
Hinata's Sensual Adventure

This tale almost shadows the canon version of the series. But I have added new scenes and scenarios to better capture the sole objective of this story, which is depict more character development and romance between Naruto and Hinata. Both characters have been given a power boost. Naruto is also smarter, as my other aim was for him to discover the answer to the question that both Nagato and Jiraiya sought: how do you end the cycle of hatred and revenge that plagues the shinobi world and seize true peace? In the first chapter, Hinata decided to pay Naruto a visit - to express her gratitude for the protection she received on the battlefield. But Cupid apparently had other plans. Hinata ended up giving her crush more than what she bargained for; more than the gourmet breakfast she prepared for him. But, subconsciously, in a quiet corner of her mind, had this development not been what she really craved? Yum!

Vaughn_Schneider · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Hinata's Sensual Adventure - The Chronicle's End [Part B]

The force, shockwave, and chakra weaved into both energies, propelled through Susanoo like a bullet at close range. It blasted through the chakra-forged torso — shattering ribs and the deity's spinal column, sending it crashing backwards.

"If you guys aren't willing to consider my suggestion —" Naruto continued — "at least heal me so that I can help fight."

Tsunade turned to meet his eyes, her countenance already illustrating her denial. "Naruto... we can't make such a large-scale move based on just a gut feeling. We don't have the time or resources. Besides, we plan to take down Madara before he has the chance to pull anything like that."

"Tsunade-sama is right, Naruto," Gaara concurred, returning with the rest of the Kage while Madara recovered.

"Listen, Naruto," said Ōnoki, hovering weightless through the air. "You know, in the beginning, I joined the Alliance because I had no choice. I desperately needed to defeat Akatsuki. However, after fighting alongside you all, I've come to feel something different. Now, I want to be here as the Tsuchikage of the Shinobi Alliance. I want to change just as the shinobi villages have changed — once many but now allying and coming together as one.

If I can do that, then perhaps even the system of our shinobi world, which has given birth to so much hatred, can change.

Naruto," his voice was now low and sincere. "Leave this Madara to us. We'll do whatever it takes to put an end to this battle. It will be the first step towards ending the curse of hatred for good. It is our responsibility as the people who, just like Madara, spent our lives bringing more hatred into this world.

Don't worry about this battle, and leave it to us." He hovered closer to rest a hand upon the sage's shoulder. "The other Madara we leave to you. It will be the first step towards a new hope for the future."

"Victory against the Madaras," Tsunade contributed. "Both the old and the new, will mean the end of this war. We will protect you on this battlefield. That's why you must fight on the other one and protect us, in return."

Naruto bowed his head and closed his eyes, processing their words.

"These are the words the Five Kage entrusts to you, Clone Naruto..."

"We will win!" they all said in unison.

Naruto tilted his head, oceanic eyes holding the leaders to their word. And then with a nod, he was gone.

Hearts Converge – Love. Hatred. Peace. Revenge!

Elsewhere, another clone accompanied by Bee, spotted a messenger toad fastened to a tree in the canopies. Without slowing his speedy career, Naruto skillfully caught a tiny scroll in passing and quickly skimmed through its contents.

Bee looked on in curiosity.

The two biggest highlights of the message regarded Madara and a request for Iwa-Naruto to find a way to save the citizens that were left sheltering in the hidden villages.

Before the Orange Knight could process the magnitude of this latest revelation, he sensed hostility afoot — one he'd been tracking for the last few kilometers. But the target wasn't moving away. Instead, they were both closing the distance that separated them, and Naruto knew exactly who the bastard was.

The Fake Madara was suddenly in sight. And the man had no intention of stopping, nor did our golden knight. Some deep, grudge-induced impulse had them head-butting each other like a pair of territorial buffalo, their eyes fixed in the epic collision.

But neither of them yielded.

Naruto bounced back onto a limb where Bee was perched, while the fake Madara landed on another.

"Damn, that mask is hard," Naruto grinned coolly, though his eyes harbored nothing but derision.

"I let you pass my guard, but in the end you couldn't even scratch my mask." the man's gaze held nothing but scorn, as well. "The power you gained from controlling the Kyūbi... surely, it can't be something so feeble?"

As if the condescending words were a trigger, six spawns of Edo Tensei descended before their master. But these were no ordinary warriors — no, these were the former Jinchūriki and they each had a Sharingan and Rinnegan etched in their eye.

Naruto and Bee's shock was short lived. Already Roshi — the Four-Tailed Jinchūriki — was spitting lava projectiles as a means of introduction. Following evasive maneuvers, Naruto and Bee rebounded. But their attack was effortlessly reflected by an emotionless Yagura — host of the Three-Tailed Bijuu.

And from there, the combination attacks continued. As our heroes drifted back from the enemy's counter, they found themselves in a field of bubbles that detonated like land mines at Utakata's — the Six-Tailed Jinchūriki's — command.

Bee managed to avoid contact, but Naruto took a blow to the shoulder in an attempt to communicate with the mindless puppet.


Something caught Naruto's eye, even as he gathered his bearings. Fu — the Seven-Tailed Jinchūriki — was busy releasing a sparkling dust from her mouth. Then she clapped her hands together to activate her jutsu, a blinding light quickly assaulting her foes.

Capitalizing on their disability, Yugito — the Two-Tailed Jinchūriki — and Han — the Five-Tailed Jinchūriki — quickly moved in together for the kill.

"These sweet shades are my finest aids," Bee wrapped coolly as he expertly wielded his blades to thwart razor sharp finger and toenails on Yugito's part.

"And I can see your hostile intent through any flare," Naruto added, stopping a monstrous fist courtesy of Han.

Having all attempted to incapacitate the Jinchūriki still dwelling in the land of the living, those of Edo Tensei regrouped alongside their master. And Naruto couldn't help but frown at the heartless fiend.

The Jinchūriki, from his experience, have all had to endure great adversaries in their life just because they hosted a source of great calamity. Utakata, in particular, had finally began turning over a new leaf when his journey was cut short.

It wasn't fair.

As his anger simmered from a boil, Naruto overheard Bee and the Hachibi discussing the fact they could have been apart of that vexing lineup — their eyes violated in an effort to weaponize them with the two strongest ocular abilities.

"Madara has done the same to his eyes," Naruto informed, irked that his fellow Jinchūriki had anything in common with the cretin. "His mask is different from before. It's got two eye holes."

"These eyes are specially-made, unlike my old ones," the man announced with a hint of cocksure. "They're a reinforced combat model."

"So the left eye you kept hidden was the Rinnegan, just like what Nagato and the other Madara has."

Naruto's voice was low and unfriendly, and the man's eyes narrowed on a curious note.

"We're going to stop both of you Madaras!"

Both... of us?

The mental utterance evoked a memory. It was the day when Kabuto first approached him with a deal to collaborate in the impending war. And, upon putting a few of his chips on the table — which included all the previous Hokage and Akatsuki members — the masked villain found himself feeling just slightly inclined to accept the snake's offer. But when the real Uchiha Madara turned out to be the ace in the hole, all the man's doubts evaporated like mist to a flame.

Damn you, Kabuto! he cursed inwardly, red and purple eyes burning with absolute outrage and disdain.

"What do you mean both of them, homey?" Bee looked to Naruto curiously. "Isn't this guy Madara, ya dumbass phony?"

The masked phantom chuckled evilly, reeling in both Jinchūriki who were still on the defensive. "Then let me go by Tobi, as I once did. What do names matter now that the war has begun? Madara. Tobi. Call me what you like."

Naruto wasn't enthused, and his eyes narrowed to saffron slits. "Just who are you, you bastard?"

Tobi returned the intensity of his glare. "I am no one. I have no desire to be anyone. All I want is to complete the Eye of the Moon Plan. It's not worth existing in this world that knows nothing but despair.

You Jinchūriki were forced to be host to the Bijuu and have led lives filled with nothing but despair. Is this not so? You, at least, should be able to understand the despair of which I speak."

Naruto slowly pushed to his feet, his scowl never faltering — and the Kyūbi paid particular attention to his hearty response. "It's not your place... to say whether sharing a body with a Bijuu is good or bad."

Bee pushed to his feet, too, a smile tugging his lips.

"You claim to be no one in a worthless world, while starting wars in the middle of it? How do you expect us to understand you with so many lies in the way?" Naruto's fingers curled into a tight fist. "I'm pissed off now. I'll tear that mask off, if it's the last thing I do!"

"Let me take the first shot!" Bee bellowed. "Oh, yeah!"

Tobi palmed his masked face darkly, his voice slow and malicious. "If you want to tear off this mask... be prepared" — all the enslaved Jinchūriki began sprouting a single tail of their Bijuu's power — "to work your hands to the bone."

Bee yelped, his once zealous flair withering. But Naruto kept his decorum about him, power seething beneath his skin in his sheer impatience to drive the fiend into the ground.

Tobi wasn't deterred.

Veins branched out like roots in widened eyes as the man regarded his foes as a mere means to an end. "Hachibi. Kyūbi. Once you're mine, the Eye of the Moon Plan will be as good as complete!"

"You're not getting your hands on either of them," Naruto refuted hotly, his arm flashing out like a whip.

What's going on? Bee asked the Hachibi. Those guys are supposed to be Bijuu-free...

