infused tori gates to add another layer of binding to the tenacious tyrant. Naruto's jutsu didn't bring him down, but with this, he won't be able to move. All that's left is to wait for the Sealing Shinobi.

Madara knelt under the weight of his bondage. But his visage wasn't of a man who was defeated — instead, the malicious smirk that split his face depicted a scheming snake. Though, Hashirama knew all the plotting in the world wouldn't have made a lick of difference, if he wasn't given the time of day. He could already see Naruto and Sai en route to their location.

Lines of fatigue and distraught creased Obito's face. His chest had started heaving as the effects of having all nine Bijuu simultaneously pulled out of him, took its toll. Normally, a host who had their Bijuu extracted would inevitably meet a grim fate, but Yin-Kurama reassured Minato that wouldn't be the case, as the man still had the Jūbi 's husk inside of him.

Kakashi was relieved — now the man would be able to spend the rest of his life atoning for his sins. But Obito knew that wasn't enough; carrying out good deeds for a hundred years couldn't compensate for taking a life, nor could it mend the hole left in the hearts of the victim's family and friends.

Uchiha Obito finally understood why Nagato betrayed him as he clasped his hands together, intent on sacrificing his one soul for the countless others he had purged in the name of his glorious crusade.

But the pitch-black darkness had other plans.

At the behest of the true puppet master, Black Zetsu emerged and began overtaking the man's weakened body. This was his destiny — the very reason his life was spared many years ago. Madara vowed the deed would require recompense and today, right now, the payment was due.

"Time to switch places," Madara allowed an evil smirk. "It's now my turn to attack!"

"Stop acting tough!" Hashirama retorted, looking to Naruto and Sai who made a speedy descent. "This war is over!"

"Sai!" the Orange Knight called authoritatively.

And the former Root agent unfurled his oversized scroll and sicced his tiger on the bastard as a means of sealing.

"Naruto...," Madara said calmly, completely disregarding the animated doodle. "I'm grateful to you. You even extracted the Tailed Beasts from Obito; saving me the trouble of weakening him."

Naruto frowned assessingly, holding his guard. There was no bravado in the man's voice, nor did his expression forecast even a slight semblance of defeat. He was definitely brewing some kind of sick scheme, and it was imperative that they ended him before he could succeed.

But Madara had already succeeded. Everything that transpired on the dark side of the spectrum was of his personal design — including being revived by the man he regarded as a mere pawn in the grand scheme of things.

Rinne Tensei!

Madara smiled triumphantly, showing little concern as the tiger bore its fangs down into his arm. He was more concerned, captivated, by the familiar sound of his heart beat and warm blood churning through his veins.

It was exhilarating!

As color returned to his cracked and pallid form, steam rose from his body, as though he was undergoing molding at a smithy's forge.

"Finally, I can fight for real!"

As if triggered by his words, a sudden explosion of energy dismissed both the tiger and tori gates that confined him. And Madara stood amidst the destruction, marveling at his renewed strength. "This is the form, the body, I needed! It's not a battle without raging blood... and a pounding heart!"

No sooner did the crazed words left his mouth than his eyes crumbled and fell from their sockets. Sasuke followed up on the fiend's misfortune by engulfing him in a wall of black flames. But Madara didn't seem bothered in the least. He didn't even flinch.

"A brat who doesn't even come close to my level," he said by means of introduction, allowing his burning armor to fall to the ground. Completely free of the corrosive flames, the man turned to face his eternal rival. "It is these polar opposites operating together that give rise to all things in this universe. Hashirama, do you remember me telling you this long ago in front of the Uchiha Stone Tablet? That the inscription on the stone says, when two opposite sides cooperate, you have true happiness. But I also told you it could be interpreted differently."

Hashirama's eyes narrowed gravely as he studied the bizarre face jotting out from the man's bare chest. He had a feeling Madara's second interpretation of the Stone Tablet's meaning would directly tie in with why the man had exposed himself to human modification experiments.

"The one who obtains both Uchiha and Senju powers can attain true happiness," he explained confidently. "Don't you think it could be read that way, as well... Hashirama?"

It was only after receiving those words did the First Hokage managed to confirm that the face on the man's chest indeed had something to do with manipulating his DNA. "It seems you've been doing a lot of plotting since you left the village."

"No... actually, this is something my subordinate's comrade came up with by coincidence. Seems there was a fellow who thought a lot like me," he said before biting his forearm. "However... me coming back to life was exactly as planned!"