Maybe they were turned into Jinchūriki again, after they were brought back. I "am" sensing something off about the Bijuu. Be careful, Bee.

The massive, organic sword on his back purred in what could only be described as a battle cry — and it reverberated through Bee's chest, in turn. "Samehada's raring to go! All right! Then let's give them a real show! Let's fight!"

Biting down on the hilt of one of his many pointed swords, the taffy-colored shinobi threw himself into the fray despite Naruto's cautious call.

With transparent wings mounted upon her back akin to that of a fairy's, Fu flew out from the canopy of the trees to greet him, multicolored eyes radiating nothing but blood lust.


Bee brought down Samehada like it weighed no more than a piece of paper. She's got great moves, he complimented inwardly as the fairy flew upwards to evade impact. But, as if he anticipated her tactical retreat, Bee was already throwing the monstrous weapon at the now stilled foe in a follow-up attack.

Samehada's body suddenly inflated like a puffer fish, its shark-like maw splitting open to mince both flesh and bone. But, again, the fairy managed to flee, her trajectory well within Bee's calculations once more. Still in motion, her back turned, a lightening-imbued sword homed in at the back of her head.

OK — she missed it — KO! Bee rapped his assured victory.

But, suddenly, inexplicably, Fu ducked, the blade narrowly missing her cranium.

Having quickly changed locations mid attack, Bee almost appeared spouting from a tree chunk as he launched another decisive assault. But five well-trained eyes equipped with the Rinnegan had their sights on the projectile and, again, it missed its mark by mere inches.

Bee was flabbergasted. How'd ya dodge it without seeing it, ya dumbass phony?

"Octopops! We can't take them on like this," Naruto informed critically, landing on a limb above his rattled companion. "This is just like the Six Paths of Pain I once fought. Their eyes are all connected by the Rinnegan."

"What do you mean?" Bee was still confused.

"This is the same Outer Path Technique that Nagato used — meaning, their six separate fields of view are combined — damn, they're not even giving me a second to—"

Sporting a cloak wrapped in lava, Roshi launched himself at Naruto like a missile. Bolstering his own cloak, the Orange Knight braced for an explosive impact that gashed sparks. It was like two swords clashing. But this wasn't a one-on-one battle; another Jinchūriki was poising for an attack.

Oh man, Yugito's mouse fireballs! Bee exclaimed as the female Jinchūriki fired off a volley of flames in their direction.

Grabbing Naruto with a tentacle, Bee launched himself from the tree, escaping the blue projectiles by the hair of his chin. But they detonated like fireworks, raining down a fusillade of flames at the fleeing duo.

"They're chasing us!" Naruto stated the obvious as the blasts weaved in and out, destroying everything around them.

"They're being guided by her will!" Bee enlightened, though his energy was focused on evading the tenacious projectiles. "We'll get away with my epic skill!"

But Yugito wasn't just about to let that happen. Making use of the agility gifted to her by the single tail of her Bijuu, the woman elongated her nails and gave chase. She intersected her prey like an assassin — one-hit-kill, but Bee was able to deflect the attack and hid amidst the brush while the echo of their clash still rung out in the air.

Yugito's movements aren't how I remember them, Bee whispered mentally, remaining perfectly still alongside his glowing companion. What a surprise! My expensive scarf's cut in half. Does that mean it's half price? he lamented, cupping the jagged end of the white fabric.

Clinging to a tree chunk, Yugito looked around with an emotionless mask, her Edo Tensei allies doing the same.

The problem's their Sharingan, the Hachibi deduced. It lets them see even the tiniest detail of our movements. Their Jinchūriki abilities have been boosted by the scale of the ocular powers they've gained. Plus, the shared field of view lets them track each other's locations and time their attacks to support each other.

Bee, let me talk to Naruto!

"Yo!" he called, bringing the teenager's attention to a raised fist, which he pumped without question, understanding the silent gesture.

Naruto, the Hachibi began, establishing a direct mental link through the physical connection. The bastards are milking their combined Bijuu and ocular powers for all they're worth. And they're bound to find our hiding place. What do we do?

We've got no choice but to take the six Jinchūriki out one by one, Naruto informed coolly. If the system is the same as with Nagato, then they're all being controlled through chakra. Back then, they all had black transmitters piercing bits of their bodies in order to convey the technique.

I see, the Hachibi's frown deepened. So if we pull them out or break them, the Outer Path Technique should be dispelled. But that's going to be rough, he figured, remembering how effortlessly Bee missed his mark earlier. How do we even pinpoint where on their bodies these black transmitters are?

Is that one? Bee murmured, his eyes focusing through his dark shades.

Where? The Hachibi poked his head forward.

I was studying Yugito's breasts in great detail, he said in a melodious rap while sitting crossed-legged on the Bijuu's nose. Then I saw something black within her skin so pale. At first, I thought it was damage from overu—

The Hachibi smacked his obnoxious host with an index finger. Then they all turned their attention back to Yugito in time to note as the small gash from Bee's previous encounter heal — her repairing blouse slowly concealing creamy breasts and the metal rod hidden between them.

By this point, the pervert was rocking from side-to-side like an exuberant child, a sultry smile stretching his thick lips. I get bored when all's revealed, but there's no turn-on like the half-concealed.

The Hachibi regarded the man wearily. This is a battle to decide the fate of the world and that's what you obsess over?

There it is! Naruto exclaimed, ignoring the drama unfolding beside him. But his eyes fixated where Bee's lingered. "I'd better check the others, too."

Naruto, wait!

The Hachibi's voice didn't get through. Our hero was already one with the wind, but his re-emergence didn't go unnoticed. Sharing Yugito's point of view, Roshi launched himself forward, being the closer one to the incoming Jinchūriki. Then they clashed — the man's brilliant cloak rivaling that of Naruto's.

Shielding against the synthetic lava with a pair of chakra-forged arms, Naruto charged a Rasengan in his free hand and began shaving away at the man's cloak and garb, revealing the dark metal transmitter wedged in his chest.

So they may all be in the same place, after all, Naruto surmised, increasing the rotation of the projectile that promptly cracked the transmitter.

But Tobi was watching, multicolored eyes shrewd and decisive. In the same beat, Han was suddenly on the scene with a dropkick. Naruto had his guard up. But, despite having a supportive tentacle wrapped around him courtesy of Bee, the impact had them both barreling backward and smashing into a wall of tree and stone.

"Ouch," Naruto drawled, sprawled out on his back.

"Did he run from a mile away?" Bee didn't even attempt to rhyme this time.

You two all right? the Hachibi was concerned. Against these guys, fighting in the forest puts us at a disadvantage. All it does is restrict your line of sight. Do you get me, Bee?

With a cool comeback, the Jinchūriki's skin began doing a quick peel.

Blow this whole damn forest away!

Noting the surge in power, Tobi made a tactical retreat and perched himself at the highest peak of the largest tree. And not a moment too soon. From his bird's-eye view, he watched as the taffy-colored shinobi morphed into a mountainous beast sporting the torso of a bull and the lower half of an octopus.

The creature — a symbiotic fusion between man and Bijuu — gave a boisterous roar and the forest seemed to tremble in reverence. As multiple tentacles slithered and undulated, effortlessly changing the landscape, Tobi stood motionless, unimpressed.

Make sure you don't get thrown off, Naruto, Bee warned, dropping him onto the Bijuu's nose. I'm about to let loose with my full wrath!

Coiling its giant tails around its body, like an armored cocoon, the beast began spinning like a top. The fierce momentum evoked a twister that uprooted trees and leveled the earth while, at the same time, swallowing the defenseless corpses of Edo Tensei.

Moments passed, and the Hachibi finally slowed to an halt. Between the tentacles, a dense wall of dust was all Naruto could see, but now, an expansive crater spanning for miles filled his field of vision.

Switching from sight to sensory, Naruto's head snapped to the left like it was mounted atop a swivel. With a whip of his arm and a spell of wind-natured magic, the dust swept away from the barren terrain, revealing the motionless Jinchūriki.

But Tobi was nowhere to be seen.

Now's our chance to seal them, Bee! the Hachibi encouraged urgently.

"You have a sealing technique, Octopops?" Naruto was surprised.

Doesn't matter if they're controlled by special rods or whatever, the Bijuu continued. We can use ink clones for the Solidifying Swastika.

"Sealing Technique: Octopus Hold!"

Ink spewed from the beast's mouth quickly morphed into humanoid reflections of their master. With silent footsteps, they darted toward their targets. The corpses attempted to retaliate, but the dark phantoms immobilized them with a grappling technique.

Naruto's eyes narrowed.

This is one of Bee's sealing techniques, the Hachibi informed confidently. Now you just count to three. After three seconds, the ink will envelop the entire body and solidify, holding them in place. Once they're paralyzed, you're free to pull the rods out.

That's what the Bijuu said, but on the three-minute-mark, all the corpses unleashed their power at the behest of the puppet master.

A blood-red husk, swaying tails, razor sharp claws and a white void that illustrated their jaws and eyes — the Version Two soldiers brandished their toxic forms as their elusive leader slipped from beneath the ground.

"Go." He ordered coolly.

And the Tailed Beasts took off like missiles — launching themselves at the titanic cephalopod despite the flexible tentacles that threatened to crush them into oblivion.

"That masked bastard," Naruto scoffed. "So he was hiding underground."