The microsecond everyone took to process that horrific fact was enough time for Madara to evoke his jutsu. While the black rods Hashirama was previously impaled with restricted his movements, the Uchiha threw himself at Naruto and then Sai, a powerful kick sending both shinobi hurling backwards. Finally, he moved toward Hashirama — his prize — and clutched the man by the neck, doing quick work to drain him of every ounce of his Sage Power.

"Though things did happen out of order. Oh well," he said, delighted as the markings of the sage appeared on his chest. "So this is Sage Art Chakra — what? Is that all there is to it? Seems like this will be easy to control."

That's what he thought, but Sasuke wasn't about to let that happen. Leaping down from his aerial mount, the avenger lurched at the bastard with his sword in hand, every strike aimed at a vital organ. But, even without his eyes, Madara was effortlessly evading each attack, as if decades of fighting had ingrained an automated sensor into every fiber and cell of his body.

"This is the perfect chance now that you're flesh and blood," Sasuke scoffed, his tone as sharp as his blade as perceptive eyes studied his foe's nimble movements. "This time I'll kill you for good and send you back to the afterlife. Regret that you're still not a reanimation... as you go to your death!"

Madara paused, allowing his kin's sword to pierce through his bicep so that he could clutch the blade with gloved hands, holding it in place. He allowed the injury, not only to relish the riveting feeling of pain again for the first time in over a decade, but to allow chakra to spread through the weapon and its wilder, like echo location.

I can feel it... Madara thought, identifying the teen's lineage and impressive power. "Your Mangekyō are Choku Tomoe — a straight pattern. No wonder you have fine moves. It might be a good idea to take your eyes until I get my Rinnegan back. But killing you would be such a waste with an eye like that.

How about it? You're a savior of the Uchiha like me. Want to join forces?"

"Make no mistake," Sasuke retorted. "You're a dead man."

Madara laughed, amused. "Fine then. In any case, you don't have much time left."

Without using any finger seals, the man expelled a fiery cloud of ash, effectively blinding Sai and Naruto who were homing in for a pincer attack. In the same instant, Sasuke felt as his sword lightened, and then there was an explosion in the distance as the tyrant landed in another location. Pained screams erupted across the battlefield as shinobi were swiftly crushed by the monster dreaded throughout all of history. Just the mere thought of his name struck fear in the hearts of people — and now he was gifted with the warmth of life once more.

Madara stood atop a mount overlooking the Bijuu and Allied Forces, a felled shinobi beneath his heel. A new age was about to dawn, and he would personally ensure that it was ushered in to the fullest of its glory.

"I'll be taking you all next," he vowed as his bicep did a quick heal. "You filthy beasts!"

Knowing that they would be trampled in the crossfire between titans, the Allied Forces fled to higher ground, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. But Madara didn't concern himself with the plotting of insects. Instead, he focused his full attention upon the Bijuu — the catalysts that would bring his ultimate goal to fruition.

With an eager grin, he threw himself into battle, only to fall prone to a combination attack between Gaara and Shukaku that significantly dulled his mobility. The Bijuu wasted no time swatting the bastard around like a bean bag, which culminated with him being sealed inside a large pyramid made of condensed sand.

The spectators were flabbergasted, however, when Susanoo effortlessly staved through the lofty structure with a chakra-forged sword and made a tactical retreat.

"I'll be putting collars on all of you shortly," Madara scoffed, his expression menacing despite his missing eyes. "Not one of you will be able to get away."

"I won't let you!" Naruto exclaimed, ramming the Susanoo-clad bastard from behind in a surprise attack, driving him into the ground.

No one here's going to wag his tail for you! Kurama raged.

Sorry we're late, Gyūki apologized, joining his comrades as they converged on their common enemy. We were moving the injured.

Don't worry, Matatabi — the Two-Tails — reassured. There won't be any more wounded. We're ending this now!

Stack tails! Kurama instructed.

And the Bijuu happily heeded, simultaneously slamming their tail into the malevolent fiend who was partly responsible for the death of their Jinchūriki. But, despite the fierce onslaught, they only managed to rip a single arm from the bastard before he slipped away like a tenacious cockroach. He was tough as nails. But the Tailed Beasts didn't lament as he was heavily wounded. Surely with another push, they would be able to finish him off once and for all.

"Sorry I'm late, Madara-sama," said White Zetsu, spouting creepily from the ground as he usually did.