Bee finally caught one — the Sixth-Tail being crushed between large fingers and palm. But the creature quickly expelled a noxious chemical that allowed it to easily slip from the titan's destructive grip.

Aargh! This is a powerful alkali! the Hachibi couldn't help but unfurl its fingers in distress. It's melting my skin!

"Octopops!" Naruto exclaimed.

But he had no time to be worrying about someone else. The enemy had, by no means, excluded him from the frenzy — and Naruto immediately switched to combat mode the moment he sensed geared hostility closing in around him.

In the next instant, he was ambushed by a pincer attack, which he successfully parried. But Yagura managed to find that slim window of opportunity to sneak up behind him for a stealthy attack.

"Coral Fist!"

Dammit! Naruto cursed his carelessness.

The hit to his back was cushioned by his cloak, but he was a little bit disconcerted about the literal coral that sprouted in the spot, almost like his very own shell. The formation was in such an annoying spot that he found it very difficult to perceive the nature of the mass much less to be rid of it. And that moment of hesitation was all that the enemy needed to spring another surprise attack.

The previous assault launching him from the Bijuu's head, Roshi — situated at ground-level — sent a towering explosion of lava to meet and engulf the helpless shinobi.

Without even considering his own safety, Bee – still in Bijuu Form — reached in to scoop up his brother at the expense of having his hands exposed to the seething stew. Sweating bullets, he ignored the pang of pain that shot throughout his body and attentively closed his massive fingers over Naruto, ensuring the shinobi didn't get a lungful of the toxic fumes.

This is bad, the Hachibi grimaced. I had no idea they could take Bijuu Form after all that's happened to them. Naruto, we need to withdraw and rethink our strategy.

But the enemy wasn't about to let that happen. Assuming said form — a reflection of the Hachibi's gargantuan size — the Five-Tail burst through Roshi's lava in a speedy gallop and rammed its horns into the Bijuu's biceps. The force was strong enough to send the creature crashing into the outer slope of the crater.

Tobi's elation couldn't be witnessed behind his mask, but a delightful chuckle bubbled up in his throat as he covered the distance between him and a trapped Naruto.

Noting the approaching danger, the Orange Knight struggled to find his bearings. But the coral had wedged itself into the flesh of the Hachibi's palm during the skirmish, preventing him from regaining his footing.

Tobi descended like a hawk upon a defenseless rabbit, his fingers poised like lethal talons to rob the Jinchūriki of all he was worth.


Naruto shot out a chakra-forged arm at the bastard, but the man nimbly evaded.

"Six-to-two is poor odds even between Jinchūriki," he stated in a smog tone, a gloved-hand descending towards our hero's face like a black plague. "Once this hand touches you, I win."

The hand inched closer.

Naruto snarled, his back pinned.

Time slowed as Tobi's hand cast a bleak shadow over wide saffron eyes. And strong, firm fingers curled to cup the contorts of Naruto's face.

But then...

"Strike!" a familiar voice uttered heartily, even as a lightening fast kick slipped through Tobi's head. In the same beat, a masked shinobi swooped in and stole the Jinchūriki before making a hasty retreat.

Re-solidifying himself, Tobi gazed down onto his empty palm for a while, his expression hidden behind his mask. "So you used Naruto as bait to predict the exact moment I'd materialize. Must everyone get in my way?"

"Kakashi-sensei. Fuzzier Brow-sensei," Naruto greeted ecstatically, gazing up at his seniors from his rump.

"Hmph," Tobi scoffed, his back turned. "Two more insects will make no difference to me. Not before my ocular powers or the power of the Bijuu I command."

"We have our own Sharingan," Kakashi retorted calmly.

"Not to mention Konoha's Proud Green Beast," Gai added with a similar flair.

Tobi gazed down at the Konoha shinobi with multicolored eyes that gleamed with irrefutable derision. But their spirits didn't falter, and Naruto relished the heightened morale the Jōnin brought to the floor.

"I appreciate you guys coming to help," he said, a flexible chakra arm brandishing a Rasengan and destroying the coral fastened to his back.

"I can't just sit back and rest while one of my Team Seven students is throwing himself against impossible odds," Kakashi returned coolly.

"And it's not just us," Gai began with far too much glee. "Thanks to your clones, all the divisions should be wrapping up and splitting their forces between aiding you and the Kages."

Naruto allowed a smile as he pushed to his feet with renewed composure. With the aid of his clones, he figured the alliance would be cleaning up loose ends right about now. But, in all honesty, he wanted to finish off both Madaras before the shinobi could be exposed to anymore casualties.

The big question was: how does one defeat this impostor? Naruto knew he would have to eventually deal with the Uchiha, but he hadn't yet figured out how to get around his ability to manipulate his body's opacity.

Meanwhile Naruto stewed on this shortcoming, Sasuke, on the contrary, was basking in the fruits of a successful surgery.

Without hesitation or a tinge of remorse, he manipulated his Susanoo to stave a chakra-forged blade through a tenacious Zetsu who would dare impede his path. Engulfing the abomination in black flames, the vengeful Uchiha unraveled the bandages from his face and blinked opened a pair of new eyes sporting his magnificently designed Mangekyō Sharingan.

The last time he met Naruto, the sage's power had him quivering in fear — but now, at long last, he had surpassed every single shinobi to roam the earth. And with the overwhelming power that now coursed through his veins, he was eager to prove the truth of that throughout the glorious course of his revenge.

"Hinata...," Naruto said, his velvety voice below a whisper as he gently cupped her healing hand. "You've... done enough."

The princess pursed her lips in quiet defiance. But she held her tongue out of fear her voice may worsen his delicate state of being.

"The final phase of this war has began," he explained softly, oceanic eyes half-lidded. "I want you to go and protect everyone in my stead."

Her eyes quivered worrisomely.

"You've done enough," he reassured sweetly with a strained smile. "All I need now is some rest. Once my spirit gauge is back to a hundred percent, I'll come running back into your arms."

She couldn't help but chuckle at his geeky analogy, her merry laugh spreading to his own lips.

"Be sure to leave some of Madara for me, too; I want to plant my foot up his ass, all the way to the knee."

"Eww!" Hinata cringed with a laugh.

Moments later, Naruto's eyes suddenly hardened into gems. "Be careful. I know you're way stronger now, but try not to put yourself in any unnecessary danger."

The girl's eyes softened at his show of affection. And she leaned in to gently press her forehead against his own. "I promise to stay safe... both of us."

The bedridden sage allowed his eyes to flutter close, the cool, therapeutic-like energy from her skin permeating throughout his body like a reassuringly slave.

Pushing to her feet, the Hyūga princess allowed her shoulders to sag and she took a meditative breath, donning her warrior spirit.

Naruto looked on in a mixture of awe and veneration, intrigued by the various facets of energy that radiated from her body like a distant star in the cosmos.

It was of the divine.

Her power whispered of a selfless and righteous need to heal and empower. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking — and amidst its tender caress, Naruto found peace and clarity. There was absolutely no need to worry.

"Should I have a clone teleport—"

"That won't be necessary," she interjected curtly, effortlessly summoning a large wolf wrought of ice and water — its ankles, mane and tail accentuated with blue chakra that danced like flames. "You should save your strength."

Naruto heaved an impressed smile at her stern show of affection and independence.

The princess tilted her chin.

Becoming one with the wind — every fiber of her being screaming with conviction — Hinata's familiar whisked her off toward the masterminds who threatened to steal away everything that she held dear.

But, even upon her dying breath, she was determined to overcome all odds to ensure her beloved and their friends continued to draw breath in the world where all their memories were weaved together.

Gyūki's Trial & Kurama's Observation

Without missing a beat, Naruto quickly launched into a brief summary of how the link between the Rinnegan and Sharingan interconnected the Jinchūriki similar to Nagato's Six Paths. No sooner had he disclosed the location of the iron rods on the bodies of the corpses, than the earth began to quake.

It was the Five-Tails, galloping toward them with a fierce look in its eyes.

"Brace yourselves!" Naruto warned.

"Five tails," Kakashi counted. "It's the Five-Tailed Bijuu!"

Locking onto its target with a malicious gaze, the quadrupedal-based Bijuu increased its velocity and then leapt into a high arch while Kakashi studied its trajectory.

"It must be after the Hachibi."

"Sorry, Eighty," Bee apologized in their shared mindscape. "You all right?"

We feel the same pain, duh, the beast retorted. You're the one I'm worried about.

The Five-Tails, however, felt neither care or concern. Disdain coursed through its veins like acid. And the beast descended upon its master like a nuke, intent on trampling the bastard into a bloody mess.

Tobi simply raised his hand, manifesting a large, translucent chain that tightly wound around the creature's neck in a bruising grip. Like a heartless tamer, the Uchiha proceeded to whip the chain — throwing the helpless Bijuu into the ground.

Kakashi was bewildered. Did it just try to attack him?

Through the creature's pained shrill, Naruto heard a soft, ghostly voice play in his mind. It hurts, the voice lingered between grief and exasperation. It hurts that I should serve such an insect...

As if responding to the somber voice, the Hachibi suddenly summoned strength to clasp its fingers into a tight fist, crushing the puppet master who still stood in the center of its palm.

"Did he get him?" Gai looked on in wonder.

But Tobi nonchalantly ambled from the steely fist as if it was nothing but an apparition, exercising his powers to revert the rebellious Five-Tails back to its Version Two form.