"You're finally here," the man replied calmly. "Do you have it?"

"Of course."

Madara didn't just accept the offering, he severed the entire arm of his parasitic subordinate to replace is own. Then skillfully reinstated his eyeball as if it was as easy as screwing in a light bulb. "This should make things a little more fun," he mused, that single eye snapping open with renewed power and deadly purpose.

A familiar ache brought the man's attention to the bleeding wounds on his forearm. Bringing that limb in close, he tasted the life-sustaining elixir that coursed through his veins, and his body trembled in utter gratification.

"This taste of blood... this pain! This is my body! Finally, I can fully savor battle again!

The Bijuu watched in disdain as the wretch fell into a fit of laughter. But that joyful guffaw ended on such a note of complete seriousness that it was almost bizarre. With an unblinkingly gaze, the man robotically drew a line of blood in his palm.

And Kurama flinched. His blood... it's bringing back some really bad memories. That repulsive blood that summoned me long ago.

Shukaku practically leapt at the opportunity to tease his cocky rival. Hey, dumb fox — don't get scared and stick your tails between your legs.

I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you...

This isn't like you. It's rubbing me the wrong way.

Slamming his hand to the ground, Madara effortlessly summoned the Gedō Mazō statue from inside Obito, who had only just performed a sacrificial jutsu. Now the former God was barely being kept alive by Black Zetsu, who had temporarily fused himself with the man to retrieve his master's eye. But Kakashi and Minato was determined to eliminate the leech the first chance they got, which had really put the fiend in a bind.

"Shit!" Naruto swore. "Not that thing again!"

"Seems the right arm's been wrenched off," Madara said indifferently, noticing Kakashi's handy work. "Seems there's someone left with good eyes on the other side. Well, it's not much of an impediment. And now—" he passed a condescending gaze over the Bijuu— "I've got a pen for them. All I need to do is shove them in there."

A fake Rinnegan from a reanimation can summon that thing? Son Goku exclaimed, a hint of trepidation hidden beneath his high soprano voice.

He's bleeding and wounded, Matatabi deduced calmly. In order words, he's not a reanimation anymore. He possesses a real Rinnegan.

How did he come back to life? Chomei — the Seven-Tails — asked.

That's when our hero's eyes snapped open.

— "Naruto, I'm grateful to you. You even extracted the Tailed Beasts from Obito, saving me the trouble of weakening him."

As the fiend's words rehashed in his mind, like the hiss of a toxic viper, Naruto quickly pieced the puzzle together. Similar to how Nagato was a pawn natured for his use of the rebirth technique at the opportune time, Obito was also manipulated in the same way. But that meant he had forfeited his life in the process.

Naruto's eyes quivered.

Both him and Obito were like either sides of the coin same. Their current circumstances differed, but at their root, they were both cut from the same cloth. Now that his life was stolen from him, how would he make amends for all the bad he had done? How would he be pulled from the dark binds that confined him?

"It's going to take a bit longer for the left eye," Madara said with little concern.

"Seems like it," replied Zetsu. "This also looks like it's going to take a bit longer, too."

"Don't compare me to that brat who took years to get back these pets," Madara retorted as his body did another quick heal.

"You're covered in blood."

"Knowing that I possess Hashirama's healing powers might cause me to fight crudely. I'll proceed more carefully. If I use the Rinnegan's true powers, we should see a more sophisticated battle. It will only be a few seconds, so watch closely," Madara vowed before leaping atop the Jūbi 's humanoid husk and evoking a power he dubbed Limbo: Border Jail.

He might try something, so be careful, Matatabi warned.

But, no sooner had she declared the warning, than she was knocked down by an inexplicable force. Son Goku quickly tried to make sense of the ordeal, but was heavily struck down, as well. The assault continued until all nine Bijuu were completed floored.

Gaara and the rest of the alliance looked on in bewilderment. Like Son Goku, they tried their best to make sense of the situation, but they were completely baffled. The enemy hadn't moved an inch from where they stood, so what happened?

"That ought to have tamed you a bit," Madara said, lacing his fingers together. "Now I can put on your collars!"

The statue's jaw fell open.

"Something's coming!" Gaara warned.

But it was far too late.

The Bijuu were still disoriented from the previous attack. They laid helpless against the familiar purple chains that shot out from the Gedō's gaping maw and wrapped around their neck.

Naruto, however, reacted in the nick of time with an instant teleport. He knew what the appearance of the Gedō Mazō meant — and he was already far too familiar with the power of the chakra-suppressing chains that the creature commanded.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to compete against Madara's ascension to godhood in his current state, the Orange Knight steeled his heart and abandoned his friends so that he may free them later.

And they understood.

Madara clicked his tongue, recognizing his folly. "So one of you managed to escape. And, of course, it would be Naruto. Oh well, I shaved off a bit of the Kyūbi's chakra before using Susanoo, just in case. Besides, I suppose I'll need someone to test out my abilities on later."

Unlike Naruto, Gaara didn't retreat. Although he was no longer a Jinchūriki, he couldn't sit idly by and allow Shukaku to get sucked into oblivion. The creature may have been nothing but a burdensome neighbor throughout his life, but the Bijuu was also the only one to acknowledge his unwanted existence. And his fate as a Jinchūriki led him to meet Naruto.

"You can't have Shukaku!" the Kazekage bellowed, a pair of hands wrought of sand restricting the pull of the chains.

The selfless deed had the Tanuki reminiscing about a former Jinchūriki — a humble monk who reminded him of the Rikudō Sennin. The elderly man promised the Bijuu would inevitably meet people who were of like mind and heart, and today, right now, the veracity of his words were shining through.

"You sand brat!" Zetsu argued. "Are you really that happy to have your old pet back? How dare you interfere, even when you're not going to die as a Jinchūriki."

Madara, however, wasn't one to provide lip service to vermin. Using Susanoo, he fired off a chakra-forged blade that snipped the chain at either ends of the meddling sand. And, it was during this moment of upheaval, that Gyūki inconspicuously lapped off one of his tentacles.

Gaara, don't overexert yourself! Shukaku called. Find that Naruto-brat and follow his lead; he'll find a way!

The Allied Forces watched in horror as all eight Bijuu were numerically absorbed into the ravenous fiend. Madara, in turn, completed the assortment of chakra by adding that of the Kyūbi's from his titanic blue guardian.

"Well, I guess that's about all I can expect from my current strength," Madara said with open contentment.

White Zetsu looked up passed the giant's bulging eyes to the evidently smog mastermind. "It took more than a few seconds... but you were still faster than Obito."

"You really do talk too much," the man chided, trying to ignore the parasite's inability to stay within the boundaries of their master-pawn relationship. "You're all dud inventions of mine, and yet always finding fault with me."

"Black Zetsu is nicknamed Wicked Tongue and they call us White Zetsu Wagging Tongues," he laughed.

Madara frowned, ignoring the dry humor. "I hope the other battle is going well."

"Don't worry. After all, the base is good."

Capitalizing on the man's lax attitude in his moment of triumph, Tobirama suddenly appeared behind him for a surprise attack. While a fated battle unfolded, Gaara took the opportunity to sneak away while Sasuke, of course, did the exact opposite.


Madara chucked a metallic sphere into the Kage's forehead, adding another projectile to the eleven others that pinned the man to the floor. "To be honest, I've wanted to do this to you for a long time. Since you're... the one who killed Izuna! But, you're just a moving corpse, so it's hardly fulfilling."

"Madara, what is it that you desire so badly that you'd come back to life for? Our era, our time ended ages ago."

"I just want to build the nation that Hashirama couldn't. But this world belongs to Hashirama, my predecessor who failed. Drastic measures are needed to save the dying patient."

"So this thing called the Infinite Tsukuyomi was your idea? This is your idea of a cure?"

"Indeed. Hashirama's nation-building bore a paradox. People desire peace... and yet, on the other hand, crave conflict, as well. That duality is mankind. To only want peace and to discard conflict would cause people to stop being people. And those two things stand together side by side. People will sacrifice something in order to protect something else. Except in a true dream world."

Without missing a beat, Tobirama scoffed at the man's ideology and spat a pair of hidden needles from his mouth at the bastard's face. With a mere sweep of his arm, Madara evoked Susanoo's chakra and deflected the attack. But it was just a distraction.

Sasuke leaped from his aerial mount and plummeted to earth like an armed missile. His sword at the ready, he braced for a killing blow. But something powerful and invisible — something his eyes couldn't perceive — stopped his descent, like a barrier. He couldn't move a muscle.

"You could say that this world is Hashirama's paradox world," Madara reasoned, turning to pick up the sword that had fallen from his kin's hands. "In order to protect something, one must sacrifice something else..."