"Why is he suppressing the Bijuu's power?" Gai pondered aloud, even as he reinstated his defensive stance.

"I don't know," Kakashi shook his head. "But it seems he doesn't have complete control over them. That might be why."

Rendered back to his humanoid size, Han stood on all fours before his master — a quiet subservience returning to the Jinchūriki's posture. And the other pawns descended in a proverbial salute, garbed in their blood red cloaks of chakra.

Hey, did you hear that, Naruto? Bee asked telepathically. There was a voice just now...

...I heard it, too, the sage returned in a daze, saffron eyes gleaming with sheer inquisitiveness.

The Hachibi managed to roll over onto its stomach, body riddled with burns and bruises. That was a Bijuu, the beast enlightened breathlessly. It was the Five-Tail's voice. We Bijuu have feelings, too. Watching one of us getting treated that way would throw anyone into a blind rage.

Keh! the Kyūbi clicked its tongue flippantly, a relaxed head resting on crossed arms. You only understand this now? This has always been the way of the shinobi who make us their pets. You and that Bee brat are the only exceptions, Hachibi.

Heh! I wonder about that, Kyūbi.

Naruto grinned amusingly. I didn't know you guys could communicate like this, too.

I understand, Kyūbi, the Hachibi began. You're—

Cease your blubbering! the Kyūbi snapped. With your eight tails, you're supposed to be the next strongest after me, you know. Hurry up and kill them. I want to sleep.

Don't assume the number of tails tells you how strong someone is! the Hachibi returned just as hotly. You've always been like this. That's why the tanuki, One-Tail, hates you so much. Are you listening, damn it?!

The Kyūbi was fast asleep.

Stop pretending to be asleep, you fool!

Naruto laughed softly, a gesture that was completely out of place considering. The Hachibi and Kyūbi are arguing. Man, this is a hell'va treat.

Bijuu can talk to each other through telepathy, Bee explained. It's pretty rare, but a sweet sight to see.

"Look alive, Naruto," Kakashi jostled, noting his spasms in focus. "The first thing we've got to do is establish which one of them has which Pain technique. Got it, Gai?"

"I'm bad with faces, so these guys all look the same to me."

Naruto's eyes narrowed in deliberation. It's kind of weird that none of the Jinchūriki used any of Nagato's techniques while Octopops and I were fighting them before. I'm sure there were more than enough instances when it would've been ideal...

The shrill of Kakashi's Chidori rooted the pensive sage back to reality in time to see as both men bolted toward a black and red wall painted by the incoming Jinchūriki. With a swift combination of hand-to-hand combat and ninjutsu, both prodigies were able to drive back three of the progressing calamities.

"Three of them are heading toward you, Naruto!" Gai exclaimed as he used the sixth gate to plant his sandals into Fu's jaw, sending her streaking across the sky like a meteor shower.

Naruto's feet spread wide apart, his back arching in his battle-readiness. I really don't want to do this, but I have to seriously hammer these guys into the ground before I can get to Tobi.

Fashioning his hand into the form of a pistol, the sage fired off two consecutive rounds of condensed droplets at blinding speed. The water-based projectiles hit two of the incoming beasts underneath the chin — dealing major damage and stunning them momentarily.

In the next instant, Naruto appeared in front of the third beast in a flash, a calculating right hook sending the Jinchūriki hurling into the disoriented pair. They all crashed into the ground like knocked over bowling pins.

But Naruto wasn't through.


The tiny orb flew harmlessly from his fingertip, warranting no caution. But the beasts gave a high-pitched roar when they finally noted its actual threat, and their bottomless eyes dilated when a powerful explosion swallowed them whole.

Kakashi fearlessly charged the Seven-Tails, lightening augmenting his fists. Chakra absorption. Summoning. Attraction and repulsion. Chakra extraction. Mechanical weapons — what's going on? he frowned his confusion. They're not using a single one of them!

Employing the use of its own Sharingan, the creature dodged the man's attack — swift, flexible tails knocking both him and Gai out of bounds.

"What is this?" Gai shared his rival's confusion. "They're not using Pain's techniques!"

"Maybe they can't use them," Kakashi entertained the possibility.

"He knows we already have counters to Pain's techniques. Does this mean he was smart enough to make them incapable of expending chakra on those techniques?"

"Given that he can fully control six Bijuu with his eyes alone, he must be using vast amounts of chakra already."

"You and I are on the same wavelength, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto called.

"Hatake Kakashi," Tobi wasn't enthused. "You have excellent eyes that see through my tricks," his expression hardened darkly behind his mask. "Perhaps it's time I showed off a little."

The man's sentence ended on a shockwave — his exertion of power rippling outwards like an explosion. But this wasn't merely a show of power or to incite intimidation — no, the Four and Six-Tailed Jinchūriki resonated with the man's power. And a boisterous roar split from their jaws as the silent command took root despite their attempted mutiny.


Roshi and Utakata seemed to burst like an over-inflated balloon, their respective Bijuu spilling forth with tailored furry, the landscape changing as gravity adjusted the weight of the titanic beasts.

"Wind Release: Cycle Shield!"

Quick on the uptake, Naruto erected an invisible wall forged of wind, mitigating the shockwave that sent earth and bedrock launching in all directions.

"Shit!" he swore beneath his breath, knelt atop the Hachibi's torso. "Too bad I can't use my clones has a diversion to take out that bastard!"

"Don't even think of using the Kyūbi's chakra for more clones," Bee warned sternly. "If the Kyūbi consumes your chakra, you'll really die — it'll be K.O. Your optimism's nice, but that plan's a no-go!"

Haven't you noticed yet, Bee, the Hachibi hinted. I know you bumped fists with him. With that many clones, he should have been at death's door ages ago. He's not, which means the Kyūbi stopped absorbing his chakra midway through.

Isn't that right, Kyūbi?

The Nine-Tailed fox ignored both him and the question.

Though I've no idea what happened between the two of you, the Hachibi relented.

The oversized canine remained indifferent, a large head comfortably resting upon crossed arms. As the Bijuu silently attempted to vanquish the subject from its mind, a treacherous flashback took root and rehashed a memory behind closed eyelids. It was the faithful day Naruto had took hold of its power and claimed it has his own:

— "Hey, Kyūbi... you know... one day," his smile was warm, stretching from ear-to-ear. "I reckon I'll manage to do something about the hatred inside you, too."

— Naruto hung his head, his smile suddenly glum. "It's ironic that, I've been living with the Kyūbi for sixteen years and yet, I don't really know anything about him. On the other hand, he knows almost everything about me."

— "It's not your place to say whether sharing a body with a Bijuu is good or bad," Naruto had snapped at Tobi's snide remark.

The Kyūbi couldn't suppress the memories that had keep rising up one after the next, like a very annoying domino effect. The Bijuu was stubborn, but it understood surprisingly well that this was the very last chapter in the grand scheme of things. The decision it made on this day could very well dictate the outcome of this relentless war between the forces of good and evil. But where did the Bijuu stand amidst all this madness? Were they mere steppingstones to be cast to the wayside once all was said and done?

Tilting an elongated head back — its body akin to that of a slug — the Six-Tails leaned forward with a deep breath, spewing a blanket of toxic fumes at the Jōnin who was increasingly becoming a thorn in the puppet master's side.

"What is this?" Gai exclaimed nervously.

"Whatever it is, don't let it touch you!" Kakashi warned gravely, inching backwards.

While Naruto was momentarily distracted by the adult's dilemma, the Four-Tailed Bijuu opted for a preemptive strike. Bearing the characteristics of a gorilla, the beast used its opposable thumbs to grab ahold of the Hachibi's tail. Summoning its strength, the ape swung the creature skyward, as if it weighed no more than a tree branch.

Loosing his grip, our hero found himself hurling from the partner and on a sure trajectory into the primate's mouth. Powerful teeth threatened to crush and imprison the Golden Warrior. But Naruto used his arms and legs to prop the creature's jaws open, deliberating a means of escape.

All the while, the Kyūbi had one eye half open, assessing the Jinchūriki's desperate struggle. But nothing had changed — Naruto was once again fighting a megalomaniac whose ideology outweighed humanity's interpretation of what is morally right and sound. Once again, it was a fight for humans, among humans.

The pink miasma continued to spread, laying waste to anything it touched. And Gai and Kakashi kept withdrawing with calculating steps.

"Naruto!" Gai called suddenly, noting the teenager's predicament. "We've got to help him!"

"Gai! Deal with this first!" Kakashi implored sternly, hinting at their six. "We've got our own problems right now!"

"We're surrounded!" he realized, looking behind them as instructed.

The Six-Tails had effectively caught them in a surprise pincer attack, perfectly sown chakra-arms emerging from the ground like a deadly bean stalk.

Kakashi turned to face the dangerous appendages, one crimson eye burning between his face mask and forehead protector. This will cost a worrying amount of chakra, but I've got no choice.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

He spawned a clone next to him.

"Gai! Let's thrust our backs to each other and focus on the enemy in front. Objections?"

"None!" he replied firmly, his body suddenly engulfed in a blue aura.