Dammit! Sasuke swore mentally, unyielding lines of distraught beneath widened eyes. What is this?

"Stop, Madara!" Tobirama pleaded, his body squirming beneath the sealing prowess of the metal rods. "Don't go any further—"

"Be they friend, sibling, or even my own child..."

Sasuke gasped, his eyes quivering in devastation. He heard as the blade punctured his chest — tearing through skin, flesh, muscle and even a vital organ. And the excruciating pain and humiliation that followed was unbearable.

"I gave you plenty of time," Madara said in an icy tone, his stare just as frigid. "And I warned you... that there wasn't much time left. How unfortunate."

While the life slowly drained from Sasuke's body, White Zetsu had made his way onto the battlefield. Hiding his identity behind a mask, the parasite made use of the stage by testing out the superior cells he had received from Yamato through Kabuto's intervention.

And so far, it was spectacular!

Mounted atop a colossal humanoid construct made of wood, the fiend employed the use all six elements to corner and overwhelm the exhausted alliance. Their only line of defense was the Third Hokage who wielded an infinite source of chakra courtesy of Edo Tensei.

In the meantime, the tides of change had started to stir. Madara had completely absorbed the Gedō Mazō and all the Bijuu stored within, effectively transcending to a sage far more powerful than Obito ever was.

But he wasn't complete — he needed to acquire his other eye as well as to dispose of Uzumaki Naruto so that he could capture the Kyūbi. And he welcomed the challenge; he desired it. For what was the use of having godlike powers if he couldn't test his limits?

While the God set off for his destination, Karin was frantically rushing toward the last point where she sensed Sasuke's chakra. Orochimaru, Jūgo and Suigetsu followed suit, dreadfully aware that a suspicious and potentially malicious character was also en route to the Uchiha's location.

Hinata, Sakura, Gaara, and Gai's team were also on the move. Madara was no longer a force to be reckoned with. It was imperative that they regroup and set a plan in motion — and, whatever strategy was made, Naruto and Sasuke would be crucial to bringing this war to a close.

Black Zetsu steeled his nerves, evoking Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan when Naruto suddenly materialized out of thin air before him. Time slowed. And the Orange Knight watched in annoyance as his fingers slipped through the Rinnegan he intended to pluck from the man's eye socket.

Zetsu retaliated with a mighty kick. Naruto guarded, but the blow was still powerful enough to send him flying back into a high arch. Kakashi and Minato watched as he landed next to them, his fiery form dissipating, his chest heaving.

"Naruto?" Minato exclaimed in surprise. "What happened to Madara?"

Kakashi waited for the response.

Minato..., Yin-Kurama called. Switch to sensory mode.

The man did as he was told, and his eyes widened in alarm at what he found out. Kakashi didn't know what the situation was, but his sensei's grave expression had him breaking out into a sweat.

We were distracted by what was happening here. There's no mistake, the Tailed Beast said regrettably, to which Yang-Kurama confirmed. The other Bijuu have already been absorbed.

Naruto looked up from his knee with a rueful smile. Deep lines of distraught and fatigue darkened his eyes. "I only managed to escape because of the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"Naruto...," Minato held his gaze sympathetically.

But the teen wasn't looking for sympathy; there was absolutely no time for that. "Hinata and Sakura-chan should be here soon; I couldn't teleport them with the power I have left. Dad, according to Kurama, you should be able to transfer his other half to me, right?"

The man nodded. "Your body should be able to hold him in his complete form now."

"While you do that, Hinata will restore my stamina and Sakura will heal my wounds. The plan is to return to my original body with as little burden as possible. Madara should have become the Jūbi 's Jinchūriki by now. My guess is that he'll try to find me, afterwards."

"Kakashi — he's yours," Minato gestured to Obito.

"I understand!" the Jōnin replied without missing a beat, and Gaara arrived just in time to participate.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata called, both her and Sakura quickly dismounting an icy wolf to tend to his needs.

While the girls urgently played their part, Minato used a single hand to weave his signs in preparations to transfer the Kyūbi. At the same time, Black Zetsu inconspicuously liquefied a portion of himself and allowed it to burrow underground. Just before the chakra was transferred over to Naruto, the parasitic fiend thrust that artificial body forward, allowing the Bijuu to be sealed inside him, instead.