Then the warriors rushed off toward their respective foe. Kakashi skillfully coordinated with his clone to create an interconnected charge of lightning. The line between them acted as a lethal blade that effortlessly cut through the Jinchūriki's chakra-forged arms. Gai, at the same time, used the shockwave from a flurry of punches to disperse the looming fumes that threatened to devour them both.

Kakashi frowned, his sights now fixed on the source from which the arms sprouted. "Let's wrap this up quickly so that we can back Naruto up!"

"You got it!"

Attempting to play out its own rescue, the Hachibi coiled its tails around the tenacious primate, one wrapping around a fang in an effort to help pry its jaws open. Let Naruto go, you dumb monkey!

The Nine-Tailed Fox continued to watch with an aloof disposition.

Kyūbi, the Hachibi invaded his mind, calm despite the perilous situation they were all in. Seems like you lent your power to one of the clones fighting the other Madara. You know, if you feel like it, it wouldn't kill you to do the same over here.

I'm not like you, Hachibi, the Kyūbi's voice quaked with annoyance. I will not wag my tails like an obedient dog before the Jinchūriki time and again.

Don't you care about what happens to Naruto?

The fox considered that for a while, dark memories seeping through the cracks of its mental vault.

— "Kyūbi," Madara's voice was laced with derision. "Right now, you are but an ephemeral form, briefly bound together. A mere fraction of your scattered true strength."


"You lack wisdom; you're simply a mass of unstable power."

"Silence!" the Kyūbi's fury seethed beneath skin and fur.

"You need one who will give you direction — one who is Uchiha! You Bijuu exist only to serve those of us with ocular powers."

"Be silent!"

"Obey," the man uttered, evoking a jutsu.

— "Kyūbi... your power is too vast," Hashirama said calmly. "Forgive me, but I cannot leave you to your own devices."

Everything humans say..., the Bijuu's eyes hardened with absolute disdain.

— "You and I both have terrible luck, that's for sure," Kushina said remorsefully. "You exist to restrain the world from war, and I exist to restrain you from violence."

The Kyūbi's eyes shook dangerously. It's always the same thing...

— So this time it's a mere baby? To hell with you, shinobi scum! Doesn't matter. He'll be just like the others.

— "Hey, Kyūbi... you know... one day," his smile was warm, stretching from ear-to-ear. "I reckon I'll manage to do something about the hatred inside you, too."

The Bijuu lay motionless inside its prison, Naruto's words replaying inside its mind like a broken record. His words weren't demoralizing or demeaning like those of the others, but it wasn't selfless, either. Surely he stood to gain something from suppressing the Kyūbi's malevolent will — and this reasoning was based upon a singular truth: Naruto was human.

The Four-Tails suddenly opening its jaws rendered the shinobi unbalanced, sending him spiraling down hopelessly into the creature's throat. And the primate wasted no time snapping its mouth shut, a double row of teeth akin to the tightly kit bars of a prison cell keeping its prey secured.

The Hachibi's worrisome howl rang in Naruto's ears as he slipped down the bottomless pit. But the Bijuu's voice was gradually consumed by the darkness, as was Naruto's consciousness.

Moments passed, and the sage found himself drifting to wakefulness by the soft lull of running water. Immediately recalling the last series of events up to this point, Naruto's eyes popped open despairingly. But years of discipline curbed the urge to scream and panic — instead, he took a moment to cautiously appraise his surroundings.

Before our Orange Knight was a replica of the giant gorilla that terrorized both him and the Hachibi. But this beast was quiet and well-behaved, which could have been largely attributed to the fact that it was bound to its knees by powerful chains and held fast to a stoned wall that was more than twice its impressive size.

Naruto took a deep breath.

Calming his nerves made it easier to note that this world emanated the same wavelength as the one in which the Kyūbi and Hachibi existed. He must have subconsciously established a connection when he got gobbled up by the beast.

So you're the one who's next in line to take my power, the Four-Tails said by means of introduction. To think you'd have the nerve to worm your way in here, you damn brat!

"This must be the Yonbi," Naruto said with a hint of surprise, slowly pushing to his feet.

Don't call me by that worthless title! the Bijuu snapped. I have a real name. I am the Handsome Monkey King of the Water Curtain Cave! I am the Monkey Sage King, given the title of Son by the Rikudō Sennin himself! I am the Great Sage that rivals the heavens, Son Goku!

It gave a loud, animalistic howl.

Naruto stood dumbfounded, his nonchalance seeping away like a deflating balloon. "U-Um," he stuttered. "So which part in all of that is your name?"

Son Goku! the beast shouted derisively. Keh! You humans really are all fools. You can't even remember a simple name. You're worse than monkeys. There's no way I'd give my power to the likes of—

"It's nuts just how similar this place is to the Kyūbi's," Naruto pondered, intrigued.

A vein popped in Goku's head. Listen to me when I speak, you silly child! First you barely paid attention to my glorious name, and now you dare ignore me? There are no words for your insolence!

"No! I just...," Naruto grinned awkwardly. "I'm sorry."

The Bijuu frowned wondrously at the unexpected apology, assessing the curious human who stood before it. And the words that now left its mouth were soft and free of contempt. You know, you're oddly humble for a human. I've never heard of anyone apologizing to a Bijuu before. Anyway, it seems you didn't come here to take my power, after all.

His gaze lowered to Naruto's belly, where Goku could sense the presence of one amongst its kin. You have one of us within you. Is that how you were able to come here? Looks like Kurama enjoys being a pet to a Jinchūriki.


You snot! Goku snapped again. You'd serve as the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki without even knowing his real name? This is why you humans are so pathetic!

Naruto chuckled, a hand pressed to his stomach. "So your name is Kurama, too, huh — kinda figured as much."

Kurama clicked his tongue flippantly.

You humans see us as nothing but power, Goku accused. That's why you don't know our names, and don't even try to find out. You lock us away and deny us the right to exist.

Naruto hung his head with a glum smile, unwelcome memories bubbling up in his mind that seemed to touch the Bijuu's heart, in turn.

"I sort of get how you feel," his eyes quivered sadly. "I used to play a lot of pranks; I wanted people to yell at me. Anything would do if it drew someone's attention to me. Better that than not existing at all.

I'm a Jinchūriki.

But I have my own name, and it's precious to me. It's the legacy of my parents and master," he grinned warmly, but it was short lived as the imagine of Tobi hardened in his mind. "That's why... a man who claims not to care about being anyone... is not a man I can ever let control you!"

Goku allowed the boy's words to wash over him, but he didn't drink of it. In that case, what would "you" do with us?

Naruto patted the back of his head embarrassingly and heaved an honest smile. "Octopops... I want you to be like Octopops and the Hachibi."

Huh? Goku tilted his head.

"They joke around, they fight, they cheer each other on. They'll never say it out loud, but you can tell when you look at them. They are very good friends." Naruto hung his head, his smile now bittersweet. "And... there's something they've always made me feel. I'm so jealous it hurts."

Goku laughed aloud. Don't tell me a human like you seriously wants to be friends with a Bijuu?

Naruto's brows descended above oceanic eyes that burned with solemn conviction. And the Bijuu ceased his guffaw to study the unwavering flame.

He's... serious about it, Goku uttered inwardly.

And Kurama listened intently, but said nothing.

"That's why I want to help you, Son Goku," Naruto continued with a friendly grin.

Well, you've been eaten. So now what?

Naruto allowed his shoulders to sag, and then he cupped his chin in deliberation. In the same beat, Goku decided to confide in Naruto if he had to choose between him and the masked puppet master.

There is a way to stop me, the Bijuu offered with a lopsided grin. I wouldn't mind telling you in exchange for you undoing these chains.

Naruto shared his amusement. "I'm on it! Just tell me what to do."

First — the Bijuu's tone was a bit more hardened and aloof — I take it as a rule not to trust Jinchūriki. That goes double for fools who would be friends with a Bijuu. In short, don't assume I'm on your side just because I've condescended to help you.

The Kyūbi lay motionless in its cage, paying keen attention to the interaction between the two. Indeed, he greed mentally, sharing the sentiments of its kin. That is the natural response. For all that they have no power to speak of, they force us to bow to their selfish reasoning, and bind us against our will.

The bitter memories of isolation and rejection invaded the Bijuu's mind again, like a leaking facet that couldn't be silenced or fixed. As every fiber of its being convulsed and ached at the indignation of its past experiences with humans, the beast couldn't help but reminisce about where its latest predicament began.

Sixteen years ago, a series of events transpired that let to the Kyūbi being sealed inside a baby Naruto. There was no interval — no sooner had it been freed from one Jinchūriki, than it was sealed within another. But the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was not deterred.

Studying the complexity of the Eight Trigrams Seal, it quickly hatched a plan to have Naruto become aware of its presence and develop a dependency upon its chakra. That way, the seal would inevitably weaken and its dark will would have more of an influence over the youth.

Everything went according to plan, but only up to a certain point. As much as the Kyūbi had been watching the youngster throughout his life, the creature didn't predict he would be such an anomaly. And a powerful one at that.

Instead of crushing the brat and taking all that he was worth, the tables were swiftly turned and the Bijuu ended up being the one to lose everything.

In a quiet corner of its mind, the Kyūbi knew that Naruto was both righteous and tenacious. Lady luck and faith seemingly kept intervening in the course of his life. But centuries of suffering underneath the authoritarianism of humans outweighed the creature's reason, which spurred on an inherent desire for rebellion and vengeance .

— "The Kyūbi, too," Hinata added in a quiet whisper, her eyes soft and sympathetic. "The Kyūbi must be suffering, too..."

— "Despite how desperate a situation might be, Naruto-kun has never condoned sacrifices to make ends meet," Hinata clarified candidly. "He wouldn't have deprived you of your freedom, if he had any control over what was happening. Naruto-kun is a good person."

— "Hey, Kyūbi... you know... one day," his smile was warm, stretching from ear-to-ear. "I reckon I'll manage to do something about the hatred inside you, too."

Kurama's snout twisted into an enigmatic expression.

We don't trust your kind, Goku reiterated. If you want our trust—

"Leave it for now," Naruto gesticulated coolly with a smile. "I pretty much get what I need to do about that."

Naruto..., the Kyūbi thought inwardly. I've watched everything you've done, so I know you must have realized it. No matter what you try to tell me... to tell us Bijuu.. it means nothing. We can't see the truth in your heart.

"Okay, I get the gist of it," Naruto confirmed Goku's game plan, arms folded across his chest confidently. "I'll be back soon, then."

The Bijuu's eyes suddenly widened in alarm. Hurry! That Madara bastard's figured out where you are!

Open up, you furry sack! Bee and the Hachibi were still trying to free their comrade. Give us our Naruto back!

"For all the places for him to end up...," Tobi said in a monotone, extending a capable arm. "I'll just drag him inside me together with the Yonbi."

Materializing from the iron rod wedged in its nape, a familiar, ghostly chain extended its reach — coiling around the Bijuu's neck and then seeping into the puppet master's palm, like quicksand.

This is bad, Bee exclaimed, the Hachibi's tentacles exerting more pressure on the stubborn primate. Open your maw! Naruto, withdraw!

The Yonbi grunted.

Between being reeled in by the phantom chains and held in place by the Hachibi's tentacles, Naruto was stirred awake by the commotion and the weight of his now urgent task.

Flicking to his feet — ignoring the saliva and weird texture of the creature's tongue — Naruto, no longer in his Kyūbi Chakra Mode, looked to a row of large teeth with evident displeasure.

They were clamped shut.

And he immediately scrapped the idea of wasting precious time and energy to try and forcefully pry them open. Instead, he spawned a large number of clones that drove the Bijuu to regurgitate them all.

"You don't know when to give up," Tobi criticized openly, still controlling the rebellious beast through the tightly binding chakra chains.

But Naruto paid no heed to his words. With a simple flick of his hand, the dust surrounding him dispersed like cotton to a flame, revealing a confident sage sporting his customary coat, lips pressed to a thin line.

Tobi felt a sudden prick of apprehension. This was the same form he had showcased at the Valley of the End. This power had no limits but for those introduced by the user's body. His fear was well warranted, and that evoked anger, in return.

But — being able to sense everything around him — Naruto ignored the fiend... ignored the bloodlust and malice that was geared toward him. Looking down, he flexed his fingers, noting that the reservoir inside of him that embodied Senju Energy had grew immensely.

Looks like I've come a long way since my fight with Kurama. Naruto tightened his fingers into fists. My body's grown, so Sage Mode is much stronger now. This is great, because I was running out of the Kyūbi Chakra Mode.

Looking up with renewed zeal, Naruto allowed Goku's words to rehash in his mind:

Listen. Look closely at the base of my neck. There should be some rods piercing it. That's where the chakra chains that bind us come from. They're demonic statue chains using the Rinnegan's Outer Path.

"So they're not in your chest," Naruto had asked. "When you were in Jinchūriki form, they were in your chest."

Because of how much bigger we get in Bijuu form, the place where the Jinchūriki were pierced moves and ends up at the neck. Plus, since we get so big, they become that much harder to find.

Anyway, pull out the rods. If you do, it will stop the chakra chains from coming out. That should get rid of the chains binding me, as well, since they're all connected.

But it won't be easy; I'm under his control and won't be able to stop myself from attacking you.

Calmly tilting his head — always hyperaware of Tobi's assessing gaze — Naruto employed the enhanced vision gifted by Sage Mode to appraise the thrashing Bijuu. No sooner had the distracting glow of the chakra chains disappeared than the Golden Warrior was able to spot his target.

And not a moment too soon, for the feral primate attempted to crush the nauseating insect with a powerful palm thrust. But the attack needed to be at least a hundred times faster to even remotely be a threat to the agile shinobi.

Zipping up the furry stretch of the Bijuu's arm, Naruto noted as his surroundings gradually became darker, as if the sun was suddenly eclipsed by the moon. But the reality was much worse — the creature's free hand closed in like a flexible monolith, treating to crush the Jinchūriki in his tracks.

Naruto didn't flinch, nor did he slow down. His focus still fixated on the iron rod, the nonchalant sage deflected the massive limb with a fisted backhand, and then launched himself onto the Yonbi's thick neck. Without delay, he reached in and began pulling at the rod that was wedged incredibly deep into the skin.

It's coming out, Naruto rejoiced, his fingers clutching the smooth metal even tighter.

Naruto, you pest..., Tobi cursed inwardly, out-stretching his arm. In response, the chakra chains reemerged with a ghostly rattle, almost instantly slithering around the sage's body like a ravenous snake. "I won't make your life that easy."

That fake bastard! Naruto uttered his own curse, the chains coiling tighter. I can feel myself getting weaker...

"Those rods bind whatever touches them," Tobi informed darkly. "They are more powerful than Nagato's Outer Path. You're quite frankly out of your league. It's over, Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto! Bee exclaimed worrisomely, still doing his best to keep the Yonbi mostly immobile.

And Kakashi and Gai — despite being engaged by the other Jinchūriki — noted the teen's dilemma and expressed concern for the Golden Warrior.

But the Kyūbi was calm.

Allowing crimson eyes to close, the Bijuu remembered all the hurdles that Naruto cleared on the path to realizing his dreams, with each new obstacle far out-weighing the last. But, despite the odds, he would persevere every single time — effectively winning over hearts and minds through the profundity of his actions.

His recent accomplishment was an especially grand milestone. He had single-handedly protected his village and finally gained the recognition and acknowledgment of all the village folk. But the Kyūbi knew this was just the beginning.

— "Hey, Kyūbi... you know... one day," his smile was warm, stretching from ear-to-ear. "I reckon I'll manage to do something about the hatred inside you, too."

— "That's why I want to help you," Naruto said to Goku with a warm, honest grin.

Naruto..., the Kyūbi thought inwardly, crimson eyes reflecting the shinobi's dire predicament. If your desire to help us Bijuu comes from the depths of your heart, then just as before...

Our hero's eyes narrowed tellingly, even as he fought against the parasitic effects of the chakra chains. In the same beat — as if responding to a telepathic instruction — the eyes of a clone still inside the Yonbi snapped open with the markings of a sage.

Having accumulated enough Senju Energy, the clone hurriedly made its way down the Bijuu's throat and did quick work to find the spot where the iron rod protruded outside.

And the Kyūbi watched in amusement. Just as before, let your actions speak for you! Naruto, that is who you are!

"Frog Fist!" the clone uttered fervently, slamming his palm into the meaty wall.

An explosive wave of invisible energy rippled through muscle, fat and skin — loosening the rod and ultimately aiding the other clone to entirely yank it from the Bijuu's body.

"And that's how it's done!" Naruto grinned in triumph amidst his free fall.

The Kyūbi raised its head, barely able to contain its own glee. Yes. This is who you are.

Curse you, Naruto! Tobi watched in a mixture of disbelief and exasperation. That you should manage to take out a rod... in that case, he flew through a series of complicated hand seals, quickly summoning the upper body of the Gedō Mazō.

After destroying the iron rod with a well-placed Rasengan, Naruto found himself back in Goku's mindscape in time to see as the chains shattered that imprisoned its titanic frame.

Nice going, boy, the Bijuu said appreciatively with a hint of surprise.

Naruto took a breath, and then gestured at the beast with a quizzical gaze. "How come you're still chained up?"

Goku tittered dryly, lowering his gargantuan body. Looks like the chains around my stomach are still here, after all.

"How come?" Naruto pointed accusingly. "I took out the rod and everything!"

About that rod — it temporarily pins my chakra to the Jinchūriki's body and that masked bastard can control my chakra through the Gedō Mazō.

"You knew that all along?" Naruto snapped. "Then how on earth am I supposed to help you?"

The Bijuu's eyes quivered, and it homed in closer, trying to ascertain some unforeseen truth. But it was evident that the youngster bore his heart upon his sleeves; there was no deception to be seen. You... really mean—

"Of course, I do!" Naruto interjected breathlessly, the effort of his honest labor evident from his exhaustion.

Goku was still flabbergasted. Is this... how he really feels? He thought inwardly, wide eyes always shrew and calculating. I just told you how to stop me. I wasn't trying to tell you how to help me.

"Would it have killed you to start with that part?" Naruto argued softly. "How come you Bijuu can never say what you're really thinking? Well? What should I do?"

The chain rattled.

Before we get to that, there's something I want to give you.


Give me your hand. Goku folded his fingers and move that giant fist forward.

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed questioningly. "Huh? You've got a present for me?"

It's good stuff, Goku replied reassuringly, like a sketchy merchant selling something he probably shouldn't. It'll serve you well when the time is right. Come on.