To make matters worse, Madara made his grand entrance right then and there, making the possibility of reversing the situation nigh impossible. And a grin of relief spit the parasite's face.

"Zetsu, how long are you going to cling to Obito?" Madara's voice was low and impatient.

"Sorry. But that allowed me to steal the Kyūbi's other half from these guys."

"Good. Now bring it, and my left eye, to me."

Everyone held their ground. The situation was grave. Any impulsive moves could result in their complete annihilation. Madara was no longer in a league they could hope to challenge — the man now wielded power that was on par with the founding father of shinobi. But, if they did nothing, all would be lost.

With a smog grin, Black Zetsu began separating his goo-like form from his host, like oil exposed to water. "Since Madara-sama is here, you can't do anything to me, even if I separate myself from Obito."

But it wasn't the spectators who intervened, but the host, himself. Drifting from his stupor, Obito exerted control and forced the parasite to reintegrate with his weakened body. Kakashi and Gaara took the opportunity to relocate behind him for a preemptive strike, if necessary.

"I need to ask you something, Madara," Obito's voice was weak but resolute. "Just what am I to you?"

Madara's chuckle ended on a condescending laugh. "You're kidding, right? What kind of a stupid question is that, at this point in time? You are only one thing to me..."

As Obito looked into his eye, he could almost see the hint of a memory flickering there, the events of which rehashing in his own mind. Just before Madara had pulled the plug, essentially ending the life support he received from the Gedō Mazō, he had told Obito to assume his identify while putting their plan into motion.

"Madara is he who rejects the world," the man explained. "All who hold that in their heart, and strive toward achieving the Infinite Tsukuyomi, are Madara."

Obito frowned, considering the circumstances that led him to collude with the tyrant. "That was once my path, too."

"I left you in charge of everything. And let you walk in my shoes, while I slept, waiting to return. It's the path I guided you towards. You were supposed to live out your life as Madara in order to achieve our goal as the savior who rescued this world."

Madara looked to Naruto — a descendant who had obviously inherited the Senju's will. "This world laid out by the Rikudō Sennin has failed. The chakra dispersed by the forefather was originally meant to be a linking power. The mental energies of people would connect, and feelings would be understood without the need for words. That would lead to peace and stability.

The one who preached this as Ninshu, the Ninja Creed, and sought to guide the people, was the Sage of the Sixth Paths. However, before long, people used chakra not to connect with others, but only to link the mental and physical energies within themselves. Through a method of infusing one's own chakra and increasing it multifold, they changed chakra into ninjutsu that could be used as weapons in battle.

All the Rikudō Sennin did was to further the human paradox. And, even if bonds were established, all they learned was that true understanding was not possible. In any case, chakra only gives rise to conflict and false hope. We all know the reality all too well. Even as we seek peace, we seek war. And this reality compels infinite suffering through the power known as chakra.

Power leads to the desire for war. And the lack of power leads to losing everything. I will build a new world that overcomes that! Through the Infinite Tsukuyomi, I will create a dream world without any abominable chakra! I, who possess the most powerful chakra, shall lead it. And you are not Obito, but me... Madara himself.

Uchiha Obito with his Uchiha Chakra, challenged Hatake Kakashi, desired the title of Hokage, and yearned for Nohara Rin. But, because his power was false, he ended up losing everything! This is hell! Have you forgotten?"

Obito gasped, the scene leading up to Rin's death replaying in his mind like a never ending nightmare. His inability to live without the woman he loved was the very reason his desire overlapped with this man's agenda. Even if their reunion was in a fabricated world, he intention was to make due. After all, his soul wouldn't be complete with her.

"Yes, come, Madara! You are still the savior, even now."

Without a word, Obito conceded to the man's beck and call. With what little energy he had left, he placed one leg in front of the other, slowly sauntering toward the godly pioneer. But the spectators weren't having it. Gaara quickly erected a wall of sand to cut off the man's path, while Kakashi activated his power to transport him into another dimension. Minato, at the same time, slipped into Sage Mode and used his teleportation to instantly assault the tyrant with a lethal Rasengan.

Madara didn't even flinch.

His countermeasures were quick and decisive. With a swipe of his staff, he severed the Kage's arm and sent it along a calculating trajectory. The still active Rasengan shattered the wall forged of sand before colliding with Kakashi to interrupt his jutsu. And a roundhouse kick sent Minato hurling into Gaara.

Sakura looked on in horror as the high-tiered combination attack fell apart as if it was child's play. And Obito continued his amble stride, his arm reaching out in an echo of Madara's.


Everyone blanched.

Instead of accepting the tyrant's invitation, Obito pierced his chest with his hand, as though he was wielding a lance. Ignoring the curse that rose from his lips, Obito looked to Naruto who had practically drifted off into a stupor amidst his treatment.

As he studied the boy's profile, he couldn't help but recall the heart-to-heart conversation they had in the eve of his failure. And weighing his sentiments against Madara's revealed one thing: Naruto was the only one who acknowledged Rin's feelings.

"One who leads others, is one who never steps over his friends' corpses," Obito quoted vehemently. "Even if his own ends up being stepped on."

"Then, in order to confirm that, you'll have to become a corpse," Madara returned stoically.

"You won't be stepping on me anymore. I realize now that letting someone handle everything in your name isn't the same as truly entrusting them with the task. I am not you."

— Go for it, Obito! Become the Hokage and save the world! That's a promise, too!

Allowing Rin's word to wash over him, fueling his resolve, Obito closed his eyes and focused. Having only recently fallen from grace, he could still faintly sense and whisper to the godly powers stemming from Madara. Willing just a tinge of that rebellious power to flow within him through his arm, Obito managed to summon just a single Truth Seeking Orb, which he promptly morphed into a staff.

"The current me... is the one who wanted to be Hokage: Uchiha Obito!"

Everyone looked on in amazement. But it was Kakashi who was truly moved by his friend's timely reform. Obito, you've finally found yourself.

Gripping his staff, the man commanded his newly found power and began extracting precious chakra from the enemy. Madara retaliated, thrusting his arm forward at lightening speed. But it simply passed through Obito's body, courtesy of his unique ocular ability.

Leaping backwards didn't make a difference, either. Like a well-secured leash, chakra tethered from Madara's chest to Obito's hand. And, in the next instant — like a tenacious virus — Obito forced himself inside Madara's mental scape.

Despite his toxic personality, the man's realm was a beautiful expanse of ocean that stretched into infinity. Spheres of light dotted the quiet world, their brilliant glow illuminating the sleeping Bijuu bundled together below the gentle tides.

"Are you trying to weaken me by taking away the Bijuu?" Madara spat venomously. "Do you think you can challenge me and win?"

Ignoring his assertions, Obito focused on the task at hand. Transforming the leash into an extension of his arm, he quickly reached into the blue tides and summoned all of his power to fish out as many of the chakra-based Bijuu as he could manage.

Madara watched mockingly as the man struggled to reel in his prize that was swiftly absorbed into his body. "So weak," he scoffed. "Is that all? You only tore off a mere sliver of the Ichibi and Hachibi?"

"Kakashi!" Obito called upon returning to reality. "Take Naruto into the Time-Space!"

Immediately recognizing that his friend planned on handing the teen the Kyūbi there, the Jōnin wasted no time teleporting Naruto, Hinata and Sakura into the safe haven.

But Madara had a pretty good hand to play.

Knowing that the body had to materialize during the warp, he used his Truth Seeking Orbs to mount a powerful attack. Obito managed to defend in like. But with his escape thwarted, he was left to stare helplessly into the jaws of death.

Sakura looked around assessingly before taking a breath, her chest heaving. "Hi-Hinata... are you OK?"

The princess nodded meekly, her lips pursed in a prim fashion. Her gaze and focus were fixed on Naruto despite the beads of cold sweat that trickled down her face. She was evidently terrified, but she kept on doing the only think that was within her power.

Sakura bit her lip in frustration. Madara could have killed us at any time... I was so scared that I forgot to breathe. Of all the people we've faced... he's in a different class!

"All right, I transported Naruto," Kakashi said, moving to Obito's side. "All that's left is for you to teleport yourself there, right, Obito?"

"Dammit," he smiled harmlessly, groggily pushing to his feet. "You always talk down to me, and act so superior... just like old times."

Madara watched them like a hawk, a lifetime of battles allowing him to practically predict their next move. Warping was slow, so more than likely Kakashi would try to create a diversion while Obito warped himself or was warped by Kakashi. No matter the simulation, the best course of action was to attack them simultaneously and abruptly cut off any retaliation they would hope to achieve.

The villain did just that, launching a pair of Truth Seeking Orbs at the infuriating duo. But his impressive years of experience in the dark ages didn't account for the mutual trust and intuitive communication between friends.