Naruto conceded, bumping fists with the gentle titan. To his surprise, a quiet power poured into him from the connection, creating ripples in the shallow pool of the watery realm. This wasn't just raw power; however, but a delicate weave consisting of warm emotions. And Naruto beamed openly, humbly accepting the power, emotions and the ancient rite that was bestowed upon him.

But the connection between Jinchūriki and Bijuu didn't last long. On the other side, the Gedō Mazō aggressively reeled in the rebellious ape and converted the beast into chakra as it was sucked into the statue's gaping maw.

The bastard had the Yonbi swallowed up, just like that, the Hachibi fumed frustratingly. I guess he was still in control, after all.

"You look ready to meet your maker after stopping just one of them," Tobi mocked scathingly. "But I am not one to hold a grudge. I will simply take your precious Bijuu using my other tools."

The puppet master raised a basic finger sign to his masked face, and the ground immediately began to quake. But it wasn't an earthquake — no, it was the remaining Jinchūriki. They thrashed about while doing a quick swell; morphing into their respective Bijuu forms as instructed by their commander.

Gai and Kakashi watched in horror has their already formidable foes evolved into something even more powerful and sinister.

Naruto was nothing but fumes.

Tobi's chakra chains weakened him far more than he would like to admit, but the warrior looked on in determination, reluctant to give in, refusing to let evil have even a mere microsecond of victory.

The Kyūbi's eyes narrowed in a reflection of Naruto's commitment. This cannot possibility end well. You being on the verge of collapse from fatigue is not helping.

Naruto kept his gaze transfixed upon his foes, the light in his eyes never faltering. "This isn't over... you just watch..."

If you wish me to lend you my power, I am prepared to consider it... Naruto.

Thrust once again into a mindscape, Naruto turned around wearily to confront a nonchalant Nine-Tailed Fox. "You've taken the lead in talking to me a lot lately, haven't you? I'd be happy to borrow whatever power you've got for me, but first, there's something I have to make sure I tell you."

The creature tilted its head curiously.

And Naruto's lips stretched into an appreciative smile as he bowed his head. "Thanks for what you did when Madara was attacking back there."

The Bijuu's eyes widened in surprise.

"The strength you gave me... it really helped."

Don't thank me! It's sickening! the fox snapped hotly. I did it solely because you're the lesser of two evils next to Madara. Anyway, thanks to this cage, I could give you no more than the tiniest morsel of chakra. As for this time, I merely felt like watching your battle a little longer. Yes... I only seek entertainment!

Naruto pointed at the furry bastard accusingly, his face a ridiculous mess of comical anger. "Hey! Why are you getting angry with me for thanking you?! Forget that glare of yours! How about you start fixing your attitude, or you'll never—"


The shinobi was suddenly confronted with a giant fist that barely managed to squeeze in between the columns of the Bijuu's cage.

Align your chakra with mine, the Kyūbi invited softly with a wolfish grin.

Naruto's lips pressed to a thin line. And he held the creature's sharp, crimson gaze steadily, as if trying to perceive a sign of deception. "Don't tell me we're playing chakra tug-of-war again?"

Imbecile! This time, I'm not asking you to give me anything. Then again, I have nothing better to do; I can play tug-of-war, if you wish.

Naruto considered that for a while — no, not the suicidal game of tug-of-war. But the seemingly undeniable truth behind the Bijuu's words. It was subtle at first, but now Naruto was almost certain of it. The Kyūbi had changed. For the first time in their Jinchūriki-Bijuu coexistence, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox... well, seemed civilized.

And when they bumped fists, that fact become even clearer. Like his connection with Goku before, energy poured into the shinobi like colors from an artist's brush. A picture was painted on the canvas of his soul — an illustration that conveyed more words than the Bijuu could spin over the course of a millennia upon its tongue.

Naruto felt a plethora of emotions. Unconsciously, his fist tightened as he accepted every heartbreaking promise and apology; every tale of hopelessness and loneliness. And a quite whisper of appreciation for the fragile friendship they had now began to kindle.

His heart heavy with what he was given, the Jinchūriki heaved a warm grin that was mirrored by a cheerful Kyūbi.

Back in reality, Naruto's eyes flashed open with renewed power and conviction. "Let's go, Octopops!"

The mountainous Bijuu craned its head to look at the feeble human. "In a two-man team, I am the lead," Bee coordinated coolly. "Drop back to support me, and you'll be wise indeed."

Naruto, I know that you're strong, the Hachibi began. But no matter what you think, we're facing five Bijuu. Don't go in front if you can't take Bijuu form.

"No point divvying up roles when you and Eighty are both injured," Naruto retorted huskily. "Let's do it together."

"Hold on, Naruto..." Bee was persistent.

"We're each half of a two-man team, aren't we?"

The Hachibi perked up curiously. Don't tell me you and the Kyūbi...

Naruto gave a lopsided grin, his smog words confirming the Bijuu's suspicions. "We're not holding anything back!"


The sophisticated locking mechanism that kept the Kyūbi sealed inside a dreary cage slowly began to unravel itself. And Naruto stood before the metal bars, his back turned to the colossal canine illustrating his complete trust and faith in his new companion.

"You're not the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox anymore," our Golden Knight declared solemnly, reminiscing the moment he was first acknowledged by Iruka. "You're a member of Konohagakure's tag team, together with me. You're Kurama!"

As per Naruto's will, the double-doors burst open and, for the first time since the great and honorable Rikudō Sennin, the Nine-Tailed Fox had someone he could truly call friend.

"Let's go!"


The instant the duo aligned their mental and spiritual wavelength, Naruto was engulfed in an ocean of spiraling chakra. Similar to Kyūbi Chakra Mode, a dazzling golden cloak encircled his entire body like close-fitting pieces of fabric. And accentuating designs manifested that greatly differentiated this mode from the former. Now he had the bearings of an ancient sage whose might and power knew no bounds.

"Naruto!" Bee exclaimed incredulously, feeling the familiar nature of the transformation flow through him. "Don't tell me you—"

Unfortunately, the rapper's words were suddenly cut off by the Hachibi's acute sense of danger. Without warning — and at the behest of a villain whose patience had long since worn thin — all five behemoths began simultaneously charging a lethal Bijuu Bomb.

Target: the Jōnin.

"Th-This goes beyond overkill!" Gai blanched.

Kakashi raised his kunai in defense, his Sharingan morphing into the Mangekyō. "Don't make any sudden movements; I'm going to blow them away with the Kamui in my left eye."

"There are too many! You can't do this with your eye alone! If it's come to this, I'll have to use the Eighth Gate!"

"Don't be a fool!" Kakashi snapped. "If you do, you'll die, afterwards!"


Naruto! the Hachibi called urgently, noting the Jōnin's dilemma. The others are in trouble! They've got five Bijuu Bombs coming in at point-blank range!

"I'm on it!" Naruto bellowed above the sound of the projectiles being launched.

In a flash, he zipped across the sky in a tight, fiery arch, effortlessly deflecting the dark orbs that each went on to utterly obliterate mountains and forests, miles in diameter.

Kakashi gasped, shielding his eyes from the unrelenting storm of flying debris. Through the haze of the cataclysmic blast, and a chaotic cocktail of his own emotions, he saw the broad, familiar back of a man famed as The Yellow Flash standing before him.

"S-Sensei?!" he uttered in shock, the Fourth Hokage's customary cape undulating in the wind.

But, as his eye focused, the outline of the Kage gradually evaporated to reveal his legacy — a shinobi who had long surpassed him in both strength and accomplishments.

"I-Is that Naruto?" Gai couldn't believe his eyes.

"The mountains!" Kakashi exclaimed, watching as the once lofty peaks faded into dust.

"Is this the power of a Bijuu?!"

Tobi clicked his tongue angrily. He deflected every last one? In that case...

At the puppeteer's steely command, his beastly army bore their fangs and claws and threw themselves at the tenacious shinobi.

Naruto narrowed his eyes to dangerous slits, his demeanor cool and collected. "Let's go, Kurama!"

At his behest, both Bijuu and Jinchūriki exerted a mountain of power — their combined energies gushing upward like an erupting volcano. But this chakra wasn't wild or destructive — no, like a living organism, it morphed into a life-sized replica of the Kyūbi with Naruto at the helm.

The titan charged forward — Kakashi and Gai safely tucked away inside its protective cloak. Then, with a single sweep of its paw, a successfully achieved Bijuu Form managed to drive back all the attacking beasts — sending them crashing into the ground.

"You finally managed it!" Bee praised noisily. "You're in Bijuu Form!"

That Kyūbi! the Hachibi was in disbelief.

His nonchalance doing well to calm his seniors behind him, Naruto created a willing clone and proceeded to the next phase of his plan. "First, let's locate the rods on each one."

Kurama tilted his head critically. I'm warning you now — we can't take our time; it is your first time in Bijuu Form and our link's not perfect, either. Don't assume this will last beyond five minutes!

"That's plenty!" Naruto grinned, the titan's talons digging into the earth for traction before launching itself skyward go cling to an airborne Seven-Tails. "What with the extra numbers, I'm going to have to go harder on you guys than I did on, Son. So please bear with it."

Almost instantaneously, the clone used his eyesight enhanced by Sage Mode to locate the iron rod wedged inside the winged creature. Down below, the Three-Tails quickly curled into a ball and spun away before it could get trampled by a plummeting Kyūbi. But not before the sage located its rod, as well.

Instead of giving chase, Naruto had the titan raise a fist in an attempt to knockout the captured Bijuu. But the Six-Tails intervened by closing its jaws around the fox's hand, holding the rebel in place.

The sage spied its iron rod.

Capitalizing on this window of opportunity, the Three-Tails curbed its direction and started barreling in the direction of the immobilized titan. But, no sooner had it found traction, than the beast was abruptly trapped in place — five familiar tentacles coiled around its hard exterior.

But the Rinnegan wasn't just for show. The Five-Tails was already in a full gallop, careering toward the preoccupied beast.

I'm not falling for the same trick twice! the Hachibi howled, a powerful left hook sending the horse-like Bijuu hurling into the slope of the crater.

Naruto pinpointed its rod, too.

Boasting superb speed and dexterity, the Two-Tails whisked into the action, only to be swatted like a fly with the Six-Tail's body — both Bijuu crashing together into the ground.

"All right!" Naruto cheered, watching as the giant feline stilled on the ground. "I've found all of them!"

"It feels like I'm watching a clash of the titans...," Gai described in awe, Kakashi entirely sharing his sentiments.

This is beyond my expectations, Tobi admitted darkly. I suppose this means the time has come for lethal force.

At his silent command, the Three-Tails added fuel to his torque and finally managed to slip from the Hachibi's appendages. It flew into an high arch, like a spring, and quickly corralled with its fellow Bijuu. Then, without missing a beat, they all began accumulating energy for a combination attack. Blue and red particles quickly converged to create a massive sphere of pure destructive energy.


The size suddenly expanded more than tenfold, its sheer weight and power deepening their crater of a battlefield. Gusting winds vanquished low hanging clouds and the sheer heat evaporated all the moisture in the atmosphere.

Naruto frowned cautiously, his throat parched as he swallowed the scalding air.

"Oi," Gai blanched. "That thing's way bigger than it has to be..."

Kakashi zoomed in with his Sharingan. "Are they focusing all their power into one point?"

"Naruto, what do we do?"

Ignoring them, the Golden Warrior raised his arms, palms open, and the titan dilated its jaws in an echo of his gesture. In half the time, a rivaling sized Bijuu Bomb was created and fired.

Is he trying to cancel it out with an equally strong blast? the Hachibi wondered aloud. But Naruto's never actually—

"He managed it in training, at least sometimes," Bee informed in a sweet rap. "This time, I know he'll pull it off!"

The spheres collided.

The two conflicting energies hummed like two distant stars going supernova, one trying to outshine the other. Earth, bedrock and age old roots took to the sky as if to orbit the competing superpowers.

Tobi clung to the Gedō Mazō as the landscape changed all around him. And the Hachibi used its tentacles to barricade its own body — large, oval eyes peeking out as the orbs threatened to rob the world of all its worth.

Finally, they both shot into the upper atmosphere and detonated. A blinding ribbon of light whipped across the heavens followed by the apocalyptic explosion. Like ghostly hands of death and destruction, the heat and shockwave encroached upon the surface of the earth, devouring entire mountains and forests, and even evaporating entire lakes and rivers.

He aimed just below it and knocked it upward, the Hachibi deduced. Nice going, but on a scary scale. The Kyūbi really is crazy strong! And to think this isn't even his full power!

From the veil of dust and debris, nine tails shot out like homing missiles. They coiled around the neck of each Bijuu, effectively pinning them in place.

"Your rods are mine!" Sage Mode Naruto declared huskily. And, as if the statement was a command, the five clones hosted in each tail tightly gripped the metallic rods and summoned their strength.

"Let's go, Kurama!" the main star howled. "We're pulling them out all at once! We'll release them all! We'll help them all for sure!"

Kurama heaved his customary wolfish grin.

Then, in the next instant, the world around them slowed to a stall and both Bijuu and Jinchūriki were spirited away into a familiar mindscape. Earthen tones painted the infinite realm that surrounded them, the distinguishing colors being from the other five Bijuu and Jinchūriki who were present.

According to Kurama, now that Naruto and himself had established a perfect link, it was now possible for him to delve even deeper into the Bijuu psyche.

Alas, being absorbed into the Gedō Mazō, Goku and Roshi wasn't able to make an appearance. But, before the Bijuu's inevitable departure, he foretold of Naruto's intentions.

— Do you all remember.., Goku had uttered reminiscently. Old Man Rikudō's parting words to us? That child is probably the one he spoke of. That's what I felt. He's come this far in order to help you, as well. Look after him, when he gets here. I'll be going on ahead.

Once everyone had expressed their heartfelt gratitude for Naruto's selfless and honest sacrifice of liberating them from the clutches of evil, they all proceeded to hammer their names into his heart and mind. And Naruto did well to embed all they had to give into the very fabrics of his soul. After all, these were not just random people from different villages. They shared a transcending bond that only Jinchūriki could recognize — and it pained Naruto's heart that they had supposedly shared the same suffering and grief he had to endure.

Without a sound, the Bijuu huddled together and stacked various appendages on top of each another. Naruto observed the ceremonial gesture wondrously, and his legs carried him under the cover of the beastly umbrella where he merged his fist with theirs.

Kurama looked on with his own measure of wonder, the traces of some ancient emotion molding his face. And before he could curb the feeling, he was already caught in a memory of ages passed.

A plump baby fox — encompassing a ring of Bijuu that circled their master — listened intently on the man's final words.

"I do not have long left," the Rikudō Sennin admitted repentantly. "Shukaku. Matatabi. Isobu. Son Goku. Kokuo. Saiken. Chomei. Gyūki. Kurama. Even far apart, you will always be together.

One day, the time for you to become one will come... in a different form to how it was before, with each of you hearing your own name. Unlike when you were inside me, you will be shown the right path. You will learn what true strength is...

Until then...," the man allowed a warm smile.

And the Kyūbi's eyes began to quiver, falling tears dampening its fluffy crimson coat.

As Kurama slowly resurfaced from his reverie, he could see the image of his father overlaying Naruto. And an uncharacteristic smile tugged his lips. It's been too long, old man..., the words rose like a prayer in his mind, and then he turned to his siblings. I know you feel it, too! he bellowed heartily. Naruto is the old man's...

The Bijuu didn't need to hear the latter; they completely agreed. Naruto shared a charm and charisma that only their father emanated. They had no doubt he was the Rikudō Sennin reincarnated, and they didn't hesitate to entrust the young sage with all their memories so that he may bring them into the future.

With a fervent battle cry, all five of Naruto's clones yanked the metallic rods from the Bijuu, releasing them from the man's tyrannical control.

Well done, Naruto! the Hachibi praised with a grin, watching as the shinobi landed on the ground with his seniors in tow, his newly achieved form dissolving.

"So you've even gained complete control of the Kyūbi," Tobi spat, acid dripping from his words. "However, you shall not have long to enjoy it. It is time to restore the status quo."

The Gedō Mazō responded.

Snapping its jaws open, five ghostly chains shot out from its throat that seemed to lead to another dimension. They quickly sought after and located the Bijuu, pointed arrows spearing the motionless creatures and pulling them into an inescapable fate.

Naruto cupped his stomach and squeezed, silently vowing to avenge them. "Your status quo's not coming back," he returned with such nonchalance that Tobi couldn't help but flinch. "Because I've just learned a whole bunch of complicated names!"

"Complicated names? What are you talking about?"

Naruto stuck his tongue out mockingly, like a child teasing a well sought after secret. And the Hachibi's chuckle added fuel to the man's swelling annoyance.

Gai looked from the ox and octopus hybrid to a far too calm and collected teen. "Seeing Naruto grow before your very eyes really makes you feel like an old fossil, doesn't it?"

"What's wrong?" Kakashi teased. "You don't sound like your usual self. I know it's hardly my usual line, but... I'd rather say that the springtime of our own youth isn't over just yet. Now that we're here, there's still—"

"That's enough!" Gai cut him off playfully. "You're making me feel redundant."

"That's our Gai."

Tobi assessed Naruto's unyielding nonchalance. That expression..., he pondered mentally, a shaking hand reaching behind to clutch the hilt of his holstered weapon. He felt as liquid pooled and trickled from his gloved hand — a phenomenon that urgently had him pivoting his head around in appraisal. Mmm? Sweat? No... rain.

The puppet master tilted his head to welcome the sudden downpour and the clarity it presented. I could never break into a sweat from facing weaklings like them, he uttered inwardly, rebuking the possibility that he was merely trying to convince himself of that. This Naruto clone is undoubtedly strong — and I would imagine the original is stronger. But he's almost at his limit. Once I dispose of the clone, then no one will be left who can stop me from eliminating Kakashi and Gai and acquiring the Hachibi.

Naruto is merely a tool to test Sasuke's readiness. To me, he should be nothing but a diversion. Based on the clone's performance, I should roughly have a grasp on the original's full power. This sense of unease is not at how strong he is — so, where is it coming from? What is it?

Rain undulated down his mask and cape as he pondered the origin of the corrosive doubt and anxiety that had taken root in his mind. No... that doesn't matter, he finally decided. Naruto's true nature is completely irrelevant. Beyond this war, there is no past nor future. Even existence itself... all shall become meaningless.